End of the World Terminator

Chapter 258 Restoration

Chapter 270: Restoration

"I immediately sent the skeleton to the nearby hospital to look for him."

Qin Tian said in a panic.

"If we let the skeleton look for it, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Ling Yun bit his lip and then said: "I will use electric shock to stimulate his heart and delay it as long as possible. Qin Tian, ​​please go there yourself."


Qin Tian nodded, secretly asked Xiao Jin, and after confirming the location of the hospital, he immediately ran out of the mall, gathered the flame dragon and flew away.

He quickly rushed into a hospital, and Xiao Jin scanned the location of the blood bank. However, the blood bags inside had disappeared, and even the closed door of the blood bank had been artificially damaged.

"If I go, the survivors here won't even spare their blood?"

Qin Tian thought for a while, then smiled bitterly and shook his head. Blood can also be eaten. Pig blood can be used for cooking, and cattle and sheep blood can also be used to make blood sausage. It is not surprising that human blood can be used to wrap the belly when one is extremely hungry.

He walked around the blood bank and finally ran back to the mall without finding anything.

No blood was found, so he thought Han Qiaoyu was dead.

However, Ling Yun created a miracle.

"I transfused him with some serum to prevent Niu Zhuangzhuang from adapting to the blood. The substance stripped from his blood temporarily stabilized his condition, but looking at how weak he looked, he might have to be in a coma for a long time. "

Ling Yun wiped the sweat on his head with a silk handkerchief and said to Qin Tianda.

Qin Tian immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but then said: "Then what will he do in the future? We can't stay here for a month, right? Hand him over to his companions, or to the base you established? After all, he is Because we are like this, if we just let it go, wouldn’t it be a bit unethical?”

Hearing this, Ling Yun was silent for a while, pushed up his glasses, and then said: "Let's take him with us first. When he recovers, we can find a safe place to place him."

"Well, that's all."

Qin Tian also nodded.

That night, Qin Tian lit a bonfire, directed the skeleton to bring the sofa from the underground casino, and then sat with everyone around the bonfire.

Qin Tian's fire power and physical strength were severely depleted, and he also lost a lot of blood. Although he was immortal, his face was still pale.

Ling Yun also knew his current state and did not urge him to find survivors.

When making dinner, out of guilt for Han Qiaoyu, Qin Tian asked the skeletons to stay around while Han Qiaoyu's companions brought ten kilograms of meat.

Probably out of fear of skeletons, white leopards and pandas, the survivors did not dare to come up to make trouble even if they saw Han Qiaoyu unconscious.

Qin Tian didn't bother to explain to these people.

While Qin Tian was instructing the skeletons to cook broth and instant noodles, and grill the pandas and white leopards, Wang Laowu began to insinuate Ling Yun, as if he wanted to understand Ling Yun's future plans, and obviously hoped to join the gang.

However, Ling Yun always maintained a calm and mysterious smile, and answered every word accurately, which made Wang Laowu anxious and angry, and finally decided to show off his cards.

"I said, young hero, don't look at me being so fat. I'm not a useless fat man. I can't make big things, such as rifles, machine guns, machine guns, submachine guns, rifles. As long as you give me tools, I can make them with my bare hands." I can polish it for you and ensure your satisfaction.”

"And I can not only prepare weapons, I can also prepare gunpowder and make bullets. As long as you have a suitable workshop, I can make sniper bullets for you."

"If you take me with you wherever you go, you are equivalent to taking a mobile ammunition depot with you. It is also unlimited. Hey, don't just smile. As long as the young hero just says a cheerful word, I will follow you. Got it!"

Wang Laowu patted his chest and said excitedly.

Ling Yun was silent for a while and then said: "Why do you have to follow us? Following us is very dangerous."

"Young hero, you are joking. I really saw what you just did."

Wang Laowu secretly glanced at Qin Tian, ​​who was drinking soup, and said: "I know you young heroes are all people who are doing great things, and I am willing to contribute a small amount. As long as young heroes are interested, I know there are people nearby. A quarry, with its high terrain and hidden location, can be used as a good development base. When the time comes, we can find more people and concentrate on development for a few years. At the worst, we can dominate this place. ! As time goes by, it’s possible to become an emperor!”


Qin Tian choked, coughed twice, and then said to Ling Yun, dumbfounded, "Stop teasing him, just tell the truth."

Hearing this, Ling Yun stopped hiding and directly stated the plan to build the base area. At the end, he patted Wang Laowu on the shoulder and said: "You have great potential and can continue to create weapons for the people in the base area." , Ammunition, you will definitely become the mainstay of the base in the future, work hard, I’m optimistic about you.”

Hearing this, Wang Laowu opened his mouth wide, and after a while, he became completely silent.

After eating, Qin Tian said hello to everyone, then went outside the mall and found a place. He escaped directly underground, created a space underground, and then took out the bright yellow light. Stone.

He put his hand on the stone and said secretly: "Xiao Jin, I want to extract the plan."

"Yes, the scan starts. The scan ends and the analysis begins. The analysis is completed."

A blue screen immediately appeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes, and a blue humanoid appeared on the screen. Then, countless red lines began to swim among the blue humanoid.

He immediately activated his supernatural power and made it move along the trajectory of the red line. Soon, wisps of fire surged out of his palms and covered the stone.

"Crack!" With a sound, the entire stone cracked in an instant, and huge energy surged out of the stone and rushed into his palm.

The energy no longer looked like mist, but was like streams of bright yellow liquid. It was introduced into his Dantian and transformed into abundant superpowers.

Qin Tian clearly felt that the energy absorbed in this stone was completely different from before. He actually felt an indescribable sense of fulfillment, as if he was choking after eating too much food in one go.

However, with the continuous influx of energy, this choking feeling quickly disappeared. The superpowers in his Dantian quickly became abundant, and strange lights emerged from his body, swimming quickly like electric snakes.

Qin Tian's whole body trembled slightly, and his mind went blank. Then he closed his eyes and felt the familiar coldness on his forehead. Then, the coldness slowly seeped into his forehead, and then gathered into a river and poured into his Dantian. .

"Rumble!~~" In the sound, Qin Tian's Dantian area seemed to be thunderous and the wind appeared. A golden light appeared and came out through the skin, like a golden sun, dazzling.

At the same time, the plant with eyes suddenly emerged from his collar, quickly climbed onto his shoulders, and sat cross-legged.

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