End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 53: Line of Defense, Dinner, and Downtrodden Nobles

At this moment, outside the main urban area of ​​Wucheng, relying on the buildings on both sides, countless workers are working overtime and are busy.

Thousands of mud trucks, mixer trucks, and cement pump trucks were used to pour hundreds of thousands of tons of high-strength concrete and solidify it on the mold.

With the steel skeleton, one after another fortresses were cast in series.

And these large-scale and extremely solid fortifications are the confidence of the 13th Division of Lu to stop the expansion of the Zerg in ten days.

Qin Hu sat in the passenger seat, rolled down the car window, and his confidence was evident in his eyes:

"The entire defense line stretches for 20 kilometers and is divided into three layers. This is the outermost circle. A main fort is built every 200 meters, a total of 100, and it is expected to be deployed to garrison at that time."

"Through cross-fire support, even if facing hundreds of thousands of black-spine insects, it can be easily defended."

"After the five-kilometer bypass canal, there is a second layer of defense line being prepared, but it is shorter, about ten kilometers. The last layer is located in the western district of Wucheng and is responsible for protecting the front-line command center, a total of five kilometers."

"With such layers, even if the Queen Mother's troops are at the gates of the city, they can't completely capture Wucheng after bypassing the defense line. Instead, they face the dilemma of being attacked from both sides."

"Low-level insects have no long-range attack methods, and each one is a live target. In this defensive battle, the Federation will win."

Qin Hu enthusiastically introduced to Lin Feng and the others, in fact, he was also cheering for his own people.

Losing more than a dozen cities overnight and losing 100,000 square kilometers of coastal territory is an absolute defeat for the Federation and even the entire Blue Star human race.

Low morale needs to be revived.

Solid fortifications are the backing of confidence.

Lin Feng and Han Yuxin were also shocked and speechless when they saw the magnificent scale of construction in front of them.

They couldn't help but exclaimed again and again.

The powerful productivity and organizational power erupted by the modern industrial system were fully demonstrated at this moment.

Like a precision machine, it quickly completed the instructions.

Most of these recruited people were refugees from the suburbs of coastal cities, and there were also many people who did not leave Wucheng, totaling up to one million.

They shared the same hatred and united as one.

Only such a number of people can support such a large scale of fortifications.

Even working day and night, they completed the construction in just six or seven days before the arrival of the Zerg.

Lin Feng took a deep breath. It was a pity that such a grand event could not be held all over the country, otherwise the Federation could really stop the Zerg's advance.

As he said before, relying on defense alone would be too passive. First, the supply line is a problem, and second, the Zerg can take a detour to invade the rear.

Although it would take several times longer to take a detour, if this was done, the Wucheng defense would be useless.

It can only be said that the symbolic significance of this unbreakable defense line is far greater than its actual use.

Unless this is a steep and dangerous pass that can rely on natural terrain and is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it will be of little use.

Unfortunately, the entire Jiangnan Province is flat and has thousands of miles of fertile fields and wetlands, and the Zerg can easily dig countless tunnels underground and go straight to Jincheng.

However, Qin Hu also mentioned that the strategic purpose of the Wucheng blocking war was to cover the transfer of heavy industry in Jincheng, the provincial capital.

If these are not built, the Zerg will be able to approach the outskirts of Jincheng within half a month, which will have a more serious impact on the Federation's war potential.

As long as they can be successfully delayed, even if the Zerg is forced to take a detour and move, which takes an extra month, the strategic goal will be achieved.

As for the others, they are all image projects to boost morale in propaganda.

Lin Feng quickly saw the truth behind it, but he would not say it or publicize it.

Some things, just know them in your heart.

In this life-and-death crisis, only a few people can really see the situation clearly.

Thinking of this, the previous shock gradually dissipated, and Lin Feng looked at the high-spirited crowd, with a trace of pity in his indifferent eyes.

And soon, when the jeep passed two checkpoints, it drove to a remote and uninhabited area and stopped outside a five-star hotel building.

The destination of the celebration banquet was finally arrived.

Lin Feng got out of the car first, turned around and supported Han Yuxin's hand, and walked in with her.

Qin Hu handed over a beautiful emerald green invitation:

"I have to go to your sister-in-law's place and change clothes. You guys go into the hall and eat something to fill your stomach."

Lin Feng took the invitation, waved goodbye, and then turned to look at the woman beside him:

"To be honest, the original purpose of my coming here was to have a good meal."

