End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 86 lv16 Chixuan Flying Armor, Qin Hu is seriously injured

Take advantage of the gap between the fusion upgrade of the lv15 armored vehicle, Lin Feng ran to the trunk and opened the sealed door cover.

The sound insulation performance of the folding space is very good now. Even if the only surviving green-winged insect flutters and makes noise, it is difficult to detect it from outside.

At this moment, there are only it and another membrane wing of the same kind in the entire trunk.

Lin Feng plans to install the membrane wing on the red black armor.

Add some new attributes to the lv15 red black armor.

It is also one of his trump cards for escape.

As for this living insect, Lin Feng has other uses.

The number of green-winged insects is rare, about only one-fifth of the same type of black-spine insects, and it is difficult to catch them alive.

Lin Feng plans to try to cut off its membrane wings, and then feed it to see if a new pair of membrane wings can be grown for reuse.

In this way, there is no need to risk staying in the heart of the Zerg and squatting for the green-winged insects to come.

This time, they were almost surrounded by the insect tide led by the tiger spine worm. Thanks to Chen Yanyan who was always vigilant, detected the danger in advance, and bought time for safe evacuation.

After taking out the last pair of membrane wings, Lin Feng called Han Yuxin to bring a car of fresh meat when she came back.

Cheap and large frozen chicken and duck meat will do.

Then he closed the trunk door and walked into the repair shop to upgrade the red black armor.

This time, seven pairs of giant jaws need to be integrated, but Lin Feng added an extra pair of blue-winged insect membrane wings. With a flash of red light, the upgrade was completed quickly.

Items are upgraded faster than large equipment, which is related to the size and depth of fusion of the items.

A few minutes later, the brand new lv16 red black armor appeared on Lin Feng's arm, and a circle of green scales appeared on the black and red surface.

When the full body armor is turned on, there is an extra pair of folded membrane wings outside the two shoulder blades on the back, but it is much smaller than that of the blue-winged insect.

Lin Feng watched the data refresh in front of him. After adding the membrane wings upgrade, there were indeed new attributes:

"Red Black Flying Armor lv16/19, red quality"

"Durability: 10/10, defense 110, variant form: arm guard (unconditional), full body armor (unconditional), absolute defense (1/1 back armor) (10/1 giant jaws), explosive scale armor (90% damage counterattack, defense reduced by 10%)"

"New variant form: flight mode, consume 1 point of reserve upgrade, five minutes of flapping flight, speed 300 kilometers per hour, cooling time ten minutes."

300km/h, flying for five minutes, converted to 25 kilometers, used in the final escape, should be able to successfully break free from the insect siege.

It's just that this cooling time is a bit long, and it has to be refreshed every ten minutes.

Lin Feng estimated that it was the high-frequency vibration of the flapping wings that caused the structure to overheat and needed to be cooled.

Although the current flight mode is relatively weak and there are many restrictions, with subsequent upgrades, it should be able to achieve long-distance continuous flight.

At that time, combined with the lv19 howitzer, even thousands of black-spine insects can be easily dealt with.

However, although the flight mode is convenient, it has to face the threat from the sky.

The blue-winged insect is just an ordinary low-level insect, comparable to the helicopter in the human armed system, and its upgraded version, the second-level wind-winged insect, is a powerful Zerg that can fight against human fighters.

Before the Chixuan Flying Armor is upgraded to a certain level, Lin Feng dare not use it to act recklessly in the sky. Doing so will easily become a live target and be hunted by the Zerg.

While thinking, Lin Feng activated the flight mode of the Chixuan Flying Armor.

I saw the membrane wings outside the shoulder blade slowly unfold, and the transparent film under the blue skeleton shone in the sun, reflecting colorful light.

As its wings vibrated, a strong airflow blew out from the repair shop.

The lift brought by the airflow also allowed Lin Feng's feet to slowly leave the ground.

Imagining the green-winged insect flying horizontally close to the ground, Lin Feng tilted his body slightly in mid-air, and changed the direction of flapping the membranous wings on his back.

The forward momentum brought gradually pushed Lin Feng forward, and he slowly flew out of the repair shop.

As the speed increased, the flapping wings began to keep flapping on the lower right, like a dragonfly, making Lin Feng fly faster and faster.

Fortunately, there were not many people in the service area at this moment. After the construction of the outpost was completed, except for a few soldiers guarding the weapons, only Shen Jie and his team stayed in the hotel to rest.

Lin Feng, who experienced flying for the first time, carefully explored the flying skills.

In fact, the flapping wing structure is very stable, and it is extremely excellent in turning and hovering. It’s just that the material strength of the structure cannot be solved, resulting in the performance of human aircraft has always been inferior to natural insects such as dragonflies.

