End of the World Terminator

Chapter 220 Coming out of the forest

Chapter 230: Coming out of the forest

In the next twenty-seven days of trekking in the jungle, Qin Tian and others did not encounter any monsters. After twenty-seven days, they finally saw the grassland that Ling Yun had mentioned, and their vision broadened in an instant.

"Fuck! It finally came out!"

Qin Tian let out a long breath, took off the gas mask on his face, and started breathing heavily.

The rest of the people also looked happy, as if they were relieved.

Although Qin Tian and Ling Yun both had mounts, and Ling Jiao and the other three women were lying on stretchers at any time and did not suffer from the trek, the ubiquitous mosquitoes, ants, and humid and cold air in the jungle still kept these people at bay. The torture was enough.

Qin Tian smiled and looked at Ling Yun beside him, then at the people behind him, and then patted Bai Bao's head.

The white leopard understood and immediately jumped forward.

There are piles of big trees in the entire jungle, but on the grassland, there are withered and yellow trees everywhere.

It's winter, and the wormwood growing on the grassland has almost completely withered. The wind blowing on him seems to carry the chill from the north, but Qin Tian's interest is very high, he can't stop looking around, and quickly uses The art of knowing.

Because the entire grassland is designated as a nature reserve, there are very few signs of human activities, so it has become a home for wild animals. Even though it is the cold winter, Qin Tian still found many moving hares and pheasants after a casual sweep. And we also found a small water pool hidden in the wormwood, but not a small one.

There are no monsters.

Qin Tian smiled slightly, and then waved to the people who were still hidden in the forest behind him. Ling Yun immediately rode over on a panda, and the skeletons also carried Ling Jiao, Xi Yan, and Zhou Yunjia forward.

That night, Qin Tian led everyone to the waterfront.

Choosing a place with deep grass that could block the light of the fire, Qin Tian asked the skeletons to clear a clearing, set up a shed, and lit a bonfire. Everyone sat around the bonfire.

After setting up an iron pot on the fire, Qin Tian asked the skeletons to search for wild animals in the surrounding area.

There were a lot of prey, and the skeletons easily caught many rabbits, pheasants, and even a few jackals without even needing Qin Tian's command.

Qin Tian asked the skeletons to collect the meat, put a few rabbits in the iron pot, and roasted the rest directly with supernatural powers, and fed them to the pandas and white leopards.

At the same time, he also took out hot pot ingredients, clear oil and watercress from the homemade space, and made some pottery bowls, and actually entertained Ling Yun and others to eat hot pot.

Ling Yun and the other northerners were soon sweating profusely.

Qin Tian shouted that there were too few chili peppers and it was not enough.

During this period, the panda and the white leopard saw that Qin Tian and others were enjoying the meal, so they both came forward to share a bite. As a result, the two beasts were filled with tears and both stuck out their tongues to gasp, making Qin Tian and others laugh. In a ball.

After finishing the hot pot meal, everyone laughed for a while, and then the three girls went back to the shed to rest, while Qin Tian and Ling Yun were lying next to the fire with the white leopard and the panda.

"Qin Tian, ​​if my memory is correct, going east from here, we will arrive at a small town in a short time. The town is not big in size, with only a hundred families living in it."

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and stuffed a piece of dead grass into his mouth.

There is no cigarette, so this guy spends all day holding a grass stalk in his mouth to satisfy his cravings.

Qin Tian also believed this guy, holding a piece of withered grass in his mouth and said: "Damn it, I must collect some supplies when I go to that town. There is no cigarette, no wine, and there is a bird in my mouth these days. It’s really hard to live this life.”

Hearing this, Ling Yun agreed quite a bit, but then sighed: "In any case, after passing through this nature reserve, we have taken the most critical step. In the future, we may not have to wander into such a deserted area anymore." area.”

Qin Tian smiled slightly and said, "What? Do you still want to continue your plan?"


Ling Yun said with certainty: "The base area must continue to be established. Wherever we go, the fire of resistance must be planted. These are the hopes of mankind."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was silent for a while, and then said gently: "When we go to Changbai Mountain, and when you completely translate the document, then relying on the fire you planted in various places, if we really set off a fight with those monsters Can we win the war?"

"The chance of success is certainly there."

Ling Yun paused and then said: "Even if we fail, we will continue to resist. I believe that one day, we will usher in the dawn of mankind."

Hearing this, Qin Tian put away his playful face and became solemn, but said nothing.

Even if you fail, you must continue to resist.

Qin Tian suddenly remembered the days of living in the underground space in his memory.

Yes, even though humans have been defeated, we are still planning to counterattack.

Never gave up.

"Ling Yun, we will succeed."

Qin Tian nodded towards Ling Yun solemnly.

Hearing this, Ling Yun looked at Qin Tian silently. After a long time, a smile finally broke out on his face.

Qin Tian also smiled.

Then, the two of them leaned on their pets, stared at the bonfire with smiles on their faces, and bit into dry grass stalks for a while, before falling asleep one after another.

In the next two days, Qin Tian led the entire team towards the east. He took a leisurely journey along the way, just looking at the scenery. Occasionally he stopped to let the skeletons capture prey and build sheds, while he himself was free. Continue to look at the scenery.

Every night, he would take everyone to feast.

However, such days suddenly ended on the third day of his journey across the grassland.

"Host, I found four lion-like monsters located a thousand meters north of the host. They are running towards the host. They seem to have discovered the host!"

A blue screen immediately appeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes, and four majestic lion-like monsters appeared on the screen.

These four monsters are covered with jet black hair, and their necks are surrounded by hair. On their lion-like faces, there are a pair of blood-red eyes, which are ferocious and ferocious.

Qin Tian frowned slightly, looked around, and found that there was no place to hide except for haystacks. He also thought that this monster was like a lion. Could it be that he had the same keen sense of smell as a lion? He understood that hiding it was useless, and immediately let him go. The skeletons carried Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia behind them.

"Come down and get ready, there's a monster coming."

Qin Tian looked solemn and said to the three women behind him.

The expressions of the three women all changed, and they all got off the stretcher.

Ling Yun rode a panda and ran to Qin Tian and asked Qin Tian, ​​"How many are here?"

"Four heads."

Qin Tian paused and added: "It looks like a lion, with black hair all over its body."

Hearing this, Ling Yun frowned slightly and said: "Qin Tian, ​​we are not far from the town. Monsters have already appeared here, so there are probably more monsters around. There is no place to hide in this grassland. We We must not be surrounded by them here.”

"Kill these four monsters as soon as possible, let's speed up the pace and enter the town quickly!"

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