End of the World Terminator

Chapter 280 Four people

Chapter 292 Four people

"Haha, you are really a vegetarian."

Qin Tian watched the big rat chew up the cabbage and swallow it into his stomach, slightly raising the corners of his mouth.

After the big mouse finished eating the cabbage, he looked at Qin Tian impatiently and made a "squeaking" sound from his mouth.

"What? Do you want more?"

Qin Tian was a little surprised. He took out some pickled cabbage, heated it with his supernatural power, and stuffed it directly into the big mouse's mouth.

The big rat chewed loudly and licked his lips after eating, then continued to look at Qin Tian expectantly.


Qin Tian touched the big mouse's head. The big mouse twisted its body unaccustomedly, but there was no arc flowing on its body.


Qin Tian chuckled, simply took out some bacon, heated it up, and stuffed it into the big mouse's mouth.

The big mouse chewed the bacon in a few mouthfuls. After swallowing it, his whole body trembled several times and he kept licking his lips with his tongue.

"It seems like your life isn't that easy either."

Qin Tian shook his head with pity, took out a carton of milk, and poured it into the big mouse's mouth.

"Gu~~, Zhizhi~."

After drinking the milk, the big mouse looked at Qin Tian with blazing light in his eyes and screamed continuously.

Everyone in the van also woke up one after another at this time. Everyone got out of the van and gathered around Qin Tian.

"What a big rat."

Xiyan exclaimed, his face looking a little flustered.

Zhou Yunjia was already hiding behind Xi Yan.

Jiang Ming and Han Qiaoyu, on the other hand, both looked fearful and did not dare to approach.

Niu Zhuangzhuang walked up to the big mouse very curiously, and boldly reached out to touch the big mouse.

Ling Yun walked to Qin Tian and asked, "How is the condition of this mouse?"

"well enough."

Qin Tian saw the big mouse being stroked by Niu Zhuangzhuang, but no more blue arcs spread out from his body. He said with satisfaction: "This mouse is very excited and has obviously suffered a lot. It shouldn't be difficult to tame it." .”

Hearing this, Ling Yun pushed up his glasses, smiled slightly, and said: "There are survivors in this village, but Xiaoyin has never detected any monsters around. What I mean is that we should find some survivors to ask." Make some preparations in advance.”

"Changbai Mountain is already very close. The top priority is to get to the base as soon as possible. After we have asked about the monsters and collected enough supplies, we can leave quickly. As for the king of monsters here, we will leave it alone for the time being."

Hearing this, Qin Tian nodded, took out some milk and biscuits and shared them with everyone before getting into the van with everyone.

Bai Bao had traveled all night last night and needed rest now, so Qin Tian asked the skeleton to carry him on a stretcher while the panda lay on the roof of the car.

Then, Qin Tian directed the skeletons to pick up the van and head towards the village.

Qin Tian discussed with Ling Yun in the car, and then asked the skeletons to carry the car to the square in the center of the town.

Everyone got out of the car and checked the greenhouse there.

The greenhouse was quite large, covering an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters, like a circle, surrounding the entire square.

As soon as Qin Tian walked in, he saw a piece of green leaves.

"Um, drip irrigation technology?"

Ling Yun squatted down and watched the glue tubes passing under the potato seedlings, his eyes a little bright.


Qin Tian was a little surprised, but he saw tiny water droplets dripping into the soil at the bottom of each potato seedling under those rubber tubes.

"This method of watering is actually very simple. It is to drill a small hole under each rubber tube, and water droplets continuously leak out from the small hole to ensure the needs of the plants and allow the crops to thrive."

Lingyun paused and then continued: "This technology is very popular in the desert areas of Central Europe. It can save water as much as possible while satisfying the growth of crops."

"China has also introduced this technology recently, but it has not been popularized yet. The people who built this farmland obviously have such technology."

Hearing this, Qin Tian looked at the green potato leaves under the greenhouse, nodded with some emotion, and said, "These many potatoes can feed a lot of people, right?"

“There aren’t many people to feed.”

Ling Yun suddenly shook his head and said: "There are a total of forty-six survivors here. With the output of this field, each person may only get one potato per day. It's good to survive."

"What? No way."

Qin Tian stared a little.

"Why not?"

Ling Yun let out a light breath and said: "The yield of potatoes is not small, but each plant has its own growth cycle, and people have to take in nutrients every day. Such a large greenhouse can feed ten people every day. Very reluctantly.”

Hearing this, Qin Tian was silent for a while and then said: "What should we do? Do we still collect the materials here?"

"Don't worry, ask the survivors here first. If you really can't find enough food to feed the big rat, just let it go."

Ling Yun said somewhat helplessly.

Qin Tian pursed his lips and had no choice but to agree.

Although it is a pity, the big mouse is pregnant with six cubs. If there is not enough food to feed it, it will most likely starve to death. Rather than doing this, it is better to let it go.

"Let it go, what a pity."

Xi Yan on the side sighed softly, with a look of disappointment on his face.

Jiang Ming, Zhou Yunjia and Niu Zhuangzhuang also looked disappointed.

Ling Yun had told them before that the future cubs of this female rat would be given to them. This was something that the four of them were looking forward to, but now it came to nothing. Although the four of them were unwilling to do so, they had no choice but to accept it.

As an ordinary person, Han Qiaoyu looked indifferent.

Qin Tian glanced at everyone and said secretly: "Xiao Jin, where is the survivor closest to this greenhouse?"

"Scan begins. Scan ends. Host, forty meters to the east, there are four survivors hiding in a mud house. These four survivors are also secretly observing this direction."


Qin Tian smiled slightly and commanded the four skeletons to rush over.

Soon, the four survivors were brought up.

"Fuck! Let me go, you monsters, I'll fight you!"

"What the hell, you are a bunch of broken bones, don't play raid, Niang Xipi, you are such a disgrace to gentlemen!"

"I'm a scholar, please show some respect, fuck! Don't kick my ass, I'll leave on my own!"

"Ouch!! Don't be too arrogant. I used to be on the provincial sports team, but I haven't eaten enough in the past few days. Otherwise, with your thin arms and thin legs, my farts would collapse!"

The four survivors were all strong and strong, in their twenties. Three of them had red and black skin, and their bodies were all burly. However, when they were brought up, they all showed fear on their faces and were trembling all over.

There was only one person with fair skin and a somewhat thin body. He cursed and yelled endlessly as he was being escorted away. He tried to break free from the restraints many times, but failed every time.

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