The explosive power of gasoline is actually far greater than that of TNT high explosive of the same unit.

Under the same weight, the energy generated by the explosion of gasoline is ten times that of TNT explosives! When the volume is the same, there is a six-fold difference.

If the one hundred liters of gasoline in his hand were completely exploded, it would be as powerful as ten thousand hand grenades exploding at the same time, equivalent to 1.5 tons of TNT explosives.

It was more powerful than the three-ton aerial bomb Lin Feng witnessed when he unexpectedly broke into the frontal battlefield before, because its warhead was only 1.4 tons of TNT.

But it is enough to kill four to five hundred black spine worms!

However, if you want the barreled gasoline to completely evaporate into the air and achieve the optimal mixing ratio with oxygen, precise and long-term debugging is required.

In the current situation, there is obviously no time for the gasoline to slowly evaporate into the air. Besides, Lin Feng doesn't know how to operate it. Only Ding Chenghai, who studies weapons, knows how to do it.

But Lin Feng is certain of one thing, that is, the volatilization speed of liquid hydrogen under normal conditions is much faster than that of gasoline!

Use it with gasoline to create a fast-reacting explosive mixture, which is far more powerful than burning gasoline!

After all, these things are used on rockets.

That's why he collected the hydrogen storage bags inside the red beetles and mixed them with gasoline to increase the reaction rate and the power of the explosion.

So Lin Feng immediately opened the lid of the gasoline can and stuffed the nozzle of the hydrogen storage bag into it.

The liquid hydrogen inside comes into contact with the air, gradually boils, and a large number of bubbles emerge in the oil barrel.

The hydrogen is stirring the gasoline and speeding up the volatilization!

After preparing the terrifyingly powerful liquid bomb, Lin Feng saw the right moment and threw it directly on the road, with tons of oil leaking out from the unsealed barrel mouth.

The boiling hydrogen accelerates the volatilization of gasoline. The two have similar densities. After vaporization, they fully combine with the air. The pungent smell of gasoline spreads above the highway.

A transparent and explosive aerosol of hundreds of square meters was formed.

At this time, the RV was still one kilometer away from the black spine insect swarm. Lin Feng yelled and asked Chen Yanyan to speed up and open a wider distance as quickly as possible.

He didn't want the heat wave generated by the explosion to overturn the entire RV to the ground.

The current pursuit speed of the black spine swarm has reached sixty or seventy yards, a distance of one kilometer, and they can reach the gasoline barrel throwing point within one minute.

Lin Feng held the lv11 blaster in his hand and mentally calculated the best time to shoot. A dozen black spine insects in the front row of the insect tide would be about to rush to the gasoline barrel and pour a large number of explosive bullets to hit the target. The flame ignites the hydrogen-oil mixture in the air.

The critical moment is fleeting and must be just right.

Time passes by second by second...


When the vanguard of the insect wave arrived in front of the gasoline barrel, Lin Feng pressed the trigger decisively and fired a series of small explosive bombs.

At this time, there is no need to save bullets. Detonating this explosive gas wall is more important than anything else!

Explosive bombs one after another, as if for free, were fired from the muzzle and flew towards their target, having already broken into the swarm of Black Spine Worms in the explosive aerosol.

In the next second, they exploded on the surface of the giant insect. The reverse firing pin in the warhead ignited the granular explosives stored inside, burning violently to form an explosion.

The flames generated by the explosion further ignited the surrounding hydrogen-oil mixture!

The blue and red flames spread quickly!

Within a thousandth of a second, the combustion reaction spread like lightning, forming a giant fireball with a diameter of more than 100 meters above the road!

The shock wave generated by the violent explosion directly shattered dozens of black spine worms in the center. The swarm of insects nearby and behind were also washed to the ground. The weak parts of their limbs and joints all suffered varying degrees of damage...

A huge fireball rose up and illuminated the entire suburb, but it only lasted for tens of seconds before dissipating, leaving only black smoke and water vapor.

Although the instantaneous power is great, because it is not wrapped with several layers of iron sheets, the secondary damage caused by the explosion is not as serious as that of an aerial bomb.

But even so, it was quite shocking!

As many as two to three hundred black spine worms collapsed on the ground in patches. Although the aftermath damage they suffered was not fatal, they were still seriously injured.

The concussion of the shock wave destroyed the weak central nervous system of their brains, causing them to lose their sense of balance and body awareness, staggering and twitching, and losing their ability to fight.

The hundreds of black spine worms following behind rushed through the piles of corpses of their companions, but were blocked by a wall of blazing fire on the road.

The huge flames also ignited the four barrels of gasoline.

