Chapter 16 Reasons

Ling Yun glanced at Qin Tian, ​​said nothing, and continued to study the paper in front of him.

It was a calendar, but what was different from an ordinary calendar was that in addition to the dates, there were many strange words on it.

It is a very ancient text, each one is similar to a tadpole.

"These are some other documents. I have only seen them once, and I can only describe half of them from memory."

Ling Yun already knew that Qin Tian was not here for the documents, so he said directly.

Can you describe half of it at a glance?


The corners of Qin Tian's mouth twitched slightly. He felt his scalp numb when he looked at the densely packed ancient characters, but he was a little curious and asked: "What are these characters? Why do you value it so much."

In another future, when Qin Tian and Ling Yun met, it was already ten years after the apocalypse. At that time, Ling Yun was devoted to the study of mutated viruses. Qin Tian had never seen him study any documents.

"This was found in a cave on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. I think there must be a shocking secret hidden in this document, and it is very strange."

Ling Yun's face was solemn, he paused, and then said: "First of all, it's the number of these words."

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses habitually and said: "After thousands of years of historical inheritance, Chinese characters have been able to cover everything. However, three thousand years ago, because the intelligence of the ancients was not developed at that time, the number of characters they used was also very small. Few, and the meaning is simple.”

"But there are tens of thousands of unfamiliar words in the documents."

A trace of enthusiasm suddenly flashed across Ling Yun's eyes, and he said: "This means that the ancients who used these words already had the ability to describe a systematic narrative and could describe it into words! In other words, the ancients at that time, It is very possible to have a culture that is not inferior to that of later generations, or even comparable to modern people."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was secretly speechless.

"The people who used such words must be people from the Stone Age. How could they have a culture like modern people? Besides, just based on this document and these ancient words that no one can understand, we can see that the ancients had Such a high culture? The evidence is a bit weak."

Qin Tian was full of doubts.

Ling Yun was silent for a moment, then suddenly turned to look at him.

"Actually, I didn't think about it at first, but do you know how old those documents are after testing? Let me tell you, these documents come from ten thousand years ago."

Ten thousand years ago?

Ten thousand years ago! ! ?

Qin Tian's eyes widened and he looked at Ling Yun blankly. After confirming that the other party was not joking, he lost his voice and said: "How is this possible? The history of China is only more than five thousand years. In the world ten thousand years ago, people had just emerged from Monkeys, please evolve.”

"It's incredible, isn't it?"

Ling Yun looked at Ling Jiao, who was still sleeping, and lowered his voice intentionally, saying: "When the disaster happened, the reason why I took the risk to study these documents was because there were many paintings in the cave where these documents were found. The murals, those murals clearly show a war.”

After a pause, Ling Yun continued: "Actually, before I saw the flames coming out of your body, I suspected that it was a battle between gods. After all, those humanoid figures can drive flames, vegetation, lightning, and floods. No matter how you look at the graffiti, they don’t look like humans, and among the monsters fighting humans, there are strange birds and beasts, ghosts and gods, and legendary dragons and phoenixes. In short, they are all diverse, but they are all depicted as extremely ferocious.”

"And the last mural also depicts the destruction of the space channel."

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses again, and a strange light appeared in his eyes.

But Qin Tian already frowned.

"You mean that tens of thousands of years ago, there were people with superpowers and these creatures from other dimensions on the earth?"

"Superpowers? Is this what you call people like you?"

Ling Yun's eyes brightened slightly, and he said: "But it's quite appropriate. The ability to drive fire can be regarded as a special function."

"Uh, cough."

Qin Tian coughed twice, looked at the words on the paper again, and couldn't help but secretly thought: "Xiao Jin, decipher these words."

"Yes, start scanning. Scanning failed! Host, this type of text has not been marked in history, and relevant information cannot be found. You can copy it on the nano host and perform word-by-word deductions, but it will take a long time and errors may occur. Are you copying?"


"Copying begins. Copying is completed and deduction begins. Progress: 0.025%, 0.0251%. The cracking progress is slow and has entered the background. Please wait patiently."


Compared with the deciphered words in the police station, these words are older and more complex. Even Xiao Jin would take a long time to completely decipher them.

Qin Tian could only wait patiently.

"By the way, speaking of superpowers, I'm very interested in your ability to dispel fire."

Ling Yun looked at Qin Tian and asked expressionlessly.

Qin Tian pursed his lips.

"You can ask whatever you want."

"Are you born with this power?"


"Then when did you get your powers? Was it before the disaster?"

"It was after the disaster."

"...That's how it should be."

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and said: "Before I captured you, I studied the cases you committed. If those murder cases were all committed by you, then you must not have superpowers at that time. However, in a disaster, After it happened, how did you obtain the superpower?"

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly and said, "At that time, the monster was attacking the police car. Maybe it was because my mood swings were relatively high at that time. In fact, I didn't quite understand."


Ling Yun nodded, but did not say anything more, but continued to study the tadpole-like words with his head down.

“What do those murals say about that war?”

Qin Tian was silent for a while, and finally couldn't hold back his surprise and asked.

"Have you heard that Pangu created the world and Houyi bent his bow to shoot the sun?"

Ling Yun asked instead without raising his head.

"Of course I've heard of this. Aren't they all myths?"

Qin Tian was shocked and confused.

"These are like mythical stories, but there is another explanation in those murals."

Ling Yun paused and then said: "In a very rich and vast land, there are countless races. Humans are the lower class among them. They are oppressed, enslaved, and even used as food by many races. Later, a man with an axe People unexpectedly gain a kind of power, and then the war begins, and the result of the war is the death of the man holding the axe."

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