End of the World Terminator

Chapter 116 Promotion

Chapter 124 Promotion

A red line began to travel along the topographic map, first going south and then north, and finally split into two parts, one going east and west.

"Host, please send twenty skeletons along the route. There is an 80% chance of attracting the monsters."

Hearing this, Qin Tian immediately sent twenty skeletons over. However, as soon as those monsters heard the noise from the skeletons, they rushed over. When the skeletons began to escape, they had already been attacked by the monsters and only There are ten left.

However, even so, the skeletons still successfully lured the monsters away. Later, after the monsters caught up with all ten skeletons and destroyed them, they left one after another.

Qin Tianze couldn't sleep anymore, so he quietly got up and left the earthen house.

The night was deep and the air was very cool. He walked outside and put on a gas mask.

"Xiao Jin, there is high ground nearby, don't go too far from the house."

"Scanning begins. Scanning ends. Host, walk 20 meters eastward. There is a slope. There is a banyan tree on the top of the slope. You can see far away after climbing the tree. However, the monster's night vision ability is not good. I understand you too well, and it’s late at night, so I don’t mind if the host goes.”

After hearing this, Qin Tian was silent for a while, and finally gave up the idea of ​​going to the highlands to explore the surroundings. Instead, he ran up to the earth roof of a room, removed the corner of the gas mask, took a cigarette and lit it.

With the night wind blowing, he took a deep breath of cigarette, but felt a little heavy in his heart.

Faintly, from the power of those eight-armed monsters, he felt a little uneasy.

"Fortunately, Ling Yun had already planned to avoid this area."

Qin Tian let out a long breath, finished his cigarette in a few puffs, then suddenly stood up and ran towards a mud house.

He walked into the earthen house, sealed the doors and windows with earth power, and separated the roof with earth. Then he asked Xiaojin to pay attention to the surrounding environment at all times, and then took out the spherical stone with a diameter of five meters.

The earthen house was so small that the stone almost filled the entire space, and even Qin Tian was squeezed into the corner.

"Huh, at least restore the superpower first."

Qin Tian put his hands on the boulder and said in his heart: "Xiao Jin, help me extract energy."

"Yes, analyze the data. Data analysis is completed."

A blue screen immediately appeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes. A blue humanoid appeared on the screen, and red lines began to shuttle through the humanoid.

He followed the path drawn by Xiao Jin and activated the supernatural power in his body. Soon, fire gushes out from his palms and quickly spreads on the surface of the boulder. The high temperature fills the air for a moment, and the completely sealed room suddenly feels like a furnace. generally.

With a "Click!!" sound, two cracks appeared on the boulder and expanded rapidly. Peiran's energy rushed out and poured into Qin Tian's body.

At that moment, energy quickly gathered in his Dantian, and then transformed into superpowers.

Suddenly, he felt an unprecedented heat surge in his dantian, and he felt a cold touch on his forehead.

The coldness penetrated fiercely and quickly rushed to his Dantian.

"Buzz!" ~ The sound shook his whole body, and he felt that his brain was completely empty. The heat in his dantian did not slow down at all because of the cold injection, but actually became even hotter.

The scorching heat spread quickly, along the meridians, through the blood vessels, filling the internal organs and bones.

It was as if every cell was burning.

"Uh, ah~."

Qin Tian tried his best to lower his voice, but his whole body was shaking, and he felt as if his whole body was being burned by fire, and he was in severe pain.

Kneeling on one knee, Qin Tian lowered his head. Fire spread out from his palms and instantly covered his whole body.

But his palm was still pressed against the surface of the boulder.

Energy is still flowing in.

The heat intensified and the pain intensified.

It was as if the bones were starting to melt.


Unable to restrain himself any longer, Qin Tian let out a heavy growl, and a bright white light suddenly appeared on his forehead. Something like white mist seemed to be constantly forming in the air, and then swarmed towards Qin Tian in a way visible to the naked eye. forehead.

The fire on his body even gradually turned into a bright white color.

"Warning! The small ball in the host's Dantian has mutated. The specific cause may be too much energy injection. Please stop extracting energy immediately."

"Warning! The superpowers in the host's body have mutated and are becoming purer. However, the energy emitted is too strong and has exceeded the host's body's tolerance. The host's body is collapsing. Please stop!"

"Warning! The host's internal organs are damaged in many places and cannot heal themselves in time."

"Warning! The genes of many cells of the host have begun to break down. If this continues, it is likely to cause cancer."

Xiao Jin's reminder echoed in Qin Tian's ears. He wanted to stop at this time, but he couldn't. There seemed to be infinite power surging in his body, and his body was out of his control.

However, just when his consciousness began to blur, an extremely cold feeling suddenly erupted from his Dantian.

Then, the unbearable heat that filled every part of his body faded away like a tide.

And his Dantian quickly calmed down.


Qin Tian threw his head back and fell to the ground. At this time, all the fireworks on his body disappeared, and wisps of white smoke rose from all over his body.

"What on earth is going on? Xiao Jin."

"The scan begins. The scan ends. Host, the little ball in your Dantian has changed a lot."

A screen immediately appeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes, and then a sphere appeared on the screen.

The sphere seemed to be made of soil, with a brownish-yellow color all over its body, and what was constantly spinning around the sphere was actually a fire dragon.

A fire dragon that is blazing white in color but is completely made of fire.

"Host, this is what's in your Dantian."


Qin Tian stared, filled with surprise, and Xiao Jin's voice sounded in his ears again.

"Host, it has been detected that your superpower has undergone a qualitative change. At this time, you are already an S-level superpower."

"Host, it has been detected that your body has been damaged in many places, and the injuries are getting worse. However, you can use the altered supernatural power to treat it, and combined with your self-healing ability, you can recover most of the injuries in one day."

"What? S-class superpower?"

Hearing this, Qin Tian was silent for a while before grinning.

"Haha, hahaha~, cough, cough, this suffering is not in vain."

After lying there with joy in his heart for a while, Qin Tian finally got up and wanted to activate his supernatural power to treat his injuries. However, as soon as he made a move, a huge amount of supernatural power suddenly spurted out from his Dantian, faster than before. It flowed through his whole body at several times the speed.

Qin Tian was a little surprised at first, but he quickly became familiar with it and quickly activated his powers. Suddenly, two strange lights appeared in his eyes, and countless rays of light were flowing like lightning all over his body.

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