End of the World Terminator

Chapter 459 Betrayal

Chapter 506: Betrayal

"King Bi!"


The other eight Dragon Sons and Chewing Spirits all shouted, but they all understood that they could no longer care about anything else at this time, so they stopped falling and fled with all their strength.

And King Bi, who showed his prototype, jumped into the air and rushed towards the falling giant axe.


Qin Tian roared angrily and slashed down with his giant axe.

With a sound of "Bang!!", the giant ax struck King Bi's carapace. After a moment's pause, the ax struck deeply.


King Bi howled sadly, and where he was hit by the giant ax, blue blood splashed out like a spring.


King Bi's entire body was split into two and landed with a crash.

"Don't run!!"

Qin Tian swung the giant ax with all his strength.

The giant ax was like a mountain, crushing towards the nine running figures.

"No, you run away first!"

The Taoist King roared angrily, and his figure suddenly grew in size, finally transforming into a prototype with the body of a sheep and a human face, as big as a mountain.

Then, the giant ax dropped from the Taoist Dynasty opened its mouth.

"Bah~! Bang~!!"

With a loud noise, the giant ax struck the Taoist King, and the darkness in his mouth suddenly shattered together with his body.

The giant ax paused for a moment and continued to press toward the ground.




The ground was shattered, smoke and dust billowed, and the giant ax struck the ground.

The ground was shaking.

A bottomless crack was cut out by the giant axe, extending straight into the distance.

Four figures ran away and flew into the distance.

Among these four figures, there is a chewing spirit and three monsters with different hair colors.

But there is no King Suan.

"Is King Suan dead?"

"Ling Jiao, I did it."

Qin Tian let out a long breath, with a smile on his face. The giant ax in his hand disappeared and slowly fell downwards.

Finally landed on the wall.

"we won."

Ling Yun walked to Qin Tian, ​​pushed up his glasses, looked at the crack extending into the distance, and said with a sigh on his face: "I didn't expect that you really mastered the Space Slash, but even if you didn't take action before, we You won’t lose either.”

"Qin Tian, ​​do you know? When the giant metal snake exploded, I sent fifty small nuclear bombs into the air while these beasts were not paying attention."

"But now it seems that it is no longer needed."

Ling Yun sighed softly and said: "Qin Tian, ​​Xiyan has been helped down for treatment."


Qin Tian had no reaction.

"Qin Tian."

Ling Yun seemed to sense something was wrong and turned around in surprise. When he saw Qin Tian's face, he was stunned.

Qin Tian's face was calm and he stood there, with only a pair of eyes that were blurry.

"Did you faint?"

"Have you exhausted all your energy in the battle just now?"

Ling Yun frowned slightly, but tears appeared in his eyes, and he stepped forward to support Qin Tian.

"General Qin."

"I will definitely make you king."

Ling Yun lifted Qin Tian up, reached out to wipe away the tears on his face, and said firmly.

Then, he helped Qin Tian to the tent on the side, where Cha Bai was inside, bandaging Xi Yan's wounds quickly with his hands and feet.

At this time, a burst of cheers finally broke out inside and outside the base.

"Very good!"

With tears in Zhang Fengtian's eyes, he roared and fainted.

"Commander Qin, thank you."

A smile broke out on Wang Haotian's face, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

"Really, really won? Haha, hahaha~."

Yingyu looked at the monster that was escaping crazily not far away, with a look of surprise on his face, and he raised his head and laughed.


"We finally won!"


Countless soldiers shed tears but shouted loudly.

Countless cheers gathered together, like an overwhelming wave.

In a cave at the back of the mountain, Xu Qiming slammed the remote control to the ground.

"Why? Why is this?!"

Xu Qiming looked crazy and shouted: "Why didn't the nuclear bomb explode? What happened?!"

"Commander Xu, you are so disappointing."

Li Xuanyuan stepped forward, picked up the remote control, and then crushed it to pieces.

"Uh, Li Xuanyuan, what did you say?"

Xu Qiming stared at his most capable subordinate with scarlet eyes and shouted.

"Minister Ling asked us not to take action, otherwise, the brothers would have launched a mutiny long ago."

Li Xuanyuan threw the shattered remote control to the ground and said decisively: "Ignore the people wandering outside, ignore the soldiers fighting for us in the base, Commander Xu, when you press this button , everyone here will recognize your face."

"What did you say? What do you mean?!"

Xu Qiming's face was twisted, but he looked to the left and right, and saw that both soldiers in military uniforms and civilians in ordinary clothes were looking at him silently.

In those eyes, there was deep disgust and contempt.

"You, what are you going to do?"


"Do you know who brought you here? Do you know who was raising you before?"

"Do you know who established this base?!"

Xu Qiming pointed at himself, his old face turned red with excitement, and he spat: "It's me! It's me who protected you, it's me who allowed you to live safely in the wall, it's me who gave you food and drink. Yes, and something to wear.”

"You white-eyed wolves, don't you know how to be grateful!?"

At this time, Xu Qiming was hysterical and seemed to want to argue, but no one argued with him.

Everyone looked at him silently.

"Commander Xu, this is the farewell."

Li Xuanyuan suddenly took off the badge on his chest, placed it at Xu Qiming's feet, then turned and walked out of the cave.

Then, the second officer stepped forward, took off his badge like Li Xuanyuan, and threw it at Xu Qiming's feet.

More officers came up, and the badges under Xu Qiming's feet quickly piled up into a hill.

After the officers have left, it becomes ordinary soldiers.

After the soldiers are gone, the civilians are the only ones left.

Xu Qiming was trembling all over. He was a high-level mutant and could stop everyone here, but so what?

It can stop these people, but it cannot stop these people's hearts.

The most important thing is that Xu Qiming doesn't dare to have any evil intentions when he thinks that Qin Tian is still alive.

Seeing everyone passing by, Xu Qiming sat down on the ground almost collapsed.

"Come back, all of you come back!!"

Xu Qiming's voice was hoarse and he roared.

However, no one paid attention to the old man. Everyone walked towards the outside of the cave with firm steps.

At this moment, Xu Qiming finally understood what it means to be alone.

"Wow, why is this happening? Why?"

Finally, when everyone walked out of the cave, Xu Qiming couldn't help crying and wailed.

Outside the cave, Li Xuanyuan looked at the cave with pity, then at everyone gathered outside the cave, and then walked towards the base without looking back.

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