End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 323 God descends, God's body, cleans up, escapes death

"No! Don't touch!"

Zhi Yi's words came from behind, interrupting Liu Yue Qi's move to step forward and raise her hand.

Then, in the doubtful gazes of the two people who turned back, the cockroach took a deep breath and looked up at the crowd. It filled the entire depth of the nest, up to six or seven hundred meters high, and was compressed into a barrel-shaped fleshy wall...

He spoke with a complicated expression:

"This is the second stage of the divine realm. Sacrifice all your flesh, blood, and soul to condense the divine skeleton that allows the will of the gods to descend..."


"They are only in the middle stage of the third level, far from reaching the minimum conditions for summoning condensed energy. How could this happen..."

Feeling the irresistible rolling divine power emanating from the fleshy divine realm, Zhiyi fell into an unbelievable shock.

Shen Jie frowned slightly, and with more than half of the spinal cord gene blood flowing in his body, he also felt a strong palpitation in his heart, but after the feeling of uneasiness passed, he became really angry.

The assimilation state in the body that has not faded away, and the murderous artistic conception are uncontrollably accelerating physical distortion, and at the same time affecting Shen Jie's reason and thinking, instilling in him emotions of madness and resentment.

Shen Jie quickly released the genetic assimilation state, and at the same time took back the killing intention into his body, and then asked in a cold voice behind him:

"Is Lin Feng's life still in danger?"

The cockroach shook his head and nodded again:

"I don't know, I don't know."

"The second stage of the Divine Realm has been completely substantive. Now the Mother Queen inside has no chance of survival. It is doing this at the expense of itself, turning the Divine Realm into a divine skeleton, and then completely erasing the enemies trapped in it."

"But before this beheading mission, I have integrated Lin Feng's reproductive mecha into the fourth-level cells, transformed and strengthened it into a biological reproductive mecha with a fourth-level physique. As long as he pilots the reproductive mecha, the fusion degree will be forcibly Raising it to the highest 90%, it may not be impossible to escape..."

"Just get out of there and you'll be safe."

After saying that, Xie looked to the side, Liu Yueqi, who was about to draw his sword, and said in a heavy tone:

"Don't act rashly until the situation becomes clear."

"Once the stability of the divine skeleton is destroyed, the leaked divine law will crazily devour the surrounding flesh and blood life, using our corpses, the corpses of the Mother Queen here, and the millions of insect swarms in the insect nest as the energy source for crazy expansion and proliferation. Spread the genetic radiation pollution with the power of artistic conception to the entire Mingcheng and even Minzhou..."

"Besides, the three of us alone cannot withstand the invasion of the laws of the divine realm. Breaking in without authorization will only cause trouble to Lin Fengping and become the nourishment for the perfection of the laws!"

"The only thing we can do now is..."

"Just clear away the corpses of the Queen Mother nearby, absorb the remaining life energy in their bodies, and then stand at the entrance and exit, quietly waiting for the final outcome."

Liu Yueqi's eyes showed sadness, although she really wanted to split the fleshy wall with a knife and use the sharp blade storm condensed by the fragmented artistic conception to break into it and rescue Lin Feng.

But according to what Zhi Yi said, recklessly entering inside would not only destroy the stability of the current structure of the divine body, cause the law of divine power to be leaked, and cause the artistic conception to contaminate the surrounding life, but also because of their own strength, they were unable to resist the law of divine power and rescue Lin wind.

The only thing that can be done now is to clear away the nearby flesh and blood life in advance to prevent the divine realm that has turned into divine corpses from continuing to devour and spread in the future.

When Liu Yueqi saw what Xie said, she looked at Shen Jie who looked slightly ferocious and asked for his opinion.

Although he was slightly distracted by the artistic conception of killing, Shen Jie still retained his sanity. Deep in his heart, apart from the madness stemming from the spine worm bloodline, there was more fear.

There are not many real objects that can convey the crazy killing mood and make people feel fear.

The danger of the Mutated God Realm is evident.

Even without Zhi Yi's dissuasion, Shen Jie would still wait and see cautiously.

So at this moment, he chose to agree with Chi Yi.

Now two to one, Liu Yueqi gave up the idea of ​​entering, and instead followed the two people behind him, giving the dying Queen Mother a fatal blow.

In addition to the two mid-stage queens in the divine domain, as well as the one that Lin Feng killed in an instant at the beginning, there are only two thirty-fourth level queens left in the vast and empty nest, and the three that Shen Jie killed. Level 13 Unyielding King Spinworm.

The life energy in the body of king spine insects is not much, because they are not pure descendants of the gods. Unlike the mother queen, they have majestic vitality beyond the third stage. Their health value exceeds 10,000, which also makes them have more physical energy. Life energy.

After killing and absorbing Lin Feng, Zhiyi could still pick up corpses and continue to absorb them, and was quickly promoted to the middle of the third level.

