Chapter 581 Escape


King Bao stared with blood in his eyes, as if he was aroused with ferocity, but he also raised his sword and rushed towards Qin Tian.

With a sound of "Bang!!", the sword and hammer collided, knocking out countless sparks.


Qin Tian screamed miserably and stepped back a few meters. His hands cracked at the tiger's mouth and blood flowed horizontally.

King Bao chased after him and raised his sword to chop out a ball of thunder.

Qin Tian's face slightly condensed and he struck out with his palm.

Dry palm! !

Infinite energy gathered in the void, appearing like a giant palm made of white mist, piercing through the air, hitting the thunder, and quickly disintegrated with a "Bang!"


The Demon King swooped down and arrived in front of Qin Tian in an instant. He raised his sword high and slashed out with all his strength.

Qin Tian's expression suddenly changed and he swung his hammer to greet him.

With a sound of "Bang!!", ripples spread in the void, overflowing with strength, and strong wind swept across.

"Don't you have the soul of a human king in you?"

"Let me see it!!"

The Demon King's face was twisted and twisted, extremely ferocious, and the veins on the hands holding the knife were clearly visible, and it was obvious that he had used all his strength.

"Bang!!" Qin Tian was shaken back by the sound. He felt his hands were numb, his internal organs were displaced, and he was in convulsions. He was extremely uncomfortable, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"What's wrong?"

King Bao stared with bloody eyes, stepped forward again, and raised his sword to slash at Qin Tian.

Qin Tian gritted his teeth and raised his hammer to meet him.

With a sound of "Bang!!", sparks flew everywhere, the Demon King laughed several times, and then fired several swords.

The sword flashed and thunder exploded.

Qin Tian's face turned even paler, and he raised his hammer to block his head.

"Bang!" ~~ Qin Tian retreated again and again, blood spurting on his hands. If his physical fitness was not far superior to ordinary people, he might not be able to hold the handle of the hammer long ago.

"Didn't you defeat the Dragon Son?"

"Didn't you kill many of my kindred?"

"Don't you practice heart training? Don't you know the magical power of space? Don't you know the ax of the human king? Don't you know the combat skills of the witch clan? Come on!! Use them all!!"

King Bao looked crazy, wielding his sword like flying, attacking endlessly, gaining the upper hand.

Qin Tianzhan was annoyed, shouted angrily, and sixteen flame arms gathered from his back.

"You damn thing, just come here!!"

On Qin Tian's back, sixteen flaming arms wielded sixteen flaming knives, all of which were slashed towards the King of Demons.

The Demon King paused, then waved his hand and fired out a thunder, "Bang~!!" In the sound, all sixteen flaming knives collapsed. Qin Tian blocked the thunder with a giant hammer and was knocked back another twenty meters.

"Human, is this your counterattack?"

A sneer broke out on King Ban's face, full of disdain.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of "Boom!" and a red light suddenly shot up into the sky.

The Demon King frowned slightly and looked down. The look of disdain on his face became even heavier. He waved his hand and fired a wind blade to scatter the red light. Then he stepped aside before the red steam emerged. .

"Hmph! A small skill."

The Demon King snorted coldly.

At this time, Qin Tian saw an opportunity and immediately activated his supernatural powers to pour into the flame dragon under him.

The flame dragon opened its mouth fiercely, and with a "bang!" sound, a two-color flame pillar was released.

The Demon King waved his hand, strong winds erupted, and the two-color flame pillar split into two with a "Bang!" sound, passed around it, and when it hit the ground, it was a rain of fire.

Fire and ice spread across the ground.

Extremely hot and extremely cold winds roared and entangled.

There was a sneer on King Bao's face, and the fireworks could not hurt him at all, making the disdain on his face even more intense.

Then, with a sound of "咻~!", from bottom to top, the Demon King waved his hand and struck out a thunderbolt without even looking.

The next moment, the Demon King and the thunder were engulfed by the red beam of light.

With a "Bang!!" sound, the red light exploded violently, and thick smoke billowed up.

Qin Tian slightly stared and looked down, and saw that at some point, the gun in Ling Yun's hand had turned into a rocket launcher.

"I go."

Qin Tian's eyes brightened slightly, and he suddenly felt surprised, but he saw that Ling Yun's face suddenly lost color.

"Qin Tian, ​​that red light contains coagulation factors that can coagulate blood!"

Ling Yun roared angrily, but the tongues of fire on the tail of the aircraft on his back were intermittent, and his whole body continued to fall.

"Coagulation factor? What is that?"

Qin Tian frowned slightly, feeling confused, but he heard Xiao Jin's voice again.

"Host, coagulation factor is a substance that can participate in the effective hydrolysis of proteins. This substance can change the blood from a flowing liquid state to an immobile jelly state."

"Host, the substance in the red light seems to have done a lot of damage to the monster. The monster appears to be in great pain, and its body shape is changing."


Qin Tian exclaimed, and a blue screen immediately appeared in front of his eyes. On the screen, a body that was constantly expanding and no longer humanoid appeared.

The skin of the body was cyan, smooth and poreless, and the body looked like a lizard, but it had a dragon head.

Its body appeared extremely slender, with thin spine, as if it were all skin and bones, and the shape of the armor flashing with lightning also changed, and it actually continued to expand to fit the monster's body.

"Uhh!! Is it the real body?!"

Qin Tian's face changed slightly, and he saw a huge shadow expanding rapidly in the smoke. He didn't have time to think too much and directly gathered the flaming axe.

"This time, we must kill it!!"

Qin Tian's eyes were reddish, and with an angry roar, he raised the flaming ax in his hand, and with a sound of "Bang!!", five colors of light lit up from the ax blade.

The energy in the void gathered and evolved into five series of spiritual power, which was attached to the flame axe.

"Die to me!!"

Qin Tian shouted angrily, raised his ax and struck at the shadow in the thick smoke.

With a sound of "Bang!!", a giant ax passed through the air, crushing down as if the world was created.

A crack followed the giant ax and fell straight down.


Amid the roar of the beast, a dragon head as huge as a house flew out of the thick smoke, and when it opened its mouth, it sprayed out a pillar of thunder.

"呲呲~~!" In the sound, the giant ax blasted into the thunder pillar, quickly defeated the thunder pillar, fell straight down, and slashed towards the huge dragon head.




Accompanied by screams and roars, a lizard-like body with a dragon head and a length of forty meters fell from the air and hit the ground with a "Bang!!" sound.

A huge crack appeared on the huge dragon's head, and blue blood surged wildly.

"You bastard human being, what did you do to me?!!"

The Demon King twisted its huge body and glared at Ling Yun not far away. It had not completely transformed at this time, but it had no time to continue transforming. After roaring angrily, it flew out of the ground and fled into the distance. .

In an instant, the giant ax came over and hit the ground with a "Boom!"

"Boom~~!" In the sound, the earth trembled, endless cracks spread, and a large amount of blue blood splashed and flowed across the ground.

Qin Tian let out a long breath, put away the giant ax in his hand, and looked intently, only to see a pool of flat pieces of meat in the abyss smashed out by the giant axe.

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