End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 306: Fighting side by side, instant kill, harvest!

The killing action broke out very quickly.

Almost at the moment when Lin Feng waved the colonization armor, the six-winged membrane wings on his back, and raided the mother nest...

Ling Yi had already concentrated all his mental power and activated the power of artistic conception to influence the queen mother deep in the mother nest.

At this moment, the queen mother of Hangzhou City was concentrating on controlling hundreds of thousands of Zerg armies, encircling and intercepting the human army on the front line, preventing them from continuing to penetrate the city, and wanted to rely on the advantage of numbers to continuously consume the living forces of the Salvation Army.

At the same time, in the common spiritual world of the queen mothers, she called on the early queen mothers in other cities in Zhejiang Province to lead their insect swarms to come to the state capital for support.

It's a pity that the few younger brothers under her were either too far away from Hangzhou City, or the two early queen mothers nearby were blocked halfway by the rest of the human army and were also caught in a bitter battle. Even these early perfect queen mothers were in life and death crisis.

Thinking of this, the first reaction of the queen mother of Hangzhou City was that the mid-term queen mother terminator from the north was really planning to play a strategy of besieging and attacking the reinforcements at this moment.

The purpose of the encirclement of Hangzhou City was to launch a surprise attack on other Zerg and Queen Mothers who had come from Zhejiang Province.

Constantly consume the Zerg power of Zhejiang Province.

At the same time, relying on the strength of the third-stage mid-stage, they killed those Zerg Queen Mothers in the early stage. As the two grew stronger, the number and strength of human high-level awakeners would only become stronger and stronger!

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother of Hangzhou City saw that only two human third-stage strongmen had their breath fluctuations on the front battlefield. One was in the rear, commanding the group of steel behemoths.

The other led the second-stage existences of the human defenders to form a powerful commando team, and took the lead in tearing a breakthrough in the defense line.

Charged all the way to the northern suburbs of Hangzhou City.

Wanted to capture the trap that he had prepared for the third-stage strongmen of humans earlier.

The underground wormhole tunnel in the north of the city had long been isolated from the mother nest in the south of the city. Only the red beetle swarm could crawl through the narrow passage connecting the two sides.

Therefore, as long as the human army goes deep into the underground of the north of the city, what awaits them is a siege with their retreat blocked and no way out.

In order to achieve this goal, the Queen Mother of Hangzhou City had to mobilize more than 70% of her energy and go all out to control the battlefield 20 to 30 kilometers away.

This led to a reduction in her control over the insect swarms around her near the southern area, and naturally reduced her perception around her.

In addition, the strongest awakener of mankind, the mid-term Queen Mother Terminator, was not on the front battlefield, and it was very likely that she would kill those queen mothers who left the mother nest and came to support.

Therefore, the Queen Mother of Hangzhou City relaxed her vigilance and began to put more than 90% of her energy on the front battlefield.

Only by reversing the decline of the front battlefield and completing the task of killing the third-level awakener of mankind at the same time, can it successfully achieve its ultimate goal!

With the help of the gene sequence of the high-level awakener of mankind, it can complete the last piece of the puzzle to promote itself to the late third level.

And directly summoned the divine domain to descend, opened the promotion sacrifice ceremony, and under the witness of the mother of the insect god, promoted to the third stage, and then swallowed up the strongest resistance force of mankind with an invincible attitude.

Lay a foundation for the perfect promotion to the late stage!

This is also one of the reasons why the Queen of Hangzhou did not avoid it after receiving the news.

Because the Salvation Army wanted to sweep the Hangzhou Zerg and recover the lost land of Zhejiang Province, while the Queen of Hangzhou here also wanted to kill the high-level awakeners of humans, so as to be promoted to the third stage...

It's a pity that the idea is very good, but the Queen of Hangzhou calculated everything, and did not expect that there was a third-stage middle-stage Queen in the human Salvation Army!

Especially this Queen, or the Queen's avatar who is flexible in action, driving the Queen's number hatched from the corpse of the middle-stage Queen...

Under the overlapping attributes of the two, except for the life energy and the control of the Zerg, which are not as good as the original body, even if it is just a clone, the strength it can burst out is actually not weaker than the original body!

That's why, with full output, Long Yi can affect the Queen Mother of Hangzhou for three or four seconds.

After she uses all her mental power to lock the target, she can isolate the Queen Mother of Hangzhou from all perceptions of the outside world.

Even if a second-level Zerg dies in front of her, even if she is about to suffer a fatal blow...

These two or three seconds are enough for Lin Feng to drive the colonization mecha at supersonic speed and approach the huge Queen Mother of Hangzhou in two seconds.

Almost in a flash, he appeared on the neck behind the target's insect head.

At this time, there are less than two seconds left before Long Yi's mental influence expires.

