End of the World Terminator

Chapter 387 Planning

Chapter 421 Planning


Qin Tian twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at Ling Yun, was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Is it Ling Yun who convicts every prisoner?"


Han Qiaoyu and Jiang Ming nodded together.

"Tsk, this power is really not small."

Qin Tian pursed his lips and stopped asking any more questions. His attention was quickly attracted by the chess game between Ling Yun and Niu Zhuangzhuang.

Ling Yun's high IQ and artificial intelligence system didn't seem to fully grasp the situation, and the entire chessboard was quickly filled with chess pieces.

"It's a draw."

Qin Tian's eyes widened in surprise. Niu Zhuangzhuang wiped the sweat from his head and retreated to the stool, panting.

Ling Yun pushed his eyes, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and said: "Interesting, let's play again?"

Hearing this, Niu Zhuangzhuang shook his head like a rattle.

"Let me rest."

Niu Zhuangzhuang refused.

"I come!"

Jiang Ming sat directly opposite Ling Yun.

Ling Yun put away the chess pieces and the two began to play.

Qin Tian watched from the side. After descending a hundred steps, Jiang Ming was defeated. Han Qiaoyu stepped forward. After descending three hundred steps, Han Qiaoyu was also defeated.

Finally, Qin Tian sat opposite Ling Yun.

"It's fun to play backgammon with others. You don't have to think too much or the number of moves. There aren't that many traps and there aren't that many routines."

Ling Yun picked up the chess pieces, placed them on the chessboard, and said calmly.


Qin Tian smiled slightly, picked up the chess pieces and placed them on the chessboard.

Ling Yun glanced at him and continued: "It is also because it is too simple, so simple that adults almost dismiss it, but they have not thought that the more complex chess and cards have, the more variables and weaknesses they have."

"And a simple game like this backgammon has very few flaws. It has a simple and straightforward route and clearly defined chess pieces. It is absolutely fair to everyone."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly and said in confusion as he said, "What do you mean?"

"meaning is."

Ling Yun suddenly dropped a chess piece on the chessboard and said, "You lose."

"I go!"

Qin Tianwei glared and saw that Ling Yun's side had four chess pieces in a row. No matter how he moved, he had no way to save his life.

"You just said so many incomprehensible words on purpose, just to distract me and make me lose?"

Qin Tian shouted excitedly.

"I'm just introducing the backgammon, there's no other meaning."

Ling Yun turned his head to one side while packing up the chess pieces.

"You are so guilty!"

Qin Tian was so sad and angry that he almost overturned the table.

Ling Yun ignored him, put away the chess pieces, and said: "Next one."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was quite unwilling. He glared at Niu Zhuangzhuang who was about to come over, slammed the table and said, "I don't accept it, let's continue."

Hearing this, Ling Yun suddenly stretched his waist.

"Oh, my back has been sore from playing chess lately. I'm going to go to bed first. You can continue."

After saying that, Ling Yun stood up and walked straight to the room, leaving Qin Tian sitting alone at the dining table.


Qin Tiantian's teeth were itching, and in the end he had no choice but to go back to the room.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and breathed for a while. After he felt completely calm, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

The next day, he woke up early and walked out of the room, only to find a man with glasses sitting at the dining table.

Ling Yun crossed his legs and was looking at a piece of information.

When Qin Tian walked to the dining table, Ling Yun put down the information, looked at Qin Tian, ​​and said, "Good morning."

"Uh, morning."

Qin Tian twitched his lips and looked at the information with some curiosity. He found that the word "Top Secret" was clearly written on the yellow and white cover. He suddenly became interested and asked, "What is this information?"

"This is information that records mutants, that is, individuals with superpowers."

Ling Yun pushed the information to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian turned it over curiously, took a look, and found that there was a black and white photo in the upper left corner of each page, and the rest of the page was filled with densely written small characters.

The name, height, blood type, hobbies of every mutant in the base, as well as what level of mutant they are, their spiritual powers, their occupation before the apocalypse, and whether they have any criminal records are all recorded in this information.

Qin Tian flipped through the information for a while, then closed the book, handed it to Ling Yun, and asked, "Why are you looking at this information?"

"Nothing, just flipping through it."

Ling Yun smiled slightly and said.

Hearing this, Qin Tian suddenly became suspicious.

He was silent for a while and then said: "If you flipped through this information, what did you find?"

Hearing this, Ling Yun took a sip of tea, made another cup for Qin Tian, ​​and said, "I discovered something interesting."

After a pause, Ling Yun continued: "There are a total of 181,625 people in the entire base, and there are currently 2,385 registered superpowers. In terms of ratio, it should be close to 100 to 1.”

"Don't you find this amusing?"


Qin Tian was a little confused and frowned.

"The method of absorbing energy from the void is spread in this base, so there are many people who have awakened superpowers, and the ratio of superpowers to ordinary people here is completely applicable to the world."

Ling Yun paused, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and said: "As for the survivors in the world, even if there are only one-tenth of what they were before the end of the world, there are still 500 million people. If these 500 million people all know this kind of thing, To absorb the energy in the void, the number of people who can awaken superpowers is about five million people. Oh, actually, because my previous statistics were based on the data, I did not take into account those who have also awakened superpowers. A G-class F-class superpower who can, but is not registered in the data."

"In other words, there should be more than five million people in the world who can awaken supernatural powers."

"so much!"

Qin Tian was shocked.

"Logically speaking, there can be so many, but you also know that now that even the satellites may have been destroyed, it is almost impossible to transmit this information to the whole world."

Ling Yun shook his head, a trace of helplessness suddenly appeared on his face, but he quickly became excited and said: "But if the more than two thousand superpowers in this base alone can grow up, they can only become SSS." A superpower user is also a very powerful force."

"In short, as long as we can concentrate on development for a few years, when the strength of the base grows, we will be able to launch a war against monsters."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly and was silent for a while, then looked at Ling Yun with shining eyes and said, "What are your plans?"

"If we want to launch a war against mutant creatures, how should we proceed?"

Hearing this, Ling Yun suddenly handed Qin Tian a cigarette and conjured a lighter to light for Qin Tian.

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