End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 314: Fourth-order electric drive cells completed, enhanced colonization equipment

The violent winds and thunderstorms over the West Lake...

It only lasted four or five minutes, but the noise it caused was comparable to the salvo of a thousand cannons from a golden battleship, which was quite shocking.

It attracted the attention of all the second-order battle group members and soldiers in Hangzhou.

Many second-level awakeners rushed to the edge of the West Lake to investigate the situation.

It wasn't until the guards stationed here informed him that he found out that he was a newly promoted third-level expert in the Salvation Army who was conducting an ability test here.

Such a magnificent and terrifying power also made everyone present feel shocked and admired.

Arouse their yearning for the third stage!

On the other side, Lin Feng had already controlled the colonial mecha in the golden battleship, entered the underground insect nest, and docked next to the incubation meat tower of the Zerg in Hangzhou.

At this time, Zhou Di was lying in one of the eggs, using the organic nutrient solution of the second-order eggs to repair his own overdraft and damage.

Zhiyi stood in front of the meat tower, released his spiritual power, and enveloped her and Lin Feng before speaking:

"It's been tested and it's perfect."

"Perhaps his previous research and utilization of the magnetic burst bombs in the electromagnetic gun made his second-order cells in the body very adaptable to releasing and controlling electric current..."

"Now that I have grown into a third-level cell, even without using the power of artistic conception in my body, I can easily control more than ten magnetic blast bombs, or compress them to a damage comparable to that of a full-force blow in the middle of the third-level!"

Lin Feng nodded. That's four to five thousand damage, which is equivalent to a charged blow of the ion laser cannon at level 30.

Chi Yi took a deep breath and continued:

"And with the blessing of the power of artistic conception, the limit of energy he can control and compress is equivalent to the peak existence of the late third level, fighting with all his strength!"

"It already has the power of two to three thirds of fourth-order cosmic beings!"

"However, it takes too long to accumulate power and compress, and there is no proper release period, so it is not valuable in actual combat..."

"After all, as a life form that has entered the third stage, even the king spine worm can detect the terrifying power contained in that white light energy ball. Only a fool would stand and let you hit it."

"Coupled with the energy explosion under extreme compression, the damage is too high. Those who are more than two kilometers away from the center of the explosion will be affected. Within one kilometer of the center, even the early stage third-order empress will be seriously injured and on the verge of death. "

"Although such a blow can kill the mid-term Queen Mother, it will also be affected by the explosion. Neither he nor we can withstand it."

"You saw it just now. The electromagnetic gun only fired one shot, and the barrel exploded directly. It is difficult to restrain such a high-density plasma ball."

"And after it was released, the damage done to Zhou Di's body was equivalent to killing a thousand enemies and damaging himself eight hundred."

"Now, he only has the original fourth level of strength left. His hands are burnt with blood and flesh, the power of his artistic conception is exhausted, and he is in such a state that even the peak tiger spine worm cannot deal with it..."

"So unless absolutely necessary, this kind of ultimate killing move can only be used in life-or-death crises. You also need to carry multiple electromagnetic guns with you as a high-energy reserve."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said:

"He can't bear it because he only has the physical strength of the early stage of the third level and cannot withstand the electric current of the magnetic blast bomb. But we are different, especially when it comes to biological reproduction equipment."

"As long as the energy supply is sufficient, even if it is compressed to the limit and launched again, it will only be a minor injury."

"The last piece of the puzzle to perfect the electric drive cells has finally been found. Should it be ready for mass production? I can't wait to see the true combat effectiveness of the colonial mecha after the upgrade is complete!"

The colonial mecha has no additional attribute changes when it reaches level 33 and reaches level 34. This has always made Lin Feng worried.

Now the development of electric drive cells is about to be completed, and a brand new colonial mecha is about to debut!

Hearing Lin Feng ask Chi Yi, he nodded and also showed a smile.

Because after Lin Feng's strength increases greatly, the speed at which she kills the Zerg Mother Queen and sweeps across the southern states will be greatly increased, and this also means that her strength will also increase rapidly because she hitches a ride on the Great Expedition!

"No problem. You go and inform Captain Chen and ask Jincheng Base to send the results of Jiang Yuner's takeover along the way while transporting the hydrogen bomb."

"You only need to allocate me a fearless battleship, and I can join the team to help you complete the transformation of the colonial mecha. At the same time, I can also give it to other third-level awakeners in the team for replacement experiments."

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction:

"Then I'll go right away. Remember to keep a backup of Zhou Di's third-level cells so that you can continue to develop and improve them in the future."

The cockroach hummed, turned to look at the man floating in the nutrient solution in the hatching nest, and added:

"In addition to electromagnetic energy, its cells also have extremely high tolerance and control over thermal energy."

