End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 335: Confinement, sweep, and continuous upgrades

Lin Feng frowned slightly after realizing this.

He still remembered the first time he encountered the Zerg Queen keeping humans in captivity, when he had just been promoted to the second-level awakener and was driving the dreadnought to Jiacheng, Zhejiang, below Wucheng.

It was there that he met the Jiacheng Queen, who was studying the human species, and now the body of Lingyi.

At that time, she seemed to be very curious about the social structure and civilization evolution of humans.

She wanted to master human civilization through this method, so as to dig out a way to integrate with each other and directly absorb and assimilate human civilization.

It can be said that if Lingyi continues to develop in this way, although he may experience many failures, he may really find a way to sweep across the blue planet and enslave humans.

After all, the war strategy of conquering the enemy without fighting and attacking the heart is the essence of invasion and expansion.

And the knowledge learned from it may also become the key for Lingyi to help the Zerg get rid of slavery in the future.

But the ultimate purpose of raising humans by this group of insects that landed in the tropical rainforest is obviously far from the observation experiment of Lingyi.

Moreover, several small countries in the subcontinent have never produced advanced wisdom and civilization since the ancient barbaric primitive period.

Even the feudal centralized system has not been well promoted and implemented, and slavery and decentralization have continued to modern society.

Today's deformed society is also formed by the colonial assimilation of foreign invaders.

Therefore, it is simply a pipe dream to expect to learn to deconstruct human civilization from this group of semi-civilized monkeys.

It will only lead to the absurd conclusion that humans are primitive, barbaric and stupid.

Therefore, the only possibility for this group of red beetles to cultivate the vegetables needed by humans under the order of the mother queen is that they have already kept humans in captivity like livestock.

So that they can wait until they grow up and harvest them.

Just provide some old, weak, sick, injured or hatched deformed first-order black-spine insects and second-order insect eggs to obtain a batch of pure-blooded human awakeners.

Then, after harvesting and devouring them, obtain enough human gene pools, and then use them to unlock the authority and shackles of the genes in the body, and successfully advance to the third-order mid-term.

It is estimated that there are quite a few who do this.

After all, the military power of small countries in the subcontinent is basically zero. Not to mention the tug-of-war with the Zerg Queen's Zerg army, even an inch of land cannot be defended.

On the day of the apocalypse, many soldiers with guns even ran faster than civilians.

They hid deep inland in a hurry.

This led to a large number of unarmed civilians facing the invasion and slaughter of the Zerg army.

However, the Queen who landed in the tropical rainforest and the Zerg under her command did not lack biomass energy at all. On the contrary, for the Queen, what they lacked more was the awakened people among humans.

Especially the second-order and even third-order awakened people.

However, humans who had no resistance could not escape the Zerg's attack and sweep, and the weapons they were equipped with were backward and had extremely low power...

If they could not kill many first-level black-spine insects, they would naturally not produce many awakened ones.

In order to solve this bizarre problem, many queens even took the initiative to send the old, weak, sick and disabled among their Zerg to the human gathering place.

As a result, the group of monkeys scattered directly.

It was rare to encounter a few extremely "brave" ones who stood up to kill the black-spine insects. However, after successfully being promoted to the first-level awakeners, they did not stay on the front line and lead their team members to continue to fight hard, kill more black-spine insects, and become stronger.

However, one by one, after obtaining the first-stage awakening power, they were directly blinded by this powerful strength that surpassed the enhanced human and the awakened superpowers.

In other words, they never thought of staying on the front line, continuing to kill insects, and making themselves stronger.

Instead, they fell directly after getting the power.

With a group of people, they returned to the northernmost part of the rear country and established a rule without bottom line by relying on their own strength.

They take human life lightly and do all kinds of evil.

At the same time, they also become greedy for life and afraid of death, and regard the promotion to the first-level awakener as a lottery ticket to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

For such human strength, many queen mothers who landed on the subcontinent showed helpless emotions.

Some were even furious.

So this is why the surviving and captured living people are directly kept in the Zerg sphere of influence or right next to the Zerg nest.

In this way, the humans who have completed the enhanced awakening can be served on the table for the queen mother to taste carefully.

Lin Feng stood on the coast, walked out of the cockpit of the colonization mecha, and stepped on the beach under his feet.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng did not feel a bit unhappy or angry when he stepped on the intention of the queen mother here.

