End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 319 War breaks out, unexpected third-order Zerg

"How long will it take to repair it?"

Lin Feng asked.

Now that a war is imminent, there is a risk of conflict and escalation at every moment.

Lin Feng needs to lead his decapitation team into combat status and carry out the infiltration mission.

As the flagship captain's announcement ended, Zhi opened his mouth and said:

"A few minutes is enough. The main purpose is to check that the function and organizational structure of the equipment are operating normally. There is no need to worry."

As a high-precision collection, biological reproductive equipment is like a stealth fighter among humans. It must be carefully inspected and maintained before and after each mission to avoid any accidents during high-intensity combat.

At this time, the entire golden fleet, in accordance with the arrangements of the combat headquarters and commander-in-chief Chen Yanyan, began to divide and arrive at their respective posts in turn.

As early as the Jincheng base, there were relevant plans and preparations for the great southward expedition and the cities that needed to be attacked and recovered along the way.

Including research on the strength level of the local Zerg, as well as offensive strategies on the terrain.

After the Battle of Hangcheng ended, the headquarters, which received the news from Minzhou, immediately focused on Mingcheng and carefully studied several nearby suburbs and counties.

This time, the entire Zerg race in Minzhou, including the five mid-level third-order queen queens, including the swarms of insects under their command, can total up to one million!

Among them, there are as many as 4 to 50,000 combat-protecting soldiers. The Wuyangyang's first-order black-spine insects can cover the entire Ming City.

The urban area simply cannot accommodate so many insect swarms, so they are naturally scattered in the five counties or suburbs around Mingcheng.

The suburbs of Biansha County in the northeast are one of them. Apart from the center of Mingcheng City, it is also the place with the largest number of troops and the densest insect swarm.

In addition, the number of second-order Zerg under the Five Emperors Alliance is also large.

There are estimated to be tens of thousands of locusts, a second-order insect swarm.

Includes most tiger spine bugs and samurai hunting bugs.

At this moment, the number of second-level awakened people in the Salvation Army is less than 2,000, and more than half of them are new members of the battle group who have just advanced to the second level.

The numerical difference between the two sides in the first order was more than ten times, and the comparison of the backbone strength of the second order also reached an exaggerated ratio of five to one.

Therefore, the only advantage of the Salvation Army is its advanced weapons and equipment.

But even so, it still takes a lot of time to break into the center of Mingcheng City and crack down one tough nut after another.

From the suburbs of Shaxian County to the center of Mingcheng, it is a total of thirty kilometers from east to west. Every kilometer advanced will cause tens of thousands of artillery shells and considerable casualties.

The most important thing is actually the time consumption.

The Salvation Army lacked supplies, especially food and medicine, and could not withstand the long-term consumption of wheel warfare.

The location of Minzhou is the most embarrassing, especially the battle location is in Mingcheng in the center.

Starting from the Jincheng base, the waterway can only reach the southern section of Zhezhou, which requires a journey of two to three hundred kilometers to arrive. Although shipping by sea can reach Minzhou directly, it also has to pass through a large hilly mountainous area behind the coastline.

The roads and railways that were once built were either completely blocked by the fleeing convoys, or destroyed by the expansion of the Zerg, and they could only climb over the mountains.

As for the direction of Wucheng, the support from the Iron and Steel United Group cannot be reached in a short time because there is no direct river.

Only when the next target is Guangdong can we use the Dongting River to send it all the way.

At that time, Lin Feng will also transport a large number of wounded members of the Salvation Army to Wucheng. Among them, the second-level awakeners can help Zhang Yurou successfully capture the Ganglian Group.

As for now, Lin Feng and the Salvation Army's top priority is to win a quick victory.

To avoid being slowed down by the Zerg in Minzhou, which would double the logistical pressure on oneself, it would also cause the late-stage Zerg queens born in Yunnan and Guizhou to move into Guangdong.

Intercept support from Wucheng to Guangdong.

This puts Lin Feng in a dilemma and starts the decisive battle in advance.

So the key is now, we must capture Minzhou Mingcheng within three days, and then quickly set off to seize northern Guangdong, get in touch with Wucheng, and establish a temporary Guangdong base.

At this time, with the external layout completed, the golden battleship, the flagship of the rear, fired battle heavy artillery one after another...

The prelude to the war begins.

Artillery shells poured down on the urban area of ​​Shaxian County, defeating the swarm of black spine insects gathering inside.

At the same time, directly ahead, the chariot responsible for the assault line, led by the dreadnought battleship, slowly drove into the city.

