Late at night on the third day, Lin Feng drove the lv19 flying wing tank into the outpost and parked it at the material storage area in the center of the fortress.

There is no roof here. In order to facilitate the installation and operation of the internal crane and save construction materials, the entire outpost presents a concentric hollow structure.

The 15-meter-high area is divided into two layers, one layer at a height of 10 meters, and there is another layer on top.

The materials transported in the early stage must not be enough to be stored in the internal space of the fortress, so nearly 60% of the reserve materials are piled in the central open space.

Four cranes are left to transport weapons and ammunition to the two-story bunker, which is much faster than relying solely on manpower to transport.

The hollow structure also allows Lin Feng to exert the anti-aircraft capability of the tank. Although the shooting angle is limited, with ten heavy machine guns with unlimited firepower and three lv19 machine guns, it can completely suppress attacks from the sky.

At this moment, not only Lin Feng's tank is parked here, but also four troop carriers loaded with supplies, tightly surrounding the flying wing tank.

This is the retreat Li Ran prepared for everyone in advance. Once the supplies in the outpost are consumed, or the Zerg's offensive is too swift, they can only run away first.

Anyway, these people are originally equivalent to abandoned pawns, and no one expects them to play much role.

The recruits know this very well.

But under Lin Feng's care and training, more than half of them have become awakened at this moment, and the rest are also in the late stage of strengthening. They only need to kill a few more red beetles to start super-power awakening.

Among the 50 newly added awakened people, most of them have physical enhancement abilities, and only one is special. He can greatly enhance the explosive power of his legs and is a rare agility enhancer in the physical system.

Commonly known as running fast.

This guy is called Liu Hao, a sports student at Wucheng University. He used to practice long-distance running in track and field. He doesn't have any special skills, so he chooses to stay on the front line.

According to Shen Jie's early observations and suggestions, Lin Feng asked him to lead a team to be responsible for temporary support on the front line.

The direction of the main attack of the Zerg is not fixed. Sometimes they will suddenly strengthen the attack on one side. At this time, a flexible team is needed to come and strengthen the defense.

As for the specific arrangements for defending the line, Lin Feng directly handed it over to Li Ran, who has experience in major battles.

Even though he already knew Lin Feng's strong strength, he was still shocked that he could make half of the nearly 100 recruits become awakened in just two days...


If he had known this earlier, he would have let Qin Hu fight to the death to allocate more troops and let Lin Feng train them.

In this way, they can quickly pull out a low-level awakened team to compete with the awakened camp of the 13th Division, and their voice in the battle resolution will not plummet like it is now...

Even excluded from the core decision-making circle.

Even if it is to make wedding clothes for Lin Feng in the end, as long as it can cause greater damage to the Zerg and leave more hope for mankind, Li Ran, who has the same idea as Qin Hu, does not mind this kind of abuse of power for personal gain.

The bottom line he adhered to was more flexible than the old captain, and he had long seen that in this chaotic world, whoever had the bigger fist would be the boss.

Unfortunately, the matter was settled and there was no way to save the situation.

At this moment, within a thousand meters outside the bunker, there were already Zerg figures, constantly emerging.

The bulging wormhole mouths, one after another, more and more, and getting closer and closer.

As Li Ran completed the deployment of the outpost defense forces, after a long night...

Under the dawn, countless groups of black shadows began to emerge on the ground. They quickly interspersed and quickly attacked the endless Wucheng defense line.

That was an army of hundreds of black-spine insects.

They suddenly emerged from the wormhole mouth not far away, and took advantage of the sunrise that was intertwined with light and darkness. The vision was greatly affected and it was also when humans relaxed their vigilance that they launched the first attack.

The goal of the Zerg has always been clear.

That is to eliminate humans and expand their territory.

But with the explosions, the soldiers guarding the defense line were instantly awakened.

The mines they had placed along the way before they left yesterday have now become the best alarms.

Because the four legs of the black-spine worm are pointed, the ground pressure at the end of the legs is extremely high, enough to reach the upper limit of the anti-tank mines.

And only anti-tank mines can effectively kill the black-spine worm swarm, especially their abdominal armor, which is not solid. Like the red beetle, it is one of the few weak points of the black-spine worm.

