End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 45 Bait, Hire, lv14 Machine Gun

Chen Yanyan suddenly realized.

So there is such a trick.

Lin Feng is the one who is sinister and treacherous.

But now the red beetle group is scared and fled, and she only killed seven of them in the previous period of time, and there are still ten left to reach level 9.

"What should I do? Should I follow them?"

Chen Yanyan looked at the red beetle corpses on the ground and skillfully peeled off their carapaces with a knife.

Seven carapaces are enough to upgrade the red armor shield to the next level.

Watching the insect hunting team leave one after another, Lin Feng shook his head:

"Those insects are very smart. Unless they go deep into the vicinity of the mother nest and close to the city, they may encounter a large group of insects."

"Don't think about harvesting frantically. The opportunity in the university town is rare and it is easy to capsize in the ditch."

"Pray that this scattered insect hunting team can be lucky enough to fish out a small group of black-backed insects."

After speaking, Lin Feng left the RV, took the carapace of the red beetle, and merged it into Chen Yanyan's shield.

Upgrade to lv5, and leave a few upgrades for storage.

Chen Yanyan looked at the insect corpses on the ground with a strange smell, thinking:

"We have to find a way to lure the insects out of the cave. What about these insect corpses? Didn't you use this to feed the red beetles before?"

Lin Feng shrugged:

"That's a way. But they are far less attracted to the corpses of their own kind than to human flesh and blood. It's probably related to the water and nutrient content."

"Unless you are willing to bleed to lure them."

"And there is a lot of uncertainty in guarding the cave entrance. It's like digging a shrimp hole. There may be lobsters at the bottom of the hole, but it is also possible to find a poisonous snake."

"The risk is very high."

"If three or four black-backed worms suddenly appear, I won't be able to save you in time."

The two stood in front of the insect corpses and discussed. Suddenly, three cars drove in at the entrance and exit of the toll station, ordinary cars.

Several young people walked down from above. The oldest was only in his early twenties, and the youngest was only sixteen or seventeen years old. They all looked like students.

Lin Feng had some impression of the leading few people. They were the students sitting in the school bus that followed them to escape from Haicheng.

Logically, they should have arrived in Jincheng with the large group of refugees.

Why did they run back again?

The dozen young people got off the bus to discuss for a while, and one man and one woman walked towards Lin Feng.

Chen Yanyan's eyes lit up when she saw them.

They stopped a few meters in front of Lin Feng, trying to cheer up in their sleepy expressions, and said humbly:

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

"We are alumni of Liu Yueqi. My name is Shen Jie and her name is Zhang Liying."

Lin Feng frowned slightly when he saw their dirty appearance. Shen Jie and Zhang Liying in front of him, one lv2 and one lv1, were not worth mentioning among the insect hunters.

"You don't even have decent equipment, what are you doing here, are you going to die?"

Shen Jie looked very helpless:

"We were all in school when the giant insects invaded. We followed the school bus driver to escape, and our family and relatives were buried in the sea of ​​insects... The federal agency does not accept teenagers under the age of sixteen, and the management bureau thinks our level is too low..."

"We had nowhere to go, and we met Liu Yueqi on the road. She gave us half a tank of gasoline and said we could come here and try our luck."

Lin Feng sighed and shook his head:

"Don't think about it. It's not the complex terrain of the city now. There is no chance for you to pick up leaks in this open area."

"You guys together may not be able to deal with a small group of red beetles."

"Now the red beetles are hiding in the cave, and we can't do anything about this group of insects, unless you want to get into the narrow wormhole and fight the red beetles head-on."

After hearing what Lin Feng said, the two looked at the desolate scene nearby and turned around very disappointed.


At this time, a female voice came from behind.

Chen Yanyan looked at these students and smiled and said:

"If you have nowhere to go, why not come and work for us. Clean the battlefield, collect materials, etc."

"Of course, if you are willing to act as bait, we will also consider sharing the opportunity of insecticide enhancement."

After speaking, Chen Yanyan looked at Lin Feng, got affirmation from him, and pointed to the wormhole in the roadside greenery.

Shen Jie and Zhang Liying looked at each other and replied:

"We need to discuss with others first, please wait."

After speaking, he returned to the three cars and discussed with other companions. Finally, he brought three people, a total of five people, raised two shields made of carapaces, and each of them had a short knife, a fire axe, and a crowbar and other weapons in his hand.

"We are willing to help you lure the red beetles, and the rest of the people will clean up the battlefield."

Lin Feng nodded:

"Find a few brave people who are not afraid of insects. We need to transport some live insects back."

If he really can't meet the black-backed beetles, Lin Feng plans to catch a few red beetles to deal with Hu Fei for the time being.

Several people took a deep breath, nodded, and followed Chen Yanyan to the entrance of the wormhole on the roadside.

The crawling traces left on the grass extended all the way into the more than one-meter-wide hole in front of them. The wormhole was very wide, and many tentacles and antennae could be vaguely seen shaking.

The red beetles were frightened, and there were no black-backed worms nearby to command them, so they didn't dare to crawl out for a while to search for food.

Shen Jie led four young people and carefully touched the edge of the hole. He raised the fire axe and knocked on the shield in his hand. At the same time, he made a wheezing roar in his mouth, trying to attract the red beetles out.