Nowadays, the Zerg Mother Queen has learned to be smart and will no longer launch raids on the plains and hillsides in the suburbs. That will only become a dead soul under artillery fire, a meaningless death charge.

So now, under the remote command and dispatch of the Mother Queen, the insect swarms are all hiding in the city, using the cover of buildings and sewers to hide and engage in cruel and difficult street battles with the Salvation Army.

Even if the Golden Fleet is hit by artillery fire and the entire city is directly razed to the ground, the insect swarm can still use the underground tunnels to continue fighting and sneak attacks against the Salvation Army in the ruins.

At this moment, the enhanced and modified lv34 colonial mecha has returned to the golden battleship. Lin Feng came to the command tower to check the battlefield situation.

After the first round of shelling and the bombardment of tens of thousands of armor-piercing cannons, the smoke cleared and the situation was not optimistic.

Chen Yanyan frowned slightly and said:

"The Zerg have been prepared for a long time. It is estimated that after the Battle of Hangcheng broke out, they decided to fight the Salvation Army in Mingcheng."

"So these urban areas have been strengthened and reinforced by the red beetle swarm with coagulant saliva. The armor-piercing cannon can only barely cover it, leaving a half-meter-large hole."

Lin Feng nodded, his expression solemn.

As the worker insects of the Zerg, the red beetles, in addition to collecting food and nurturing offspring, are also responsible for the construction of the nest and the reinforcement of the wormholes.

In particular, the top and bottom of the mother nest have actually been reinforced by a certain biological coagulant secreted by the red beetles, so the members of the second-order regiment can only use armor-piercing cannons in moderation underground.

Firing a few armor-piercing shells will not directly destroy the stability of the nest structure.

However, in order to be on the safe side, Lin Feng still tried to let them use electromagnetic cannons as much as possible. Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is better to use armor-piercing cannons less.

Otherwise, the guards regiment would not have been specially formed, holding tiger-toothed chainsaw swords, and fighting tiger-spine worms in the bottomless nest.

Now this coagulant is used on the surface, relying on the original urban buildings of humans to build the Zerg defense line in Minzhou...

It has become the first problem in front of the Salvation Army.

Seeing Lin Feng's heavy face, Chen Yanyan added:

"Although the Zerg have reinforced the buildings and turned them into fortifications, they can all be destroyed as long as a few more rounds come. In addition, the Dreadnoughts and the Second Order Battle Group also have multiple electromagnetic cannons that can penetrate the fortifications and kill the Zerg inside."

"It's just that the advancement time may be much slower..."

Lin Feng shook his head:

"What we lack most now is time. The original plan was to push forward directly. Now it's just a reinforced bridgehead, which interrupts the rhythm of the attack. It's difficult to reach the Mingcheng city before noon..."

"If we can't distract the attention of the queen mothers underground, our decapitation plan will not be able to proceed smoothly."

After a pause, Lin Feng slowly spoke and continued Continued:

"Let's put the suburbs of Sha County aside for now..."

"Arrange Liu Yi and his men to lead their second-level battle group, with the cooperation of the dreadnought battleship, to bypass the suburbs first and penetrate into the urban area of ​​Mingcheng from left and right!"

"At the same time, let the anti-aircraft gene battle group go deep into the battlefield, fly over Mingcheng, and carry out bombing and support."

"At the same time, arrange Zhou Di to run around in Mingcheng, go down from time to time, and kill the swarms in the tunnel..."

"Create an illusion for the Zerg that we can't wait to attack the Zerg nest from the surface."

"This can also relieve the pressure on the suburbs of the front line."

Chen Yanyan nodded, understanding that Lin Feng wanted some of his third-level subordinates to lead the second-level battle group to attract the attention of the Five Emperors Alliance.

So as to prepare for the real killer to sneak into the deep mother nest quietly.

As the order was issued, four dreadnought fleets were separated from the golden fleet, taking away half of the ships...

Lin Feng also came to the stern of the golden battleship, boarded the modified colonization suit mecha, and notified Long Yi, Shen Jie, and Liu Yueqi to take their positions.

Two minutes later, the four people and two biological colonization suits appeared on the back of a hillside outside the city.

"Can the battle of Mingcheng be completely ended within one day..."

"It all depends on whether our decapitation operation of the mother nest can be completed as scheduled!"

Lin Feng opened the hatch and spoke slowly:

"Shen Jie, Liu Yueqi, the two of you must deal with at least one of the mid-stage mother queens to reduce the pressure on the front battlefield."

"Ling Yi, with your strength, you are enough to contain one of them, so there are three left."