"This is the same as the third-order king spine insect, which can withstand the heat and pressure inside the planet."

"After I study it clearly, I won't have to worry about the high temperature environment of thousands of degrees when entering the final place of the inner earth world in the future."

Lin Feng looked happy and a little surprised:

"The ability to adapt to high temperatures is indeed important. There are thermophilic cells on Blue Star. Maybe we can start from this aspect. After all, we all share the same ancestry."

"As for this, it's all up to you."

"The five Queen Mothers in Minzhou are enough to help you reach the mid-level of the third level. Then we will use the transformed colonial mecha to compete with the later Queen Mother!"

After saying that, Lin Feng turned and left, returned to the surface and entered the golden battleship, asking Chen Yanyan to send a message to the Jincheng base to escort the electric drive cell samples.

At the same time, a batch of steel and other materials must be transported to ensure logistical replenishment and supply.

Especially the former, the damaged tanks and worn dreadnoughts need to be repaired.

In addition, as the electric drive cells are about to be put into actual combat, Lin Feng has to copy and synthesize a low-profile dreadnought for Long Yi alone, specifically as her scientific research ship.

The space inside must accommodate a biological incubation nest, so that Long Yi can upgrade the biological colonization equipment.

The subsequent electric drive cell transplantation and transformation of Liu Yi and others must also be carried out step by step on it.

This is also a way to quickly strengthen their strength.

Otherwise, after the end of the great expedition to the south, the unified southern part of the federation, and Lin Feng established the empire that is the only hope for mankind...

It will definitely attract the attention of countless mother queens, and naturally there will be a large number of late-stage third-order mother queens who will set their sights on the humans here.

As long as he slaughtered hundreds of millions of humans and devoured dozens of human third-level strongmen, he could leap to the peak of the third-level late stage!

Securely take the throne of the fourth-level insect king!

And at that time, Lin Feng could not have stayed on the surface all the time.

All the efforts now, in addition to ensuring the growth of his own strength, the most important thing is to go to the end of the earth deep in the center of the earth to rescue his fourth-level father Lin Yu.

This will not only alleviate the natural disadvantages of human beings in the universe, but also provide more guarantees for his future promotion to the fourth level!

During the time he was away, the Southern Empire, which became a thorn in the eyes of the global mother queen, was bound to suffer a swift attack from the Zerg, and fierce battles broke out everywhere.

Even the late-stage mother queen alliance war was more serious than the multi-king siege of the capital of the Northern Federation.

As long as Lin Feng showed up in the end of the land, those peak tiger spine insects who went to participate in the third-level promotion and artistic conception trial would pass this news to all the mother queens.

So Lin Feng must prepare early and strengthen the strength of the third-level subordinates around him.

Otherwise, the city of hope for mankind that he had built with his hard work would be in vain.

When the decisive battle with the Zerg is fought in the future, it will be stretched to the limit.

Therefore, the electric drive cell plan is the top priority.

Even if it costs a lot, Lin Feng has to push it forward.

With all the plans arranged, promoted and implemented in full swing, the time came to the afternoon of the second day.

More than 100 tons of transport ships departed from the Jincheng base and arrived at the port in the eastern suburbs of Hangzhou City one after another. Some departed from the coastal port of Haicheng and arrived in Ningcheng after driving a hundred kilometers along the seaside. Then, a ship carrying thousands of tons of refined steel was sent to Hangzhou City one after another...

Then, in a state of almost empty ships, they drove hundreds of kilometers south and arrived at Taicheng, which is where Liu Yi and others are currently.

After picking up all of them and the seized materials, they continued to set off and finally arrived at Wencheng, the southernmost city of Zhejiang Province.

And that is also the place where all members will gather and reorganize three days after the expedition.

Lin Feng spent a day repairing all the losses of the Golden Fleet. At the same time, he also built two additional dreadnoughts as scientific research ships and delivered them to the team of Ling Yi for use.

She then controlled the remaining low-level red beetles to move the biological hatching nests into the empty warehouse of the hull bit by bit.

The firepower of these two scientific research ships is less than one-third of that of other dreadnoughts, and can only deal with low-level insect tides or a dozen second-level insects at most.

They do not need to participate in combat missions normally.

In addition to these, Lin Feng continued to use the power of artistic conception for the remaining more than 800 tons of fine steel, using the dreadnoughts as templates to build five logistics reserve ships and three medical repair ships to strengthen the logistics support function of the fleet.

Now, there are 40 fully armed combat frigates, five logistics ships, three medical ships, and two scientific research ships, a total of 50 29-level dreadnoughts.

With such strength, it can easily sweep away any Zerg under the command of the mid-term queen mother, even the allied army formed by five mid-term queen mothers!

