Chapter 21 Attack

"You saw that man in the morning, right?"

The woman-like creature moved lightly on lotus steps and walked up to Cheng Zigang.

"Yes Yes."

Cheng Zigang lowered his head hard, sweat pouring from his forehead, and his face was extremely pale.

"Don't be afraid. Since I promised, I won't let my people suck you into human skin like they did to your companions. So tell me now, did you really not see him go there?"

The woman-like creature looked down at Cheng Zigang expressionlessly, with indifference in its eyes.

"No, after I met that person in the morning, he warned me, and I didn't dare to come here again."

Cheng Zigang didn't dare to hide anything.

"Oh, then you're of no use to me."

Cheng Zigang raised his head sharply and said with a panicked expression: "You, what do you mean? You promised not to kill me."

"That's right, so I won't do anything."

A sneer appeared on the face of the woman-like creature, and then it looked toward the darkness beside it.

"He'll leave it to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, there were heavy footsteps.

Cheng Zigang's eyes widened, and he could vaguely see a burly figure approaching him. He was so frightened that he hurriedly moved aside.


A hoarse voice penetrated the dark night, as if it had some kind of magic power, breaking Cheng Zigang's courage to resist.

He finally saw the werewolf in full view, and then, the sharp claws penetrated his scalp and penetrated deeply into his brain.

"Humans dare to kill the elders of my clan. I will make him pay with his blood!"

The werewolf, which was more than three meters tall, had muscles on its limbs and had a human-like body. It was covered with jet-black hair and had a head like a giant wolf. It threw Cheng Zigang's body out and roared to the sky.



All around, nearly a thousand giant wolves howled loudly, one after another.

"This human being is extraordinary. Don't underestimate him."

There was a look of solemnity on the face of the female-shaped creature, and she said: "When the spiritual energy is just abundant, you can ask the ancestor to get on you, and he is very cunning. Last time, I fell into his trick."

Hearing this, the werewolf frowned slightly, and several gleams flashed in his eyes.

"Please come up, ancestor? Can he do this? Tsk! We must kill him before he grows up."

The werewolf looked at the female creature and said, "That man has no trace now. Is there any way you can find out his whereabouts?"

"Oh, he is still here today, how far can he run? I can feel that he has gone to the other side."

A sly smile appeared on the face of the female-shaped creature, but she added: "The opposite side is Jiuyin's territory. That guy has many men and his strength is higher than ours. Haha, if that human being really reaches the opposite side, I'm afraid we won't need to take action. "

Hearing this, the werewolf smiled ferociously.

The female-shaped creature continued: "You ask your tribe to search the surroundings, and I will immediately bring the human information to Jiuyin. Maybe, we can just watch the battle."

After the female-shaped creature finished speaking, the thick armor on its back suddenly opened, and a pair of thin wings stretched out, leading it to fly into the night.

The werewolf waved vigorously, and more than a thousand giant wolves dispersed, carefully searching the surrounding area.

Qin Tian knew nothing about everything that happened here.

The next day, when the sun dispelled the darkness and brought warmth to everything in the world, Qin Tian slowly opened his eyes, but felt that there was something stiff in his neck. He used his supernatural power to activate the slightly blocked blood vessels, and jumped down from the tree. .

After sleeping in a tree for a night, Ling Yun and Ling Jiao didn't sleep well either, and both of them had dark circles under their eyes.

"Let's go, it's time to hurry up."

Qin Tian dug out some cans, warmed them with his supernatural power, then handed them to Ling Yun and Ling Jiao, and the three of them ate while walking.

The forest is very quiet, with only the chirping of insects and birds. There are shadows of branches on the ground everywhere, and the sunlight that falls on you from time to time is very warm.

Everything seemed peaceful.

There were skeletons patrolling the area, and Xiao Jin was constantly scanning. Qin Tian gradually relaxed his vigilance, and neither Ling Yun nor Ling Jiao noticed anything unusual.

But when the three of them walked to noon, Xiao Jin's voice suddenly sounded in Qin Tian's ears.

"Host, the situation is somewhat abnormal."


Qin Tian frowned slightly and said secretly.

"There were no small rodents around, no larger reptiles."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned even more tightly, with a suspicious look on his face.

"No, no, no, what's the fuss about?"

"This is not normal! There are birds and bugs in this forest. There should be reptiles and rats, but there are none, not a single one. Moreover, the number of birds and bugs I detected is also very small. , in some places, small red scales and traces of crawling were also found. The host, I suspect that this place was once inhabited by many creatures that specialized in eating rodents and reptiles."

Hearing this, Qin Tian swallowed.

"Xiao Jin, what is the most likely creature to have lived here?"

"Start analysis... analysis completed, the answer is... snake."

As soon as Xiao Jin finished speaking, bursts of smoke and dust suddenly rose from the distance.

"Bang!" There was a sound, and the ground shook. Qin Tian saw the opportunity quickly, picked up Ling Yun and Ling Jiao and flew to the tree.

Then, Qin Tian saw a huge figure rising from the place where the smoke and dust rose, and then crashed down.

There was a loud "Bang!" and invisible waves swept out like a violent wind. Countless trees were uprooted and smoke billowed.

Qin Tian quickly hugged Ling Yun and Ling Jiao, and then formed a wall of fire, leaning against the tree trunk to resist the rushing wind and the fragments flying like bullets in the wind.

"Host, there are countless snake-like creatures appearing on the ground, crawling towards here."

Xiao Jin's voice sounded in his ears again, and a blue screen immediately appeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes. On the screen, a snake covered with red scales, similar in shape to an ordinary water snake, and with scarlet eyes suddenly appeared.

"Most of these small snakes are about one meter long. They have the ability to jump. Their bodies are quite hard and they can crash through trees at will. There are a lot of them. They will meet the host in ten minutes. It is visually obvious that the host can no longer avoid it. Solution: Ask the host Immediately go east, enter the residential area as soon as possible, and take advantage of the terrain to stay away from the snakes."

"Bang!" ~ The sound suddenly sounded, and countless trees collapsed rapidly in the distance. Qin Tian dispersed the flame wall and looked around, and saw endless red, like a red tide, rushing to the ground and sweeping over.

Qin Tian did not hesitate anymore and immediately ordered the fifteen white skeletons to run quickly under him, and he took Ling Yun and Ling Jiao and quickly jumped to the east.

Fifteen skeletons followed Qin Tian and pounced on the group of snakes coming from the east.

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