Chapter 228: Blame

Qin Tian thought about it and suddenly became vigilant.

The evil thoughts in his mind quickly faded away, and the darkness that had spread to the depths of his eyes quickly disappeared without a trace.

"Damn you guy! You deserve a beating again, don't you!?"

Qin Tian roared in his heart.

No one answered him.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

Qin Tian immediately put aside his distracting thoughts, but a burst of laughter rang in his ears, and his mood, which had calmed down, suddenly became turbulent.

"I go!"

Qin Tian wiped his nosebleed and quickly walked out of the big earthen vat. Then he put on his clothes and walked out of the earthen wall, away from the girls who were bathing, and ran to a tree, where the night wind blew.

"I want my heart to be as calm as water, my heart to be as calm as water, hoo~~!"

Qin Tian sat cross-legged on a branch of the big tree, taking deep breaths constantly, but before his mind calmed down, he cursed secretly: "Fuck you inner demons, if you keep doing this, how can I do well?" If you want to engage in male-female relations, you want to make my old Qin family extinct!?"

He thought that if he had any thoughts about women in the future, he would have to beware of being possessed by a demon, and then force himself to feel calm like this, which would make him miserable.

"Damn it! You inner demon, I owe you. If you do this again, I will definitely kill you next time I get the chance!"

Qin Tian said angrily.


Qin Tian's ears suddenly heard an angry curse, and his whole body was shaken. He immediately shouted angrily: "It's you! Come out!!"

After a long silence, a faint voice sounded from Qin Tian's ears.

"Come out and paralyze me. I'm in your body, uncle. Come in and beat me if you can."

"I go!"

Qin Tianwei stared, but there was really nothing he could do. He could only shout: "You wait for me, wait until I go to that place that day, and watch me kill you!"

"Oh, you think I'm afraid of you. I didn't notice it beforehand last time, so you took advantage of it. Try it next time and see who kills whom."

The inner demon's voice seemed a little weak, but Qin Tian heard it clearly because it was the voice that sounded from his heart.


Qin Tian snorted coldly, suddenly calmed down, and said: "Since you have spoken out now, let me ask you, do you insist on feeling sorry for me?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? I am your inner demon. If I don't feel sorry for you, then who should I feel sorry for?"

"I don't care who you follow! Tell me how I can get rid of you!"

"Let me go, do you think I want to be with you? I am trapped in your body every day and can't feel anything. Damn it, I have to endure such an indecisive guy like you all the time. If I had the chance, I would have run away."


Qin Tian was extremely depressed and could no longer formulate a verbal reply, while the inner demon's voice continued to ring in his ears.

"Damn it, you are so disgusting to me. Look at what you have done these days."

"What did I do to me?"

Qin Tian argued angrily.

"It's because you didn't do a damn thing that I look down on you."


Qin Tian was about to go crazy. He punched the tree next to him. With a "Bang!!" sound, his fist went straight through the tree.

But the voice of the inner demon did not stop because of this, but continued: "Can't you see it? No, you clearly saw it, otherwise I wouldn't know, you clearly saw that Ling Jiao and Xi Yan is interested in you, why the hell can't you take the initiative? You also said that I made your old Qin family the last one. Your sister, you are obviously an orphan. Are you sure that you are the only child of your old Qin family? What if you are an orphan? Where are the bastards?”

"Fuck you!!"

Qin Tian shouted loudly, waved his arm vigorously, and with a "pop!!" sound, the entire giant tree was immediately cut off at the waist.

With a "Bang!" sound, the broken tree trunk fell to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Qin Tianyu's anger was still lingering, and his body suddenly ignited with blazing white flames. He suddenly gathered his flaming bow and loosened the bow string in the distance.

With a "Boom!" sound, a bunch of fireworks passed through the air, and when they landed, they exploded with a "Bang!" sound and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The fire broke out, the high temperature spread for a while, countless withered grass turned into ash, and countless big trees were devoured by the fire.

Fortunately, it had just rained, and there was enough water on the ground. After the initial spread of the fire, it was difficult to expand, but it still covered a hundred meters in radius.

Thick smoke billowed into the air.

"Say another fucking thing!!"

Qin Tian's face turned red and his eyes were blood red as if he wanted to choose someone and devour him.

"So what? If your parents really wanted you, would they leave you in an orphanage? What are you really like? Don't I still know?"

"Hateful, taciturn, yet cynical, timid, and cowardly. This is the real you. Just leave it to Ling Yun to save the world. What you should do is use your own strength to live as comfortably as possible. So cool!"

Qin Tian frowned slightly and gritted his teeth and said: "Nonsense! I traveled back in the future just to prevent the apocalypse!"

"That's how you are. You always like to shoulder all kinds of responsibilities. Future you? The future you is also a fool. No, the current you is even more stupid than the future you!!"

"Shut up!"

Qin Tian clenched his fists loudly.

"You told me to shut up, but I refused to shut up. You are a fucking idiot! You are not worthy of dominating this body. Sooner or later, I will swallow you!"

Qin Tian was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. If the inner demon dared to appear in front of him at this time, he would definitely tear it into pieces.

"What's wrong? You're speechless? Haha~, idiot, you are an idiot, Ling Yun is also an idiot, you are all such idiots, so stupid, hahaha~."

The inner demon's wild laughter echoed in Qin Tian's ears.

Qin Tian frowned. When his anger reached the extreme, his mood calmed down.

"Tch, no matter how much you say, so what? I am a fool in your heart. You can continue to despise me and hate me, but this body is mine. You are nothing. To put it bluntly, you are destined to look at me as a fool. After finishing your life, by the way, it’s hard to live in the dark, isn’t it?”

"You can see, you can listen, you can know what I am thinking, but can you feel what I can feel? You will always live in a cage, you will always be imprisoned in the darkness."

Qin Tian sneered.

Then, his ears were quiet for a long time before the voice of the inner demon sounded faintly.

"You're right. I can't feel my body, I can't feel contact with other things, and I can't taste sweet and sour. I have emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy. I can feel it, but I just can't feel it personally?"

"Why!! I was born in this body, but this body only belongs to you!"

The inner demon's voice was quite low at first, but eventually became hoarse.

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