End of the World Terminator

Chapter 205 Absence of Mind

Chapter 215 Loss of Mind

Seeing how honest this panda was, Qin Tian soon stopped paying attention to it.

In order to be waterproof, the box was completely dark and there was not much space.

Qin Tian didn't even have to look at the scenery and started smoking a cigarette out of boredom. Soon, the plant in his pocket climbed onto his shoulder again.

In the darkness, the white light shining on the leaves of the plant was extremely conspicuous, and it quickly attracted Qin Tian's attention.

Qin Tian observed for a while, and then used the knowing technique. After a while, he secretly said: "Xiao Jin, what exactly is that ubiquitous energy substance in the void? Why is it so magical? It can give the big tiger superpowers. The plants in my eyes also rely on it to grow, and that panda's body is so strong, it may have something to do with it."

"Host, Xiao Jin cannot detect the condition of the plant, but the big tiger has indeed absorbed that energy substance. Pandas have not yet discovered the phenomenon of absorbing energy substances. However, the host, based on the information obtained now, absorbs this substance It does not seem to be harmful to living things, and can significantly improve the intelligence and strength of living things."

After hearing this, Qin Tian fell silent for a moment and then said secretly: "By the way, I have also absorbed that energy substance, and my strength has been significantly improved. What I mean is: I don't need to take any stones from the monster's head anymore. By directly absorbing this energy substance, can the superpowers in the body be strengthened?"

"Start collecting data. After data collection, start analysis. Analysis completed, host, although we have not encountered a special case of humans directly absorbing energy materials in the void, judging from your previous absorption of energy materials, it should be possible. , but Xiaojin cannot detect the composition of the energy substances in the air, nor can he understand the characteristics of the energy substances in the air. If the host wants to absorb it, Xiaojin cannot come up with a suitable plan."


Qin Tian smiled bitterly. What he felt now was that he was clearly in the golden mountain, but he couldn't use it. He could only watch it, and he was still a pauper.

He felt very frustrated and couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Jin, you can't detect this plant, but you can always understand that big tiger, right? How did it do it?"

"Host, Xiao Jin has done a detailed test on the big tiger. Do you need to retrieve the archived data?"

"Tune it out."

"Yes, start to retrieve the data. After the data is retrieved, start analyzing the content of the data. After the content analysis is completed, the host, the big tiger, can absorb energy substances. It should be unconsciously, those energy substances automatically gather towards the forehead of the big tiger. As for the Xiao Jin doesn’t know why those energy substances took the initiative to find Big Tiger.”

"Uh, does this mean that all this energy material comes to your door automatically?"

Qin Tian pursed his lips and frowned slightly. He was extremely puzzled, but suddenly he saw the plant sitting cross-legged on his shoulder, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"No, the big tiger absorbed the energy material unconsciously. This plant is just a simple-minded thing who knows how to sleep. It must be in an unconscious state at any time."

"And the few times I absorbed energy substances, my brain went blank at first. Could it be that as long as I didn't think about anything, the substances would automatically find them and be absorbed by me?"

Qin Tian was a little excited. He took off his eyes, immediately sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and concentrated, and then tried to get rid of all distracting thoughts.

At first, he only felt darkness in front of him, and the sound of raindrops hitting the box outside became clearer and clearer.

He thought it would be easy to get rid of distracting thoughts and try not to think anymore, but found that it was easier to think of other things.

He could only frown and try his best to maintain a state of not thinking about anything. However, various voices appeared in his mind involuntarily.

"What the hell, is it so hard to not think about anything?"

"I don't think about it anymore, I don't think about anything anymore."

"I don't think about anything. It's a state of sleep, but I didn't feel the coldness seeping into my forehead when I was sleeping."

"Is this useful? Am I doing it wrong?"

"Uh, why do I have so many distracting thoughts?"

Qin Tian began to become anxious. He was eager to clear things from his mind, but there were more and more distracting thoughts. He couldn't help but open his eyes.


Qin Tian looked at the plant still sitting cross-legged on his shoulder, picked up a cigarette, and smoked for a while. After he calmed down a little, he decided to try again.

He sat with his eyes closed again.

This time, he learned the lesson from last time. He didn't care about his thoughts from the beginning, but simply gave up on himself.

There are no thoughts at all, truly no thoughts or thoughts.

Outside, the sound of rain became increasingly clear.

Inside, Qin Tian's mind was calm and could not make any waves.

I don't know how long it took, but a very slight cold feeling appeared in front of his forehead.

The feeling seemed cautious, as if something was testing.

Qin Tian was slightly startled, his mind was confused, he opened his eyes suddenly, and that feeling suddenly disappeared without a trace.

After a moment of astonishment, Qin Tian immediately understood that he had touched the doorway. He was overjoyed and quickly closed his eyes again.

This time with experience, he quickly entered the state, and then, that touch appeared again.

It started very lightly, and soon became clear, and finally gradually seeped into his forehead, and then merged into a river, surging forward, heading straight towards his Dantian.


Amidst the roar of wind and thunder, Qin Tian's dantian lit up with a dazzling light, shining through his clothes and filling the space inside the box.

Then, two colored strange lights lit up from everywhere on his body, and countless light snakes shuttled around the surface of his body like lightning.

At this time, Qin Tian's consciousness was completely blank, and he felt as if his body had lost weight, floating in the air, and he no longer knew where he was.

This state lasted for a while, and Xiao Jin's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Host, there is a river right in front of you. You can't go any further. If you continue, the box where Ling Yun is will fall into the river."

Like thunder, Qin Tian's consciousness suddenly came back to him, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the strange vision on his body disappeared immediately.

"what's the situation?"

Qin Tian asked in shock: "Where is the river?!"

"The host is just ahead. The skeleton carrying the big box only has to walk another twenty meters. It will definitely reach the river. Xiao Jin has reminded the host several times before, but the host has not responded."

A screen immediately appeared in front of Qin Tian. A skeleton walking in the rain carrying a box and a surging river soon appeared on the screen. If he hadn't been awakened by Xiao Jin's words, the consequences would have been disastrous.

He wiped the sweat from his head, quickly ordered the skeletons to stop, and said secretly: "Xiao Jin, how should we go? Bypassing the river?"

"Scanning begins. Scanning ends. Host, the length of this river is more than a thousand meters. It is difficult to bypass it. Suggestion: The channel of this river is not wide. The host can build a bridge now and just walk across it."

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