Chapter 527 Design

"We do not rule out the possibility that powerful monsters may take refuge in the subway due to injuries, but a monster as powerful as Dragon Son should not hide in such a place."

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses, smiled at Qin Tian, ​​and said, "Don't worry."


Qin Tian said nothing more.

The van continued to move forward, and the white leopard, panda and big mouse all jumped on the roof of the van and rested against each other.

The giant Tibetan mastiff seemed to have not been accepted by the other mutant beasts, so it could only follow the van slowly.

After walking in the tunnel for a while, everyone in the van got used to the darkness around them and no longer felt nervous.

"When I went to the battlefield at the beginning of the year, I fought against more than a hundred Xianbei cavalry alone. I also led more than a thousand elite cavalry to directly confront more than 10,000 Xiongnu cavalry. Later, I followed Ding Yuan to meet the Dong thieves. Those Xiliang generals saw When my queen did not dare to move, I got the title of Lu Bu among people."

"And then~~."

Zhou Yunjia began to brag loudly about his great achievements in the past, frightening two strong men, Xu Qiming and Zhang Fengtian, into a daze.

Xiyan, Niu Zhuangzhuang, Jiang Ming and Han Qiaoyu started a chess game.

Ying Yu and other soldiers repeatedly wiped their firearms. These soldiers carried various firearms with them, including revolvers, machine guns, and sniper rifles.

Zhuge Qinmo pulled Qin Junjie, and the two of them tinkered with some drawings together.

Bai Yun and Xu Xiaoting didn't know why their relationship had eased, so they sat together and listened to Zhou Yunjia's nonsense.

Qin Tian looked at Xi Yan who was playing chess behind him, greeted everyone, then ran to the roof of the car and sat next to Bai Bao.

The temperature in the tunnel was very low and the air was dull, but Qin Tian didn't feel any discomfort. He just picked up a cigarette, lit it, and started smoking.


White Leopard barked a few times, lay on his back on the car, and then stretched out his paw to push Qin Tian.


Qin Tian rubbed Bai Bao's head, rested his body on Bai Bao's belly, and looked at the top of his head silently.

Although there were ten skeleton monsters holding flashlights around them, the light was still dim and Qin Tian could only vaguely see some outlines.

At this time, his heart was very calm, and he didn't think about anything. He just smoked cigarettes silently, one after another.

Before he had finished smoking a pack of cigarettes, Xiao Jin's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Host, a train appears a thousand meters ahead and the tunnel is blocked."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly and immediately ordered the skeletons to stop, then exhaled smoke and ran to the van.

As soon as he returned to the van, Ling Yun walked up to him and said, "The obstacles need to be removed, but there may still be survivors inside. We can explore it."


Qin Tian nodded and immediately directed the ten skeletons to run towards the train.

The ten skeletons quickly got on the train, searched around in the train, and quickly returned.

"Looks like there's no one."

Qin Tian looked at Ling Yun and said, "I'll take care of it."

After saying that, Qin Tian ran out of the van, jumped a few times, and arrived in front of the train.

Then, he gathered the earth-type superpower and buried the train directly. He returned to the van and directed the skeletons to continue on their way.

"This place must have been searched by soldiers in the base. It is normal that there are no survivors, but if we keep walking, we will definitely encounter survivors."

Ling Yun said lightly and continued to study the map.

Qin Tianze said hello to everyone and ran to the roof of the van to smoke.

In the following time, Qin Tian encountered two more trains, but found no survivors. He used earth-type powers to bury these trains.

Other than that, it was smooth sailing.

Soon, Qin Tian arrived at a subway station and immediately stopped the skeletons.

"This is a small town."

Ling Yun got out of the van and said to Qin Tiandao.


Qin Tian waved his hand, and the eighty skeletons immediately dispersed and began to look for supplies.

Under Xiaojin's scan, these skeletons accurately found all supermarkets and canteens within a kilometer radius and looted all the supplies in these places.

Qin Tian also let the skeletons disperse further and searched freely for three hours. When everyone was having lunch, the skeletons returned.

Then, a large amount of materials were piled on the ground to form a hill.

Ling Yun used local materials to build a huge compartment behind the van, lengthened the entire van by about three times, and then classified and stored all the materials in it.

"Preliminary estimates are that these supplies are enough to last for half a month."

Ling Yun made statistics with a pen, then pushed up his glasses and said, "Let's just get on our way."

Hearing this, Qin Tian had no objections, and others had no objections either.

So, the van was carried by the skeletons and set off on the road again.

In the following ten days, except for sleeping and eating, Qin Tian stayed on the roof of the car, smoking and watching the surroundings. Except for Ling Yun and Xi Yan, he never communicated with anyone else.

These days, even if he occasionally encounters a few monsters, they are all characters that Qin Tian can manipulate at will.

As for the other humans, they get along fairly well.

Zhou Yunjia stopped playing chess and started bragging every day. Xu Qiming, Zhang Fengtian, Xu Xiaoting and Bai Yun became his loyal listeners. However, in Qin Tian's opinion, these four people should have listened to this little lolita's words as storytelling.

Xiyan, Niu Zhuangzhuang, Jiang Ming and Han Qiaoyu play chess every day and do not do their jobs.

Ying Yu, Wang Haotian, Lu Zhenhua, Ma Yingying and Cha Bai were just cleaning their guns and fighting landlords, which was almost like not doing their jobs properly.

Zhuge Qinmo and Qin Junjie were discussing and drawing every day, as if they were studying something, and they seemed very dedicated. Qin Tian didn't pay much attention to these two people at first, until Ling Yun suddenly joined in.

"What the hell, what are Ling Yun and those two guys doing?"

On the roof of the car, Qin Tian was smoking a cigarette while looking at the images sent back by Xiao Jin, frowning.

This image depicts something with huge wheels, like a car or a motorcycle. There are many lines on it, with various numbers and various conversion units written on it.

"Xiao Jin, what are all these things?"

Qin Tian frowned slightly and asked.

"Host, after analysis, the thing on this image should be a vehicle that has never appeared before. However, judging from the various data detected, it has high requirements on the user's physical fitness. It must be Only those with super powers can control it.”

Hearing this, Qin Tian pursed his lips, was silent for a while, and finally said: "Xiao Jin, how is the performance of this tool?"

"Enter the background simulation program. The background simulation is completed. Host, this kind of vehicle is bound to be faster than all existing vehicles, and has excellent stability, can adapt to various terrains, and even has the ability to climb and glide."

"Oh, that's it, it's nothing special."

Qin Tian let out a sigh of relief, rather disapproving of it.

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