End of the World Terminator

Chapter 128 Expansion

Chapter 137 Expansion

"Bang!!" With a sound, sixteen thunder pillars rushed out from the monster's sixteen palms.

The lightning covered the native's entire body in an instant.

"Boom!!" was heard, a huge explosion set off a huge wave of air, and at that moment, it seemed as if the whole world was destroyed.

Countless cracks extended from the ground, countless hills were flattened, and a large number of trees were uprooted.

The strong winds raged endlessly and the earth trembled endlessly.

The energy storm lingers between heaven and earth, surging fiercely.

After a long time, a mushroom-like cloud rose up.


The giant Buddha-like monster fell back to the ground, looked at the abyss blasted out by the thunder pillar, smiled coldly, and said, "Did this loach run away?"

Qin Tian ran away.

He almost didn't run away.

But even if he ran away, he didn't escape intact.

He fell to the ground in an underground tunnel twenty meters away from the giant pit.


Qin Tian stood up and vomited blood, then lay down again. At this moment, there was a big hole in the clothes on his chest, and his flesh and blood were blurred.

"What the hell, why don't you be so fierce? How can you play this? There's no way you can play this."

Qin Tian thought about the fight with the giant Buddha-like monster, and knew very well that he had used all his strength, but he couldn't even cope with the opponent's two moves. If he hadn't run so fast, something might have happened.

"Xiao Jin, how is my injury now? How long will it take to heal?"

"Scan begins. Scan ends. Host, you suffered internal injuries this time. Your organs were attacked by high-voltage current, causing nervous system disorder. I'm afraid it will take two days to fully recover."

"Fuck! It's even causing lasting damage!"

After resting for a while, Qin Tian gradually recovered with his super self-healing ability, then got up and walked towards the cave dwelling.

He hadn't walked for long when he heard Xiao Jin's voice again.

"Host, I have detected a strange energy substance in your Dantian. It should be the inheritance from the last time you absorbed the stone. Do you want to absorb it?"


Qin Tian, ​​who was holding on to the earth wall and moving forward slowly, was slightly startled, and then felt a little surprised.

Then, the supernatural power in his dantian rushed out of his dantian and circulated quickly for a while, and a piece of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

"The resurrection technique shuts down the five senses and makes one look like a dead person, but it is actually a method of rapid recovery."

"Well, I'm already immortal, why do I need this?"

It's useless, it's useless!

Qin Tian pursed his lips, filled with disappointment.

When I trudged back to the cave, it was already getting dark.

However, when Qin Tian appeared in the cave, he found that there was an electric light hanging from the top of the cave. He was a little shocked for a moment, but he saw everyone squatting in the corner, and no one noticed his return.

Qin Tian felt a little strange in his heart. He walked forward and saw Ling Yun, who was surrounded by people. He and Fatty Xu were digging hard with a small shovel they found from somewhere.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Tian walked in full of doubts, and everyone immediately turned their heads and cast surprised glances at him.

Then, Ling Jiao ran to Qin Tian excitedly and said, "You don't know, my brother is digging a well."

"What? Is there a well here?"

Qin Tian was a little surprised, and then asked: "Xiao Jin, is there underground water here?"

"Scan begins. Scan ends. Host, the nearest underground river is more than a hundred meters away from here."


Qin Tian asked Lingjiao very depressedly: "Is there an underground river here? Is Ling Yun really saying that?"

"Haha, what kind of underground river? This is a hilly place, how can there be an underground river?"

Ling Jiao covered her small mouth and laughed a few times, then pulled Qin Tian to Ling Yun and Fatty Xu who were digging a well, pointed upward and said, "Look."

Hearing this, Qin Tian looked up and found a long wire hanging down from the top of the cave, facing the hole dug by Ling Yun and Fatty Xu.

In the midst of surprise, Qin Tian saw water droplets condensed at the bottom of the long line, slowly falling downwards.


Qin Tian was slightly startled, but Ling Yun had climbed out of the well, then took out a cigarette and handed it to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian took the cigarette and Ling Yun pointed to the line hanging down from above and said: "This is the rainwater accumulated in the rock peak. If it falls along this line, you only need to put a layer of waterproof plastic sheet on the bottom of the pit. You can just stock it up and simply filter it when you use it.”

Hearing this, Qin Tian suddenly realized, but he pointed at the chandelier and said, "How did you do this?"

Qin Tian followed the line connecting the chandelier, only to find that it was finally connected to the ground, and he was suddenly surprised.

"This is all thanks to the three skeletons you left behind."

Ling Yun pointed to the corner of the wall. The three skeletons that had been used to carry Fatty Xu were lying silently next to the water tank.

"I just tried it and found that these three skeletons also listened to my instructions after you left, so I asked them to find something, and asked them to go to the top of the hill to install a windmill that can generate electricity."

"What are you pretending to be?"

Qin Tian's eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

The skeletons listened to Ling Yun's command, which was tacitly approved by Qin Tian, ​​but the windmill that generated electricity was a new thing.

"It's just a small windmill, only as big as a palm. It's like a toy. The monsters can't see it."

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and said with a smile: "However, the windmill is small, but it is enough to meet the consumption of one electric light."

"Uh, so did you connect this line to the top of the slope?"

Qin Tian looked surprised.

"Of course it didn't start from the top of the slope. I went out and checked. Everywhere the wire passed was buried deep in the soil. A small hole was opened until it reached the door to connect the wire. Then I later sealed the hole with soil."

After a pause, Ling Yun suddenly looked at Qin Tian with strange eyes, and his eyes quickly focused on his exposed chest.

Qin Tian had already covered himself up on the road, the blood on his chest had been wiped clean, and the wounds had long since healed, so nothing could be seen on the surface.

"Fat Xu, come up, that's all."

Seeing that Qin Tian was not seriously injured, Ling Yun called Fatty Xu up and then pulled Qin Tian to a corner of the cave.

"I plan to expand the cave dwellings into three. As long as we collect some fluorescent lamps, we can turn one of the cave dwellings into a place dedicated to growing mushrooms and potatoes. In the other cave dwelling, we can make an earthworm pit using potato stems or feces. In the future, this cave dwelling will become a base for the base area.”

"We can even carry forward this model and let them know how to build it themselves. After all, the skill of building kilns has not been lost."

"That way, they can at least be self-sufficient."

Hearing this, Qin Tian couldn't help but nod.

Ling Yun fell into deep thought again. After a while, he said, "Okay, have you met the King of Monsters?"


Qin Tian told Qin Tian everything he had encountered before, and added at the end: "That monster is really strong, and I am no match for it."

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