End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 329 Divine power blessing, fourth-order insect king cells, mobilization

Lingyi's condition is not good. Even as the queen clone of the Zerg, with the strength of the third-stage mid-stage, it can't withstand the invasion of the law power.

The latter will even take the initiative.

Just a little bit of information flow in the purple-blue crystal is hundreds and thousands of times more than the knowledge and memory stored in her entire brain.

If it weren't for the resistance of the biological colonization queen, Lingyi would not have the courage and ability to sit in.

Of course, if Lingyi was given another choice, she would still enter without hesitation and accept the law power test this time.

From the moment Lin Feng released the source of birth, seeing the blue-purple light wandering on his arms and palms, Lingyi knew very well that he must obtain this most refined law energy from the insect god to improve himself and the chance of being promoted to the fourth-stage insect king.

The mother of life will give it to Lin Feng, obviously also wanting to use Lin Feng's hand to set the test for herself.

The purple-blue crystal stone condensed on the chest of the Queen Mother contains one ten-thousandth of divine power, which is equivalent to the arrival of the divine domain summoned by the Queen Mother in the early stage.

But the latter has the blessing of tens of thousands of life energies, coupled with the dilution of the huge shrouded space, and the convergence of the laws of the Mother of Life Statue...

So the law pressure covering the Queen Mother is actually less than one-tenth of that of the current one.

Now the ten times the pressure and the ten times the invasion are already burning the vitality of the Queen Mother and the one.

With the spread of the chest hatch, more than half of the vitality of this biological body has been absorbed.

At this moment, the colonization mecha driven by Lin Feng flashed with golden light in his eyes, and the appraisal results of the Queen Mother emerged. While its life value continued to decline, its physical and mental attributes were rapidly soaring at an incredible speed.

The original life value of 6,900, equivalent to the perfection of the third-stage mid-term, now quickly fell below 4,000. The entire Queen Mother knelt down on the seashore, red and hot, steaming.

Its physical and mental attribute values, one originally over 6,000, and the other also 6,900, have already broken through the upper limit of 7,000, reaching the late stage of the third stage, and continue to approach the value of 8,000.

It won't be long before the combat power of the Queen Mother will soar to 9,000, and even break through the upper limit of 10,000, entering the pseudo-fourth stage state, just like the second form of the God Statue Possession and God Descent in the God Realm.

When its life energy is not enough to sustain this process, it will either spread out and turn the area of ​​more than ten kilometers into a no-man's land, or invade the cab and extract the one in it.

At this time, Lin Feng slowly pulled out the Hunter King Chainsaw Sword from his waist, ready to go. Once the opponent falls into an irreversible dangerous situation, or like the Queen Mother in the God Realm, summons the white bones after the God Descent...

Lin Feng must act as soon as possible to rescue the one in the God Realm, or kill him directly to calm down.

And the one inside was releasing all his artistic conception power, fighting desperately against the constantly invading divine power of laws, trying to control it and use it for himself.

Fortunately, five-sixths of the source of life were injected into the colonization armor body, and the fourth-order electric drive cells that had been assimilated were only the tail of the law of the source of life. The divine power contained was not much.

This is why Longyi dared to take the risk.

According to the normal steps, the ordinary queen must first summon the ritual of the advent of the divine domain, and then overdraw the accumulated life energy in the body to obtain the gene sequence of the fourth stage of the Zerg, that is, the gene pool.

The so-called divine power is actually composed of these.

Unlike the primitive races on the planet such as humans, the races that have given birth to cosmic life, especially the higher-level gods, their race gene pools are almost all collected and monopolized by the heads.

For example, as the descendants of gods, the Zerg must obtain recognition from the insect god if they want to achieve the leap from low-level life to cosmic life and advance to the fourth stage.

Although it is more direct, it is very limited.

After all, if the superior is partial or directly appoints a candidate for promotion to the fourth level, then other third-level beings of the same era will almost block their own evolutionary path.

No matter how gifted and talented you are, you can only turn into a dry skeleton with regret and unwillingness after ten thousand years.

Humans only need to collect their own race gene trees, establish a gene bank, and then carry out fusion cultivation to develop advanced cells with fourth-level strength.

In addition to the need for self-exploration, the pressure and difficulty of promotion to the fourth level are actually much lower than those of the Zerg or other cosmic races in a sense.

Of course, this part of research and exploration was also accelerated by the Zerg's biotechnology.

Now it is the turn of Lingyi, who needs to absorb, accept, and subdue the fourth-level Zerg King cells assimilated by the laws of the Divine Realm.

Once successful, it means that Lingyi has obtained the key ticket to the fourth level in advance.

And this ticket is usually obtained by the Zerg Queen of the 39th level who has reached the late stage of the third level.

