Chapter 252 Room


Ling Yun smiled slightly and said to the middle-aged man: "What's your name?"

"Han Qiaoyu."

The middle-aged man had a look of fear on his face, and his eyes would move past the skeletons from time to time.

"What did you do before? Why are you here?"

Ling Yun said calmly.

"I used to buy ice cream on the second floor of the mall. When those big lion-like monsters came, I hid here."

Han Qiaoyu said honestly.

"How long have you been here?"

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses, seemed a little surprised that Han Qiaoyu was so cooperative, and asked.

"We don't know how much time has passed outside. Anyway, we have been hiding here since the monster appeared."

Han Qiaoyu said with a bitter look on his face.

"Oh, then how did you escape the monster attack?"

Ling Yun looked at Han Qiaoyu's face and asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Han Qiaoyu was silent for a while and then said: "We are very lucky."

"Be specific."

Ling Yun looked slightly solemn and said.

"I, we hid in the latrine."

Han Qiaoyu seemed a little embarrassed, but among the nine people behind him, a man with a strong body but a very young face suddenly interrupted: "If Brother Han hadn't taken us to the toilet to hide, we would have been killed by those monsters." Found out, it was Brother Han who saved us!"

The other eight people also nodded frequently.


Ling Yun's eyes moved slightly and looked at Han Qiaoyu.

Han Qiaoyu looked a little embarrassed and said: "I used to do the work of unblocking toilets and could dismantle toilets. At that time, something happened suddenly and my life was hanging by a thread, so I took everyone and hid in the pit."

Hearing this, Qin Tian couldn't help but said: "You are hiding in a latrine? How did you hide? How can such a small hole accommodate you?!"

"Brother, you don't know that the toilets here are different from those in other places. Because it is an underground casino, it is illegal in itself. The boss here is afraid of being discovered and does not dare to connect the toilet to the sewer. A latrine was built below, and people were sent out to transport it every day.”

"Uh, what you mean is that you just stay in the latrine until the monsters leave."

Han Qiaoyu nodded silently.

Qin Tian was speechless. He simply could not imagine the scene at that time. Ling Jiao, Xi Yan, Zhou Yunjia and Jiang Ming also cast strange looks at Han Qiaoyu and his companions.

Ling Yun looked at Qin Tian and then said to Han Qiaoyu: "How do you make a living these days?"

"I eat whatever I find. Sometimes I'm so hungry, even those corpses."

Hearing this, Han Qiaoyu stopped talking.

"You, you still eat people?!"

Jiang Ming roared in horror.

"We're not eating people, we're eating corpses!"

The young man who had interrupted argued loudly: "Those corpses would rot here. We were afraid of getting sick, so we only ate some and threw the rest on top!"

"Yeah, there's nothing to eat, what can we do?"

"There is only one small supermarket selling snacks in the entire casino. There are thirty-four of us in total. How can we survive if we don't do this?"

"We even ventured to catch rats in the sewers! What's a corpse?!"

The remaining eight survivors spoke out one after another, as if to support their companions.

"Shut up."

Ling Yun took a step forward, his face darkened, and he glanced coldly at the survivors with his calm eyes.

The ten survivors, including Han Qiaoyu, were silent for a while, not daring to speak anymore.

"It's not easy for you to survive. I see that you are all strong and strong, and I heard that there are thirty-four people in total. I can see that the others must be hiding elsewhere."

Ling Yun paused and said in a slightly gentle tone: "You only ate some corpses, not human beings, so you haven't lost your humanity. I won't embarrass you."

"I just want to ask you one last question. Where is the office of the boss or manager here?"

Hearing this, Han Qiaoyu stretched out his hand and pointed to the side.

"Go in this direction. There is a door about six hundred meters away, and it is inside."


Ling Yun waved his hand and said: "I have nothing else to do, you can leave."

Hearing this, Han Qiaoyu and his companions were obviously stunned.

"Brother, you let us go so easily?"

Han Qiaoyu asked as if he couldn't believe it.


Not wanting to talk nonsense anymore, Ling Yun responded and walked towards the place pointed by Han Qiaoyu.

Qin Tian followed with the others.

Then, white leopards, pandas, and more than a hundred skeletons also passed by Han Qiaoyu and others.


The sound of gasping for air kept coming and going. Even though they had already observed it, Han Qiaoyu and others were still shocked when behemoths like white leopards and pandas passed by.

Qin Tianze caught up with Ling Yun and said, "That Han Qiaoyu is really an honest man. He answers whatever you ask and doesn't seem to have anything to hide."

"Yes, he is indeed an honest man."

Ling Yun paused, and then said: "But he is also a smart man, who is as wise as a fool, that's what I call him."


Qin Tian chuckled twice, and then said: "Seriously, if the people here were all heinous villains, would you go on a killing spree?"

"Do you think I look like a massacrer?"

Ling Yun rolled his eyes at Qin Tian and said: "And now is the end of the world. When food is scarce, it is inevitable to make mistakes in order to survive. For such people, what is needed is criticism and education, and then they are sent to a labor camp. Give him another chance to change his ways in a few decades."

"But we have the skills now. At most, I can rescue the victim, and let the others fend for themselves. As long as it doesn't harm me and my companions, I won't kill him."

Hearing this, Qin Tian twitched his lips.

Ling Yun is so good at pretending.

I believed your evil deeds!

Based on the memory in his mind and Qin Tian's understanding of Ling Yun, if Han Qiaoyu and others were really villains, they would all be corpses by now.

However, Qin Tian did not try to expose Ling Yun. The group of people walked in the direction pointed by Han Qiaoyu. The skeletons quickly jumped forward to clear the way, and kept moving the tables and chairs out of the way to allow large bodies like white leopards and pandas to pass. Animals move forward.

Qin Tian knew through Xiao Jin's reminder that Han Qiaoyu and others were following him, and sent five skeletons to guard the rear, so he ignored them.

The group of people soon arrived at an inconspicuous door.

Qin Tian stretched out his hand to try the handle and immediately frowned.


Qin Tian looked at Ling Yun and said, "Do you need to find the key?"

"No need."

Ling Yun said calmly.

Then, Qin Tian held the door handle and exerted slight force. With a "click!" sound, the entire lock was immediately scrapped. He immediately pushed the door in, only to find that there was a long corridor behind the door, and at the end of the long corridor, There is also a door.

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