End of the World Terminator

Chapter 200 Strange Rain

Chapter 210 Strange Rain

When going to bed at night, Ling Yun took the initiative to sleep with the panda.

Qin Tian looked at the man and the bear, and thought of the big tiger with some sadness. He was speechless all night. In the early morning of the next day, everyone continued on their way.

However, before everyone had gone far this time, Ling Yun stopped Qin Tian.

"It is going to rain."

Ling Yun pointed at the sky.


Qin Tian raised his head and looked up at the sky, and found that the sky was a little gloomy. He frowned and observed for a while, and then said, "Let's walk a little longer. It looks like it's still early."

Hearing this, Ling Yun nodded silently and said: "I just feel that the air is a bit stuffy, as if a heavy rain is coming, just a reminder."


Qin Tian didn't care very much and the team continued to move forward. During this period, Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia asked for the command of ten skeletons and asked them to search for wild fruits for them all over the mountains and fields.

As a result, these ten skeletons picked a lot of colorful mushrooms from nowhere.

"What the hell, where are the wild fruits coming from in this weather?"

Qin Tian was quite disdainful, but he saw Ling Yun picking out some particularly beautiful mushrooms on the bear's back for the three girls. He also went to find some beautiful stones, and strung the remaining mushrooms and stones with strings to make a He took off the necklace, causing the three women to scream and become speechless.

It would be a waste of talent for Ling Yun not to open a jewelry store.

Qin Tian thought a little bit and picked up a cigarette.

Without the threat of monsters, he was quite relaxed at this time, and he was also interested in watching the scenery.

There were trees all around, the ground was covered with dead leaves, and the air was damp and cold.

Because it is winter, many tree trunks are covered with a layer of white frost, moss is spread all over, and a thin white mist lingers in the forest.

The chirping of insects around me disappeared, and the chirping of birds sounded from time to time, but it was also sparse and not complicated at all.

The weeds are withering and the leaves are falling.

This kind of scenery is really not pleasing to the eye.

Qin Tian quickly looked away, lying on the stretcher, closing his eyes to rest.

At noon, Qin Tian took everyone to a river. After lighting a fire, everyone began to take a short rest.

Qin Tian ate something with everyone, grilled some fish for Ling Yun's panda, gave Ling Yun three boxes of milk, then asked Xiao Jin about a high ground, and ran there alone.

He stood on the high ground and used his knowledge technique to look far into the distance.

Nothing was found.

Wherever Qin Tian looked, there were no monsters or particularly outstanding beasts. This made him feel lucky but also a little disappointed.

"Oh, it would be great if we could find another panda. Well, if there is no panda, a bear will do just fine."

Qin Tian smacked his mouth, very dissatisfied. Suddenly, he felt a little wet on his forehead. When he looked up, he saw sparse raindrops floating in the air.

"It's raining a little? Ling Yun is right, but such a light rain is nothing."

Qin Tian let out a breath and walked slowly towards the river. However, before he took a few steps, dense raindrops began to fall with a "cracking" sound.

"I go!"

Qin Tian hurried back to the river, gathered everyone, and then used his earth power to form an arched earth wall, covering everyone and the panda like a cover.

Then, he used soil to transport underground gravel and made a water-proof layer under the ground.

"How long will this rain last?"

Under the earth wall, by the light of the bonfire, Qin Tian looked at Ling Yun and asked.

"how could I know?"

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses, rolled his eyes, and took them off the panda's back.

Qin Tian was speechless for a moment.

"Well, this kind of rain shouldn't last long. After all, it's not summer."

Beside the bonfire, Xiyan suddenly said to Qin Tiandao.


Qin Tian thought about it, so he sat quietly by the fire and waited.

Everyone said no more and waited together.

However, this time the rain seemed to be longer than usual and became particularly persistent, lasting from noon to dusk, and then from dusk to midnight.

"Let me go, what's going on here? If this continues, the water outside may rise!"

Qin Tian finally couldn't help it, stood up and said.

Ling Yun, Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia also frowned.

"This rain is a little unusual."

Ling Yun's face was quite solemn, he paused, and then said: "Logically speaking, the rain in winter usually does not last so long. There must be some special situation."

"In other words, such large-scale continuous rainfall is caused by some special reason."

Hearing this, Qin Tian, ​​Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia all looked at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun suddenly fell silent, his brows furrowed.

"Hey, what's the special reason? You should tell me."

Ling Yun seemed to have only spoken half of what he said, and Qin Tian said hurriedly, feeling a little anxious and angry.

Ling Yun glared at Qin Tian and then said: "I can only speculate that the formation of rain is caused by water vapor in the high altitude being cooled, forming ice crystals, and then colliding with small water droplets and merging with each other. Stay, come down."

"Create ice crystals and water droplets in the high altitude and fuse them to create artificial rainfall. People can do it, but monsters can also do it."

Hearing this, Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia's expressions changed drastically.

Qin Tian stood up suddenly and said, "You mean to say that this rain was caused by monsters."

"It's possible."

Ling Yun nodded silently and added: "However, it is also possible that this rain is just an abnormal phenomenon. After all, we have not seen it with our own eyes, and we cannot draw such arbitrary conclusions. It is just speculation."


Qin Tian frowned, thought for a while, and then said with a smile: "That's true. If this rain is really caused by a monster, how come we haven't discovered it? Besides, why did the monster create this rain? ?”

Hearing this, Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia's expressions softened slightly, but Ling Yun's expression became more solemn.

Qin Tian noticed something was wrong with Ling Yun's expression and asked, "What's wrong? Was what I said wrong?"

"To make rain, you have to go to the sky, maybe at a height of 10,000 meters. If the opponent is small enough, like you and me, then it is normal that we can't see it."

Ling Yun paused and then said: "As for why it caused this rain, well, after the two monsters died, this area was vacated. The surrounding monsters will definitely not let this place go, and they will definitely do it as soon as possible. Step in."

"And if you want to monopolize this place, the hardest way is to use your strength to repel the other monster kings, and the hardest and easiest way is to transform this place into a place that other monster kings don't want."

"Perhaps the reason why the monster wanted to create this torrential rain was to turn this place into a swamp country and occupy this place."

Ling Yun's analysis made Qin Tian, ​​Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia's eyes widen.

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