End of the World Terminator

Chapter 174 Young Shoots

Chapter 184 Young Shoots

Bear meat is delicious.

Especially the bear paws are fat but not greasy, and have a soft and fragrant taste.

The big tiger swallowed three bear paws alone, while Qin Tian, ​​Ling Yun, Ling Jiao and Xi Yan shared one.

Zhou Yunjia, on the other hand, only ate a small amount of bear meat because she was still recovering from her injuries.

Everyone enjoyed the meal very much. The only thing that disappointed them was that Zhou Yunjia kept asking her where her sister was.

In this regard, Qin Tian and others could only lie to excuse themselves.

After Ling Jiao and Xi Yan put Zhou Yunjia to sleep, Qin Tian took out the wine and drank heavily with Ling Yun and Big Tiger.

In the end, Ling Yun became too drunk and was helped into the cave dwelling.

Qin Tianze and the big tiger repeatedly drank each other until the big tiger was drunk.

Then, Qin Tian lay on the big tiger and fell asleep "Huhu!"

The night passed peacefully. Qin Tian slept until he woke up naturally. He opened his eyes and looked at the sleeping tiger, then looked at the slightly bright sky, then stood up and stretched.

He added some firewood to the still-extinguished fire and waited for a while before Ling Yun walked out of the room.

"Phew, I was almost drunk to death yesterday."

Ling Yun let out a light breath, burped, and said: "Even though I have become a superhuman, I still haven't fully recovered yet."

Qin Tian heated up the fire, moved his hands and feet, and then said to Ling Yun: "By the way, I got two skills yesterday, one of which will definitely be useful to you, called Thunder Shield Technique."

Then, Qin Tian told Ling Yun the information about the Thunder Shield Technique.

After hearing this, Ling Yun's eyes lit up and he said: "This skill is good. It can be used together with the petrification I got before. It will definitely be very powerful."

After a pause, Ling Yun continued: "However, Qin Tian, ​​search around here and see if you can find some vehicles, or go back to the cave and bring one over."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was slightly startled and said, "What, are you going to hit the road now?"

After entering the nature reserve, you will definitely have to enter the forest. It will definitely be inconvenient to take a car. Ling Yun will definitely want to know this.

Qin Tian thought for a moment and realized that Ling Yun wanted to get a car for Zhou Yunjia to sit in so that he could go on the road immediately.


Ling Yun bit his lip and said, "I still feel that it is not too safe to stay here. Besides, Zhou Yunjia has rested for a day and two nights. I think her condition is stable."


Qin Tian immediately summoned more than a hundred skeletons to the courtyard, and then said to Ling Yun: "These skeletons are under your command. I will come back as soon as I go."

After saying that, Qin Tian patted the big tiger on the head.


The big tiger opened his bright yellow eyes, glanced at Qin Tian in confusion, then lay on his side and continued to sleep, soon snoring loudly.

Qin Tian smiled helplessly and said to Ling Yun: "I'll leave it to you for now. I'll be back soon."

After saying that, Qin Tian jumped up, gathered the flame dragon, and flew to the top of the mountain.

In less than a moment, he saw the dragon corpse lying on the snow. Under the dazzling sunlight, the scales on the dragon's body reflected a dazzling light. The two huge dragon heads that had been opened were already there. Most of it was buried under snow.

He glanced coldly at the dragon corpse on the ground, then flew straight to the entrance of the cave. After running into the cave, he immediately ran towards the cars covered with snow.

Although the two-headed dragon has left the cave, the temperature in the cave is still very low, and the air is still filled with snow residue.

Qin Tian was not greatly affected. He quickly found a well-preserved car and immediately started to move it.

However, just as he was about to leave, he heard Xiao Jin's voice again.

"Host, I discovered a strange energy fluctuation, just to the east, only a hundred meters away from you."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly. After thinking for a while, he finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and flew a hundred meters east to the other side of the metal mountain.

"Uh, what?"

Qin Tian looked down at the stacked metal products and asked with some confusion: "Xiao Jin, what exactly did you find?"

"Host, there is something under this pile of metal."

Upon hearing this, Qin Tian immediately lowered his body, threw away the car in his hand, and then reached down to grab it.

"Bang!" With a sound, a beam of fire erupted from his hand, quickly covering the metal products below him. Then, invisible strength formed in the fire, making the fire grip like a palm. Those metals.

He waved his hand, and a large pile of metal was peeled away, and then a huge flower appeared below.

"Isn't this the flower I smashed?"

Qin Tian twitched his lips slightly, but his eyes were quickly attracted to the thing in the center of the flower.

At this time, the petals of the giant flower were very scattered and severely damaged, but in the center of the flower, in the red eye with a big hole, there was a touch of green.

The hole was made by Qin Tian with a giant hammer before. It was a faint blue color, but the tender green color was even more dazzling because of it.

Qin Tian lowered his body and landed on the giant eye. He looked at the tender green and found that it was actually a bud.

One plant is only as long as the palm of your hand, as thick as a child's arm, and has two round leaves as big as ears at the root.

But what is really weird is that the top of this bud is actually a ball-shaped thing, and there is a crack in the middle of the ball.

What's even more strange is that this bud is clearly in the wound of the eye and should not be affected by the wind, but it is constantly swaying from side to side, as if it is swaying in the wind.

"What is this?"

Qin Tian frowned and asked secretly.

"Scan begins. Scan ends. Host, this object reacts with energy. There seems to be a weak magnetic field inside. It is difficult to detect its components, but there is no root underneath it. It is certain."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was slightly startled and said: "There is no root? Then what the hell could this be?"

"The host has detected that it is buried in the blue flesh and blood, and something similar to a rhizome is moving. This is not a rhizome. Xiao Jin speculates that this plant-like thing may be some kind of animal."


Qin Tian frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand towards the plant, and a ball of fire ignited in his hand.

He caused the fire to spread out and surround the plants, forming a ring of fire.

Invisible force surged in the fire circle, trapping the plants like a whirlpool.

Qin Tian raised his hand, and the plant moved upward.

Suddenly, the crack on the spherical top of the plant suddenly opened, and then Qin Tian saw an eye as big as an egg in the crack.

The eyes were scarlet, and they quickly focused on Qin Tian. Then, the plant's slender body actually trembled slightly.

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