Unfortunately, the red beetles lay on the wall of the cave and didn't respond.

Even because the noise made by Shen Jie and others was too loud, they went deeper into the cave and shrank hard.

Now you can either get into the hole and enter the territory of the red beetle, or try other means to lure the snake out of the hole.

Following Chen Yanyan's instructions, several companions moved several red beetle corpses from the armored RV nearby, discarded them near the entrance of the cave, and then quietly retreated.

However, after a while, there was still no movement.

Seeing this, Chen Yanyan took a box of medical first-aid kit from the RV, took out the hose needle, and said calmly:

"Sound alone won't do it. The smell of the bait is too weak to attract red beetles."

"The last resort is to seduce with blood."

"This is sterilized blood transfusion equipment. Who is going to use it?"

Shen Jie took the sterile packaging tape, opened it, looked at the four people in front of him, took a deep breath and made a suggestion:

"There are only three sets of blood transfusion syringes. I'll go first. Each person has more than 300 ml, which should be enough."

After reading the operation diagram, he decisively tied the rubber band and, with the help of Zhang Liying, inserted it into the vein in front of the elbow fossa.

Having been strengthened twice, drawing some blood did not have a great impact on his condition, but because he had not eaten anything for a long time, he still felt a strong dizziness after drawing blood.

The next two boys took over, and finally drew out a total of 1,000 ml and handed it to Zhang Liying.

The girl carefully walked to the entrance of the cave and poured the warm blood in her hands into the depths of the cave.

A rustling sound followed, and the strong smell of blood was smelled and tasted. This group of red beetles, who were already hungry, were ready to move.

Zhang Liying took the opportunity to spread the remaining blood at the entrance of the cave, and then retreated all the way to the road.

Everyone held their breath, like fishermen waiting for the fish to take the bait, until two long tentacles poked their heads out from the hole, and they all showed joy.

The red beetles sucked the blood in the soil. Driven by their eating instinct, they forgot their fear and crawled out of the wormhole one after another, following the blood trail.

Shen Jie and the others swallowed and, reminded by Chen Yanyan's gesture, slowly backed away.

As more and more red beetles crawled out of the hole, their behavior became bolder as their numbers grew.

Start exploring outside.

Chen Yanyan counted seventeen or eight red beetles in front of her, enough for her to strengthen to the ninth time.

So he decisively raised his gun and pointed it at the red beetle.

Using burst shooting, their abdomen and legs were broken one by one, making them unable to move.

This will not disturb the insect swarm and create new panic, but it will also continue to attract the hatred of the red beetles and firmly contain them.

The death of a red beetle will alert similar species, but the cry of injury can arouse the anger of nearby red beetles.

In their limited brains, they can only recognize the content of a single signal. Death means danger, but injury alone equals an enemy that can be killed.

Chen Yanyan retreated while walking, taking advantage of the flexibility and speed brought by her long legs to quickly deal with these low-level red beetles.

A few minutes later…

Seeing that there were no more red beetles at the entrance of the cave, Chen Yanyan put down her gun and looked at the remaining insects lying on the ground, numbering as many as twenty-seven or eight.

After picking up the long knife and killing ten of them, Chen Yanyan successfully strengthened to the ninth time.

If you kill another Black Spine Worm of level 10 or above, you can upgrade to level 10 and activate the super awakening.

Chen Yanyan gave three of the remaining eighteen red beetles to Shen Jie and others, and asked them to cut off all the abdominal legs and chelicerae of the remaining fifteen, carry them to the trunk of the RV, and cut off ten pieces of carapace at the same time. Collect it next.

After finishing everything, Chen Yanyan took out some compressed biscuits and instant noodles from the RV as a meal supplement for Shen Jie and others.

"Okay, the bugs have been killed. If nothing else happens, you can go back first. What happens here is not something you can participate in."

Chen Yanyan kindly reminded them that after drawing blood, these people's combat effectiveness is close to zero. Once the black spine worm attacks, it is basically impossible to escape death.

Zhang Liying supported Shen Jie, thanked her, and left without hesitation with her companions.

After they walked away, Chen Yanyan looked at her phone. It was almost noon. Thinking of the reminder from the administration staff when setting off, she couldn't help but ask:

"Still waiting? There may not be enough time."

Lin Feng lay on the passenger seat and took off his sunglasses:

"Don't be anxious. In addition to making nests, fishing also requires patience."

"We can all think of ways to attract insects, can't those hanging hairs guess it?"

"And they are likely to throw heavy bait, and when the sharks are caught, they will definitely be burned..."

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, there was a booming explosion in the distance. One kilometer away, an off-road vehicle was overturned by several black spine insects.

Because the other people in the getaway car fired wildly with rifles, piercing the fuel tank, sparks ignited the gasoline, and a small explosion occurred.

But this did not stop the pursuit of as many as twenty small groups of black spine worms.

They clung to their target and rushed toward the toll booth behind the RV.

Lin Feng raised the corners of his mouth slightly and pulled out the upgraded lv14 blaster...

No, it is already a 30mm machine gun at this time!

He stood up and left the co-pilot, and slowly spoke:

"Okay, it's time for us to get to work."

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