End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 312 High Energy Control, Collapse and Creation

"Abnormal energy fluctuations!"

"Strong mood fluctuations detected!"

"High-energy control: can grasp and control high-density energy, including but not limited to explosions, combustion, friction, and electromagnetic induction, etc., very sensitive to heat sources, can control the accumulation and dissipation of heat..."

Without waiting for Lin Feng to finish reading, Zhou Di, who was in the predicament of his spiritual world at the moment, directly detonated everything. After his consciousness gradually returned to reality, he felt the biting cold...

Then he instinctively released the newly condensed mood and high-energy control.

A fiery red color suddenly appeared on the surface of the body.

Unlike the previous ability to control high-level energy, the current high-energy control of mood can directly mobilize the heat sources in the body and nearby, control them to concentrate, and continuously increase the temperature.

In other words, Zhou Di in the past could only control high-level energy and simply act on them in the outside world...

It is impossible to increase the density and level of energy, let alone control them, and change the nature of energy, such as converting the heat energy of the explosion into electrical energy.

Humans need to use heat energy by boiling water, while Zhou Di, who releases high energy to control his artistic conception, can directly increase the energy density level and instantly transform energy by consuming the power of artistic conception.

Now that he feels the biting cold at his neck, he directly releases the power of artistic conception. The golden light on his hands merges into the boiling water in the tank, gradually condensing the high temperature inside, and continuously injecting the artistic conception with the chemical energy decomposed by the consumption of organic nutrient solution in the body.

Finally, in the palms of his hands, a heat source with energy of four or five thousand degrees is formed, which has formed an ion plasma in the form of energy.

It is comparable to the magnetic storm bomb of the lv29 electromagnetic cannon and the pulse tail cannon of the pulse war scorpion.

The scorching temperature and energy density can also make Zhou Di red and hot at this moment...

At this time, all the cooled ice cubes have melted.

The sidelong one did not continue to pour liquid nitrogen.

But Zhou Di seemed to have just awakened and was confused by the power of the artistic conception. He had not yet fully awakened, and the ion plasma in his hands was still growing.

The whole person became pale and thin because too much energy was extracted from his body.

As the size of the plasma ball continued to grow, the density continued to increase. The damage increased from the initial hundreds of points to seven or eight thousand points in just over ten seconds!

Even Lin Feng, who was beside him, felt a hint of danger.

The air near Zhou Di also steamed with heat waves, as if to distort the space.

Seeing that he had not opened his eyes yet, Lin Feng realized that the other party might not be fully awake yet, and still subconsciously believed that he was still in the artistic conception trial of the spiritual world.

He wanted to use his strongest power to break the dilemma set by the artistic conception.

There was no time to say more. If he let it go, Zhou Di would squeeze all the energy in his body and condense the ion energy ball in his hand. The power released was enough to tear this lv29 dreadnought battleship to pieces.

So Lin Feng directly used particle control.

The power of artistic conception that had already emerged in his hands flowed along Zhou Di's body surface and merged into the high-energy plasma ball on his hands.

The next moment, this ball of high-energy plasma had completely lost contact with the high-energy control released by Zhou Di.

Although Lin Feng's artistic conception power could not affect even the smallest cells of a living body, it could block the attack of the target from leaving the body.

Whether it was the real object launched or the spiritual power wrapped in artistic conception, it could be taken over or cut off by particle control.

However, this process takes a certain amount of time, and Lin Feng's particle control artistic conception has not yet grown to the level of instantaneous control in the air.

Therefore, in the usual battle process, particle control artistic conception is mostly used as a supplement to equipment enhancement when the damage is insufficient.

For example, quickly repair the loss of the chain saw sword, extend the duration of the ion laser cannon, or improve the performance of the colonization mecha in a short time.

At this moment, Lin Feng's hand was on Zhou Di's head, so he could easily release particle control and control the ion plasma ball he condensed, which was comparable to the size of a bucket.

After removing it, Lin Feng immediately began to use more artistic conception power to quickly collapse this ball of energy.

In the end, it actually slowly dissipated, and from the form of energy, it collapsed back into a ball of countless scattered particles that were difficult to see with the naked eye and could only be photographed with a microscope.

Its mass was almost negligible.

It floated in the air and merged with it.

After it was completely transformed into energy, it had the ability to kill third-order life forms.