Now there are two corpses of the middle-stage mother queen. The life energy contained in them is two or three times that of the ordinary early-stage mother queen, which is enough for Liu Yueqi to upgrade two levels in a row.

Lin Feng's original plan was to upgrade the three people who participated in the killing operation to one level each, and use the excess to cultivate new third-level subordinates.

In this way, the number of manpower for the third stage can be increased first.

In the next battle of Guangdong Province, facing the third-order Zerg army under the Queen Mother in the later stage, the Salvation Army at least does not have much disadvantage in terms of high-end combat power.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to suppress the offensive of the third-order king spine insects and other third-order insect races with just a few fearless battleships.

It is necessary to dispatch strong third-level humans to cooperate with the fleet in order to kill the third-level insect swarm.

However, the current situation is that it is too late to wait for the second-order battle group to enter the depths of the insect nest and complete the final harvest.

After Liu Yueqi pulled out the Qian Zhan Dao from her waist and destroyed the heads of the two surviving Queen Mother Insects, two waves of majestic life energy merged into her body.

Pushing her evolutionary level from level 30, which was the threshold of level 3, to level 32 in one fell swoop, her basic attributes immediately increased by twice as much.

Shen Jie on the other side was not so lucky.

The Unyielding King Spinworm itself only has the strength of the early stage of the third level. Even at the perfect level of thirty-three, the life energy in the body is less than a quarter of the mother queen of the mid-stage insect race with a life value of over 10,000... …

Coupled with the activation of the unyielding attribute and the multiple overdrafts of life energy, in the end, even if Shen Jie completed the kill, the life energy harvested and absorbed was not enough for him to directly achieve promotion.

Fortunately, when they recaptured Zhezhou, in the process of killing the Huacheng Mother Queen, although the last blow was left to Wang Lei, the leader of the genetic war group, part of the Mother Queen's majestic life energy was still absorbed.

If coupled with the death of the Unyielding King Spinworm, Shen Jie also completed the promotion, not as good as level 31, and the three basic attributes increased by one thousand.

Now coupled with the amplifying effect of the Killing Concept, Shen Jie can easily challenge the Mother Queen in the mid-term even without the boost of the Genetic Group's Fearless Concept.

In addition, Shen Jie specially cut off a pair of fifty-meter-long giant jaws on the king's spine insect, and then dragged it to the entrance of the cave.

At the same time, two strong masseter muscles at the connection point of the giant jaw were also cut off and brought to use as ingredients to enhance the strength of the genetic warrior.

Although the material of the third-order giant jaw is not as hard and protective as the Queen Mother's brain bone, it is still far superior to the ordinary second-order giant jaw.

The key is quantity.

Although the bone ball inside the brain of a female emperor weighs a hundred tons, it is only seventy or eighty cubic meters at most. When divided, it can only be used to make a dozen pieces of golden armor, or it can only strengthen the defense of a dreadnought battleship.

This resulted in a large number of fearless battleships that had not been strengthened for defense. Even the late second-order tiger spine insects and samurai hunter insects could still cause damage to their eyes.

If they are approached by a third-level king spine insect, they will basically cut them off at the waist one at a time.

The fifty-meter-long giant jaw of the third-order king spine insect in front of him was divided into two pieces, with a volume of two thousand cubic meters and a weight of thousands of tons.

Even if Shen Jie enters the assimilation state and explodes with four to five hundred tons of power, he can only barely drag it.

On the other side, after Liu Yueqi absorbed the Queen Mother's life energy and dug out the huge core plate bone ball from the worm's brain, the locust stepped forward to clean up the mess.

In the previous battle, the Mother Emperor was hit many times by samurai hunting bugs with swords because it wanted to attract the Mother Emperor's attention and create opportunities for Liu Yueqi's attack. Most of the feathers on its back were broken off, and the golden war on its body was The joints and ligaments of the nails were bleeding continuously.

The Mother Emperor, which was originally derived from the flesh and blood of the Mother Emperor, was several times more efficient than the colonial mecha in absorbing the life of its kind. It only took a short moment to absorb a large amount of residual energy.

In the process of absorbing the second one, the first one in the Mother Queen successfully advanced to level 35. From the beginning of the Hangcheng Mother Queen to the present, a total of three mid-stage Queen Mothers have been absorbed.

However, before the absorption was over, the huge divine realm standing deep in the mother nest suddenly emitted violent energy fluctuations.

The energy wave enveloping the laws of the divine domain spreads in the mother nest, twisting and mutating the remaining cells in the Zerg corpses into miniature insect eggs.

Even Mother Emperor Hao, Liu Yueqi and Shen Jie had herpes-like eggs growing on their bodies, like lotus pods.

"Use the power of artistic conception!"

Xie Yi shouted loudly and immediately used infinite reproduction to suppress the mutation of the Queen Mother.

The corpse of the Queen Mother in front of her, because it still had this little bit of life energy left, responded to this wave of law power, and immediately spawned hundreds of deformed insect eggs in the belly of the Queen Mother's giant insect body, and With the help of life energy, it was successfully born.

