End of the World Terminator

Chapter 236 Cross-examination

Chapter 246 Cross-examination

"It should be the Wind Blade."

Qin Tian squatted down, frowned and observed the skeletons on the ground for a while, then said: "These skeletons must have been discovered and therefore attacked."


Ling Yun took out a pen from his body, handed it to the skeleton, and spread a piece of paper in front of it.

The skeleton immediately picked up the pen and began to draw on the paper, and soon drew a pattern.

Ling Yun picked up the piece of paper and frowned in thought.

Qin Tian came closer and found that there was a human-like creature depicted on the paper. The drawing level of the skeleton was as simple as ever. The limbs and torso of the person were all one line, just like they were made up of matches. The only difference was that, The man's right hand seemed to be very thick, like two matches put together.

"Hey, a humanoid monster? The right hand is a little thick. Could it be that the limbs have been changed?"

Qin Tian had previously learned from Niu Zhuangzhuang that the king of monsters here was in human form and could change his limbs at will. Now when he saw the portrait drawn by the skeleton, he connected it.

However, after deep thought, Ling Yun suddenly said to the miserable-looking skeleton: "Does this thick arm mean that the monster's hands are thicker than ordinary people? Or are they different from ordinary people?"

Hearing this, the skeleton actually shook his head.

Qin Tian was stunned as he watched.

"Uh, is it not about changing limbs?"

Qin Tian was a little confused.

Ling Yun continued to ask the skeleton: "Then what's going on with this monster's right hand? You can imitate it."

Hearing this, the skeleton tilted his head, as if recalling, then suddenly stretched out his only hand, pushed forward, and nodded to Ling Yun.

"You mean that when this monster pushed its palm forward, its arm suddenly became thicker, right?"

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and asked.

The skeleton nodded again.

"Did it only do this action? I mean, it only did it once, right?"

Ling Yun asked again.

The skeleton continued to nod.

Ling Yun was silent for a while, then said to Qin Tian: "Judging from this posture, the monster's arm should have changed when it released its palm, and the wind blade it struck out seems to be quite powerful and must have a large range. "

Hearing this, Qin Tian nodded solemnly and said: "That's right, the skeletons I sent out were meant to search separately and could not be gathered together. The monster only struck out with one palm, and only ten skeletons were left. One."

Qin Tian looked at the scars all over the body of the skeleton on the ground, and suddenly pursed his lips with emotion, saying: "The strength of this monster king is not weak."

Hearing this, Ling Yun was silent for a while, and then said to Qin Tian: "Although we can't figure out the strength of this monster king yet, judging from the information in our hands, we'd better not take the initiative to provoke him. After two full days of rest, let’s leave.”

Hearing this, Qin Tian immediately agreed, and then Ling Yun went to mess with those metal machines. According to what this guy said, although these things cannot be taken away, they can still provide certain protection for Niu Zhuangzhuang and others. Quan should be Do good things.

Qin Tian didn't believe what Ling Yun said. He always felt that he was planning something. He paid attention all the time, but never found anything.

After Ling Yun finished his work, he came to the campfire and sat down next to Qin Tian, ​​Qin Tiancai finally felt relieved.

Qin Tian handed Ling Yun a cigarette and lit one for himself. After taking a few puffs, he heard Ling Yun say: "Let's leave after one more day of rest. Now that the King of Monsters has discovered the skeleton, the white leopard has another If it appears around here, I think it will definitely think it is the skeleton summoned by the white leopard. Then what attitude will it take towards the white leopard? If it is not able to tolerate creatures like the white leopard like other monsters, it will definitely look for it. Come on, if he discovers our traces, it will be a fierce battle."

"We have to get out of the way."

Ling Yun paused and then said: "As far as I know, there is an entrance to the underground casino in the central square of this town, and the space in the underground casino is large enough. You don't have to worry about the smell of the white leopard being emitted and being discovered by those monsters. , it will undoubtedly be safer if we can hide there, then even if the King of Monsters arrives in the town, if he cannot find the White Leopard, he will have no choice but to return."

"The most important thing is that I have learned from some people that the underground casino was robbed by countless monsters when the disaster occurred. With the keen senses of those monsters, all the survivors inside must have been killed. , we may be able to obtain more supplies when we get there.”

Hearing this, Qin Tian was silent for a while, and then said: "Then how can we go over there, just walk over there openly? Or go underground."

"Let's go underground, but we can't hide. Since those monsters can judge the changes in the soil, hiding will expose our whereabouts."

Ling Yun said with a solemn face.

"Then how do we get out of the underground?"

Qin Tian was very confused.

"Take the sewer."

Ling Yun said calmly.


Qin Tian understood immediately.

Then, Ling Yun looked at Jiang Ming who was sitting beside him, and then said to Qin Tian: "You brought this guy back?"

"Yes, he is a superpower."

Hearing this, Ling Yun immediately stood up and waved to Jiang Ming solemnly.

"Come with me."

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he walked aside directly.

Jiang Ming looked at Qin Tian as if asking for help, his face was quite fearful, but he still followed Ling Yun step by step.

Qin Tian watched the two of them walk to a corner and saw that Ling Yun had directed the skeletons to bring a table and two chairs. He understood that Ling Yun was about to start an interrogation, but did not bother him. Instead, he took out a piece of meat and put it on the table. On the fire, it was roasted.

Ling Jiao, Xi Yan, and Zhou Yunjia also came to the fire, warming themselves and eating snacks.

The white leopard and panda soon smelled the smell of barbecue, and sat behind Qin Tian together, howling from time to time.

After Qin Tian roasted the meat, he gave it to the white leopard and the panda. After the two beasts were full, he set up the pot and started cooking soup.

He deliberately took out the sealed fish meat, stewed it in the pot, and added some instant noodles, dry goods or vegetables.

When the pot was finally served, Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia were given a bowl of noodles first, and they were asked to eat the noodles with the fish soup, and then they walked towards Ling Yun with two more bowls of noodles.

Ling Yun had been interrogating Jiang Ming for a long time. This phenomenon was obviously abnormal. When Qin Tian came to Ling Yun, he heard Jiang Ming's crying voice.

"Brother, I really only did it once. It was a package with a price tag of one thousand and eighty yuan. It was absolutely voluntary, and the woman lied to me. She had undergone surgery and was not a virgin at all."

"Brother, I have never sold drugs. I only take some ecstasy pills, which I bought with my own money. I really have nothing to do with any international drug trafficking group!"

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