End of the World Terminator

Chapter 516 Entanglement

Chapter 564: Entanglement

"Don't be afraid, we are not bad people, we are also here to save you."

Qin Tian looked around at the nine people who were pressed to the ground, and then said at a faster pace: "There will be monsters here later, and the situation is very dangerous. The place you are staying in is not safe, and we will send you there." Get to a safe place."

"In addition, we will also give you food, water, and even let you take a bath. Do you understand what I mean?"

Hearing this, the nine people turned their heads, looked at each other for a few times, and then nodded.

Qin Tian asked the skeletons to let go of the nine people. The nine people quickly spat out what was in their mouths and then gathered together. They all looked at Qin Tian with panic on their faces.

"Okay, hurry up and get in the car now, there's no time."

Qin Tian didn't want to talk nonsense to these nine people, so he waved directly.


The nine people looked at each other for a while, and one of them, a fat man with a bloated figure, took the lead and said: "Me, why should we believe you? Also, what is going on with these skeletons?"

"No time to explain now!"

Qin Tian glared at the fat man and said angrily: "I am only taking you for a short distance. You have no choice now. You must follow me. Don't force me to use force. Get in the car quickly!"

Hearing this, the nine people were silent for a while. One of them, a muscular man, suddenly walked up and stood in front of the other eight people. He said: "My name is Wang Er. I have stayed in Shaoshi Mountain for a few years and practiced some skills." Kung Fu, and later I started a small business and made a lot of money. In the past, I was considered a well-known figure here. Isn’t that what my brother is on?"

"I said you were paralyzed!"

Qin Tian was a little annoyed, and immediately ordered the skeletons to come forward, captured the nine people, and sent them to the car door.

"Brother, don't be like this. Let's talk about it carefully. Business is not there, but benevolence and righteousness are!"

The muscular man was frightened on the spot and kept shouting.

"Brother, don't be violent, we are all civilized people."

The fat man cried with a sad face.

"Hero, spare your life!"

"Brother, are you sending us there?!"

"Hero, I have an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old child. You must show mercy."

"Brother, you don't know how to eat human flesh, do you? I haven't showered in months. My meat doesn't taste good. If you don't believe me, just smell it!"


The nine people were escorted into the van while wailing.

Then, the nine people closed their mouths together.

"Come on, let's eat first. We'll eat standing up. If the sofa is dirty, there's no way to wash it now."

Ling Yun stuffed the iron plates with food into the hands of the nine people.

All nine of them looked blank, and after a while of silence, they began to devour the food.

"Don't eat too fast, don't eat too much."

Ling Yun looked at the nine people cooking rice quickly and warned in a warm voice: "If you eat too fast, it will be difficult to digest. If you eat too much, you will easily choke."

Qin Tian walked into the van and closed the door.

"Okay, let's go."

Qin Tian looked at the nine people, put on gas masks, and directed the skeletons to walk towards the entrance of another subway.

The rest of the people in the car were doing their own thing, but from time to time they would cast sympathetic glances at the nine people eating.

Qin Tianze inspected the nine people, then asked Ling Yun for his opinion, and then said to the nine people: "After you have taken a bath, I will prepare some clean clothes for you. When you get to the appropriate place, I will Put you down."

"Brother, don't say anything anymore."

The muscular man put down the dinner plate and said with a very excited expression: "In the future, if you need me, Wang Er, for anything, just give me your orders."

Qin Tian glared at Wang Er, but pointed to the bathroom and said, "Go take a shower after eating."


Wang Er picked up the dinner plate and continued to devour it.

"Brother, let me tell you, where are you from? How come you live so comfortably?"

The fat man handed Han Qiaoyu the plate that was brighter than the mirror and asked Qin Tian while Han Qiaoyu was adding food.

"Are you from the government? Why do these skeletons listen to you? Do you still have guns?!"

The fat man stared around with triangular eyes, and soon saw Ying Yu and others who were cleaning their guns, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Hearing this, before Qin Tian spoke, Ling Yun said: "We have some relationship with the government, but don't expect too much. We have a mission and we can't take too many people away."

"Don't be like this, brother, we don't eat for free, we can help you with your work, and we can also help you fight monsters. We have fought those poisonous spiders, and we have killed many of them!"

The fat man was a little anxious and said hurriedly.

Wang Er on the side also nodded frequently and said: "Yes, brother, you will save people until the end. Let us follow you. The life outside is really sad. We are hungry all day long and we are still worried."

"Yes, brothers and sisters, please do your best."

"You can do whatever you want from us, just don't drive us away!"

"The life outside is too difficult, please don't leave us, wuwu~"


Several people put down their plates one after another and begged in unison.

"There is no other way. The most I can do is teach you some things, but these things can only increase your ability to survive."

Ling Yun slowly shook his head and said.


The nine people looked at each other for a while, and a gleam of light suddenly flashed in the eyes of the strong Wang Er. Then, with a fierce momentum, he rushed forward with a lunge, and with a "Plop!", he knelt down on the ground.

"Brother! You can't just let it go! Woohoo~~!"

Wang Er hugged Ling Yun's thigh and started to cry.

Qin Tian snickered on the side, but the next moment, his thigh was also hugged by the fat man.

"Uh, let go."

Qin Tian looked at the fat man who was wiping his tears and said.

"Uuu~, brother, if you don't agree to take us away, I will never let you go."

The fat man burst into tears.

Qin Tian stared, snorted coldly, and tried to push the fat man away with his palms. Unexpectedly, the other seven people also followed suit, knelt down, and came forward to hug Qin Tian and Ling Yun's thighs.

"I'm going, you guys let go. If you don't let me go, I'll use my strength. If I hurt you, I won't be responsible!"

Qin Tian was a little annoyed.

Ling Yun looked at Qin Tian, ​​as if waiting for Qin Tian to take action.

"If you keep pestering me, I will take action!"

Qin Tian raised his hand and was about to use his gentle strength, but he was still a little soft-hearted and hesitant in his movements.

"Mother-in-law and mother-in-law, we must stop this. Although these weaklings are of the same race, life and death are all in the hands of the strong. What qualifications do they have to negotiate terms with the strong!?"

A hoarse voice suddenly sounded. Ape Ancestor turned his head slightly and glanced at the nine survivors.

The bodies of these nine people were all shaken.

"Strange, monster!?"

Wang Er was the first to jump up, with a frightened look on his face. He was unsteady on his feet. He fell to the ground and moved back using his hands and feet.

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