In addition, the golden battleship as the flagship is responsible for commanding and fire support in the rear, as well as hundreds of highly maneuverable flying wing tanks, which quickly deploy troops and cooperate with the dreadnought battleships to form a coordinated fire defense line.

At this moment, the overall strength of the golden fleet has been raised to a higher level again.

For the next decisive battle to Minzhou, they are more confident!

On the morning of the third day, under the command of Lin Feng, the army slowly set out, accompanied by the roar of the engine and the violent tremor of the earth...

The golden fleet carried tens of thousands of salvation troops and headed south of Zhejiang Province.

On the way, Lin Feng came to the scientific research ship to check the fusion progress of the electric drive cells.

At this time, Long Yi was staying in the cabin.

In order to facilitate her to let go of her hands and feet for research and development, she was the only one inside the entire battleship, and the command and control of the scientific research ship was directly controlled by Chen Yanyan.

It was also one of Lin Feng's backup plans.

Lin Feng walked into the cabin and saw the colonization mecha quietly staying in the translucent incubation nest.

Sensing Lin Feng's approach, the colonization mecha intelligently raised its hand and greeted him.

Having evolved to this level, it already has low-level intelligence and can make some instinctive reactions.

This surprised Lin Feng a little.

With the evolution and upgrade speed of the colonization mecha, it seems that it will have self-awareness earlier than the golden battleship.

As soon as Xie saw the surprise on Lin Feng's face, he explained:

"Don't worry. Strictly speaking, this creature's reproductive suit and you are one and the same."

"Even if self-consciousness is born, it is still your clone, and as a conscious clone, its authority is relatively weak and it can only control this body."

"But after you leave Blue Star in the future, you can keep it here as the cornerstone of stabilizing Blue Star's situation."

After a brief mention, Zhiyi went on to talk about Lin Feng's intention:

"The electric-driven cells have been cultivated into a complete body, and the energy absorption rate reaches 90%, the storage rate is 85%, and the most important release rate is over 95%..."

"At the same time, it also has the ability to directly absorb light energy, similar to the existence of Superman in your film and television works."

"As long as you bask in the sun, you will gain endless power."

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth raised slightly:

"So the same is true for fourth-level life forms?"

The cockroach nodded:

"More or less, it depends on what they choose, the main direction of evolution. For example, the Spinal Zerg relies on the geothermal heat source of the Spinal Star, while the Insect King's main vein absorbs the pure power of life, and the World Zerg breathes out the void in the universe. force to fill and compress space.”

"However, most carbon-based life forms absorb electromagnetic energy. After all, this force is the most common and powerful force besides higher-order atomic energy."

"The physique has increased greatly, and the lethality is extremely strong!"

"And it includes the energy radiation of stars, which itself is a collection of light and heat sources and electromagnetic radiation."

After saying that, the locust began to release the power of infinite reproduction, controlling the cultivated electric drive cells and integrating them into the body of the breeding mecha.

At the same time he said:

"Just give it the command to resist. After being killed, the structure and genetic model of these electric-driven cells will be absorbed and imitated by the third-order cells of the colonial mecha, and eventually merge into its own unique fourth-order cells. Electrically driven cell bodies.”

Lin Feng nodded, and then equipped the colony with mechas and issued limited defense instructions to control the invasion of alien cells within a reasonable range.

A silent fierce battle, accompanied by weak arc flashes, unfolded in the biological flesh nest.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and could see that the third-order cells, which were from the same clan as his own, were scorched under the fierce attack of the electric-driven cells.

When the electric current hits them, it instantly produces a strong paralysis effect. At the same time, the operation of the tissue structure in the cells also falls into stagnation or chaos.

Black and yellow burnt marks appeared on the limbs and trunk where the electro-driven cells were implanted.

But as time went by, in this fierce battle, the strong body of the colonial mecha finally won a tragic victory.

As for the electro-driven cell component implanted in Chrysalis 1,

Less than a pound.

The dead flesh and blood tissue of the colonial mecha weighed more than twenty kilograms!

A terrifying gap of twenty times!

And the gap in strength at the macro level will only become more obvious and astonishing!

No wonder the fourth-order cosmic life is a dimension-reducing blow to all lower life forms on the planet, even if the powerful existences of late third-order consummation are in front of them...

They are just bigger ants.

While Lin Feng was feeling emotional, Xie Yina also came up with some preliminary data reports:

"It's very successful. The current integration level between the two sides is over 30%, which is enough to increase the physical attributes of the colonial mecha to the late third level!"

Lin Feng was immediately overjoyed!

The new book is on the market, and only sixty or seventy of them have been read.

I plan to write a book about the story of human beings who struggled to enter the space lanes and became a slave race at the bottom.

Of course, Lin Feng's true body must have gone on to do big things, leaving his clone as a back-up to carry the upgrade system and overwhelm all races in the stars!

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