End of the World Terminator

Chapter 487 Decision

Chapter 534 Decision


A blue screen appeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes. On the screen, a monster with jet black feathers all over its body, shaped like an eagle, three meters long after spreading its wings, and with blood-red eyes appeared.

He was a little surprised, and after looking at each other with Ling Yun, he quickened his movements.

"Bang bang~!" With the sound, the garbage blocking the subway entrance suddenly separated. Qin Tian quickly directed the skeletons to carry the van in, and then walked in with Ling Yun.

"Without knowing the monster's sense of smell and visual sensitivity, we try not to make any noise."

After arriving in the underground space, Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and said to Qin Tiandao.

Qin Tian nodded, immediately activated his earth power to seal the entrance, and then greeted everyone in the van.

Finally, Qin Tian and Ling Yun climbed onto the roof of the car together and looked up at the sky.

Qin Tian soon heard Xiao Jin's voice.

"Host, that monster has rushed to the sky above this place and is hovering at low altitude. It seems to be looking for something."

On the screen in front of Qin Tian, ​​six huge monsters shaped like eagles were flying in circles above his head, and they were constantly looking down with their bloody eyes.

"Strange, has this monster noticed us? But we have just landed on the ground."

Qin Tian was quite surprised. Then, he suddenly saw a monster parked on the top of a telephone pole. Several crows flying from unknown corners actually circled around the monster.

"Nah! No way, those crows will tell the truth?!"

Qin Tianzheng was surprised when the eagle-like monster suddenly screamed strangely, spread its wings, and then swooped down.

That speed was like a bolt of lightning.

And the place it was aiming at was the subway entrance that had just been buried.


Qin Tian cursed angrily and jumped out of the van. Just as he ran to the entrance, he heard a "bang!" and the scum that blocked the entrance exploded, and a black shadow emerged from it. Speeding out.

"What the hell!"

Qin Tian punched in the air, and with a "Boom!!" sound, the entire space was exploded. He ran out with all his strength, and with the sound of "Boom!!", the speeding black figure accelerated at an even faster speed. He fell back and plunged into a pile of cement slag.


Qin Tian spat and ran to the pile of cement. At this time, most of the eagle-like monster's body was buried in the cement. Blue blood was gushing out, but it did not die. Instead, it kept struggling. , and actually poked out his bloody head with almost all its feathers.

"Go to hell!"

Qin Tian didn't hold back and punched out from the air. With a "bang!", the monster's head exploded.

The other five monsters were frightened and fled one after another. Qin Tian immediately activated his earth power, "Whoosh~!" With the sound of "Whoosh~!", five earth thorns flew out and stabbed five monsters accurately.

The five monsters only had time to scream before they fell one after another.


Qin Tian used his earth power to bury the corpses of the monsters and re-sealed the entrance. Ling Yun walked quickly to his side.

"The situation is not good. These monsters should be just ordinary monsters here. If those crows can send messages to them, they can send messages to other monsters. Our whereabouts are obviously exposed."

Ling Yun looked slightly solemn, paused, and then said: "These small birds can be said to be pervasive and have extremely strong exploration capabilities. We have not seen survivors in the previous section of the tunnel these days. It is probably because of this reason that these The survivors were hunted down by monsters."

Hearing this, Qin Tian's eyes were slightly blurry and he said, "What should we do? Do we have to leave quickly?"

"It's useless. There is more than one entrance to the subway. Since those crows have discovered us, they will definitely be able to track us. The only way is to send some skeletons to hunt the crows first and attract the attention of these spies. But this can only It’s just a delay.”

Ling Yun frowned and thought for a while, and finally said: "So, instead of letting those monsters come to me, it is better to take the initiative and use the fastest and most violent method to neutralize the monster's attack in the shortest time. Qin Tian ,do you understand me?"

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly and said, "You mean, I go out directly and declare war on all the invading monsters?"

"Yes, but the purpose of your declaration of war is to attract the King of Monsters and then kill him."

Ling Yun smiled, looked at Qin Tian confidently, and said: "Although I don't know how strong this monster king is, with your current strength, even if you can't fight, you won't lose."

Hearing this, Qin Tian also smiled.

"Okay, Ling Yun, you and the others stay here. All the skeletons and bone monsters are under your command."

Qin Tian paused, then shouted towards the van: "Commander Zhang, Commander Xu, come out, there's going to be a fight!"

Hearing this, there was silence in the van. After a while, Zhang Fengtian and Xu Qiming got out of the car.

"Fighting? What kind of fight? Has a powerful monster appeared?"

When he walked to Qin Tian, ​​Xu Qiming asked first.

"Almost, our whereabouts have been exposed anyway, and the king of monsters here will definitely come looking for us."

Qin Tian patted Xu Qiming's shoulder, the smile on his face became brighter, and said: "Commander Xu, you have to work hard, I am very optimistic about you."

Hearing this, Xu Qiming felt a cold wind blowing against his face and shivered for no reason, while Zhang Fengtian was secretly delighted.

However, Zhang Fengtian was not happy for a long time. Qin Tian turned towards him and said: "Commander Zhang, Commander Xu is too old. You should take the lead."


Zhang Fengtian's face was filled with bitterness. After a while, he nodded heavily and said, "Yes."

Then, Qin Tian casually struck out with a palm, and with a "bang!" sound, the garbage blocking the subway entrance exploded violently.

"Let's go."

Qin Tian waved to Zhang Fengtian and Xu Qiming and walked out first.

Zhang Fengtian and Xu Qiming followed him side by side.

And when he walked out, there was a sudden exclamation in the van. Xiyan finally stepped out of the van, her pretty face was full of worry, and her hands were clasped in front of her.


Qin Tian seemed to realize something. He turned around and glanced at the subway with his peripheral vision. He naturally saw Xi Yan and frowned slightly.

The next moment, he activated the earth power in his body, and several earth walls immediately rushed out of the entrance of the subway, which was quickly blocked.


Qin Tian took a breath, took out a cigarette, held it in his mouth, lit it, took a puff, and then smoked two more cigarettes and handed them to the two people behind him.

"Commander Qin, what should we do? Where are those monsters?"

Zhang Fengtian took the cigarette and said with a slight frown.

"The monsters will come to us on their own, so don't be impatient."

Qin Tian took a puff of cigarette and stretched out his hand to lift it.

"Bang~~!" In the sound, the ground beneath the three people suddenly rose up and turned into a slope more than four meters high.

"Wait, then."

Qin Tian sat down on the top of the slope and said.

Zhang Fengtian and Xu Qiming looked at each other and both frowned.

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