End of the World Terminator

Chapter 360 Inheritance

Chapter 389: Inheritance

"At that time, mankind was still in a period of ignorance, civilization had just sprouted, and there was no even writing. The people in the tribe lived a life of eating hair and drinking blood all day long."

Zhang Fengtian paused and coughed lightly.

Qin Tian directed the skeleton to bring him a glass of water.


Zhang Fengtian drank some water, stroked his chest a few times, took a breath, and then said: "At that time, although we humans invented tools, we were still at the low level of the food chain."

"I was no different from a savage at that time. When I was twelve years old, I went hunting with my tribe. The prey at that time was different from today. There were large beasts with thick skin, thick meat and hair everywhere. Hunting was very dangerous. But if you don’t hunt, you won’t have anything to eat. Although the people in the tribe already knew how to plant, they still practiced slash-and-burn farming, and the harvest was too small. The main source of food still relied on hunting, so although it was dangerous, I had to do it.”

"There were several times when I almost died, but in the end I was lucky to survive. After a fight with a wild beast, I discovered that there was more heat in my body. According to Li Shimin's period, it was inner breath. Then, I grew stronger and stronger, and at the age of thirty I was elected leader of the clan.”

After a pause, Zhang Fengtian suddenly let out a long sigh and said: "At that time, the Jiuli tribe was located in the Central Plains, the vastest land in China, but there was a tribe called Yan in the north. The leader of that tribe liked to carry cow skulls with him. Made of helmets, wars often broke out between the two tribes in order to compete for resources. In order to eliminate the Yan tribe, I led the warriors in the tribe to fight every year. The strength of the two tribes was not much different, and they were attrition to each other. No one could do anything to the other until One day, the Jiuli craftsmen invented the chariot."

"It was with this weapon that I completely defeated the Yan tribe on a frontal battlefield for the first time, beheaded its leader, seized its land, and drove the remaining Yan tribe people down the river. It’s now feeding fish in the Yellow River.”


Qin Tian's eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't help but cursed: "You are so cruel, you are worthy of being a barbarian!"

Zhang Fengtian noticed that Qin Tian's expression was wrong, and he immediately stopped talking with fear on his face.

Ling Yun looked at Qin Tian, ​​pushed up his glasses, and said, "Continue."


Zhang Fengtian pursed his dry lips and said quite proudly: "Then, the Jiuli clan completely lost their opponents and began to cut down trees. They used fire and chariots to destroy surrounding monsters, and absorbed and conquered smaller tribes. In four years, the number of people in the tribe has more than tripled. It can be said that during the period when I took over Jiuli, Jiuli entered its peak state."

Then, Zhang Fengtian paused, and suddenly a touch of bitterness appeared on his face, and said: "Later, I didn't expect that some of the Yan tribe people who were driven into the Yellow River by me were still alive, and what I didn't expect was that these Yan tribe people actually invited Here comes a tribe called Huang.”

"That tribe originally lived to the north of the Yellow River, and they were not in conflict with us. Who knew that there was something wrong with that tribe, and they dared to stand up for the Yan tribe. Of course I didn't let them go, and I killed them all, but I didn't expect What's more, it was just the vanguard. Not long after, the leader of the Huang clan, the guy named Gongsun Xuanyuan, personally brought a group of young men to beat me. Of course, I was extremely dissatisfied, so I led my men to fight with them. After a fight, I drove them all away. Later, I felt that the people of the Huang tribe were very weak, and the Jiuli tribe had occupied the Central Plains. For the purpose of expanding the population and grabbing resources and slaves, plus the winter of that year There was continuous heavy snowfall and the Yellow River was frozen, so I personally led the elite troops and horses on the northern expedition."

"Then, and then I lost."

Zhang Fengtian said with a sad face and lowered his head.

"Uh, what the hell?!"

Qin Tian was confused when he heard this.

Wasn’t it just the Northern Expedition with great momentum? Isn't there a battlefield? Didn’t you say that the people of the Huang clan are so weak?

Why did you lose so quickly? !

Ling Yun also seemed puzzled and said: "Tell me more details, how did you lose?"


Zhang Fengtian sighed and said: "When Gongsun Xuanyuan came to fight me, they didn't bring horses because they crossed the Yellow River directly. I thought they must be like the Yan tribe, they didn't invent chariots. This battle is another It was snow that blocked the river, but God helped me. Who knew that those Huang people did not have chariots, but they fed many war horses."

"What the hell, the Huang people actually have cavalry!"

"I led my men to fight against Gongsun Xuanyuan, a turtle grandson, in Zhulu. As a result, the whole army was defeated and I also died in the battle. This is what happened at that time."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was stunned for a while and then said: "Cavalry? There would be cavalry in that era?"


Ling Yun looked at Qin Tian and said: "Although there were no saddles or hoofs at that time, like many tribes living on the grasslands, riding a horse was as simple as eating and sleeping for those people."

Hearing this, Qin Tian pursed his lips slightly, suddenly feeling that Chi You was unjustly defeated.

If this guy didn't go on the Northern Expedition, maybe he would be fine.

Qin Tian cast a sympathetic look towards Zhang Fengtian.

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and asked, "Well, it seems that Chi You's deeds are not as miraculous as the legend says, but it seems that you are hiding something."


Zhang Fengtian asked with confusion on his face.

"That combat skill of yours."

Ling Yun coughed lightly and said, "Tell me its origin."


Zhang Fengtian frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Qin Tian, ​​and then suddenly realized, "Oh, I know what you are talking about, I got that set of combat skills from the Jiuli clan's altar. I discovered a cave behind the altar by chance, and the cave was filled with rusty iron weapons."

"To be honest, I am very surprised now. You know what era I was in at that time. It was the Stone Age. There were iron weapons. At that time, I didn't think of those things that would break when touched as weapons. Think about it. I was stupid at the time, otherwise, if the skilled craftsmen in the Jiuli tribe could pick out some iron tools that were not rotten and polish them, even if I were to add iron blades to stone axes and bone arrows, would I still lose in a battle?!"

Zhang Fengtian looked annoyed and patted his thigh vigorously.

Ling Yun rolled his eyes at Zhang Fengtian and said, "Tell me the important point."

"Oh, the combat skills are carved on the stone wall. They are human-shaped patterns. There are many red lines on the patterns, and there are many words next to them. Well, now that I think about it, the words are very similar to those in the documents."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was shocked. He immediately looked at Ling Yun and found that Ling Yun also widened his eyes, obviously quite surprised.

"What are you talking about? The words next to the patterns are similar to the words in the documents? Are you sure?"

Ling Yun said quite excitedly.

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