End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 47 lv12 Green Winged Bug, Special Soldier

The green light flashed past, and none of the three people present noticed it. However, when Lin Feng saw the head rolling down at his feet, he followed the direction and saw a green shadow being pulled up.

Because it is in the climbing phase, its speed slows down.

But Lin Feng didn't have time to think too much. The best way to face unknown dangers was to avoid them.

Even if the opponent is in the climbing stage, its speed is several times faster than any creature on land.

I don’t know when the next dive attack will be. Let’s go back to the armored RV first!

Pulling Chen Yanyan up and getting into the cab, the solid and thick armor gave Lin Feng a sense of peace of mind.

"In the air? Are they flying insects?!"

Because she hadn't turned off the engine beforehand, Chen Yanyan stepped on the brakes, put into gear and started. With trembling hands, she turned the car around and asked.

The shock of the scene just now was like the missing human head when she watched a horror movie for the first time.

Panic is like boiling ink, drowning reason.

Fortunately, hiding in the armored RV, the two of them didn't have to use their bodies to catch the light-speed sickle like Zhao Lu did.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, took out the receiver left by Ding Chenghai, and called up the introduction document sent before.

"It's a flying Zerg unit. If your guess is correct, it should be called Green Winged Insect."

"Don't worry, we'll be safe if we hide in the armored RV. It can't get in."

Lin Feng comforted her and raised her hand to hold Chen Yanyan's shoulders to stabilize her mentality.

After all, facing such an unknown enemy, even Lin Feng was frightened at first.

Chen Yanyan took a few deep breaths and stabilized herself.

Lin Feng looked through the archives and introduced in detail:

"The Green Wing is a low-level unit of the Zerg that is the counterpart of the Black Spine. The two have similar structures. Both have a pair of giant jaws on their mouthparts. However, the Green Wing is smaller and shorter, and the pincers on both sides are... It’s very long and can pierce the target’s brain.”

"They are about four meters long and have a structure similar to that of a wasp. They have three pairs of slender pointed feet on their front abdomen, and a jagged barb-like structure at the end. They can hook the target and throw it into the air to fall to death."

"But the most common attack method of green winged insects is to fly to an altitude of 600 to 700 meters and use a swooping attack like a peregrine falcon. The maximum speed can be close to 400 kilometers per hour, which is equivalent to a sprint speed of 100 meters per second."

"When it gets close to the target, it unfolds its turquoise membrane wings and enters a state of extreme speed gliding. It spreads its flaky pointed legs on both sides and cuts the target with the help of speed."

"In order to achieve flight, the Green Winged Insect's defense is reduced, and it generally does not participate in frontal battlefield operations. It is usually responsible for patrolling the skies around the Queen Mother, and during combat, it surrounds the Queen Mother to fight and resist our air attacks."

"Similar to the positioning of an unmanned wingman."

After reading, both Lin Feng and Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. In order to ensure the flying speed, the green winged insect's armor is far less hard than that of the black spine insect, and it cannot break through the armored RV at all.

But it poses a great threat to human air units.

Especially for helicopters flying at low altitudes, Green Winged Insects can easily change one for another.

No wonder that during the last rescue operation at the Haicheng University dormitory, armed helicopters were sent with a strict limit on the number of people carrying them, just for fear of encountering green-winged insects.

There must be no factors that affect flight performance.

Lin Feng put away the receiver. Although he had briefly read the insect files before, he did not expect to encounter the green-winged insect so quickly. This guy rarely carried out ground operations and would not go directly to the edge of the territory.

It is estimated that the sudden death of the small group of black spine worms caused the friction to escalate, causing the mother queen to send it to investigate.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Lu caught a big fish by using the insect hunting team for fishing.

In the future, for missions, a special person must be assigned to stay in the car and be responsible for lookout and early warning.

After learning that the green-winged insects could not pose any further threat, Lin Feng decided to fight back, comforted Chen Yanyan, left the passenger seat, and went to the observation deck on the second floor of the RV.

Protected by the vehicle roof and surrounding armor, the Green Winged Insect was unable to swoop in to attack, but Lin Feng could use the thirty centimeter wide gap to launch a counterattack.

The rate of fire of the lv14 machine gun is too low, and the charging preview of the Death Eye requires locking on the target's figure.

The normal flight speed of green-winged insects reaches more than fifty meters per second, and the speed is more than two hundred kilometers.