Although it was a bit difficult to kill a high-level queen mother, it was extremely easy for ordinary early third-order life forms, such as human awakeners or early third-order king spiny worms.

Although Lin Feng's knowledge reserve was almost zero among the intelligent life forms in the middle stage of the third order, he also learned the mass-energy equation formula E=MC2 (power) in college.

Among them, energy is equal to mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light, and the speed of light, as a constant in the real universe, has been determined to be approximately equal to 300,000 kilometers per second.

This is also the fastest speed in the real universe.

Exceeding the speed of light means infinite mass or no static mass, so even gods can only approach the speed of light infinitely.

When energy is converted from mass, one gram of matter can be converted into 4.2 million joules, or 4200KJ, which is equivalent to the explosive power of 43,000 tons of TNT.

The energy released by consuming one gram of matter is equivalent to a tactical nuclear bomb.

Enough to kill an early stage mother queen.

Therefore, it is reasonable that the ion plasma ball equivalent to hundreds of tons of TNT in hand can collapse into one hundredth of a gram of material.

Such a change made Zhi Yi, who was observing Zhou Di's situation, raise his eyebrows.

She has mastered the concept of infinite reproduction. Although she is extremely sensitive to changes in biological cells, her perception of energy is also not weak.

The ions and plasma gathered in his hands that Lin Feng had just snatched away from Zhou Di disappeared too quickly.

Normally, one should quickly take it out of the dreadnought, then throw it far away before detonating it.

Moreover, after the ionic energy liquid group was formed, it lost Zhou Di's control and control. Its state was extremely unstable. If it was not careful, it would explode instantly in a chain reaction.

Releases extremely strong high-voltage current, penetrating everything.

Although Lin Feng possesses the concept of particle control and can maintain the stability of the plasma mass, his approach and the final changes made Xie Yi suspicious.

Mainly because it disappeared too quickly!

Energy will not be born without reason, nor will it disappear without reason.

The law of conservation of mass and energy is the iron law of the universe.

Even the virtual world of particle flow and the deep inner world under the real universe follow this law.

This is also the first law discovered by any racial civilization in the process of understanding the world and the universe!

Otherwise, mass and energy are not conserved, and mentally retarded test questions like perpetual motion machines that hinder scientific development can really come true.

If the changes in Lin Feng's hands at this moment follow the law of conservation of mass and energy, then the disappearing energy...

Without the ability to detect it, there are only two possible destinations.

Either it was directly absorbed by Lin Feng and entered the body.

But at the moment, Lin Feng does not have the equipment in his hands that can store this huge energy group. As a primitive high-level life form, he does not have the ability to directly absorb ion energy.

At present, Lin Feng still has to absorb life energy from the body of the mother emperor to perfect himself, and at the same time drink the organic nutrient solution of the second-order insect eggs to meet his daily consumption.

If you can already directly absorb ion energy, you still need to work hard to develop and cultivate electro-driven cells.

So after ruling out all possibilities...

The only possibility left is the final one!

This ball of ionic energy instantly transformed into a material form in Lin Feng's hands.

From illusory energy, it collapses into real matter!

And it doesn’t absorb any additional heat!

It is equivalent to directly realizing the self-collapse of energy under Lin Feng's control!

You must know that any technology or ability is easier to destroy than to create!

Destruction only needs to find a law to achieve it.

To create, you need to work hard to achieve various conditions first, and then try various possibilities.

This is just like how it only took humans a few years to discover nuclear weapons, nuclear fission atomic bombs, and fusion hydrogen bombs. To realize the energy utilization of nuclear weapons, it is not just the destructive power of explosions. So far, only simple fission utilization technology has been completed. …

The nuclear fusion technology that enabled space navigation and collapse will be difficult to put into commercial use for hundreds of years to come.

And when it comes to the collapse of matter...

The realization of anti-matter technology can be mastered by ordinary god-level civilizations. Among some top god-level civilizations, the creators and controllers of the civilization can realize the energy of any matter after being promoted to the ninth level of the apex of the god-level...

This is several levels higher than the energy conversion and absorption of ordinary life in the universe.

When fourth-, fifth- and sixth-order beings are still absorbing the heat source of the inner earth world, the nourishment of electromagnetic force, and the shining of stars...

The gods can already convert any substance directly into energy absorption.