Han Yuxin chuckled and said as she walked:

"This building is a well-known five-star hotel in the whole Jiangnan Prefecture. The cooking skills inside are not bad. Mr. Lin can enjoy a feast."

Lin Feng led the woman forward, passed the verification and security scan of the security at the door, and entered smoothly.

After passing through a revolving door, the magnificent hall appeared in front of them. The beautiful waiter of the hotel smiled and came forward to introduce enthusiastically.

Lin Feng, who had never been here before, was still a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, Han Yuxin, who was knowledgeable, helped Lin Feng resolve unnecessary embarrassment.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the two came to the second-floor hall of the hotel. Many guests had already arrived, with a scale of nearly 700 to 800 people.

In addition to the beautiful women in gorgeous clothes, more than half of the men are enhanced people above level seven, and there are also many awakened ones among them.

Most of them were wearing military uniforms, and based on the rank displayed on their shoulder straps, they were all low-level lieutenants. There were also a few school officers here, but they were walking upstairs with some dignitaries, smiling.

Lin Feng only took a cursory glance, and then turned his attention to the long dining table, where countless delicacies were placed.

There are various cuisines from various regions, and it’s so dazzling that it’s a bit difficult for Lin Feng to choose.

Because it was a self-service situation, he picked up the plate and directly joined the soldiers in feasting, which actually caused them to look at him sideways.

After all, a person dressed up like Lin Feng shouldn't be greedy for this.

Lin Feng didn't pay much attention to these looks. Filling his stomach was his first goal, and he had no interest in the desire-filled communication in the center of the venue.

After finishing a braised pork knuckle, two charcoal grilled steaks, and a lot of mutton like a storm, Lin Feng returned to Han Yuxin with a burp.

Seeing her hand over the goblet, Lin Feng shook his head:

"No, I don't drink."

Han Yuxin smiled slightly:

"Let's go, many distinguished guests have already gone upstairs."

Lin Feng nodded, bent his arms, let the woman hug him, and then climbed up the stairs.

After showing the invitation to the doorman, he passed smoothly.

This scene made many people in the hall express confusion and envy, with a trace of regret flashing in their eyes.

After entering the VIP area, it is obviously much quieter here. It is not as lively and open as down below. The buffet is also a cold meal with a light smell.

However, Lin Feng saw a lot of seafood, which was an absolute delicacy now. After all, the coastlines around the world were occupied by Zerg.

In the future, seafood will only become less and less, and they have become the substrate for the breeding of Zerg troops.

There were dignitaries in the hall in twos and threes, discussing private matters in low voices. There was also a symphony band next to the banquet, playing beautiful and pleasant music live.

Lin Feng, following the principle of not getting anything for nothing, picked up the plate and prepared to taste every exquisite dish.

Han Yuxin was more purposeful, not as withdrawn as she was downstairs before, looking at everyone present, looking for potential business clients.

In addition to the mid- to high-level officers in the Thirteenth Division, they also included prominent congressmen that Lin Feng had only seen on TV, as well as many big entrepreneurs.

Lin Feng even saw some men and women dressed in luxurious and retro clothes, like ancient nobles.

Most of them have indifferent expressions, and there is a hint of arrogance in their eyes when they look at others, making them look particularly out of place.

Just when Lin Feng swallowed the tuna slices and was about to ask questions, Han Yuxin explained in a low voice:

"They are all nobles from several small surrounding countries, and some have fled by plane from overseas. These countries still implement monarchy, and some royal families still have ruling power."

"However, it is a pity that they do not have as strong a national power as the Federation. Basically, the whole country fell in one day."

"By the way, they are all our quality customers."

"When you abandoned your country and fled, you took a lot of treasures with you!"

Han Yuxin looked at them as if looking at delicious prey:

"I'll go and have a chat with them. Do you want to eat first or go together?"

Lin Feng picked out a few polar red shrimps to show his determination to make a living. Han Yuxin stood up on tiptoes and kissed the side of his face, then raised a glass of champagne and stood up to leave.

Lin Feng had no interest in these people. He just wanted to wait for Qin Hu to come and take him to meet the top brass of the army, especially the powerful awakened ones inside.

Not long after he arrived, he had already seen several officers with awakening levels of lv17 and above.

While Lin Feng was alone, concentrating on tasting the food, a blond-haired, blue-eyed girl wearing a luxurious dress suddenly appeared next to him.

I saw her holding up the pleats of her skirt with both hands, bowing her head in a polite manner:

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

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