Lin Feng's nerve reaction speed couldn't keep up with it, so he could only barely identify that it was a lv12 green-winged insect:

"Greenwing, lv12/19"

"HP 120, Constitution 60, Spirit 8"

"The basic soldier unit of the Zerg is responsible for low-altitude reconnaissance and gathering intelligence. It has average attack power and low defense. It can serve as the spy for high-level Zerg."

Looking at the green-winged insects circling behind the car, Lin Feng quickly came up with a solution.

Although the lv14 machine gun cannot be aimed, you can switch to the god-level pistol mode, activate the properties of the metal storm, create a metal jet, and win with numbers!

Lin Feng leaned down and stared at the green figure circling back and forth behind the RV, holding his breath and concentrating.

Finally, after figuring out its flight pattern, Lin Feng predicted its trajectory and reached out for the muzzle of the gun.

At the same time, just in case, be prepared to activate the red armor shield's absolute defensive state at all times.

This was Lin Feng's backup plan in case other flying insects appeared.

As the trigger was pulled, Metal Storm fired out pieces of bullets, forming a large net of metal jets in the sky at a terrifying rate of fire of one hundred and fifty rounds per second.

Each bullet damages up to 40, and this lv12 green-winged insect has 120 health points. It takes three shots to completely kill it.

But in fact, as long as one bullet hits it, especially if its transparent wing membrane is broken, the green-winged insect will no longer be able to fly.

And soon, when nearly a thousand bullets were fired at a speed of 800 meters per second, forming a bullet net above the possible flight path of the green-winged insect, it was caught off guard and hit by bullets on its wings and abdomen one after another without time to turn around.

It staggered and dived to find a place, and its legs were broken and blood and flesh were splattered.

The green-winged insect fell to death directly, but unfortunately the last fatal blow was not caused by the bullet, but by falling to death, so Lin Feng did not harvest the upgrade point.

After successfully killing the green-winged insect, Lin Feng observed the sky again to make sure there were no other flying insects, and then he returned to the back of the RV with peace of mind.

He took great pains to solve the green-winged insect, but it was not for that little upgrade point. On the one hand, he needed to return the color and help the two overcome the psychological pressure. On the other hand, in the introduction given by the system, the green-winged insect played the role of the queen mother’s eyeliner.

If it escapes and returns to report, the Queen Mother will know that there is a threat like Lin Feng on the human side through the intelligence information it brings back.

This is extremely disadvantageous for Lin Feng's subsequent operations.

The Queen Mother, who is on guard, will definitely keep an eye on Lin Feng and target him specifically.

If you want to avoid risks, the green-winged insect must die!

Lin Feng put away his pistol and saw the living insects in the back compartment through an iron door. The joy of the harvest did not last long, and the sense of urgency in his heart rose again.

These are only low-level insects below level 20. If they encounter mid-level flying insects above level 20 in the future, they will fly higher and faster, and their defense will be greatly enhanced...

If the metal storm is useless at that time, the power of the machine gun is enough, but the firing rate will definitely not keep up.

Air defense, air defense, nine out of ten defenses...

No, ten out of ten defenses, ten out of ten!

We must hurry to upgrade the machine gun and armored RV to a stage that is sufficient for self-protection.

Lin Feng took a deep breath. After killing 10 black-spine insects, the lv14 machine gun had 19 upgrade points, and it could be upgraded twice in a row to lv16.

He upgraded decisively, but the upgrade of his own lv14 was quite intense, so he would wait until he returned to the safe area before carrying out the upgrade.

"Have you solved the green-winged insects?"

Chen Yanyan asked when she saw the man return.

Lin Feng nodded, and his expression returned to normal.

Chen Yanyan breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it could be solved, it would not be a problem.

Because of the appearance of the green-winged insects, it took a lot of time. When the armored RV returned to the service area, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

The RV did not suffer any damage in this insect hunting mission, but Lin Feng's heart was far from the relief and relief of escaping death last time.

Parking the RV in front of the repair shop, the two put away the shield armor form. After Lin Feng got off the car, he began to contact Hu Fei to arrange the shipment as soon as possible.

A group of live insects hissed in the trunk. If they were suspected, it would easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

At this time, a staff member of the Administration came forward and said with a smile:

"Congratulations, Mr. Lin, you have been promoted to special soldier with exceptional commendation."

"You are only one step away from being a non-commissioned officer."

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