They exploded due to the instantaneous increase in air pressure, spraying the remaining half a barrel of gasoline on the road, igniting a blazing wall of fire more than ten meters wide.

The fire was raging, the heat wave was rolling, and the temperature was nearly 2,000 degrees. Even the black spine worms had to retreat. No matter how strong the outer armor was, it could not withstand the internal organs in the abdomen being roasted.

And for a while, this wall of fire couldn't be extinguished.

By the time they got around from both sides, the target RV ahead had disappeared into the night.

Ten seconds ago, Lin Feng fired a series of explosive bombs and got back into the RV.

Because real men never look back to see explosions!

The main reason is that the shock wave generated by the explosion can cause bleeding in the internal organs of fragile flesh. It may not appear to be a problem on the surface, but the internal organs may have been torn to pieces.

Even with the protection of the shield, Lin Feng didn't want to waste or take risks on this.

After he retreated into the car, the shock wave generated by the explosion rushed to him. Fortunately, Chen Yanyan stepped on the accelerator in advance, accelerated madly, and pulled a long distance of two kilometers from the explosion point, which greatly reduced the damage suffered.

The car body driving at high speed only shook for a while, and did not roll over.

The huge burning fireball illuminated the entire night, and the earth was as bright as day, but it only lasted for a few seconds before gradually dimming.

The night covered the earth again.

Lin Feng and Liu Yueqi looked back and saw the burning wall of fire on the road blocking the black-spine worms from continuing to chase them. They successfully escaped from the clutches of the insect tide.

Not only saved themselves, but also saved thousands of survivors.

Of course, the far-reaching impact of this explosion was still spreading rapidly in a way that Lin Feng did not know, affecting the fate of everyone.

At this moment, Lin Feng sat down in the co-pilot seat and calmed his violently beating heart.

Fortunately, everything was within his original plan and progressed without any danger.

Long before participating in the mission, Lin Feng realized that if he wanted to quickly complete the upgrade and eliminate the hordes of black-spine insects, the firepower of a grenade gun alone was far from enough!

Ding Chenghai once said that black-spine insects are different from red beetles that are scattered and collect resources everywhere. Their duty is to defend the territory and eliminate the enemy, so they basically will not be alone.

The smallest combat unit, the scout team, has at least three or more.

After killing a few more times, it will attract hordes of black-spine insects, and then they will be chased and killed by them frantically.

Unless, as Qin Hu planned, use a few cars as bait to lead to the edge of the activity territory, and leave directly after solving the problem, and never fight.

This is the only way to ensure your own safety.

So it is basically impossible to level up steadily.

You can only fire a shot and quickly change to another place.

Slow and inefficient.

But this is not Lin Feng's style!

If you want to play, play big!

Taking advantage of the high intensity of the front battlefield, attracting firepower, the Queen Mother was too busy to take care of the flanks, and fiercely annihilated a group of black-spine insects!

The gasoline and hydrogen storage bag gave Lin Feng inspiration.

Four barrels of gasoline, if used well, are enough to kill the black-spine insect army.

"Do you want to go back and take a look?"

Chen Yanyan slowly slowed down the car. Driving at high speed in the dark is prone to accidents. Sprinting for a short period of time is fine, but accelerating all the time is playing with your life.

Lin Feng shook his head:

"There are at least five or six hundred black-spine insects. The explosion just now seemed powerful, but only a few dozen black-spine insects were killed in the center of the explosion. Those that fell to the ground were only seriously injured. There are more black-spine insects in the back, just like the RV, which were not affected by the explosion..."

"Going back now would be a death sentence. It would be good enough if I could save my life."

While saying this, Lin Feng looked at the grenade launcher in his hand:

"LV11 grenade launcher, red quality"

"Upgrade points: 21/3, damage 60, effective range 2 kilometers, remaining bullets 55/300"

The successful implementation of the gasoline explosion plan brought him rich rewards, directly killing 21 black-spine insects.

But Lin Feng estimated that the actual situation was far more than that. Many black-spine insects were seriously injured and struggled for a while before dying, but the serious injuries and deaths had nothing to do with the bullets fired, so they could not be counted.

If he fires a few more shots later, he might get more upgrade points, but that would also arouse the hatred of the surviving black-spine worms again...

The gain would be counterproductive.

Lin Feng doesn't have extra gasoline and confidence to stage another miracle explosion.

At present, there are 21 upgrade points, which are enough for Lin Feng to consume for a while and gradually upgrade the grenade gun to level 15.

By then, the power of the grenade will almost double.

The next time he faces a tide of black-spine worms, he won't be as embarrassed as he is now, and he won't have to use all means to escape the pursuit.

Seeing the highway toll station in the distance, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and then upgraded the grenade gun in his hand to level 12.

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