End of the World Terminator

Chapter 493 Hibernation

Chapter 540: Hibernating

"Bang bang~~!!" In the sound, the native's fists fell to the ground again and again, punching through the ground again and again, and then crushed thousands of mice into pulp.

The absolute power and the huge disparity in power made all the mice timid.

The rats began to collapse and scatter in all directions.

Qin Tian gathered countless earth thorns and strung countless mice together.

Blood flowed all over the floor, and the smell of blood soon spread.

For bloody scenes, Ling Yun, Zhang Fengtian and Xu Qiming can all accept it. After all, the three of them have seen the market.

Zhang Fengtian and Xu Qiming were more concerned about the attack power displayed by this native.


Zhang Fengtian was quite emotional and said: "The force of this native's casual attack may not even be able to withstand the base wall."

Xu Qiming took off his gas mask and kept wiping the sweat from his head with his hands, but the sweat became more and more.

"It's too scary. If I were punched by this native, I would probably be seriously injured even if I wasn't dead."

Xu Qiming swallowed furiously and said.

But Ling Yun, who was watching quietly, suddenly pulled Qin Tian.


Ling Yun suddenly said to Qin Tian: "I don't want you to cause trouble for these rats by letting you make trouble."


Qin Tian was stunned for a moment and asked, "Then what should I do? Please make a suggestion."


Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and said: "Take the natives and walk in a fixed direction. When there are no insects or animals that can threaten the natives, force the king of monsters to take action."


Qin Tian smiled slightly, and the native who was enjoying smashing the mouse immediately stopped, stood up quickly, and ran towards the north.

The natives were extremely fast, running tens of thousands of meters almost in an instant.

At this moment, Qin Tian finally received Xiao Jin's reminder.

"Host, there are monsters found right in front, and there are a lot of them."

"Warning! Ten powerful individuals have been discovered! The energy reaction in each body is similar to that of a chewing spirit!"

A blue screen appeared in front of Qin Tian, ​​and countless giant eagle-like monsters appeared from it, including many humanoid monsters with four limbs. He immediately stopped the natives.

"The monster is coming."

Qin Tian looked at Zhang Fengtian and Xu Qiming, and then said to Ling Yun: "Who to send?"

Hearing this, Ling Yun looked at Zhang Fengtian and Xu Qiming, and said with a smile: "Xu Qiming, I'll leave those monsters from the north to you."

"Uh, why me!?"

From a high position, Xu Qiming also saw the group of giant eagles flying directly in front, his face turned pale and he roared.

"Don't you want the spirit stone? That's fine, Staff Officer Zhang."

A smile broke out on Ling Yun's face, but he looked at Zhang Fengtian who had rolled up his sleeves and was ready.

"Don't! I'll go!"

Xu Qiming didn't wait for Ling Yun to speak to Zhang Fengtian, his face flushed anxiously, and he said quickly.

"Okay, go ahead."

Ling Yun waved his hand.

Xu Qiming's whole body trembled with excitement, a green light lit up around his body, and he immediately flew towards the group of giant eagles.

Qin Tian couldn't help but frowned when he saw Xu Qiming's figure running away quickly as if he couldn't wait.

"Uh, Ling Yun, is this really no problem? There are ten monsters as strong as chewing spirits."

Qin Tian looked at Ling Yun and said.

"Just kidding, of course there is a problem."

Ling Yun smiled at Qin Tian and said in a very pleasant tone: "My father is already quite old and has heart disease, but considering his strong strength, I think he can still hold on. A few minutes."


Qin Tian slightly stared and said, "I'll go, aren't you afraid that Xu Qiming will die?"


Ling Yun chuckled softly and said: "With you here, it will not be so easy for him to die. At most, he will be seriously injured."

Hearing this, Qin Tian pursed his lips and turned to look at Xu Qiming, who was flying towards the giant eagle.

He had never seen Xu Qiming take action before, so he was curious and paid attention to his movements.


Xu Qiming roared several times, and as soon as he approached the giant eagle, a cyan feather fan appeared in his hand.

Qin Tian saw him flicking his hand, and a gust of wind came out. Several invisible wind blades rolled up and swallowed up a giant eagle.

"Crack~!" In the sound, the giant eagle was cut into several pieces and fell down.


Qin Tian frowned slightly and said to himself with a puzzled look on his face: "What kind of martial spirit is this Xu Qiming? Is it Zhuge Liang?"

"The real Zhuge Liang doesn't have a feather fan."

Ling Yun rolled his eyes at Qin Tian.

"Nonsense! All the Zhuge Liangs on TV have feather fans!"

Qin Tian glared and shouted.

"Everything on TV is meant to lie to children."

Ling Yun glanced at Qin Tian with disdain, then looked at Zhang Fengtian and said, "Is the martial spirit in Xu Qiming's body Zhou Yu?"


Zhang Fengtian nodded.

"Uh, what?"

Qin Tian stared, then looked at Xu Qiming, only to find that Xu Qiming had already rushed into the group of giant eagles, holding a feather fan, opening the door wide, and slashing out endless wind blades.

"Crack~!" In the sound, a large number of giant eagles fell from the sky.

"His martial spirit is actually Zhou Yu? Does Zhou Yu use a fan?"

Qin Tian felt that one of his perceptions had been completely overturned, and he was very surprised.

"Feather fan and silk scarf, Zhou Gongjin has such an image, but the person who wrote the Romance of the Three Kingdoms changed this image, and the author did this for a reason, that~"

Ling Yun discussed with Qin Tian seriously.

Qin Tian took out his notebook and pen and took notes while listening to Ling Yun's explanation, looking undistracted.

At this time, Xu Qiming was already surrounded. The ten humanoid monsters and their men were constantly wandering around him. They occasionally fought, but they were separated at the first touch. It was obvious that they were planning a wheel battle.

Xu Qiming also noticed that something was wrong. He seemed to be killing everyone, but in fact he was deeply alone and trapped in a tight siege. He kept trying to break out, but was blocked every time and fell into a bitter battle.

"I can't hold it anymore! Help me!!"

Xu Qiming rushed left and right, but couldn't get out. He was extremely anxious for a moment. If he continued like this, his life would be at stake, let alone collecting spiritual stones, but he didn't care about his face and shouted loudly.

Qin Tian was still taking notes.

Ling Yun was still talking nonstop.

Zhang Fengtian folded his hands and smiled.

None of the three people had any intention of taking action.

"Fuck! Do you want to kill me?!"

Xu Qiming was horrified, his old face sank slightly, and he swung the cyan feather fan in his hand quickly, creating a whirlwind and pushing the giant eagle surrounding him a few meters away before retreating. .

However, the ten humanoid monsters suddenly rushed in front of him and opened their beaks together. Some of their beaks lit up with red fire, and some showed blue arcs.

The invisible power exploded, Xu Qiming's face suddenly changed, and his whole body was shaken.

"Bang~!!" In the sound, fireworks and thunder flew out, running towards Xu Qiming quickly.


Xu Qiming knew he couldn't avoid it, so he roared, raised his feather fan and swung it several times, slashing out countless wind blades.

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