After getting familiar with the feeling of flying, Lin Feng paid attention to the countdown of this flight. There were still two minutes left, and then he flew into the sky and climbed to an altitude of 500 meters.

The air flow here is very fast, but Lin Feng can still hover steadily.

Once, the green-winged insect used this method to hover on an armored vehicle and ambush, almost taking Jiang Yuner away.

At this moment, Lin Feng stayed here, and his vision suddenly widened. The entire Jiangnan Plain was in full view in front of him. Lin Feng could even feel the arc of the horizon. The picture in his vision was like a wide-angle lens, and he could see the situation more than ten kilometers away.

And soon, he found that the new recruits sent by the 13th Division on the outskirts of Wucheng were fighting fiercely with the black-spine insect swarm on the edge of the Zerg expansion.

Although it was too far away to see clearly, the flickering light spots, as well as the smell of gunpowder and explosions carried in the wind, all indicated that the intensity of this battle was far beyond ordinary friction.

This is the prelude to the Battle of Wucheng.

The recruit company led by Qin Hu unfortunately encountered a second-level special team sent by the Zerg to capture Lin Feng. Without the support of heavy weapons, the three tiger spine insects would definitely bring disaster to the recruit company.

I don’t know if Qin Hu, who received Lin Feng’s reminder in advance, was prepared.

As the alarm reminded me, the first five-minute flight was about to end.

Lin Feng skillfully controlled the swing of the membrane wings and landed smoothly from an altitude of 500 meters.

Back outside the car repair shop, outside the shoulder blades on his back, a piece of overloaded white mist floated out. Through a layer of red black armor, Lin Feng could feel a high temperature of 40 to 50 degrees, coming from the flapping wing structure. .

Lin Feng immediately put away his full body armor and turned it into an arm guard hanging on his hand, and the circle of blue scales on the upper end glowed with a fiery glass luster, as dazzling as a gem.

Fortunately, through the thick armor at the bottom, it is not obvious to the high temperature of hundreds of degrees.

After experiencing the ability to fly for a short period of time, Lin Feng became even more looking forward to the upgrade of the armored fighting vehicle.

As a bound piece of equipment, its fusion and utilization are deeper than those of the Chixuan Flying Armor, and the additional attributes it awakens will also be more powerful.

Of course, with just two pairs of membrane wings, it is impossible for an armored combat vehicle weighing several tons to directly obtain the ability to fly.

But it is still possible to reduce tire pressure and drive faster.

After the performance is improved, the tank's environmental adaptability will also be greatly improved.

No longer limited to flat roads, you can ride on muddy mountains and forests without any hindrance.

After eating the lunch cooked by Chen Yanyan, Lin Feng looked at the time. It had been four or five hours since the recruits left for the expedition, and it was almost over.

So he called Qin Hu to learn about the situation.

What Lin Feng didn't expect was that the person who answered the phone was not Qin Hu, but his deputy, Lieutenant Li Ran.

"Brother Lin, Brother Qin is injured!"

"In order to seize the body of the tiger spine worm, his left leg was stabbed by the late stage black spine worm. He is currently in the rear field hospital receiving critical first aid..." Li Ran's voice was very urgent, even a little incoherent.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. He didn't expect the accident to happen so quickly. Qin Hu had just entered level 19 two hours ago, and now he was seriously injured on the battlefield...

"Don't worry yet. Has the fighting on the frontline subsided?"

Lin Feng comforted him by saying that he needed to understand the situation first before making a judgment.

Li Ran took a deep breath:

"It's over. Thanks to your warning in advance, we deployed several rocket launchers and directly covered the three tiger spine insects. They were too big to hide in the hole."

"After a few rounds, two of them were seriously injured and fell to the ground."

"Brother Qin then led an elite team and went deep into the insect tide, trying to completely leave the tiger spine worm behind. As a result, one of them was directly killed by another tiger spine insect, and Brother Qin successfully killed the remaining one... "

"But the Zerg didn't want to leave behind the body of the tiger spine insect. In the fight for the body, Brother Qin lost one of his left legs, and the elite team also suffered heavy losses."

"Fortunately, we finally recovered the body..."

After hearing the specific process, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and continued to comfort him:

"Don't worry, since Major Qin killed the tiger spine insect, he will definitely start the awakening evolution. With the advanced awakening, the injuries can be recovered quickly, and maybe the broken limbs can be reborn."

"After I finish handling the matter here, I will go to the hospital."

Li Ran nodded.

Lin Feng hung up the phone, thinking a lot, and then clicked on Ding Chenghai's profile picture.

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