End of the World Terminator

Chapter 211 Chapter 221 Immortality

Chapter 221 Immortality

With a sound of "Boom!!", all eight fireballs exploded, causing huge splashes of water.

The flame arm on Qin Tian's back kept pulling on the bow string, and the flame balls flew away and exploded one after another.

Countless fireballs spread out and cut off the long rivers that were rushing towards them.

Suddenly, a water column passed through the exploding fire and ran straight towards Qin Tian.

Qin Tian's face condensed slightly, and the flame dragon under him suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed out a pillar of flame.

When the flame column and the water column met, there was a "squeak~!" sound, and the hot steam immediately swayed out, and both collapsed.

Qin Tian frowned slightly. The constant use of flame balls and flame pillars was too much for his powers. He secretly said: "Xiao Jin, analyze the best combat plan!"

"Yes, the analysis has begun. After the analysis, host, the monster is huge and it is difficult to take care of the head and tail. It is recommended to fight in close combat!"

"Heh, that's what I thought."

Qin Tian sneered, and the flame helmet fell to cover his face. Then, he violently drove the flame dragon to rise into the sky, and took out the giant hammer during the ascent. His supernatural power was activated, and the giant hammer immediately ignited with fire.

"bring it on!!"

Qin Tian roared angrily, driving the flame dragon to rush down diagonally, towards the winding dragon body.

"Uh, looking for death!"

Shenlong raised his head slightly, and countless whirlpools immediately appeared around his head.

The next moment, streams of water jets spurted out from the vortex, formed into one, and shot up into the sky.

Qin Tian quickly pulled up the flame bow on his back, and huge fireballs fell violently and exploded in front of him, causing a large splash of water.

He quickly moved his direction, flying between the fireballs and water sprays, avoiding the towering water columns, holding the giant hammer high, and rushed diagonally to the side of the golden dragon head.

At that moment, a look of panic flashed through Shenlong's golden eyes. He quickly twisted his body, and a giant tail was lifted up by it, flying across the air and heading straight towards Qin Tian.

Qin Tian's body suddenly dropped, and he actually dodged the giant tail swept out by the dragon, and then hit the dragon's body with a hammer.

"Bang!!" With a sound, the giant hammer smashed a large scale, blue blood splashed everywhere, and the powerful force made the dragon bend its body and fall towards the ground.


The dragon howled in pain and fell to the ground violently. "Boom!!" With a sound, the earth trembled and countless cracks spread on the ground.

"Damn it!!"

The dragon twisted its body on the ground and rose into the air. A large hole appeared in the center where it was hit by the giant hammer.

However, Shenlong, who looked seriously injured, did not show any signs of depression in his tone.

Qin Tian also noticed Shenlong's condition and was a little surprised. He looked at Shenlong's wound attentively and found that there were layers of transparent, foam-like substance lingering in the wound.

"Xiao Jin, what is this?"

"Scanning begins. Scanning ends. Analysis begins. Analysis ends. Host, the substance on this wound has a certain therapeutic effect. Judging from the size of the wound and the force used by the host just now, this wound will never heal for a while. The blood should continue to spurt out, but because of this substance, the bleeding should have stopped."

"Suggestion: Although this monster can secrete substances that can heal wounds, close combat has obviously been effective, and the host can continue to do so."

Hearing this, Qin Tian raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

However, he soon saw that the substances all over the wounds on Shenlong's body burst suddenly and turned into many tiny foams, which were then washed away by the rain. There were no wounds at all in the exposed areas.


Qin Tianwei stared, stunned for a while, and then secretly asked: "Xiao Jin, what just happened?"

"Host, the therapeutic effect of the substance secreted by the monster exceeds Xiao Jin's expectations."

"Fuck! Could this guy be immortal like me?"

Qin Tian bit his lip, but saw a whirlpool appeared around the dragon again, and immediately drove the flame dragon to rush downward.

To deal with this self-healing dragon, simply attacking its body is ineffective. The only way is to attack its vitals.

What's the key to this dragon? Qin Tian could guess it without Xiao Jin's reminder.

He drove the flame dragon and rushed straight towards the huge head of the dragon.

"Bang!!" ~ In the sound, countless water pillars rose into the sky.

Qin Tian repeated his old trick, and quickly pulled the flame bow with the flame arm on his back, blocking the momentum of the water column with a fire ball.

However, just when Qin Tian was about to bypass the water column, the whirlpool around the dragon suddenly disappeared, and then Qin Tian saw the dragon open its huge mouth.

And from Shenlong's mouth, a large ball of blue electric arc lit up.


Qin Tian's body shook violently, and the next moment, a set of thunder pillars rose into the sky, drowning him instantly.


The flame dragon under Qin Tian collapsed, and the flame armor on his body dispersed into blazing fire. Thunder and lightning with millions of volts surged upwards, pushing him directly into the sky with overwhelming force.

At this moment, he felt that his whole body was numb in an instant, severe pain came from all parts of his body, a fishy sweetness surged in his throat, and his lungs seemed to be shattered.

"Hehehe~, you know how scary I am!"

Shenlong looked at the tiny figure that was pushed into the sky by the thunderous thunder and kept struggling, and smiled wildly.

However, its laughter soon stopped, because in the next moment, a giant sword fell from the sky, just like the endless Milky Way falling from the nine heavens. The infinite sword shadow instantly covered the entire dragon's body. The skull is covered.



In the loud noise like a series of thunders, a large amount of blood splashed on the dragon's head, large scales peeled off, and the entire dragon head and its body fell towards the ground.

With a sound of "Boom!", Shenlong's entire body hit the ground, unable to move.

Bang! ~ In the sound, the shadow of the sword flew like a shuttle, stabbing the dragon's head into the ground. Blue blood burst out, and the earth trembled for a moment. The dragon's hundred-meter-long body kept twisting, kicking up large amounts of dust, and countless giant trees. It was smashed at the waist, and countless boulders were crushed into powder.

For a time, the earth trembled, the mountains shook, and the animals rushed.

Shenlong's body finally stopped moving.

The sword shadow continued for a while before finally disappearing.

"What the hell, you still let me see the horror, it's your uncle's fault!"

In the sky, Qin Tian, ​​whose whole body was charred, raised his hand to wipe the blood on his lips, spat, and reassembled the flame armor and flame dragon. Then he frowned and looked down at the dragon head that was covered with scars and almost turned into a ball of rotten flesh. .

"Xiao Jin, is this guy dead?"

"Scan begins. Scan ends. Host, there are still strong energy fluctuations in this monster's body, and there are still signs of life in the head."

Hearing this, Qin Tian curled his lips and said, "Fuck, you won't die even if you do this. Did you make a mistake?"

Qin Tian immediately lowered his body and flew towards the Shenlong, but saw huge bubbles of strange material covering the Shenlong's head. He was shocked and saw the Shenlong's entire body begin to glow.

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