End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 6 Killing the Red Beetle (Please read on!)

Three bullets in a row hit the red beetle.

The lv2 pistol has four points of damage. One of the shots hit the red beetle's head, causing eight points of critical damage and destroying the other half of the insect's brain.

The remaining two shots hit its forelimbs and the chelicerae holding the prey next to its mouthparts, causing eight points of damage.

Directly cleared the red beetle's health.

Fortunately, Lin Feng was decisive and quick. The middle shot of the three consecutive shots hit the red beetle's head. If he had only fired one shot, it would probably have escaped.

After identification, the red beetle was dead.

Lin Feng held up his shield and slowly stepped forward.

Because the community was quiet, there was no chaos and noise when darkness fell at the beginning. Three shots were fired in a row, and the gunshots seemed particularly loud, with constant echoes...

Walking to the door of Room 201, Lin Feng poked his head in and saw that the family's window was open, and not far in front of him, there was another red beetle, following the sound!

Lin Feng quickly raised his shield to block its bite. A pair of hook-shaped chelicerae, like elastic arms, hit the shield, instantly tearing the iron on the surface and denting the compressed wooden board.

Under the backlash of this force, the red beetles bounced back fiercely. Lin Feng was about to seize the opportunity and raise his gun to shoot, but he saw several thick and long tentacles sticking out of the open window. There were already more red beetles. Came after hearing the sound.

We are outnumbered and must retreat first!

Without any time to think, Lin Feng leaned over, dragged the body of the dead red beetle to the corridor, and slammed the door tightly before the red beetle pounced again.

After finishing everything, Lin Feng took a few deep breaths and found that his hands were shaking. Fortunately, he had a quick reaction just now. If he had been slower, a bunch of red beetles would have swarmed in.

And the consequences are unimaginable.

After calming down, Lin Feng raised his tattered shield and led the two women to the first floor. The gunfire just now attracted several red beetles and squatted at the gate of the first floor.

If you go out now, you will die. You have to wait for them to leave.

Lin Feng sighed. The shield in his hand was damaged and he needed to make preparations. He decided to check the entire building first to make sure it was safe.

Back upstairs, Lin Feng went from door to door, telling them to close the doors and windows and draw the curtains. He had already eliminated the red beetles in the corridor.

Each building in the old community has six floors. Except for the third floor, there are ten households. Only four households responded to Lin Feng. The other six households either went to work in the morning or were unoccupied. Among them, Room 201 died tragically in the corridor.

Today is Tuesday, working day, so among the four households that responded to Lin Feng, they are all women and old people. We can't expect them to be of any help. Don't just lure the wolf into the house like the 201 households.

However, after Lin Feng reminded them, they also found that the stairs and corridors were safer than inside the house.

Those giant insects can climb walls and break glass windows, and the wooden doors in the home cannot protect them. On the contrary, the iron entrance doors in the corridors cannot be attacked by giant insects, and the windows in the corridors are reinforced with iron railings. People feel at ease.

After Lin Feng confirmed that it was safe, all the survivors of Building 6 had gathered in the corridor, including two middle-aged women, a young woman, and three old people.

They brought the food and supplies at home to the corridor and made a few beds at the corners of the fourth and fifth floors.

A middle-aged aunt, following Lin Feng and the others, couldn't help but scream when she saw the tragic scene outside 201.

Chen Yanyan held the dagger and scolded in a low voice:

"What's it called! Do you want to attract all the insects here?"

"There are so many people dead outside, haven't you seen enough?"

In fact, when she was just around the corner, she was so frightened by the scene in front of her that she almost lost her grip on the knife. Fortunately, Lin Feng reacted quickly and solved everything in time.

Seeing that others were not as good as her, coupled with the anxiety of not being able to leave the building for the time being, the screams of the middle-aged aunt made the three of them more and more impatient.

Facing the woman holding a knife towards her, the aunt quickly shut up. Although the corridor became quiet, it also attracted the attention of several people upstairs. After about ten seconds, they walked downstairs one after another.

At this time, the woman attacked by the red beetle died completely due to excessive blood loss and damage to her internal organs. The smell of blood filled the stairwell of the entire building.

The aunt and the young woman who came over came into contact with such a bloody scene at close range. They covered their mouths and vomited, not daring to look directly.

Fortunately, everyone saw the tragic situation outside through the window, and they were mentally prepared in advance, so they didn't scream like the aunt who arrived first.

It's just that it's not appropriate for a broken corpse to be left in the aisle.