As the fourth-order cells assimilated by the divine power of the law further invaded and consumed their own flesh and blood, they penetrated through the hatch cover of the Queen Mother and invaded into the chest of Longyi, attacking the heart inside.

Once the infection and assimilation of the heart are completed, along the arteries, it will spread to the whole body, and Longyi will irreversibly lose his mind and become a pseudo-fourth-order monster.

Or he will disintegrate and collapse directly.

After all, the Queen Mother and Longyi alone cannot withstand the arrival of a fourth-order body after superposition.

At this moment, Zhiyi had tried his best, but in the turbulent offensive like a stormy sea, the third-order cells with the blessing of unlimited reproduction in the body were still retreating steadily, making it difficult to resist.

Just when Zhi Yi was almost desperate, a stream of heat suddenly came from the energy reserve behind the Mother Emperor.

As soon as he realized it, he turned around and saw that it was the colonial mecha piloted by Lin Feng, injecting its reserve nutrient solution into the Mother Emperor.

At the same time, a strong electric current also entered the body of the Mother Emperor from the input pipe of the organic nutrient solution, and began to fight against the spread of the fourth-order insect king cells and the penetration of the divine power of the law.

Lin Feng's strong intervention was like an insurmountable high wall, spanning between the Mother Emperor and the body of Liaoyi, blocking the continuous attack of the divine power of the law.

With his intervention, the fourth-order insect king cells in the body were cut off, and the attack gradually slowed down.

At the same time, without the support supply of the Mother Emperor and the purple-blue divine power crystal, the strength of these fourth-order insect king cells is also gradually declining.

This short but precious respite allowed Zhiyi to gradually gain the initiative and gain a firm foothold.

Previously, with the assistance of the divine power of the law, the offensive of the fourth-order insect king cells was too fast. Now they have lost continuous support and have no motivation to expand. Even if they have occupied half of the body of the insect, they can only stay in place. Faced with this The body-consciousness presses forward step by step, retreating again and again.

After half an hour of intense suffering, as the power of artistic conception in the body of Chrysalis was almost exhausted, a batch of fusion cells were finally spawned, which absorbed the fusion cells of the fourth-order insect king and could be used for their own use.

Under their ferocious offensive, the fourth-order insect king cells fell into a trapped beast fight and retreated steadily.

Finally, more than an hour later, Chrysalis Yi completed the cleansing, subjugation and incorporation of the insect king cells in his body.

At this moment, her level of evolution is even one step faster than Lin Feng.

The remaining task is to regain control of the Mother Emperor from the hands of the purple-blue divine power crystal gem.

"Thank you, we are ready! We can unblock both sides!"

As soon as the dragonfly shouted to Lin Feng outside the reproductive suit, he used his spiritual power to pass on the news.

After receiving the notice, Lin Feng also postponed the intervention of the colonial mecha. At the same time, he discovered that the cosmic power of the mecha, the duration of the fourth level state, can be extended to three hours when the fusion degree is 60%, and at 30%, it is even more Up to 10 hours.

Just now, he only maintained the 90% improvement offensive for five minutes. Later, he discovered that the fourth-order insect king cells generated by the divine power of the law were unable to fight back under the electric current attack of the electric cells...

At one point, the spread range was even suppressed to the chest of the Mother Emperor.

In order not to directly erase this part of the power, Lin Feng took the initiative to reduce the output power and reduced the fusion degree of the electric drive cells to about 60%.

Until this moment, after being completely released, the cells of the Insect King that had lost control, with the blessing of the divine power of the law, made a comeback, quickly spread out, and re-invaded the cockpit inside the Mother Emperor.

However, this time, what they are about to face is the pseudo-fourth-level life form Zhiyi who is fully prepared and has returned.

The tug-of-war between the outside world continued until late that night. As the sun set, a full moon slowly rose on the horizon...

Four hours later, the purple-blue divine power crystal that had taken root in the chest of the Mother Emperor slowly sank inside.

And after that, the overflowing law and divine power fluctuations were quickly restrained.

Lin Feng, who was waiting at the side and was familiar with the new state of the hunting mecha, was keenly aware of this. He narrowed his eyes slightly and placed the right hand of the hunting machine on the hilt of the Hunter King's chain sword, ready to take action at any time.

Judging from the aura of the Mother Emperor, this long tug-of-war that lasted for several hours should have entered the most critical moment.

Zhiyi is launching the final challenge to the divine energy condensed energy gem.

As the power gem was integrated into the cockpit, Zhiyi looked at the crystals floating in front of him, treating them like treasures.

Then slowly put it on your forehead.

In an instant, a majestic flow of information poured into his mind.

Countless information screens washed away Zhi Yi's cognition.