But for Lin Feng, it is enough!

As the Hunter King Chainsaw Sword activates the extreme cutting attribute, it rotates five times per second, releasing up to 10,000 damage, and with the same golden plate bone material, it directly cuts through the flesh and blood tissue in front of it, and tears the neck bone below the nerve connection.

And the two-meter-thick, strong and hard neck bone bursts out violent friction under the extreme cutting.

This is the last solid bridge that supports the connection between the Queen Mother's brain and body, and it is also the extension of the plate bone that protects the Queen Mother's brain.

Under the collision of the same material, accompanied by the rapid cutting of the chainsaw sword, the initial effect was soon seen.

But at this moment, as time passed by at a rapid speed, coupled with the headshot of the Hunter King's chainsaw sword, the Queen Mother of Hangzhou was frightened and stabbed!

She immediately broke free from the influence of Lingyi's already fragile mind, and at the same time let out an angry roar that spread throughout the mother nest and the surrounding insect nests.

The roar then summoned a large number of nearby second-order Zergs, including several second-order peak tiger spine insects and nearly a hundred second-order late-stage warrior hunter insects, to come to support and rescue.

At the same time as this roar was issued, the Queen Mother of Hangzhou City also withdrew her energy from the front line at the moment of pain, mobilized the vast spiritual energy in her brain, and released one mental attack after another.

The sneak attacker pointed directly at the back of her neck!

Although these mental attacks were not as good as the full-strength attack of the mid-stage Queen Mother after accumulating power, they were also more fierce and fierce than the mental attacks of other ordinary Queen Mothers.

Almost only three or four attacks were needed to tear and shatter the mental shield on the surface of the colonization armor, and further disintegrate the second layer of mass-energy shield below.

At this time, after Lin Feng succeeded in one blow, he did not relax his vigilance and offensive rhythm. Instead, he took advantage of the victory and pursued the hunting king chain saw sword in his hand, further stabbing it deep into the neck bone in her neck.

Then he pushed the motionless hilt and began to forcibly cut the neck of the Queen Mother of Hangzhou City in half.

Cut off its rapid summoning of the divine domain, use the endless sea of ​​insects in the will of the hive to drag itself, and take the opportunity to escape.

At the same time, the lv31 ion laser cannon mounted on the left arm of the colonization armor has also been charged.

Directly aiming at the Hunter King Chainsaw Sword, the more than five-meter-long gap that has been cut is a shot!

The continuous burning damage of up to 7,000 directly burns through the already cut neck bone, and burns the flesh and blood tissues below the neck, such as blood vessels, throats and other organs, to a high temperature of thousands of degrees.

Clear the entangled obstacles for the next decapitation.

At the same time, Lingyi, who does not have a strong direct combat capability, drives the lv34 Queen Mother and wanders around the body of the Hangzhou Queen Mother, using mental power to interfere with its counterattack and dispatch of the insect swarm...

At the same time, continue to add new mental shields to the lv34 colonization armor where Lin Feng is.

At the same time, they looked for an opportunity to cut open the connection behind the Queen of Hangzhou City, so that she would lose the connection perception of the biological hatching nest on her back.

Under the joint attack of both sides, even though the Queen of Hangzhou City had decisively summoned the arrival of the divine domain...

She released a crazy breath that did not belong to her, but she still could not resist the further cutting of the neck by the Hunter King Chainsaw Sword in the hands of the Colonial Mecha.

As the wound grew larger and larger, the remaining tendons and hoses of the neck under the jaw that were attached to the body were also burned into charcoal under the attack of the ion light cannon.

The energy mist condensed beads around her body had already merged into the infinite reproduction realm, transforming into bloody eggs in the will of the insect nest, and were about to hatch and form the divine domain...

At the last second, the huge, fifty-meter-thick head of the Queen of Hangzhou City slowly fell from her neck, along with the blood rain sprayed from the cross section of the neck, and the mental power in the insect brain, losing control of her body and the summoning ritual!

The insect brain, which had lost control and reason, let out waves of unwilling painful hisses. Without the trembling throat, the Queen Mother's head could only express the pain, regret and unwillingness in her mind at the moment through the release of spiritual energy and the friction of muscles and teeth under the jaw.

But all this has come to an end!

As Lin Feng swung the Hunter King Chainsaw Sword, he pierced into the skull of the insect brain and crushed the brain tissue inside.

This only had great potential and was promoted to the third-level late stage. The Queen Mother of Hangzhou City fell with hatred...

At the same time, it also lost the qualification to compete for the fourth-level insect king, and this potential and luck will be gathered on the Queen Mother driver who came to the side of the colonization armor...

Ling Yi.

At this moment, Lin Feng sat on the huge insect head of the Queen Mother of Hangzhou City, feeling the endless and majestic life energy, like an infinite sea, flowing from the hilt of the Chainsaw Sword into the colonization armor, and finally condensed in her body.

