End of the World Terminator

Chapter 400 Random Attack

Chapter 434: Random Attack

The humanoid monster was extremely fast, and almost instantly, it rushed diagonally in front of Qin Tian.

Qin Tianzheng drove the flame dragon to spit out flame pillars, as if he didn't notice it.

The humanoid monster smiled ferociously and punched Qin Tian in the face.

However, the next moment, the ferocious smile on the humanoid monster's face became completely stiff. Before its fist hit Qin Tian's face, with a "swish!" sound, a flaming knife came through the air, and in an instant Hit the body of the humanoid monster.

With a sound of "Crack!!", the body of the humanoid monster was split into two parts starting from the chest and abdomen, and blue blood exploded from the air like fireworks.

The humanoid monster's eyes widened, and before the ferocious smile on its face faded away, eight flaming knives had already struck it.



Just like chopping melons and vegetables, the body of the humanoid monster was instantly shattered.

Qin Tian raised his hand and waved lightly, exerting a wave of palm force, and the monster's corpse that was cut into pieces was blown away by the wind of the palm.

"how come?!"

"With Feng Xi's speed, he can actually do it!"

"Has this human's use of spiritual power reached this level?! He can actually assemble a prosthetic arm."

"You bastard! This human has already killed three of our companions!"


Voices filled with fear and anger, but as loud as thunder, sounded one after another.

The remaining seven monsters all stared at the figure in the sky that was too small compared to them with blood-red eyes.

"Sneak attack? Tsk, I have eyes on my back."

A sneer appeared on Qin Tian's face, and the sixteen flame arms on his back suddenly picked up sixteen flame bows.

"Bang!!~~" In the sound, sixteen fireballs shot out quickly, and quickly turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of twenty meters while moving quickly.

The fireball rushed away and blasted into the thunderfire spouted by the three-headed giant bird.

"Bang bang!~~" In the sound, the thunder and fire exploded, and the flame pillar rushed in, and actually ran towards the three giant birds against the thunder and fire.


The giant dragon covered with black scales roared loudly and suddenly rushed above the three giant birds. It opened its huge mouth and spurted out a river of flames.

For a moment, the thunder fire, which was about to collapse under the impact of the fireball and flame pillar, quickly became turbulent as if it had a new force.

But even so, the thunder and fire still couldn't stop the flame pillar. It moved back a little bit, but couldn't help but retreat.

"How can it be?!"

"With the combined efforts of the four of us, we can actually return it."

"This human being is so ridiculously strong."


Three giant birds and one giant dragon still couldn't stop Qin Tian's attack. This reality made these four eternal monsters frightened and unbelievable.

"Is this your full strength? Hahaha, interesting, you are too weak!"

Qin Tian waved the giant hammer in his hand, and his eyes quickly stopped at the strange bird that looked like an eagle and had colorful feathers all over its body.

Competing with the king of four-headed monsters for superpowers, although Qin Tian gained the advantage, it was not easy. The superpowers in his body were lost extremely seriously, and about 20% of his superpowers were consumed in an instant.

A cold light suddenly appeared in Qin Tian's eyes. After aiming at the giant bird that looked like an eagle, he was about to throw the giant hammer in his hand.

However, at this moment, the giant dragon covered with mud suddenly arched its body, then flew out and rushed towards Qin Tian.

At the same time, the monster that had been dormant aside and looked like a lizard with a dragon head also jumped up fiercely.

And the monster that looked like mud but had a human face suddenly spurted out a thorn.

The target of the three-headed monster is only Qin Tian.

Qin Tian frowned slightly as the strong wind blew against his face. He took out the giant hammer in his hand and took the lead in hitting the flying dragon.

With a sound of "Boom!", the giant hammer came through the air, activating Wu Xing's energy in the void, and with a sound of "Boom!!", it accurately hit the giant dragon.


The giant dragon howled miserably and bent its body sharply. The giant hammer penetrated deeply into the dragon's body and pressed the giant dragon to the ground.

With a sound of "Bang!", the giant dragon fell to the ground, with smoke and dust billowing. The part hit by the giant hammer sank deeply into the soil, looking like a giant nail, nailing the dragon's body to the ground.


Qin Tian pursed his lips, and without even looking at the giant dragon beneath him, he struck towards the side with one palm.

With a sound of "Bang!!", a giant palm appeared from the void and immediately covered the monster that was shaped like a lizard and as huge as a mountain.

This monster was in the air and could no longer avoid it, but it suddenly balled up its body into a ball, spinning towards the giant palm.

With a sound of "Bang!!", the ball was blown away by the giant palm, and when it landed, it made a big hole in the ground.

Then, Qin Tian flipped it over, took out the long red sword, and slashed at the earth thorn that was stabbing him.

The earth thorn was nearly twenty meters long and cone-shaped, like a giant mountain.

"Poof!!" With a sound, Qin Tian's long sword struck the top of the earth thorn.

"Boom!!~" In the sound, endless cracks emerged from the soil thorns.

However, Qin Tian's body also tilted for a while, and his arms were numb, and he was secretly shocked.


"Crush it for me!!"

Qin Tian shouted angrily and slashed out with great force with his long sword.

"Kacha!" With a sound, a white light appeared from the void and passed through the soil thorns.

With a sound of "Bang!", the soil thorns shattered and endless clods of soil fell.


Qin Tian gasped several times, but then he heard "Whoosh!" Two sounds broke through the air. He immediately turned his head to look, only to find two giant mountain-like earth thorns running towards him. He was stunned for a moment.

And just when he was distracted, the suppressed thunder and fire suddenly surged several times, actually overwhelming the flame pillar and crushing towards him.


Qin Tian's face slightly condensed, and he immediately wanted to avoid it, but found that it was too late, and he was immediately overwhelmed by the thunder and fire.

"Boom~~!" In the sound, there was a violent explosion, endless fireballs surged, and thick smoke billowed up.

Fire, thunder, and clods of earth fell like rain.

"Commander Qin!"

In a helicopter, Wang Haotian looked pale and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

"How could it be? Commander Qin is so strong, yet he still lost?"

Ying Yu's body shook a few times, his face showing despair.

"Commander Qin, you shouldn't be so adventurous. If you don't carry out this attack plan, with your strength and all the soldiers in the base, we might be able to defend it!"

Lu Zhenhua's eyes were full of tears and he said with an annoyed look on his face.

"It's over. Even General Qin has lost. We are completely over."

"General Qin is too young. He should have listened to Commander Xu."

"Alas, although General Qin has killed several monsters, he is still not strong enough. He is too arrogant to fight against ten."

"It's all the fault of the man with glasses. Now, the strongest man in the base is dead. We people like us are not even cannon fodder against the monsters outside."


An atmosphere of despair permeated the three helicopters.

But Ling Yun, who was standing on top of the giant metal snake, had an inexplicable smile on his face.

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