In addition to the fact that the humans here are not the federal people he is familiar with, the more important reason is that Lin Feng no longer feels strange and uneasy about these things as he did at the beginning, and he can empathize with them.

Now, after going through so many things...

He even feels that the humans who are kept in the Zerg are more comfortable and willing to stay there than the survivors who are struggling in the outside world.

And the people who are kept in captivity here may really think so deep down in their hearts.

They would rather become livestock pigs that are captured and slaughtered, and live happily for a tiring day.

Of course, for some people, the treatment of not worrying about food and clothing is more acceptable than the process of starving and fleeing.

So when Lin Feng went to kill the Zerg Mother Queen and rescued them from the fire and water, maybe this group of people would blame Lin Feng for shattering their dreams, destroying their originally good life, and making them have to face everything in the end of the world.

At this time, Jiang Yun'er, who was setting up a bonfire nearby, also noticed something strange about the group of red beetles in the distance. At the same time, he also guessed the purpose of the insect swarm's farming in a few seconds.

So he said:

"Do you need to go and investigate first? I guess this is a Zerg human breeding industry, not an experiment."

Lin Feng nodded and shook his head:

"It's okay, they're just a bunch of upgrade consumables."

"The Zerg Mother Queen uses them as consumables to advance to the second stage, and I, too, want to clean up all the Mother Queens in Southeast Asia in the name of tourism."

"Be fully prepared for the final battle."

"After all, I hope that the Zerg Mother Queen can absorb their superpower genes and be promoted to the mid-stage Mother Queen."

Otherwise, it would be very boring to keep killing these early-stage empresses, and there would be little gain in the future.

The only way is to let the Zerg Queen, in order to advance to the middle stage of the third level, convert all the Zerg biomass energy that Lin Feng cannot absorb into life energy that can be turned into third level upgrade points, and then harvest it.

Only then can we realize the idea of ​​honing the combat skills of breeding mechas and improving harvests.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Feng wants to watch the sunset with Chen Yanyan and enjoy this moment of tranquility.

Sunset by the sea is like the end of a drama.

What followed was boundless darkness.

The two sat beside a roaring bonfire.

The colonial mecha and the Mother Emperor stood quietly at the rear. The former entered the sentinel guard mode and set a radius of 100 meters. As long as an unknown object approaches, it will immediately launch an attack.

Chen Shanshan leaned on Lin Feng's shoulder, and the two of them depended on each other, watching the orange-red sunset gradually disappearing on the sea level.

It leaves a long ripple, jumping up and down.

Chen Yanyan suddenly said:

"Actually, I have always had a deep impression in my heart, and I feel particularly clear and frightened about this year."

Lin Feng frowned slightly, held up his arms, and held the woman against his chest:

"Well, tell me?"

Chen Yanyan took a deep breath and continued:

"On the day when the apocalypse broke out, it happened to be the calculated total solar eclipse. The sun was blocked by the moon, and the whole world seemed to suddenly plunge into darkness."

"Especially when I was driving to the community, there was a section of the road where it was so dark that I couldn't see anything. I had to rely on the high beam of the car to distinguish the road ahead."

"At that time, I was wondering if it would always be like this."

"Because the duration of the total solar eclipse has been extended several times, from a few minutes to more than an hour or two, and in terms of coverage, this mutated total solar eclipse can appear anywhere in the world. It’s like a scene.”

"So I'm worried that Taihui will no longer rise and appear in this sudden disaster that affects the world, and will disappear directly after the total solar eclipse."

"From now on, the Blue Star will also become a hotbed for the reproduction and expansion of the Zerg race, and the sun will turn into a black star, spreading despair throughout the world."

Lin Feng smiled and said with relief:

"The alienated total solar eclipse that day was actually caused by the alien insect race. The insect god's power is unpredictable and can easily destroy stars. It is not surprising that the total solar eclipse has been extended."

"The power of the gods is beyond comprehension."

Speaking of this, Lin Feng suddenly realized something:

"During the process of evolutionary awakening, did you appear in a barren wasteland carrying a chariot and warship?"

"That's actually my spiritual world."

