Chapter 62 Sudden

"Ling Yun, Chewing Spirit is here."

Qin Tian's expression changed and he said to Ling Yun.

Ling Yun's body trembled slightly and he said expressionlessly: "Is it coming from the south or the north?"


"A few powerful monsters like it have come."


"Then its target is not us."

Ling Yun said confidently.

Qin Tian frowned and pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "Could it be that it found that it couldn't track my position, so it came to observe?"

Hearing this, Ling Yun smiled and said nothing.

Qin Tian felt secretly happy and ordered the skeletons to speed up and quickly move away from the villa they had stayed in before.

Sure enough, Chewing Spirit quickly stopped over the villa.

Qin Tian learned from Xiao Jin that the chewing spirit had come to a standstill, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Since being targeted by this monster, Qin Tian has almost met the King of Hell several times. Now that he has finally gotten rid of it, he feels more relaxed.

However, such ease did not last long.

"Host, we found a large group of flying monsters running from the north at extremely fast speeds. They are expected to contact you in six minutes."

A screen suddenly appeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes, and a monster with bat-like wings, a smooth gray-blue body, and a woman-like body appeared from the screen.

"Xiao Jin, is there a suitable hiding place around?"

"Twenty meters to the east, there is an alley with lush trees where you can take shelter."

Qin Tian immediately directed the skeletons to run to the east.

"what happened?"

Ling Yun frowned slightly and asked.

"Another group of monsters came from the north. Let's hide on the path first. We don't know how these monsters found us."

After saying that, Qin Tian was suddenly stunned and then shocked.

"Within a radius of one thousand meters, there are only sixteen people alive. The monsters here can kill all the people here. They must have extremely keen senses and powerful tracking capabilities. How can they escape?!"

Cursing himself for being stupid, Qin Tian immediately asked the skeletons to place the jeep in a Z-shaped shape, and then asked the skeletons to surround the jeep.

Some skeletons climbed right onto the jeep.

".Did you notice anything wrong?"

Seeing the formation of the skeletons, Ling Yun pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and turned to look at Ling Jiao, who looked frightened.


Qin Tian let out a long breath and said: "I was negligent. I explored a large area before and found that there were only sixteen survivors. I should have thought that the monsters in this area have tracking capabilities and cannot be avoided by hiding." Now, I’m going to deal with them here.”


Ling Yun nodded, was silent for a while, and then said: "Chewing Spirit is not far from here. If there is too much movement, it will definitely attract its attention."

"I won't take off my clothes, just do my best."

Qin Tian understood what Ling Yun meant.

It was difficult to get rid of the chewing spirit. If it got entangled again, it would not be so easy to get rid of it again with its speed as fast as the wind.

Qin Tian pushed open the door, climbed onto the roof, and looked at the other two jeeps.

Zhang San and others also realized that something was wrong and got out of the car one after another, but were driven back by Qin Tian.

These ordinary people can't be of much help.

Qin Tian looked towards the north and soon saw a black line appearing in the distance. This black line advanced at an extremely fast speed and soon expanded into a black cloud.

"Xiao Jin, how many are here?"

"About a hundred or so."

Hearing this, Qin Tian let out a breath, jumped onto the roof of the car, carefully crouched down, and hid his body among the skeletons.


Like a strong wind whistling past, like a swarm of locusts taking off, more than a hundred flying monsters rushed to the heads of the skeletons, circled in a circle, and suddenly scattered.

A ferocious look flashed across their faces, and they were darting around in the sky like headless flies. When they looked at the skeletons, their faces showed surprise.

Soon, their eyes were aimed at the jeep surrounded by skeletons.


A hoarse sound like a crow suddenly sounded from the mouths of these flying monsters, and then Qin Tian saw that the flying trajectories of the monsters changed.

More than a hundred flying monsters actually took off together, and then, one by one, they fell from the sky like meteorites.

"Whoosh!" ~~With the sound, more than a hundred monsters actually divided into three groups and rushed towards the three jeeps.

Qin Tian's face tightened and he shouted: "Go!!"

As soon as Qin Tian finished speaking, a large number of skeletons were thrown into the sky by other skeletons.

At the same time, nine skeletons wearing mechas ran to the roof of the jeep.

"Bang!!" ~~ In the sound, the flying skeletons and the falling monsters collided, struggled with each other, and fell down one after another.

"Bang!!"~~, the ground was hit with a burst of smoke and dust. The skeletons that were not thrown into the sky climbed onto the jeep and jumped into the air. Almost every two skeletons could pounce on a monster.

In an instant, nearly half of the monsters that could still fall were reduced. The remaining monsters seemed to be frightened by the actions of the skeletons, and flew back into the sky together.

Qin Tian summoned another two hundred skeletons and directed the skeletons to pounce on the flying monsters that were thrown down.

In terms of combat power alone, these monsters are obviously much stronger, but a hero cannot withstand a lot of punches. Under the siege of hundreds of skeletons, these monsters quickly fell into a disadvantage, and most of them were directly dismantled into a puddle of minced meat. Only ten of them can fly back into the sky.

"Tsk, a bunch of cannon fodder."

Qin Tian shook his head with disdain. Once he saw the performance of these flying monsters, he had no intention of taking action.

However, those powerful flying monsters who saw the skeleton did not leave, but flew a little higher.

Then, these flying monsters opened their mouths as wide as possible, and bursts of golden-red light appeared from the mouths of these monsters.

Qin Tian was shocked when he saw this, and immediately used brute force to grab the jeep where Ling Yun and Ling Jiao were, and threw it ten meters away in one breath.

"Boom!" ~ sound sounded, and dozens of beams of fireworks fell from the sky.

Qin Tian jumped up, ran to the jeep where Fatty Xu and Zhang San were, and stretched out his hand to block them in the air.

With a sound of "Bang!!", some of the fireworks fell to the ground, shattering the ground, some fell on Qin Tian's hands and dispersed, and some fell on another jeep.

Three skeletons standing on the jeep, wearing mechas, were first devoured by the fire, and then the entire jeep was devoured.


The ear-piercing howl made Qin Tian feel his scalp numb. When he looked back, he found three bodies twisting crazily in the burning jeep.

At that moment, Qin Tian's mind went blank, and only the figures of Fatty Li, Zhao Zhen, and Adzama appeared in front of his eyes.

The three people who were still alive before now turned into evil ghosts struggling in the fire.

With a "Boom!!" sound, the entire jeep exploded, thick smoke rose high, and the piercing howl stopped abruptly.

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