End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 316: Fourth-order cosmic power, tides and the moon

Late at night before the expedition to Minzhou, Lin Feng made personnel changes and adjustments to all the third-level subordinates in the Salvation Army to prepare for the upcoming Mingcheng battle.

In terms of difficulty, the Mingcheng battle is likely to be the most difficult battle for everyone before challenging the third-level late-stage Queen Mother.

Although they went north to help and guarded Yunxialing and faced many attacks from the Queen Mother Alliance, especially in the last battle, the multi-queen alliance composed of nine Queen Mothers came to besiege Yunxialing...

Among them were the South Queen Mother and the East Queen Mother, two extremely powerful existences in the middle stage.

That time, whether it was the number of Queen Mothers or the overall strength, as well as the Zerg army under their command, they were far stronger than this time.

But Lin Feng was on the defensive side at the time, and he could use nuclear bombs to deter the Zerg from advancing, waiting for the opportunity to tire himself out, and defeating them one by one.

And this time, the five middle-stage Queen Mothers of Mingcheng have armed Mingcheng to the teeth, and the defense strength is far better than that of Yunxialing.

In addition, the land of Minzhou, except for the coastal area, is almost entirely hilly and mountainous, with rugged and mountainous terrain, and the central part is extremely steep.

Lin Feng and his subordinates are the Salvation Army. As the attacking party, they are naturally three points weaker. If their strength is equal to that of the Zerg defenders of Mingcheng, they will only be seriously injured by the consumption of vitality in the end.

So they must be stronger than the five mid-stage mother queens, much stronger!

Only in this way can we achieve the final victory at the fastest speed while minimizing casualties.

The enhanced transformation of the colonization mecha is only the trump card to kill the mid-stage mother queen. In addition, the other third-level strongmen under his command must also be arranged reasonably.

In the temporary command center late at night, Lin Feng looked at the third-level subordinates in front of him.

A war group leader among the gene warriors, under the leadership and help of Shen Jie, also successfully promoted to the third stage.

Named Zhang Yong, he mastered the fearless state of the spinal insect race and could lead the gene war group to fight.

In addition, the war group leader assisted by Liu Yi also advanced to the third level in the battle of Taicheng. His name is Wang Lei.

Together with Zhou Di, the two became the biggest winners in the recovery of Zhejiang Province, and also the new batch of third-level strongmen in the Salvation Army.

Together with Shen Jie, Liu Yueqi, Liu Yi, and Chen Yanyan, they are the top combat forces in the Salvation Army.

In this battle of Mingcheng, Lin Feng needs someone to help him break through the Five Emperors Alliance.

The first choice is Shen Jie, whose killing state of mind is the strongest among these people.

The second is Liu Yueqi, whose shattering state of mind can cut off everything, even Lin Feng has to avoid it.

In addition, Ling Yi, driving the Queen Mother, can also have a perfect combat power in the middle stage, and can easily suppress one of the Five Emperors Alliance.

These three people are Lin Feng's arrangement.

Among the other five people, Chen Yanyan needs to sit in the golden battleship, command the front battlefield of this war, control the entire golden fleet, suppress and annihilate the insect tide army.

Liu Yi and Wang Lei continued to lead the second-level regiment, killing into the Zerg tide, opening a bloody path, breaking the Zerg defense formation, and paving the way for a group of second-level late-stage warriors who went deep into the Zerg nest.

The task of fighting deep into the Zerg nest was given to Zhang Yong and his gene regiment, a total of more than 70 people.

Most of them have advanced to the peak of the second level, and the remaining 30 have also entered the late second level, which is the strongest in the second-level regiment.

In addition, there is Zhou Di, an alien existence, who can rely on high-energy control of the artistic conception, absorb the ion plasma group in the electromagnetic cannon, and play a role in breaking the game.

After a thunderous rush, even the second-level late-stage tiger spine worms and warrior hunter worms will lose their combat power on the spot.

So Lin Feng arranged him to attack the second-level pulse scorpion square formation, striving to disintegrate the Zerg's long-range firepower before the battle.

After arranging the third-level personnel in place, Lin Feng let them discuss the specific combat process by themselves.

He came to the research ship to check the transformation and strengthening of the colonization suit.

At this time, Long Yi was borrowing the power energy of the warship to speed up the process.

At the same time, he also applied for a batch of second-order insect eggs from Chen Yanyan as the nutrient base for cultivating electric drive cells.

Seeing Lin Feng coming, Long Yi said:

"It's almost done, 60% has been completed, and the bones are being strengthened now."

"If you have time, you can forge some matching gold bone materials to replace the ordinary third-order bones in the limbs."

Lin Feng nodded. The bones of the colonization suit only have the bones of the torso and brain part, which are made of gold-quality mother queen plate bones, especially the cabin cover that protects the driver. The flesh and blood are made of a complete 20-centimeter-thick plate bone.