"In my current state, I can kill one of them in the first time. The other two, as long as there is no assistance from other mother queens, even if the divine domain is summoned to descend, will be dead!"

"When the time comes, everyone will act according to the situation!"

As he said, Lin Feng pulled out the enhanced version of the lv32 Hunter King Chainsaw Sword across the waist of the colonization armor, which was ten meters long.

The attribute damage of wireless cutting is as high as 12,500 points per second. Even the mid-stage perfect Zerg mother queen cannot withstand its one-second slash.

With the excessive damage, the ten-meter-long sword blade, and the fourth-order thousand-ton power of the colonization armor, Lin Feng was confident that when launching a surprise attack, he could kill one of the five queen mothers before they could react.

In this way, the number of people on both sides was evened out.

Later, even if he was fighting one against two, Lin Feng could easily complete the killings one after another.

After arranging the specific tasks, the highest combat power team in the Salvation Army immediately took action.

Led by Ling Yi, who was driving the Queen Mother, he led the other three people deep into the Zerg hinterland and came to the northern suburbs of Mingcheng.

At this time, fierce artillery fire could be heard in the northeastern part of the city. It was the second-order battle group led by Liu Yi, who was fighting fiercely with the Zerg in Mingcheng.

At the same time, the Zerg swarms stationed in the four surrounding counties also began to recall troops one after another to support Mingcheng and ensure the safety of the city center.

This put the second-level battle group in a heavy siege. Fortunately, they had the fleet to rely on, and each person had an armor-piercing cannon or electromagnetic cannon. The powerful firepower could suppress the fierce attack of the Zerg tide.

With them attracting the attention of the Zerg, Lin Feng and his four companions successfully entered the underground Zerg nest from the quiet suburban wormhole.

Longyi released his mental power to cover up the breath of the colonized mecha and Liu Yueqi to avoid being discovered by the Zerg queen.

As for the low-level Zerg along the way, they were already trembling with fear when they met Shen Jie again, and Longyi only needed to use the power of artistic conception slightly to make them ignore everyone.

In this way, they came all the way to 200 meters underground.

About to enter the location of the second-level Zerg nest.

This is the middle part of the entire Zerg nest, and it is also the construction site of the hatching mother nest. A large number of second-level Zerg were sent here to stand by and ensure the safety of the hatching pyramid.

Because the second-level Zergs gathered here, especially the huge second-level tiger-backed worms, blocked the passage to the mother nest deep in the insect nest...

Long Yi drove the Queen Mother and began to sense the structure and route in the insect nest.

Soon he found a wolf-like path of red beetles and black-backed worms, which was only more than ten meters wide and could accommodate more than two black-backed worms at the same time and enter and exit freely.

And this road is also a low-level insect swarm passage leading deep underground, responsible for cleaning the mother nest and delivering food to the queen mother.

It also has a ventilation function.

So from the breath of this group of low-level insects, Long Yi concluded that everyone was not far from the destination:

"Next, everyone try to restrain their breath and don't leave me more than ten meters away. I want to reduce the range of my spiritual coverage and enhance its shielding as much as possible."

"After that, everything will be based on gestures, and try not to make any noise!"

After that, everyone nodded together.

The few people who had fought on the ground several times were actually familiar with these things and followed behind Long Yi very skillfully.

Until they went down again and walked nearly 400 meters...

A strong and heavy breath came to their faces.

Suddenly, even the low-level insect swarms on the side had difficulty crawling forward under this pressure.

Long Yi frowned slightly and used his mental power to convey to everyone:

"When multiple mid-stage mother queens gather together and release their mental power, this effect will be achieved, especially the closer to the mother nest, the stronger this feeling of being suppressed will become..."

"After the action, release your own artistic conception power, and it will be much relieved."

Lin Feng, who was sitting in the driver's seat, nodded silently.

He knew very well that with such a mother queen lineup, ordinary second-level battle groups, even second-level peak gene warriors, would find it difficult to withstand the five times mental power of five mid-stage mother queens.

And this mental pressure is infinitely close to that of the third-stage late-stage mother queen!

As everyone continued to go deeper, carefully shuttled among the crawling insect swarms, and finally arrived at the final destination ten minutes later.

The deepest part of the Mingcheng Zerg's nest is a large mother nest located seven or eight hundred meters underground.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, gestured, and prepared to act.

At this time, the Queen Mother on the side suddenly raised her arm to interrupt everyone's preparations.

At the same time, the voice of Lingyi sounded in the minds of the three people:

"No, the breath inside is too strong, and there are more than five third-level Zerg breaths..."

"There are other third-level Zergs!"

The third-level king spiny worm appears!

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