As a large area of ​​mines was triggered, the violent explosion directly killed the front row of black-spine worms and blocked their forward speed.

At this moment, not far from the Zerg, the first line of defense of Wucheng, which stretches for 20 kilometers, has as many as a hundred defensive main forts, each of which is garrisoned by a reinforced company of more than 150 soldiers.

Heavy weapons include five machine guns and dozens of heavy machine guns, and the rest of the soldiers are also equipped with large-caliber rifles and grenade launchers.

The firepower coverage formed by these weapons is enough to defend the 500-meter defense line, and there is one every 200 meters in the main fort...

The dense firepower formed by the cross-linking is like a large overlapping artillery network, ruthlessly blocking the Zerg's attack.

Even if the black-spine worms launched a charge within 400 to 500 meters outside the defense line, they could only die at the foot of the defense line built of reinforced concrete.

Countless bursting flames, like gorgeous blooming yellow flowers, accompanied by the collapse and flying of the black-spine worms' limbs, disintegrated their first round of attacks.

Even if many black-spine worms, with the advantage of speed and agility, successfully broke through the fire blockade and came below the defense line, it was difficult to break through the city wall because of the huge jaws, and they could only work in vain.

In the end, after leaving several huge tooth scratches four to five centimeters deep, the soldiers in the wall fortress quickly eliminated them with howitzers and bullets.

At 5:10 in the morning on the 4th, the main forts No. 48 to No. 50 in the center of Wucheng's defense line encountered the first round of exploratory attack by the Zerg.

After half an hour of fighting, all eight hundred black spine worms were killed by gunfire.

But an hour later, the corpse in the distance was dragged back by the red beetle in the raised cave entrance on the ground.

And this seems like an ordinary thing...

But it is the biggest obstacle that mankind will face soon.

Zerg killed hundreds of meters away cannot obtain the upgraded energy in their bodies. After these still fresh black spine corpses are recycled and reconstructed...

It only costs one-tenth of the cost of normal hatching to repair the death wound in the mother's nest within a few hours and complete the resurrection with full health.

The Queen Mother relies on this characteristic of the biomass factory to continuously consume the strength of human defense.

Using a force that is ten times that of humans, coupled with a very low cost of one-tenth, humans will need to spend a hundred times the ammunition output to resist the Zerg attacks in turn.

But for today's humans, it is simply unrealistic.

Because no country would frantically store more than a hundred times the normal amount of ammunition. Even during the Cold War when all the people were in arms, it would be difficult to achieve this.

This will bring down the entire country and economy.

So the real terror of the Zerg lies in this.

As long as they can recover the corpse and ultimately win the battle, they will never lose money.

The number of insect swarms is endless, and the more you fight, the richer you get.

A veritable war machine.

At this moment, many newcomers in the mixed companies on the Wucheng defense line are complacent, but the junior officers in charge have not relaxed their vigilance.

They are all veterans who survived the Battle of Haicheng. After several rounds of recruitment and army expansion, they are now at the lowest level of squad leader.

At the beginning, they only had temporary trenches and were forced to fight red beetles and black spines at close range. They were very aware of the terror of the zerg.

The daytime is just a preliminary test, and the real danger comes from underground and at night. Even with mine warnings and reinforced concrete protection, you will be harassed by the Zerg in turns, and you will be in panic all day long, worried and exhausted.

Humans need to rest, but the low-level units of the Zerg, abandoning their brain intelligence, are like a precise instrument. As long as they have sufficient energy, they can resolutely execute the Mother Queen's orders 24 hours a day...

The arduous blocking battle has just begun.

To the south outside the defense line, in the service area next to the highway, the recruits in the outpost bunker were nervously watching the situation on the front line.

In front of the wasteland in the distance, patches of green vegetation all fell and disappeared, becoming the energy consumed by the red beetles digging wormholes.

As the earth bag holes are formed one after another, countless black spine worms are moving underground.

The outpost bunker was not allocated more weapons, and naturally there were no mines placed...

They all rely on taking turns to patrol on duty, always keeping an eye on the movements of the dirtbags in the distance, and reporting to their superiors whenever there is any situation.

At ten minutes at noon, when human beings’ nerves have been tense for a long time and when they need to eat and rest the most...

The Queen Mother immediately launched,

The first test of the outpost bunker!

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