The theoretical basis for the so-called realm and divine realm comes from this.

You can use the power of your own artistic conception to explore the path of converting real matter into energy, thereby condensing your own unique divine domain and turning it into your own supreme divine kingdom.

It is the only way for every being in the universe to become a god!

But as mentioned before, material destruction is always easier than creation.

Endless destruction will only lead to the accelerated demise of the real universe. When less than 5% of the real matter remaining in this empty and cold universe is consumed...

Welcome all the creatures in the universe,

There is only the end of all things!

The final great annihilation!

So the only thing that can delay the arrival of the Great Nirvana is

There is only creation far above destruction!

As for the creation of material collapse, except for the natural collapse of nebulae into stars, which is increasingly rare in this universe, the creative methods that intelligent life can have...

Only those above the ninth level represent eternity, the realm of the God King!

But now Lin Feng can have such potential under the fourth level!

Then there is only one possibility!

Among his blood relatives, there are legends...

The eternal God-King who cannot be spoken of or looked directly into!

Thinking of this at this moment, Zhi Yi's brain fell into a moment of downtime.

In her knowledge, the only existence above the ninth level she encountered in this life was the terrifying existence named Black Sky.

Once, with just one blow,

Then he killed the first generation insect god.

That was the ninth-level true god who controlled an entire star field, ruled dozens of star systems, and straddled the Small Magellanic Cloud. He led the entire insect race to the most glorious era of the first-generation insect god!

The strength of God King Krishna is immeasurably powerful even among the eternal true gods.

When he appeared on the scene, the release range of the divine domain directly covered the entire star, and at the same time, all the offensive means of the Zerg were completely disintegrated.

It left an indelible psychological shadow on all the remaining enslaved Zerg.

When he first saw Lin Feng using his ability, Ling Yi had doubted the mystery of his life experience.

Whether it was related to the Black God King.

After all, under the fourth level, before the artistic conception was condensed, he could master the ability to control all matter and initially give birth to the artistic conception power...

This shows that Lin Feng has a deep and close connection with the gods.

And the transition coordinates of the Milky Way provided by the Black God King will appear in a barren place like the solar system, and accurately lock the fourth planet where life was born, the blue planet where everyone is currently located...

This shows that at least the Black God King has been here.

Or he has heard about this place from other places.

Either way, it can be connected with Lin Feng.

After all, it is impossible for a god to be born in the desolate and barren solar system. The most likely thing is that when passing by this place, one or two back-up plans were left.

For example, let his offspring parasitize on the planet.

In the future, it will grow to the sixth level with the help of the safe environment here, or even directly absorb the energy of the sun and be promoted to the realm of God above the sixth level, and use this place as the birth and hatching place of the Son of God.

So Lingyi always believed that Lin Feng and the Black God King had this inextricable connection.

So he always followed him, hoping to use the influence of Lin Feng after he grew up to the future to help the Zerg get rid of the fate of being enslaved.

However, with Lin Feng's promotion, the power of artistic conception he mastered had serious defects, and the excavation of his mother, He Yiwen's deeds before her death...

Lin Feng's connection with the Black God King became weaker and weaker, so that Lingyi gave up this idea.

Until the last battle at Yunxia Mountain, when the collective artistic conception trial of the gene warriors was launched, Lin Feng saw Lin Feng's father, Lin Yu, locked tightly by the God-locking Chain in the body of the sealed fourth-level spine king in the Land of the End...

Ling Yi finally determined that Lin Feng should have nothing to do with the so-called Black Heaven God King.

After all, his father's identity has been confirmed. He is the son of a god who has drifted here and entered the existence of cosmic life.

And Lin Feng is just a mutant individual with a more prominent awakening of his bloodline.

So later, Ling Yi no longer paid attention to this matter.

Until this moment...

The unexpected event of Zhou Di awakening the power of artistic conception.

In front of Ling Yi, Lin Feng inadvertently showed an ability to control artistic conception far beyond particles, far beyond the ability of cosmic life or even true gods to do it instantly...

It forced Ling Yi to re-examine Lin Feng's identity and background, as well as his possible relationship with the Black Heaven God King.

'Could it be that Lin Feng's father, Lin Yu, is the offspring left by the Black Heaven God King! ’

‘And Lin Feng is the grandson of the God King! ? ’

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