Lin Feng smiled. He did not expect that Chen Yanyan would wake up in his spiritual world, so he continued:

"So every time you break away from the spiritual world, you see the black star hanging in mid-air."

"And you need to enter it until you are completely swallowed up by that darkness, then you can break free and wake up in reality."

"Don't worry, the barren weeks where the battleship docked are the source of my spiritual strength."

After saying that, Chen Yanyan nodded and leaned in Lin Feng's arms until night fell.

The sky is filled with the stars of the Milky Way.

As for Jiang Yuner, because she couldn't stand the food, she ran to the back of the beach to drive away the swarms of insects.

By following the mistakes, her strength has reached the perfection of the early stage of the third level. She is only a little short of being promoted to the fourth mid-term existence in the Salvation Army.

Time passed quickly and the bonfire gradually extinguished.

Lin Feng and the two lay on the beach, using the sky as a quilt and the ground as a bed, listening to the rolling waves, and fell asleep.

The next morning, the group woke up early.

Start your tough challenge today.

Jiang Yuner stayed up all night last night. After wandering around for a few times, he explored and collected the locations and general strength levels of all the Zerg queens in the subcontinent.

After guiding Lin Feng to go forward, the next day's action was fast and furious.

"There are a total of eighteen female queens, distributed among seven countries. The number is really large."

"Among them, there are about three that are more remote and have signs of becoming queen queens in the mid-term. The remaining fifteen are all in the early stages and are scattered around."

"Because biomass resources are abundant, the mother-emperor struggle here is not as serious as in the federation. Everyone has enough resources to digest it."

"So the distance between them is also very far, about more than 100 kilometers."

"This is better. You don't have to worry about alliances."

The Mother Emperor was walking in the dense forest, and Jiang Yuner was reporting to the armored mecha in front of her.

Soon, everyone arrived at the location of the first Queen Mother.

The whole process took less than a minute. After completing the kill, everyone discovered a village above the insect nest.

There are thousands of survivors living among them.

It's a pity that the order inside has been distorted and civilized morality no longer exists.

In order to speed up human reproduction, more awakened beings can be provided to the Mother Queen as soon as possible, especially young awakened beings who have awakened special gene expression...

The surviving humans in captivity have almost become reproductive machines under the control of the Queen Mother.

Among the thousands of people, most of them were pregnant women, either holding their children or lying on the wooden boards, waiting for men to come or for red beetles to bring food.

This scene is like a zombie.

Chen Yanyan almost vomited.

Jiang Yuner, who was piloting the Mother Emperor, took over the control of the insect swarm from the Mother Emperor and completely destroyed it all.

Let this group of numb and pitiful people be freed.

After absorbing the life energy and taking away the Queen Mother's brain, Lin Feng found a troop carrier in a dense forest.

After a few upgrades and modifications, it becomes a full-level orange land cruiser, which can be used to store precious amethyst brains.

The next whole day was like this repetitive work.

Lasting until late at night, the internal space of the LV29 battleship was filled with more than ten Queen Mother brains. Because the load was too large, even the driving speed was reduced by half.

Only sixty or seventy kilometers per hour.

Lin Feng immediately announced a break.

He killed twelve of the eighteen Queen Mothers in the South Asian subcontinent in one go.

There are still six more, including three mid-term queens, which will be left until the end tomorrow.

The number of third-level upgrades accumulated in the body finally reached nine.

Lin Feng absorbed six of the twelve Queen Mothers, plus the previous three points, gaining nine points.

It can equip lv34 colonists with mechas and lv32 Hunter King chainsword to complete the upgrade.

The remaining six points were given to Chen Yanyan, who continued to upgrade after being promoted to the mid-level third level of lv34.

During this period, Jiang Yuner also gained a lot of benefits, picking up leftovers and accumulating enough life energy to complete the mid-level promotion to the third level.

In the dense forest late at night, Lin Feng sat on the land cruiser and looked into the distance.

That's where it connects to the federal border.

Near Dianzhou.

There are three early-stage queens left, and in the wild land further west, there are three mid-stage queens.

Killing three early-stage queens will cut off the wings of the late-stage queen currently in Guizhou, causing it to lose a steady stream of logistical supplies.

What remained were three mid-term queens. At this time, Lin Feng prepared the last meal for the breeding mecha, which had been upgraded to the mid-term perfection.

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