A kill reminder popped up in front of him:

"Successfully killed the third-stage mid-term perfect mother queen!"

"Obtained one equipment upgrade energy, the third-stage mid-term upgrade energy"

"It has been detected that its own level has entered the third-stage mid-term perfection. It is impossible to complete the late-stage promotion by killing the mid-term mother queen. The mid-term upgrade energy will be automatically converted into equipment upgrade energy"

"The current remaining equipment upgrade energy times: 3"

"Upgradeable equipment: Ion laser cannon lv31/39, Hunter King Chainsaw Sword lv31/39"

Lin Feng thought for a moment, and then upgraded the Hunter King Chainsaw Sword.

After all, his current task is to deal with the mid-term mother queens in various places. In the decapitation operation carried out for this purpose, the Hunter King Chainsaw Sword, as the main output equipment, obviously has a greater need to increase damage!

This time, the Queen of Hangzhou was too smart for her own good.

Thinking that she had prepared in advance, she relaxed her vigilance around her and did not expect Lin Feng's sneak attack.

It enabled Ling Yi to successfully achieve three or four seconds of mental interference, laying the foundation for the final rapid decapitation and victory.

But next time, he won't be so lucky.

Especially in close combat, victory or defeat,

almost only in a flash!

It can decide life or death!

The time left for Lin Feng to attack is getting shorter and shorter. Now there are only two or three seconds, and in the future, it may be difficult to get even one second to complete the high-speed cutting.

Therefore, it is urgent and imperative to increase the instantaneous burst damage!

As the life energy used to upgrade was directly left by Lin Feng in the hunting king chain saw sword still inserted in the mother queen's head, the more damaging level 32 chain saw sword was wrapped in a golden light.

Under Lin Feng's particle control state of mind, it began to integrate part of the plate bones outside the brain marrow, and upgraded to a new form according to the shape he wanted.

On the other side, after the death of the Queen Mother in Hangzhou, Long Yi, who was driving the Queen Mother, came to the huge corpse left by it.

Looking at the Queen Mother's body that was 500 meters long and 70 to 80 meters wide, like a mountain, piled up in front of her, Long Yi immediately released the power of state of mind and began to take over the legacy left by the corpse.

In addition to the low-level life energy that only she could absorb from the incubation nest, there were also the middle-stage perfect flesh and blood cells inside that could improve her level and strength.

Such a Queen Mother who was only a hair's breadth away from the late stage, especially in the global Queen Mother ranking, could rush into the top ten...

For Long Yi, who had just entered the middle stage and the 34th level, it was still of great benefit.

After complete and thorough absorption, it could help her and the lv34 Queen Mother she was driving to be promoted to the next level simultaneously.

This was the second time that the two sides fought side by side since they occupied Yunxialing.

With mutual cooperation, the first ten queens were killed in an instant.

The perfect effect of completing the first battle!

With the death of the Hangzhou Zerg's supreme leader, the Hangzhou Queen, the hundreds of thousands of Zerg swarms that lost their spiritual connection and control naturally fell into disarray in a short period of time.

Countless Zerg swarms that had recovered their fear and terror, including the second-order Zerg, fled in all directions.

On the battle line of more than ten kilometers, the originally impenetrable blocking line became riddled with holes at this moment as the Zerg swarms fled on a large scale.

It was easily torn apart and broken by the Dreadnoughts and Winged Chariots, and the Salvation Army then successfully advanced into the northern district of Hangzhou!

Joined with the second-order battle group that had previously entered.

Began to clear out the remaining low-level Zerg swarms, thousands of second-order Zerg.

At the same time, Lin Feng and the other two who were resting in the underground mother nest in the south of the city also completed their respective upgrades and improvements soon after.

Lin Feng looked at the lv32 Hunter King Chainsaw Sword in his hand, and a reminder of the successful upgrade appeared in his eyes:

"lv32 Hunter King Chainsaw Sword has been upgraded!"

"Acquired synchronous upgrade energy, unable to achieve the third-stage late promotion, and has been automatically converted to equipment upgrade times"

"Hunter King Chainsaw Sword, lv32/39, gold quality"

"Upgrade points 0/4, durability: 10/10, basic damage 2500"

"Additional attributes: Extreme cutting (rotate five times per second to gain five times the basic damage, current damage per second: 12500)

Bloodthrowing Blade, Indestructible Skull Crusher, Hunter King Sword"

Seeing the displayed damage, Lin Feng immediately smiled.

But when he pulled out the Hunter King Chainsaw Sword...

At this time, after the particle control state of mind, the Hunter King Chainsaw Sword, which had been transformed, had become a...

Ten-meter-long terrifying giant sword!

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