At this moment, she has to accept the blood inheritance of the race, which is not only the physical fourth-level power, but also the spiritual level jump.

The danger here is even more dangerous than before.

Fortunately, Chiyi is already familiar with the use of the power of artistic conception and can control it with ease, and her spiritual world is also deeper than the average Queen Mother.

The reason comes from her independent consciousness after being liberated as a clone. Unlike other Queen Mothers, who have been shackled since their birth and become a war machine without independent emotions.

This also causes their spiritual world to be too single and rigid. Facing the surging flow of information, they do not have enough rich experience to carry the accumulation of these Zerg races over hundreds of millions of years.

The final result is likely to be that his thoughts and self-awareness have been distorted, and he has become an empty shell of the insect king of all generations, with a projection of his consciousness.

Fortunately, Chiyi has absorbed all the past information of mankind, including her own experience with Lin Feng. At this moment, she is steadily receiving the power of laws in the crystallization of divine power.

Turn them into your own spiritual source, so that your own spiritual attributes will continue to increase.

Lin Feng, who was inside the external colonial mecha, could clearly feel the spiritual power that the Mother Emperor exuded after condensing its aura.

Zhiyi's mental attributes have exceeded the upper limit of the middle stage of the third level and have begun to enter the later stage.

But this power lasts only for a short time.

Only a few minutes passed before everything calmed down.

When the hatch of the Mother Emperor was slowly opened, the woman with dull eyes inside was revealed.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the ion laser cannon on his left hand had been fully charged.

The woman's forehead was inlaid with the purple-blue divine power gem that had been integrated into it before. Just like when she was on the Mother Emperor, it was parasitic above her eyebrows, with blue veins standing nearby.

Fortunately, a few seconds later, the woman came to her senses and woke up from the spiritual world. The flashing blue-purple light in her eyes was replaced by normal pupils.

Zhiyi woke up and looked at Lin Feng:

"Successful. Although it is only 30%, it has also exceeded the upper limit of the middle stage of the third level. The current state of the insect king allows me to gain the power of the late third level!"

As he said that, there was excitement in his eyes:

"It's a pity that this power of law is too thin. It is only enough for me to enter the pseudo-fourth level state of divine descent, which lasts less than a minute."

"How much power of law do you still have over there?!"

Lin Feng did not reply to her, but silently raised his gun and pointed it at the woman in front of him:

"Give me a reason not to do anything."

The cockroach was stunned for a moment, then replied with a smile:

"The power of law in your body is the key to becoming a fourth-order insect king. This is the signal from the Mother of Life. Only by following you can we escape the fate of the insect race being enslaved..."

"We use each other, but more importantly, we join forces to keep each other warm. In this cold world, only the strong have the right to show mercy."

Lin Feng slowly put down his left arm and looked at the tattered Mother Emperor after being invaded by the power of the law:

"Can she still fly?"

Zhiyi looked around and shook his head:

"More than 60% of the body is damaged. It is difficult to run. Only 30% of the fourth-order insect king cells are left to maintain. I can only trouble you..."

Lin Feng was speechless and walked forward, hugged the Mother Emperor in his arms, and then activated the power of the universe. In the fourth-level state, he relied on magnetic levitation to offset gravity and soared into the sky.

On the way back, Lin Feng asked where the remaining energy of the dead Queen Mother went in the nest underground in Ming City.

Now he has only obtained the life energy of the original Queen Mother, which has been turned into a few third-order evolution points, and has only been produced four times in total.

It is only enough to upgrade the lv32 Hunter King Chainsword or the lv31 ion laser cannon.

He pointed at the crystal of divine power on his forehead that gradually submerged under his skin:

"This is what it has become."

"There were a total of three corpses of mid-stage Queen Mothers, including a large number of second-order insects. In the end, only the skeleton was condensed, and there was only one insect arm."

"It will take at least six times more life energy this time to achieve a true fourth-level divine descent..."

"The remaining power should enter your body and be a blessing gift from the Mother of the Insect God..."


"Only you, who has direct lineage from the gods, are qualified to directly receive divine power."

As soon as Xie finished explaining, in just a few dozen seconds, everyone had crossed hundreds of kilometers and arrived in Ming City.

Back on the scientific research ship, Lin Feng threw the scattered Mother Emperor into the biological meat nest for recovery.

Zhiyi jumped out of the cockpit, stretched his muscles, and saw that there were still some remaining second-order eggs sent by Chen Yanyan, so he stepped forward directly and controlled the meat nest to absorb them.

While injecting the Mother Emperor, he also recovered a wave of energy for himself.

Seeing that the matter here was settled, Lin Feng immediately drove the colonial mecha to the golden battleship.

As the leader has not appeared for many days, it is inevitable that people will be confused.

It's time for the final pre-war mobilization!

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