It can withstand the impact of nuclear bombs.

As for the limbs, Lin Feng has not completely plated them. In addition to the materials used on the golden fleet, the main thing is the external armor of the colonization suit, which has been added with golden plate bones. The physical defense is not shaken even by the late mother queen.

Therefore, the upgrade and replacement of the limbs was temporarily postponed.

Nowadays, to use electric drive cells to strengthen tissues, the first thing to solve is the problem of the root bones, just like building a house, as long as the internal keel is strong, it can stand firm.

The increase in the explosive power of flesh and blood also requires bones of corresponding strength to support the explosive pressure brought by the transformation of electric drive cells.

"This time, we swept across Zhejiang Province and killed four mother queens, including the mother queen of Hangzhou. There are two hundred tons of golden plate bones. Only half of the ten additional dreadnoughts were used, and the rest was enough for the consumption of the colonization mecha and the mother queen."

Ling nodded:

"Then please."

Half an hour later, Lin Feng returned from the golden battleship, carrying a five-cubic-meter plate bone weighing seventy tons, and returned to the research ship.

This is the plate bone that the Queen Mother of Hangzhou City uses to protect her brain. It is at level 36, which is the perfect level of the third-order mid-term. It is extremely hard and can withstand the power of the later stage.

Then, according to the requirements of Long Yi, the limb bones of the colonization mecha were made for replacement.

After completing this step, Long Yi also began to transform and strengthen the back of the colonization mecha.

"Since there are electric-driven cells, the colonization armor can use electricity to generate magnetism as a separate magnet to achieve one of the basic abilities of fourth-order cosmic life..."

"To fight gravity, that is, the gravity within the planet, to achieve a leap in speed."

"It's a bit like your human maglev train, but here we use the entire planetary magnetic field of the blue planet to offset its gravity."

"Without gravity constraints, just like in the universe, you only need to reduce friction, and you can easily reach the speed of getting rid of the planet's gravity constraints, which is what you humans define as the first cosmic speed."

"About 7.9 kilometers per second, which is more than 23 times the speed of sound, two Mach 13."

"At this speed, even if the colonization armor is hit, the third-stage late queen will be seriously injured or even die on the spot..."

"However, the colonization armor is only 30% fused and cannot withstand the impact at this speed."

"After all, it is still a flesh and blood body. The impact will also cause the biological colonization armor to disintegrate on the spot!"

"So I suggest you control the speed below 30%, that is, within seven times the speed of sound."

"I remember that your strategy to solve the southern queen in the last battle of Yunxialing was also to dive and accelerate, right?"

Lin Feng nodded, still immersed in the powerful attribute ability of the fourth-stage universe stage described to him by Long Yi.

"I remember the highest speed was only Mach 4 or 5 at that time. The Colonial Armor was used as a cannonball to directly penetrate the head exoskeleton of the Queen Mother in the south."

"Then it was strangled."

Ling Yi hummed:

"Now the speed of Mach 7, 2.4 kilometers per second, is enough, and this is far from your limit. As long as the electromagnetic energy is compressed and the gravity is offset, the Colonial Armor can easily break through Mach 20..."

Lin Feng took a deep breath and only now did he truly feel the terrifying power of the fourth-order existence.

Compared with the third-order chemical energy of carbon-based life, the cosmic life that masters new energy and uses new rules...

It is equivalent to the collection of all advanced technologies.

Think of them as hypersonic missiles, plus the destructive power of nuclear bombs, the power to directly transform the surface of the planet, and the power of genetic radiation to reshape life.

The fourth-order life form is the crystallization of the evolution of the race.

As long as it does not die, the race civilization will not perish.

Now this kind of power, Lin Feng only needs to steal one or two, and he can have the confidence to face the late third order.

It is not difficult to imagine that when the colonization armor is promoted to the third stage, reaching 60% fusion, it can burst out fifteen times the speed of sound and more than a thousand tons of power!

A random blow is comparable to the explosive destructive power of nearly 10,000 tons of TNT equivalent!

And killing the third stage queen of the same level is as easy as pie!

But at that time, Lin Feng’s real enemy was no longer the Zerg queen, but a group of third-level king spine insects, forming an army under the coordination of the queen.

There is also the crazy body of the fourth-level spine king from the end of the earth's core.

Thinking of this, the brief joy on Lin Feng’s face was quickly replaced by heaviness, and he nodded:

"Then let’s do this first. After the battle of Mingcheng is over and Minzhou is recovered, the human electric drive cell transplantation plan will be put into the implementation stage."

In the second half of the night, Lin Feng came to the beach and looked at the full moon in the sky, reflected on the sea surface, jumping back and forth with the sparkling waves blown by the sea breeze.

"Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. Let's hold a celebration dinner after the battle of Mingcheng is over?"

