Chapter 29 Xin Cun

The three of them moved forward and arrived at Tushan at noon.

Seeing the outline of the mountain in the distance, Qin Tian asked Ling Yun: "Where is the gasoline you mentioned? How can we get there?"

Ling Yun stood up from the sedan, stretched out his hand and gestured towards Tushan, and then said: "The shape of Tushan has changed a bit, but the general outline is still there. First, walk four hundred meters east. Let's go to an air-raid shelter first. From there we can reach Tushan directly. internal."


Qin Tian nodded, and the skeleton carrying the sedan immediately changed direction and walked toward the east. Xinyu's skeleton also followed behind the sedan.

After walking four hundred meters east, the team headed towards Tushan again.

There were many ruins along the way, and Qin Tian saw many deserted buildings, as well as broken bones and scales all over the ground.

"Xiao Jin, is there anyone else around here?"

"Scanning started...Scanning completed, no survivors found."


Qin Tian bit his lip hard. Those snakes could kill people so cleanly. Then there were survivors in the place where the wolves were raging, but there was no one here.

This made Qin Tian, ​​who originally wanted to find some people to join his gang, a little depressed.

This depression did not last long. After the entire team had moved forward for more than 300 meters, Qin Tian's ears suddenly heard Xiao Jin's voice.

"Host, I found the survivor one thousand meters ahead. I can see ten people collecting supplies."

Qin Tian's eyes lit up and he immediately asked the skeleton carrying the sedan to speed up.

"What's wrong?"

Ling Yun felt the abnormality of those skeletons and said to Qin Tian, ​​"What did you find?"


Qin Tian nodded and said with a smile.

"how many people?"

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses, a little wary.


Qin Tian smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, it's just ten people. As long as I'm here, they won't touch a hair on your head."

Ling Yun chuckled lightly, but there was a twinkle in his eyes.

"Haha, I can see other people, are you willing to help them?"

On the side, Ling Jiao smiled happily.

Walking along this street, under the low mountain, Qin Tian was the first to see the figures of the ten survivors.

They were disheveled, unkempt, some were fat and some were thin, and everyone looked disheveled. Nine of them were digging hard among the ruins with simple tools, while the remaining one was standing guard next to the ruins, keeping an eye on the surroundings.

Qin Tian's eyesight was much higher than that of ordinary people. When he saw these survivors, they didn't notice him. He didn't say hello first and just let ten skeletons run over.

The ten skeletons ran wildly, taking a few steps and jumping at a speed comparable to that of a car.

The survivor who was on guard was the first to notice the rushing skeleton. He exclaimed and he and his companions immediately dispersed and disappeared in an instant.

The ten skeletons immediately dispersed and each locked onto their target.

The ten survivors were very familiar with the surrounding environment and kept jumping around, as agile as monkeys in the jungle.

However, they are eventually caught up by the skeletons.

In the face of the absolute speed advantage, everything is in vain.

Not long after, the ten survivors were carried by ten skeletons with fear and despair in front of Qin Tian, ​​Ling Yun and Ling Jiao.

"Hey! Are you human!?"

Among the ten survivors, a fat man with a big belly and a bloated body stared at Qin Tian and spoke first.

Qin Tian slightly twitched his lips and said, "I'm not a human being, so what else can I be?"

"You're not like us!"

The fat man looked at his companions, then at the skeletons beside him, and said with a fearful expression on his face: "Are these monsters following you?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Qin Tian asked ten skeletons to carry ten stools and arranged for the survivors to sit down before looking at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun walked forward expressionlessly, but first looked at the fat man who spoke first.

Compared to the others, although this fat man also had a look of fear on his face, he was obviously braver.

"You must have a secluded residence nearby."

Ling Yun pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and sounded very easy-going.

The fat man looked at Ling Yun uneasily. At this time, Ling Yun, Qin Tian, ​​and Ling Jiao were all wearing clean clothes and looked very good, which was completely different from the fat man and his companions.

And when Ling Yun stood in front of the fat man, the fat man felt even more pressure and did not dare to raise his head and look at Ling Yun.


The fat man's voice was a little soft.

"Is there anyone else in there?"

Ling Yun continued.

The fat man hesitated for a moment and said, "Yes, we came out first. There were snakes everywhere here before. We have run out of food and have been hungry for two days."

After a pause, the fat man suddenly looked at Ling Yun expectantly and said, "Are you sent by the government? Are you sent by the government to help us?"

Not only the fat man, but the other nine survivors also looked at Ling Yun.

"……of course not."

Ling Yun shook his head and said: "Actually, we are just survivors just like you."

Hearing this, the fat man was silent for a while and then said: "What's going on with these skeletons?"

"This is a long story, and it has nothing to do with you. Anyway, we are not bad people. Qin Tian, ​​give them some food."

Ling Yun glanced at Qin Tian, ​​who immediately asked the skeleton to bring some cans to the ten people. The survivors were very excited for a moment, but they didn't eat. They all looked at the fat man.

The fat man held the canned beef. After hesitating for a while, he handed the canned beef to Ling Yun.

"That big brother, I can't accept this thing. It's no reward and no reward. We will find food ourselves."

The fat man turned his head away with all his strength, pursed his lips tightly, and did not look at the can in his hand.

I have been hungry for two days, but I can still resist the temptation.

Qin Tian was somewhat impressed by the fat man.

"There used to be a lot of snakes here. You didn't dare to search for food in the past. You didn't walk out of the gathering place until you found that the snakes suddenly dispersed."

Ling Yun smiled at the fat man and continued: "But how long can such days last? I mean, how long will it take for those monsters to return? Do you know?"

Ling Yun stretched out his hand to open the can of beef, and the rich aroma overflowed, and the ten survivors swallowed in unison.

"In this precarious moment, if you have something to eat, feel free to eat it. If I wanted to harm you, I would have done it long ago."

Ling Yun handed the canned beef back to the fat man. The fat man hesitated for a while and then started chewing.

Seeing this, the other survivors also opened the cans and wolfed down the food.

A can can't satisfy a person's needs, but it is enough to fill an empty belly. The fat man finished eating the can of beef and said to Ling Yun with great satisfaction: "Brother, I believe you will not harm us. Tell me, what are you doing?" What do you want to do?"

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