End of the World Terminator

Chapter 453 Taking over

Chapter 500 Taking over

Shattered to pieces.

No bones remain.

The continuous blasting sound is the ending that each living person draws for his or her life at the moment of ending his life.

Even though it is tragic.

But for some reason, many people were smiling.

It rained heavily and waves of blood surged.

Qin Tian looked at the fireballs that were constantly lighting up around him, and listened to the continuous explosion. He only felt a "buzzing~!" in his ears, and his mind went blank.

"This is the battlefield?"

"Yes, this is the battlefield."

Qin Tian's eyes were filled with scarlet red, he let out a long roar, and his black hair danced wildly. Regardless of the consumption of his powers, he casually blasted towards those tiger-like monsters with a palm of his hand.

With a "Bang!!" sound, a giant palm formed by white mist appeared in the void, and suddenly fell. With a "Boom!!" sound, nearly a thousand monsters were crushed into pulp in an instant.

"Die to me!!"

Qin Tian shouted angrily, and struck out his palms one after another. The majestic palm power burst out, and countless huge palms gathered from the white mist fell from the sky. "Boom~~!" In the sound, countless monsters were shattered into pieces, and the blue blood pooled into a lake.

This unsuspicious massacre did not last long before these monsters became afraid.

The tiger-like monster began to flee and collapsed again and again.

At this time, a loud horn sound suddenly sounded.


The doors on the four walls of the base slowly opened with the sound of horns.

Countless tanks and tanks drove out one by one.

There were mutants sitting on the tanks and chariots at the front. With the release of earth-type abilities, the muddy ground quickly became smooth and hard.

Not long after, these torrents, which looked like steel, rushed towards the monsters at full speed.


"Da da~~!"

Countless shells and bullets were fired at the monsters like rain.

Soldiers are fighting with weapons.

Countless civilians with little training, wearing different clothes, were also fighting with weapons.

The war is raging and the smoke is everywhere.

People's cries of death, roars, and monsters' roars and howls came one after another, completely drowning out the sound of the rain.

Qin Tian looked at this scene and was stunned for a while. Then he flew into the air, crossed the wall, and saw three battlefields.

Although there were a large number of monsters, the formation of the monsters had already collapsed due to the previous suicide attack. Now they were hit again, and they were all suppressed and retreated steadily.

Qin Tian let out a breath and flew back to the wall.

He quickly rushed into the tent and saw Ling Yun looking at the map and giving orders. Three officers were constantly using walkie-talkies to convey orders to the troops outside the base.

His face darkened, he rushed to Ling Yun's side and slammed the table.

"Ling Yun, can you give me an explanation?!"

Qin Tianhe asked.

"Explain what?"

Ling Yun glanced at Qin Tian lightly, pushed up his glasses, and said.

"What happened to those people just now?!"

Qin Tian said with bloodshot eyes.

"What happened to those people?"

Ling Yun said calmly.

"Don't be pretentious! Why did you launch a suicidal attack and let those people die in vain?!"

Qin Tian grabbed Ling Yun's collar and asked.

"Is there any need to say that? This is the only way."

Ling Yun sighed softly and said: "The sacrifices those people made were all to stop the monster. If you have any better suggestions, I am all ears."

Hearing this, Qin Tian's whole body trembled slightly. After a while, he finally let go of his hand and said, "You don't need to send people. You can ask me to send skeletons to you."

"How many skeletons can you give me? One thousand, two thousand? How much power will this consume on your part?"

Ling Yun shook his head and said: "In order to stop the monster, I sent out a thousand soldiers and three thousand civilian volunteers for this suicide operation."

"Qin Tian, ​​this is war, and sacrifices are inevitable. Achieving strategic goals is the most important. You must not be merciful as a woman."

After a pause, Ling Yun continued: "If it weren't for the sacrifices of these people, maybe some of the walls would have been attacked by monsters. By then, more people would have died."

Hearing this, Qin Tian opened his mouth slightly, remained silent for a while, and finally lowered his head and said, "Then what should we do now? Have we won?"

"Win? Are you kidding me?"

Ling Yun looked solemn and said: "The number of monsters must be very large. At this time, there are at least about 30,000 monsters attacking our base. We are just blocking them. By the way, the group of flying wolves in the south The monsters are very troublesome. Landmines are ineffective against them, and armored troops cannot threaten them. Helicopters are not as flexible as them and are easily struck by lightning. I sent Zhang Fengtian and most of the S-class superpowers in the base to stabilize them. situation.”

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly, with murderous intent evident on his face.

"Okay, I'll go to the south now to provide support."

After saying that, Qin Tian turned around and was about to walk out of the tent, but was suddenly stopped by Ling Yun.

"You don't have to go now."

Ling Yun paused and said: "I know what you did just now. It must have consumed a lot of supernatural powers. It's not appropriate for you to go out to fight anymore. Just wait here."

Ling Yun waved his hand, and two skeletons suddenly walked into the tent carrying sacks.

"This is what I prepared for you. Take it and be prepared to face the Nine Dragons."

Ling Yun patted Qin Tian on the shoulder, then stood next to the table, stared at the map on the table, and began to continue directing the battle.

Seeing this, Qin Tian was silent for a while, then reached into the sack and pulled out a giant axe.

This giant ax is exactly the same as the one he used before.

He put the giant ax into his self-made space, was silent for a while, found a stool, and sat in the tent.

"Report, the southern monster has been defeated!"

An officer suddenly stood up and said.

"Order Zhang Fengtian to lead his troops to support the battlefield on the east side."

Ling Yun said expressionlessly.

"Report! A monster appears again in the south. This time it is a monster that looks like a sheep but has a human face."

"Let Zhang Fengtian take people back, gather five hundred volunteers, and equip them with bombs and aircraft."



Orders were issued from this tent.

There was a raging war around the base, with soldiers and civilians fighting, but Qin Tian sat quietly in the tent. Even if a monster appeared in the north of the base that he was supposed to be responsible for, Ling Yun also dispatched some armored troops.

Every moment, someone dies.

But the amazing thing is that there are no deserters on the human side on the battlefield.

At this moment, almost everyone understood that they had no way out.

The battle was extremely fierce, both on the human side and on the monster side.

High in the sky, both the Dragon's Nine Sons and Chewing Ling were moved.

"Human beings, even after tens of thousands of years, have their warlike and unyielding nature been inherited?"

King Suan said with a complex look on his face.

"These human creations have no spiritual power at all. They are not magic weapons. How can they be so powerful?"

A monster wearing plain white clothes, with blond hair and a golden beard, and blood-red eyes said with a horrified face.

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