End of the World Terminator

Chapter 540 Discovery

Chapter 588 Discovery

Some of those tents were on the platform, and some were simply in the tunnels. They were full of tents.

Between these tents, there are many daily necessities piled up.

Some were walking among the tents, some were talking, and some were staying inside.

In the hands of those walking around, most were carrying crude weapons such as knives or wooden sticks.

These people all looked ragged, had not taken a shower for an unknown amount of time, and were all unkempt.

Qin Tian frowned slightly, but Ling Yun beside him had pushed up his glasses and said: "These people have weapons in their hands, but they don't seem to have firearms. The most powerful one is a hand crossbow, which cannot threaten us, but there are many people. If we let the skeletons go, I'm afraid it will create a chaotic situation."

"If the monsters notice this, it will be very detrimental to our sneaking plan. I suggest: contact them directly, give them some help, and ask them to shut up and make way for us."

Hearing this, Qin Tian twitched his lips and said, "Ling Yun, what if they don't give in?"

"Oh, we can't help them."

Ling Yun chuckled lightly, a sneer spreading across his face.

Qin Tian nodded, but Xiao Jin's voice sounded in his ears again.

"Host, three superpowers were found, two C-level superpowers, and one A-level superpower."


Qin Tian frowned slightly, but a blue screen appeared in front of him, and three figures appeared on the screen in turn.

"Male, about 20 years old, C-level fire power user. Male, about 40 years old, C-level lightning power user. Female, about 20 years old, A-level water power user."

Xiao Jin's figures were heard one after another, and Qin Tian twitched the corner of his mouth, only to see that one of the two men had a handsome face and a slender figure, the other had a simple face and a strong figure, while the woman had a beautiful face and a curvy figure.

Qin Tian vaguely felt that this woman looked familiar. She seemed to be similar to the women among the sixteen survivors before.

"This is an interesting situation."

Ling Yun looked slightly solemn and said: "There are actually three superpowers here. It seems that it is still a little difficult to get them to give way obediently."

Hearing this, Qin Tian commanded the skeletons to stop and said: "Let's go. If we take Xu Qiming with us, there shouldn't be any problem."


Ling Yun paused and then said: "If the problem can be solved through negotiation, it is best not to use violence."

Hearing this, Qin Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry."

After saying that, he jumped out of the car and called Xu Qiming out of the car.

As soon as they heard that there was a camp ahead, Ying Yu, Wang Haotian, and Lu Zhenhua all took the initiative to ask to go and see it together, saying that they wanted to build momentum for Qin Tian. Even Xi Yan clamored to go, but Qin Tian refused.

"You stay here and pay attention to the surrounding situation at all times. There are just some survivors. There is no need for you to be so excited."

Qin Tian left a word, took Xu Qiming out of the van, and walked towards the camp with Ling Yun.

At this time, the sixteen survivors who had been following the van also walked over cautiously.

The skeletons and mutated beasts beside the van were aware of these people's actions, but they didn't pay much attention to them, let alone stop them.

And when these sixteen people clung to the wall and walked around to the front of the van cautiously, Qin Tian had already seen the tents in the tunnel.

There was a bonfire burning in the tent, and under the light of the fire, people could be seen.

Qin Tian looked at Ling Yun beside him, then at Xu Qiming behind him, and then took the lead to move forward.

He had not gone far before he was discovered.


The light in the tunnel was very dark. A man holding a big knife, holding a torch, reached into the entrance of the tunnel and shouted.

Qin Tian in the tunnel touched his nose. The man couldn't see him, but he could see him clearly.

This man is not tall, but has a strong body. He has large muscles on his arms. He is slightly fat and has a large face. There are several scars on the left cheek. His eyes are green and shiny, and he looks a bit fierce. .

Qin Tian observed the man for a while and found that the man was holding a torch in one hand and a sword in the other. His legs were slightly bent, as if he was ready to leap at any time.

"This guy has been practicing."

Qin Tian frowned slightly and looked at each other. Ling Yun said softly: "Don't make too much noise."


Qin Tian thought for a while and then said directly: "Don't be nervous, we are not bad people, don't shout too loudly."

As soon as he heard the unfamiliar voice, the man's body trembled, and he shouted behind him: "There are outsiders here!"

"Buzz~!" With a sound, the entire camp suddenly exploded, and countless people rushed over quickly.

"Well, this movement is quite big."

Qin Tian touched his nose awkwardly.

Ling Yun rolled his eyes at him and said, "Let's go up quickly and finish negotiating with them."


Qin Tian walked over quickly, then raised his hands with a harmless smile on his face.


Everyone blocked the entrance of the tunnel, stretching their necks and looking at Qin Tian in surprise.

Qin Tian glanced at those people with some contempt in his heart.

The people gathered here include men and women, old and young, all crowded together, obviously unorganized and undisciplined.

This doesn't have much combat effectiveness.

Qin Tian pursed his lips, put down his hands, and said directly: "Who is the leader among you? Stand up, I have something to say to him."


After a short silence.

The man who first discovered Qin Tian and held the torch stepped forward and said, "Who are you? Where are you from? What is your purpose? Tell me!"


Qin Tian slightly stared, then looked back, and found that Ling Yun and Xu Qiming were behind him, and then said: "Don't chatter with me, who is your leader? I don't mean any harm, I do have something to discuss with him. .”

After saying that, Qin Tian took two steps forward.

"Stop, don't come over!!"

The man with the knife was quite panicked, brandished the long knife and shouted.


Qin Tian turned to look at Ling Yun and said, "There are some difficulties in communication. What should I do?"


Ling Yun pondered for a moment and then said: "Sometimes, when communication is inconvenient, you need to show your strength. However, don't make too much noise."


Qin Tian chuckled lightly, jumped up, and with a "Whoosh!" he ran to the man holding the knife.

Then, he grabbed the knife in the man's hand and applied slight force. With a "click" sound, the steel knife in the man's hand suddenly broke into several pieces.

"I said, let your leader come over."

Qin Tian grabbed the blade of the broken knife and twisted it into a ball with force. "Crack~!" There was a sound, and countless bright fragments fell from his hands.

The man with the knife opened his mouth wide and his eyes went straight.

The others also opened their mouths wide and were all dumbfounded.


The man holding the knife suddenly screamed and fell to the ground in fright. Then he quickly jumped into the crowd using his hands and feet.

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