End of the World Terminator

Chapter 133 Fire Change

Chapter 142 Fire Change

"Bang!!" sounded, and smoke filled the air.

Qin Tian fell back to the ground, then knelt on one knee and kept breathing.

The flame armor on his body gradually disintegrated, his physical strength was almost exhausted, and he couldn't stop breathing.

"do you died?"

Qin Tian raised his head and looked at the corpse of the monster lying on the ground in the distance, feeling shocked and confused.

"Host, noticed the energy reaction, the monster still has life reaction."

"Bang!" ~ In the sound, sixteen arms suddenly moved, pressed down on the ground violently, and then propped up the body.

Qin Tian secretly thought something was wrong, but at this moment, the monster was looking towards him.

"It's amazing. The witch clan's combat skills are so ancient. I didn't expect that I would encounter them again."

"Such pain really reminds me of the past."

All the scales on the monster's dragon head were broken, and scum mixed with blue blood continued to roll down from the surface. Its scarlet eyes were slightly raised, staring at Qin Tian firmly.

"This is not the first time I have experienced these Wu Clan combat skills of your human race, but the feeling is still so uncomfortable."

"Humans like you are what I hate the most. Just die!"

The monster roared angrily, stretched out its sixteen arms, and pointed at Qin Tian with its palms.

At that moment, blue electric arcs appeared continuously, and the sixteen giant palms were instantly filled with thunder.

"Bang!"~~With the sound, sixteen thunder pillars rushed towards me.

At that moment, the world seemed to be filled with lightning, and Qin Tian had nowhere to hide. With a wry smile on his face, he took out the giant hammer from his self-made space and held it in front of him.

With a sound of "Boom!!!", the earth shattered, smoke and dust filled the air, and thunder and lightning mixed with strong winds swept across.

The area with a radius of ten thousand meters was trembling.

Ling Yun and the others, who had not gone too far, all turned their heads. Ling Yun climbed directly to the top of a tree and looked out with the telescope he carried.

With the light of thunder and fire all over the place, the monster's body was clearly visible, and the entire battlefield was clearly visible.


The monster's voice was full of the joy of the winner, but it made Ling Yun's body shake violently.

Ling Yun couldn't see what was going on in the giant pit where the smoke and dust was rising, but the monsters could.

"do you died?"

The monster was suddenly a little uncertain, but Ling Yun seemed to see a glimmer of hope. He suddenly gritted his teeth and came down from the tree and ran to Ling Jiao's side.

"You take care of the skeleton while I'm gone."

Ling Yun patted Ling Jiao on the shoulder and said, "Get away from here as soon as possible and find a safe place to hide."

After saying that, Ling Yun quickly jumped into the woods with ten skeletons. His speed was far beyond the limit of ordinary people.

Ling Jiao just felt that her eyes were blurred, and Ling Yun had disappeared, and she suddenly became confused.

"I am coming too."

At this moment, Xiyan glanced at Lingjiao, then at the old people and children, and actually stood up on his own initiative.


Ling Jiao was a little surprised.

"Cherish sister!"~

Some children and elderly people were also surprised.

"I can run faster than you all. After all, that person is fighting monsters for us. I can't ignore him."

Xi Yan had a determined look on his face, but he smiled at the old people and children, and then said to Ling Jiao: "The children and old people here are no longer under your care."

After saying that, Xiyan also jumped into the forest.

"I also need to go!"

Fatty Xu suddenly stood up and said, "Brother Qin has protected us so many times. Now that he is in danger, I can't ignore him."

He didn't know where the courage came from. After he finished speaking, his face turned red and he ran towards the forest without moving his head.

Ling Jiao was stunned.

Then just for a moment, she clenched her fists, determination flashed across her face, stamped her feet, and said: "Damn bastard, how could I just watch you die like this."

Then, she turned to look at Zhou Lili and said, "Lily, you are in charge of the skeletons here. Take the old man and the children out of here."

After saying that, she took ten skeletons with her and rushed towards the forest.

At this time, the monster had already crouched down, its blood-stained eyes staring intently at the depths of the crater that had been blasted out by the thunder pillar.

"How is that possible? You are actually refining your heart?!"

The monster was a little frightened, and its body slightly shrank back.

At the bottom of the giant pit, Qin Tian slowly raised his head, but his eyes were full of doubts.

What is mind training?

Qin Tian turned his head slightly and looked at himself, only to find that he was actually wearing flame armor.

It was armor made of blazing white flames.

A kind of scorching warmth lingered in Qin Tian's body, as if the bone marrow and blood were ignited, but his mind was completely empty.

This is an indescribable feeling.

This feeling seems to be unfamiliar and familiar.

"Xiao Jin, what's going on?"

Realizing that the injuries in his body had not been relieved, but his supernatural powers were suddenly abundant and much purer, Qin Tian was filled with doubts and asked secretly.

"Scanning begins. Scanning ends. Host, your power has suddenly reached the limit. It is close to an SS-level power user. A change in the vision in your Dantian has been detected. The sudden qualitative change in the power should be related to this."

"Start to re-evaluate your chances of winning against monsters. Chance of victory: 40%."

A blue screen immediately appeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes, and the spherical brown-yellow particle also appeared in the center of the screen, but the flame dragon surrounding the brown-yellow particle had disappeared.

After a moment of silence, he finally raised the corners of his mouth slightly, managed to stand up, and raised the giant hammer, trying to gather a flame horse made of blazing white fireworks.

However, he did not gather the flaming horse.

"Hoo!~" In the sound, a flame dragon about ten meters long carried him into the sky and flew towards the outside of the pit.

This flame dragon just has a winding body similar to that of a dragon. It has no dragon scales or whiskers, but it has dragon claws, just like the shadow of the dragon on the ground.

When the flame dragon appeared, Qin Tian was very surprised, but he felt that the flame dragon under his crotch was connected with his flesh and blood, as if it were his hands and feet.

This feeling is something Yanma doesn't have, just like a native wearing flame armor.

"Xiao Jin, what's going on with this flame dragon?"

Surprised, Qin Tian asked quickly.

"Scanning begins. Scanning ends. Host, this flame dragon is formed by your superpower, but it is closely connected with your body. Probably because the superpower is too pure."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was surprised, but also extremely happy.

"Damn it, I will be the one to ride the dragon from now on. I'm so awesome."

Qin Tianmeng looked out of the pit and shouted sternly: "Come on, come and fight me again until it hurts!"

The flame dragon accelerated and flew towards the monster.

The monster's face was slightly shaken, but there was a hint of determination in its eyes as it swooped over.

"Human, don't be too arrogant!"

The monster roared angrily, and the light of fire and thunder lit up in its mouth.

Upon seeing this, Qin Tian was about to gather his flaming bow, but something strange came from beneath him.

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