End of the World Terminator

Chapter 290 Helicopter

Chapter 302 Helicopter

After Ling Yun left, Qin Tian suddenly found that he couldn't sleep.

As soon as he closed his eyes, Ling Jiao's fallen figure would appear in front of him. For a moment, his mind became extremely confused and he could not calm down at all.

Qin Tian quickly adjusted his breathing and kept breathing out, trying to calm down again, but a whisper suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Disgusting guy."

Qin Tian slightly opened his eyes, looked to his side, and saw Ling Jiao leaning on the edge of the bed, waving to Qin Tian.


"Hi, your uncle!"

Qin Tian quickly closed his eyes and continued to breathe.

"Even if you can't see me, I will always look at you. You will never be able to get rid of me."

"Because you killed me!"

"Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out~~."

The voice in his ears rang again, Qin Tian recited the mantra silently, his chest kept rising and falling, and his mouth kept breathing.

After breathing for a long time, Qin Tian felt that his mind was very calm and no longer had random thoughts, and then he opened his eyes.

There was no longer any figure of Ling Jiao in the entire cave.

"Uh, ugh."

Qin Tian sighed sadly, not wanting to sleep anymore, so he stood up and walked out of the cave.

At this time, it was early in the morning, and the sky was slightly white.

As soon as Qin Tian came out of the cave, he saw Ling Yun, Xi Yan, Zhou Yunjia, Niu Zhuangzhuang, Jiang Ming and Han Qiaoyu all surrounding a bonfire.

There was a pot on the bonfire, and the hot water in the pot was boiling, as if something was being cooked.

The white leopard and the panda are lying not far away.

But Qin Tian's attention was quickly attracted by ten figures squatting not far away.

There were two skeletons standing next to these ten people. Each of these ten people had bruises and swollen faces, but they all had their eyes bulging and looked at Ling Yun and others with great dissatisfaction.

Qin Tian only recognized one Qin Junjie among these ten people.

"Brother, why did you come out?!"

Han Qiaoyu, who was stirring the soup with a spoon, was the first to see Qin Tian and immediately exclaimed.

Ling Yun and others also looked at Qin Tian.

With a sound of "Boom!", the white leopard suddenly jumped in front of Qin Tian. Qin Tian reached out and gently stroked the white leopard's head, then waved to everyone.

"It's nothing. I suddenly don't want to rest. Let's go out for a walk."

Qin Tian came to the campfire, looked into the pot, and found that there were only some potatoes in the pot. He immediately took out some bacon and sausages from the homemade space and handed them to Han Qiaoyu.

Everyone is happy.

"It's better to be little uncle. As soon as little uncle comes, he can turn into meat."

Niu Zhuangzhuang clapped his little hands and said excitedly.

Qin Tian rubbed Niu Zhuangzhuang's head, then walked to Ling Yun, pointed at Qin Junjie and others, and said, "Are they the living survivors?"


"That's all?"


"Didn't you say more than ten? Why are there only ten!?"

Qin Tian said with some surprise.

".There is actually not much difference between ten and a dozen."

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and said.

"Let me go, of the more than forty survivors, only ten are dead just because we were involved. How can they be so kind to us?"

"I said, you don't need to be so cruel, do you think you've beaten them all?"

Qin Tian said softly.

"I'm just showing some strength appropriately."

Ling Yun said expressionlessly: "And at that time, they were indeed a little too excited, so I had to force them to calm down."

"So, you'd better do it for them?"

Qin Tian rolled his eyes at Ling Yun and said, "By the way, where is that big rat? And its children, and where is the van?"

Ling Yun looked at Qin Tian and said: "Except for you and Niu Zhuangzhuang, no one here has earth-type powers. Niu Zhuangzhuang's powers are too weak to bring up the big mouse and the van. But you Don’t worry, I sent thirty skeletons to guard them.”


Qin Tian was a little surprised. He didn't believe that Ling Yun couldn't think of a way to get the van and the big mouse up without using earth powers. Ling Yun seemed to have read through his mind and said directly: "In my current situation, I can't bring out such a big mouse." Bring your stuff."

Hearing this, Qin Tian showed a trace of worry on his face and asked, "Is it because you are carrying less metal? The missiles that were thrown at the monster consumed a lot of metal."

"The lack of metal is just a scarcity of raw materials."

Ling Yun paused for a moment, then continued: "But do you think that the missile I made before only consumed metal?"

"Uh, what else did you consume?"

Qin Tian was a little surprised.

"There are many elements in the human body, and in order to make that kind of missile, I had to extract those elements, and this also caused great damage to my body."

Ling Yun said with a bitter smile.

"I'll go, can you make it simpler?"

Qin Tian said a little confused.

"..I used my body to make the raw materials for missiles. I used too much, and my internal organs were seriously damaged. It would be difficult for an ordinary person to recover without lying down for a year or two."

Ling Yun said calmly.

"Uh, so serious?!"

Qin Tian was a little surprised, his voice rose sharply, and people around him looked at him.

"But I'm not an ordinary person."

Ling Yun smiled slightly and said: "Judging from my physical condition, I can recover in about three months."


Qin Tian nodded, but said worriedly: "Since it will hurt you so much, it is best not to use this kind of missile in the future."


Ling Yun smiled touchedly.

Everyone ate something, and out of guilt, Qin Tian personally brought the food to Qin Junjie and others.

"We don't want it! Let us go!"

Qin Junjie's glasses were knocked off, so he raised his eyes and looked at Qin Tian, ​​angrily yelling: "You have killed so many of us and robbed our things, shameless thieves, you will be punished sooner or later! "

"That's right! We won't eat what you bring!"

"You bastard, get out of our village!"

"You killed my wife and children, and I'm going to fight you!"

The nine people squatting with Qin Junjie shouted angrily. Some of them wanted to stand up, but were suppressed by the skeleton guarding them.

Qin Tian was a little embarrassed. He put the pottery bowl filled with food in front of these people and stayed away from them.

Then, he got the big mouse and the van up, then found Ling Yun and said, "Let's leave now. While the King of Monsters is dealt with, let's leave here quickly and rush to Changbai Mountain."

Hearing this, Ling Yun nodded directly.

Suddenly, the sound of "Swish!!~~" came from the distant air. Qin Tian, ​​Ling Yun, and everyone else's expressions changed, and they all looked towards the sky.

Then, everyone saw several black spots gradually approaching in the white northern sky.

"Is this a helicopter?"

Qin Tian frowned, unable to believe his eyes.

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