It was an alienation that had no rules at all.

The deformed new lives looked deformed and twisted, and some could not even stand up. They cried sharply and exuded a strange artistic atmosphere, continuing to pollute the surroundings.

Even though she was the mother-emperor of divine descent, when she saw this scene, she couldn't help but feel frightened in her heart, and her hair stood on end.

Incomprehensible, irresistible.

Under the distortion of the law of divine power, the so-called life is just a toy of life and death in the hands of the insect god.

After reacting, Zhiyi retreated violently before the Mother Emperor, a biological reproductive device, lost control.

On the other side, Liu Yueqi dragged two hundred-ton golden bone balls and walked in front of Shen Jie. The two of them had arrived at the outermost entrance of the nest.

Because it is far away from the deepest divine realm, this wave of strange law fluctuations has been very little affected.

With the timely reminder from Zhiyi’s loud voice...

Liu Yueqi released the power of artistic conception, and the fragmented artistic conception instantly set off a storm of atomic blades, which traveled throughout the body, removing layers of dead skin covered with insect eggs.

And form a circle of energy protective shield around the body.

Shen Jie on the other side is much simpler.

The killing intent in his body had long shown strong hostility towards the power of the insect god, but Shen Jie suppressed it.

At this moment, after being affected by the law of divine power, it was released almost instinctively, possessing the assimilated spine worm cells and swallowing up the distorted eggs.

And as the Mother Emperor withdrew from the depths of the nest, the cockroach did not forget to look back during the retreat to check the situation in the divine realm.

After wave after wave of violent fluctuations, the divine realm entering the second stage seemed to be gestating something. The surface shape seemed to be wrapped in struggling life, and there were constant bumps and collisions...

"What's going on now? The divine realm is about to explode?"

Liu Yueqi stepped forward and asked.

After witnessing and feeling the horror and weirdness of the divine domain rules, the girl's face was full of worry.

Long Yi's expression was also solemn:

"Normally, it is impossible for the middle-stage queen to let the will of the insect god come down completely, because its strength level and energy foundation are not enough to support the formation of the divine skeleton..."

"It is estimated that a wisp of will inside, after failing to find a suitable carrier body, is frantically trying to find more life energy from the outside world."

"Or, it is chasing the colonization mecha and Lin Feng."

"After all, they are the best carriers of the divine skeleton here in the fourth-order state."

As soon as Long Yi finished speaking, there was a sudden thump in the deepest part of the bottomless mother nest, followed by a painful scream like a crackling tear.

A colonization mecha covered in blood flew out of the divine domain.

It rushed hundreds of meters away and slowly fell to the ground.

Long Yi activated the membrane wings behind the queen without hesitation and flew towards the colonization mecha.

Liu Yueqi and Shen Jie followed behind.

After the three arrived, they saw the nearly disintegrated colonization mecha at close range, and Lin Feng who was in a coma in the broken hatch.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, a terrible breath quickly attacked everyone from the breach of the divine domain along the direction of Lin Feng's flight.

Liu Yueqi immediately drew out the two swords at his waist, and fought together with Shen Jie, who entered the assimilation form and fully activated the killing state of mind, and transformed into a scarlet warrior.

Cover the retreat of the mother queen dragging the colonization mecha.

As the danger approached, everyone finally saw the strange power from the divine domain.

It was a giant bone hand with a broken finger bone and three white bones left.

It was two or three kilometers long!

Whether it was the corpse of the third-stage middle-stage mother queen or the remains of the unyielding king spine worm, they were just underdeveloped larvae in front of it.

Fortunately, after the opponent left the divine domain, the energy fluctuations of speed and momentum became weaker and weaker.

The remaining corpses of the Queen Mother on both sides were also unusable because of the people's early absorption.

After being mobilized by the giant white bones with the power of the law, a large amount of flesh and blood tissue was separated and attached to the bone arm...

Because there was little vitality left, they fell down soon after being glued and integrated.

Without the divine body as a carrier, the white bone arm containing the law of divine power became weaker and weaker.

Under the attack and destruction of Liu Yueqi and Shen Jie, cracks appeared on the surface and further disintegrated.

Ten seconds later, everyone retreated to the entrance and exit of the mother nest.

This place is four or five kilometers away from the deepest point, and finally escaped the attack range of the white bone giant claw.

The people who escaped from death looked at the white bones that fell to the ground and lost their vitality and quickly decayed and rotted...

They smiled with relief.

But it was only a moment of relief. When Long Yi picked up the colonization mecha in his hand, the sound of electricity was heard...

Then everyone remembered that they had not confirmed whether Lin Feng was dead or alive.

Long Yi directly opened the broken hatch of the colonization mecha, picked up Lin Feng from it, and put him on the ground.

Liu Yueqi and Shen Jie came forward.

After checking the vital signs, Long Yi breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's just that he overdrawn too much energy and spirit and passed out."

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