Chen Yanyan came from behind and spoke slowly.

Lin Feng nodded and suddenly said:

"Do you feel that the moon is getting closer to us?"

Although Lin Feng knew nothing about these, he had learned from his mother He Yiwen that the moon was moving away from the blue star since he was a child.

Due to the effect of tidal force, that is, the gravitational force between celestial bodies, the moon is moving away from the main star blue star at a speed of 3.8 centimeters per year.

The consequence of this is that the gravitational force between the two celestial bodies is weakened, and the tides will also be weakened, and the rotation of the earth will also slow down.

At that time, there will no longer be 24 hours in a day, the change of seasons will disappear, and the eastern and western hemispheres will have long days and eternal nights.

The scope of life activities will be compressed at this junction of light and darkness between early morning and dusk.

Lin Feng used to laugh it off. After all, 3.8 centimeters per year, even if it is a hundred years, is only 380 centimeters, less than four meters.

Even after a thousand years, or even ten thousand years...

It is only about four hundred meters.

For the current distance of the Blue Moon, it is negligible.

Even if the time span is extended to 100 million years, the escape length of less than 4,000 kilometers only accounts for 1% of the 380,000-kilometer Blue Moon distance.

It is equivalent to 100 million years to get away from 1%.

So it does not affect the development of mankind at all.

But now Lin Feng, relying on the perfect strength of the third-stage mid-term and the spiritual power of nearly 7,000, is keenly aware of the changes in the moon.

Although he does not know much about this knowledge.

But the power of observation is comparable to that of an astronomical telescope.

Can see subtle changes and differences.

When Chen Yanyan heard Lin Feng's question, she also raised her head to observe what the other party said.

After a moment, she nodded:

"It seems we are really close. What's the problem?"

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

It is impossible for the moon to overcome the effect of tidal gravity and change the inertia of its previous escape for no reason.

To change this trend, it would be difficult for even a fourth-order life form to provide counter-force.

If the moon continues to approach the earth and intensify its gravitational pull, the tides will become stronger, changing from small waves on the coast to tsunamis that engulf the coastal plains.

Lin Feng remembered a science fiction movie that described such a planet, where the tides directly converged to form a tsunami that was thousands of meters long.

And it’s once a day.

In such an environment, no life can continue. Even if it survives tenaciously, it will be difficult to nurture a higher civilization in this extremely unstable environment.

"It's not fast, it's just much slower than before."

Lin Feng continued to speak.

"Forget it, by the time it has a strong enough influence, it is estimated that humans will have already developed into a cosmic civilization, or they will move away from Blue Star, or even go to other places in the galaxy."

"As for the Mid-Autumn Festival you just mentioned, let's tentatively hold a feast on the night of the day after tomorrow, after the Empress of Mingcheng and the entire Zerg tribe in Minzhou are eliminated."

"At that time, a group of team members who have families or are injured will also be allowed to return to Jincheng and rotate with the reserve team stationed there."

Lin Feng recovered his thoughts and made a decision.

Chen Yanyan nodded and said slightly worriedly:

"Can you capture Mingcheng in one day? All the queens and most of the Zerg races in Minzhou are gathered there. There are five mid-level third-order queens. Except for you, the rest of the third-order members may not even be able to fight. No, there is still the danger of being defeated and perished.”

Lin Feng shrugged, turned around and smiled:

"Don't worry, I have arranged for Zhiyi to solve this matter, otherwise, I wouldn't keep running there these days."

Chen Yanyan frowned slightly:

"Is it the fourth-level cell transplantation plan that you have been preparing in Jincheng for a long time?"

"What if there is no danger? For example, uncontrollable factors? After all, if someone like the Genetic Corps transplants the cell genes of tiger spine worms, they will become half-human, half-insect monsters..."

"I'm worried that there will be other problems when transplanting fourth-order cells..."

"After all, in this world, the pie will not be lost in vain. The extra power beyond the level will definitely come with a corresponding price, but we haven't noticed it yet."

"Furthermore, the leader of this plan from beginning to end has been Zhiyi Yiyi. I'm worried that she will set a trap in it and use it as a back-up to harm mankind."

"You still have to take precautions early."

"Or you will completely control her first!"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head:

"Don't worry……"

"At least before advancing to the fourth stage, our interests are still consistent. Especially now that her body has lagged so far behind, she will rely on the power of the Salvation Army to accumulate resources for the later stage."

"In addition, I will also be promoted before her."

"As for the matter you are considering, forget it."

"Chiyi is the clone of the Mother Queen, and the Mother Queen of the Zerg race, in a sense, is actually the clone of the Insect God."

"If we get too close, we will be completely exposed to the gaze of the Mother of Insect Gods..."

"That's not a good idea."

This chapter slightly spoilers the setting of the new book.

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