End of the World Terminator

Chapter 223 Wood Element

Chapter 233 Wood Element

What can twenty survivors do in a parking lot?

Qin Tian was not worried at all.

The skeletons he sent out were much stronger than ordinary people and could easily subdue them.

However, he soon heard Xiao Jin's voice, and then he couldn't calm down.

"Host, an energy reaction was found in the parking lot. It should be a fusion of earth power and water power. It is a wood power!"

"What? A superpower?!"

Qin Tian was slightly startled when he heard a "Boom!" sound coming from the bottom of the parking lot. Then, the forty skeletons who were moving items were all knocked away and landed on the ground together with the debris blocking the exit. on the tunnel wall.

"Kaka~!" In the sound, countless branches that were like dead wood but only as thick as a thumb flew out from the depths of the tunnel. They tied the whole bodies of forty skeletons tightly and pressed them against the wall, making the skeletons move. No.


Qin Tian glanced at Ling Yun in surprise, then at the three women behind him, and said: "There are people with superpowers below. I'll go down and take a look first. You guys wait above, Ling Yun, you can command the skeletons."

Hearing this, Ling Yun nodded and said: "These dead branches can bind skeletons and are quite powerful. You have to be careful."

"Well, don't worry, nothing will happen."

Qin Tian smiled slightly and saw Ling Jiao and Xi Yan behind him both looking worried. They were stunned for a moment, then turned around and jumped towards the depths of the tunnel.

In a few ups and downs, he had already rushed to the dead branches. Then, he stretched out his hand and swept them away, "Pah, pah, pah!~" After a few sounds, several of the dead branches had broken.

There was an immediate exclamation from the parking lot.

Qin Tianze stretched out his hand and cut off countless dead branches blocking the road with his hands. He saw that all the broken dead branches were retracted into the parking lot, and he walked towards the parking lot.

At this moment, all the debris blocking the entrance to the parking lot has disappeared, but many dead branches are like messy threads, tangled together at the entrance, airtight, blocking Qin Tian's sight.

But even so, with his keen hearing, Qin Tianguang knew that twenty people were gathering behind these dead branches, so he stopped and said secretly: "Xiao Jin, what's the situation inside? How many superpowers are there? What is the strength of the person?"

"Scan begins. Scan ends. Host, most of the people in the parking lot are concentrated on both sides of the entrance, holding weapons in their hands. There is only one superpower among them, and he is the only one standing at the entrance of the parking lot. Judging from the energy reaction in the human body, a person should have D-level earth power and F-level water power. However, by properly integrating these two powers, he can display power equivalent to C-level power. Wood superpower."

"Oh, two types of superpowers? Can they be fused? What a talent!"

Qin Tian's eyes brightened slightly and he quickly walked towards the dead branches.

And as if they were aware of Qin Tian's movements, the tangled dead branches all moved at once.

Then, countless branches rushed towards Qin Tian. Qin Tian sneered and waved a palm. There was an explosion of "Pa!" in the void, and Pei Ran smashed the dead branches with all his strength. Crush away.

With the sound of "Pah!", countless branches were broken and damaged in an instant. The tangled dead branches blocking the entrance even more "Pah!", dented directly, and finally dispersed.

Qin Tian used his physical body to strike this palm, and he did not use all his strength. It was a palm in the air, but it was enough to open the entrance.

This is the power of SSSS level superpowers.

Qin Tian smiled with satisfaction and looked towards the parking lot, but was stunned again.

A little boy who was about eleven or twelve years old, unkempt, wearing a dirty, patched down jacket and a pair of ripped sweatpants. His eyes were slightly wide open on his young and delicate face, and his expression was filled with astonishment. Just standing at the entrance of the parking lot.

"Is it a child?"

Qin Tian frowned slightly and said secretly: "Xiao Jin, is this kid the one with superpowers?"

"That's right."

Hearing this, Qin Tian walked towards the child step by step. When the child saw Qin Tian's actions, he immediately started to retreat.

It was not completely dark in the underground parking lot. Qin Tian noticed a large iron bucket not far away, and there was fire coming from the iron bucket.

Next to the iron barrel, several tents were set up.

It was through the firelight emanating from the iron barrel that Qin Tian could clearly see the panic on the face of the retreating little boy.

And when he just walked into the parking lot, a strong gust of wind hit him from the left side. He didn't hesitate for a moment, didn't dodge, and just waved his hand to hit him. With a "bang!", a nail was smashed. The hammer flew out immediately and hit the wall with a "Bang!" sound, causing several cracks in the wall.


The middle-aged man who attacked Qin Tian howled miserably and fell to his knees. The man's jaw cracked open and dripped with blood.

Qin Tian didn't even look at the man kneeling on the ground and continued walking towards the little boy.

The little boy's face was full of panic, and he retreated hurriedly, accidentally falling to the ground. Then, he moved his body backwards hurriedly, and said to Qin Tian: "Don't come over."

Qin Tian continued to move forward when a gust of wind suddenly came from his right side. He reached out directly and snatched a folding stool, and then said to a middle-aged woman who was stunned on the spot: "I don't really want to hit a woman. , go back and stay here."


The middle-aged woman screamed and hurriedly stepped back.

Qin Tian looked around at the survivors who were huddled in the corner, all trembling. He pursed his lips and shook his head, and then said to the little boy on the ground, "How old are you?"


The little boy stared at Qin Tian, ​​as if he had forgotten how to speak due to shock.

Seeing this, Qin Tian walked forward again.

"Don't come here!"

The little boy yelled as he moved behind him.

"Stop screaming, it's useless even if you scream."

Qin Tian showed a gentle smile to the little boy, propped up the folding stool in his hand, and sat on it.

However, what Qin Tian didn't expect was that the smile he thought was gentle would turn into a devilish smile in the other person's eyes.

"You, what are you going to do?"

The little boy shrank back.

"Stop lying down and get up quickly. Uncle has something to ask you."

Qin Tian said softly.

"Uncle, you look only two or three years older than me, okay?"

shouted the little boy.

".Go ahead, I have a good-looking face, but my mental age is at least one step older than you!"

Qin Tian, ​​whose real age is only sixteen or seventeen years old, has a red face.

"Uh, you, you."

The little boy stood up from the ground tremblingly, looked at Qin Tian with surprise, and asked, "Are you in the same group as those skeletons?"

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