Chapter 163 Taming

"Sister, don't move!"

Qin Tian shouted softly and simply rode on the tiger. Then, while pressing the tiger's paws with his legs, he began to thread the thread on the tiger's neck.

In order to mend the tiger's wounds as quickly as possible, Qin Tian secretly asked Xiao Jin and asked Xiao Jin to make the best plan before implementing it.

At first, the tiger struggled fiercely, but soon it seemed as if it had given up. The strength of its struggle became smaller and smaller, and finally it simply remained motionless and allowed Qin Tian to do anything.

Soon, the wounds on the tiger's body were mended.

Ling Yun went to find some herbs nearby and asked Qin Tian to chew them before applying them to the tiger.

Finally, Ling Yun also took off his shirt, tore it into strips of cloth, and asked Qin Tian to bandage the tiger's wound, and Qin Tian did the same.

"Okay, let's carry this tiger back."

Ling Yun clapped his hands and said to Qin Tiandao.

Qin Tianwei stared at Ling Yun for a long time, and after confirming that Ling Yun was not joking, he said: "If you carry this thing back, what if it hurts other people? How dangerous this thing is, you saw it just now, right? It's the king of monsters." They have all suffered at its hands, and I’m afraid ordinary people really don’t have enough for it to fill their teeth with.”


Ling Yun nodded as if he suddenly understood, and said: "That's true. In our team, in front of this tiger, no one except you can get close to this tiger. So let's take this tiger back." After that, it’s up to you to take care of it, and for the safety of the rest of us, you have to stay close.”


Qin Tian was stunned for a while, then looked at the tiger with a rather strange expression, and said to Ling Yun: "You once said that the ancients used various beasts as mounts. Could it be that the beasts you tasked the ancients to ride on were just like that?" Similar to this tiger? Well, do you want to use my experience with this tiger to verify whether your inference is correct?"


Ling Yun pushed up his glasses.

"What? Are you really doing an experiment?!"

Qin Tian was quite hurt and felt like he was being treated as a guinea pig.

Ling Yun smiled slightly and said: "But if my inference is true, then this tiger will be your mount from now on, wouldn't you be tempted?"

"Yes, you have a flame dragon now, but it takes superpowers to gather the flame dragon, but this tiger can be ridden by you at any time. I just ask you to take care of it when it is seriously injured. This is not too much. Bar."

Hearing this, Qin Tian's expression changed slightly.

It would be really majestic to be able to ride a tiger on the street, and with such a powerful pet in the team, even if it could not be a boost when facing enemies in the future, it would still be able to protect Ling Yun and other weaklings.

Qin Tian thought about how he looked when he was riding on the tiger, and couldn't help but get excited.

Isn’t it just to take care of it? Aren't they just staying together?

What's the big deal? !

Qin Tian agreed, and then called ten skeletons to carefully lift the tiger, and then asked the skeletons to collect many stones from the corpses of the wasp-like monsters.

He put all the stones he collected into his homemade space and took Ling Yun back to the villa.

That night, he and the tiger slept in the yard.

Ling Yun gently brought him some bedding, and then directed the skeletons to set up two tents for him and the tiger. However, the tiger's body was too big, and the tent could only cover its entire belly, with one tent on each side. The entire body was exposed.

Qin Tian was sleeping three meters away from the tiger. He could hear the tiger's breathing at any time and smell the smell coming from the tiger's mouth. It smells like rosin.

When sleeping, Qin Tian turned his back to the tiger, but he could still feel the tiger's eyes on him all the time, and he always felt like a thorn in his back.

Secretly telling Xiao Jin to be careful, Qin Tian also tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep.

The next morning, when Qin Tian woke up, he felt as if something was pressing on his waist. He stood up and took a look, only to find that the tiger's thighs were leaning on him. He immediately cursed secretly and looked at the tiger again. When I went there, I found that the tent that was blocking the tiger's belly had collapsed, and the tiger was lying across the yard, his body rising and falling, and he was still snoring.

"Fuck me!"

Qin Tian understood that the tiger just turned over and did not attack him. Xiao Jin did not remind him. In frustration, he threw the tiger's thigh aside.

But as if the tiger noticed Qin Tian's movements, it rolled on the spot and leaned its legs on Qin Tian's body.


Qin Tian angrily opened the tiger's claws and then stood up.


As if the tiger was awakened by Qin Tian's movements, it actually raised its head and barked at Qin Tian.

"What's your name? If you call me again, I'll kill you and eat your meat."

Qin Tian gave a low drink, his face filled with murderous intent.

Who would have expected that this tiger, as if he didn't understand human words, suddenly leaned next to Qin Tian, ​​then stretched out his head and rubbed against Qin Tian's body, his movements actually seemed a bit intimate.

Qin Tian was slightly stunned, but he reached out and touched the tiger's head.


The tiger roared angrily and opened its huge bright yellow pupils, seemingly dissatisfied. A slight red glow appeared around the purple "王" character on its forehead.

Qin Tian quickly took his hand back, hesitated for a moment, and then touched the part of the tiger except for the word "王".

This time, the tiger's reaction was obviously not that intense, and it just called twice symbolically.

"Let me go. Has this tiger been tamed by me? Is it willing to be my mount?"

Qin Tian's eyes were slightly bright, but he was sitting on the tiger's back excitedly. Unexpectedly, the tiger suddenly started struggling, jumping up and down, and almost dropped Qin Tian.

"I don't believe I can't conquer you!"

Qin Tian hugged the tiger's body and started wrestling with the tiger. He knocked it to the ground several times in a row, and the ground cracked every time.

The people in the villa heard the noise and ran out of the villa one after another. When they saw Qin Tian fighting a beautiful giant tiger, their expressions suddenly changed with fear.

Ling Yun quickly persuaded the others to return to the villa, and stood alone outside to observe the battle between Qin Tian and Tiger.

In fact, this is not called fighting at all, it is just like Qin Tian playing with a tiger.

No matter in any aspect, the tiger does not have an advantage, and the tiger is still injured.

Soon, the tiger was thrown to the ground by Qin Tian. He no longer had the strength to get up, and he let Qin Tian ride on its back.

"Be honest, huh? If I don't give you any color, you really think I'm a sick cat!"

Qin Tian scolded slightly, panting slightly, but a smile belonging to the winner broke out on his face.

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