After being warned by Chen Yanyan, the aunt who didn't dare to say anything saw the other people arriving one after another. There were six of them here, so she bravely spoke:

"What should we do now? How about you guys handle it?"

"Throw her outside!"

Chen Yanyan frowned slightly and choked back:

"Why don't you go? There are bugs outside right now. Isn't opening the window going to death? Why don't we send her to your house and give you a house?"

The aunt became extremely embarrassed. She exchanged glances with the people behind her and stood at the corner of the second and third floors. She looked down at Lin Feng and the others with her hands on her hips:

"Don't you have guns? You just fired to kill this bug. Why can't you go?"

"Young man, are you the Sheriff? We can't get through on the phone. We are all federal citizens and taxpayers. You have to protect us!"

"That's it! That's it!"

"We are all citizens of the Federation!"

Auntie's words resonated with everyone behind her.

The federal government has relatively strict regulations on firearms, and generally those who can carry them with them are law enforcement officers.

However, Lin Feng was already very impatient at this time. He didn't want to argue with these aunties, so he turned his gun around:

"Don't bother me. First of all, I'm not a sheriff. Secondly, I have no obligation to take care of you. I've reminded you not to open the window. That's enough. Don't be shameless."

"As for now, get back upstairs!"

After saying that, he walked forward and grabbed the hind legs of the red beetle.

The one that was broken before grew back again.

Lin Feng weighed it. The two-meter-long insect weighed only more than 150 kilograms, which was about the same as the weight of an adult.

After two strengthenings, he could lift it easily.

He then asked the two women around him to lift the broken body of the red beetle and go back upstairs.

Zhang Yurou was a little resistant. After all, the giant insect looked like a cockroach, and there were still dead women's internal organs in its mouth, which looked extremely bloody.

And she was born to be afraid of these multi-legged arthropods.

On the contrary, Chen Yanyan, who was standing aside, walked forward without any scruples, lifted up both sides of the giant insect's head, and left the cleaner tail to the other party.

Seeing this, Zhang Yurou endured the discomfort, grabbed the two pairs of hind legs of the giant insect, and followed behind Lin Feng.

Lin Feng raised his shield, held the gun, and walked in front.

It's not that he didn't want to help. On the one hand, as the main combat force, he shouldn't be distracted to do these trivial things. It's a reasonable division of labor for the two women to be responsible for logistics. At the same time, it can also train them to overcome their fear of giant insects.

These aunts and uncles in front of him never took their eyes off the guns in their hands. Lin Feng didn't want any accidents to happen.

It's always right to be cautious.

With Lin Feng's face stern, he led the way in front, and everyone retreated and made way. The three of them successfully returned to Room 302 with the red beetle corpse.

After closing the door, the two women put down the heavy corpse and breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yurou ran directly to the toilet and wiped the unpleasant mucus on her hands with a towel and wet wipes.

Chen Yanyan wiped it casually, then came up and watched Lin Feng pick up the bone-cutting knife on the table and began to cut and dissect the red beetle.

Lin Feng turned his head and saw Chen Yanyan's curious eyes, and asked:

"Why, you are not afraid now?"

Chen Yanyan took out the dagger and was eager to try:

"I am just afraid of death. Now the insects are dead, what is there to be afraid of. Knowing their weaknesses, maybe it will be easy to kill them."

Lin Feng nodded, and asked while cutting:

"From the countryside? It's rare to see a girl who is not afraid of insects. Have you caught one when you were a child?"

Speaking of the past, Chen Yanyan's eyes were a little moist:

"I came from the northwest. In the countryside, there is nothing to do except working in the fields. Other things to do. When I was a child, my family was poor. I would go to the fields with my dad to catch centipedes, scorpions, and earthworms, dry them and sell them for money to supplement the family income..."

Lin Feng nodded and comforted:

"Don't worry, this giant insect attack has only occurred in coastal cities, and it is still two or three thousand miles away from the northwestern states."

"Once we escape from Haicheng successfully, we will be safe."

Chen Yanyan hummed and wiped her eyes:

"Brother Feng, are you a native of Haicheng? Then relatives..."

Lin Feng used a bone-chopping knife to cut off the ligaments that bonded the insect's carapace and peeled off the entire carapace completely.

"My parents left a few years ago. To be precise, they should have disappeared..."

As he said, he raised this oval red carapace that was about 1.5 meters long and more than 1 meter wide at its widest point.

Lin Feng silently recited the appraisal...

Hoping that there would be a reaction in his heart!

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