End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 303 Relieve mental exhaustion, intelligent central control attributes

Lin Feng, wearing a golden battle armor, stood at the bow of the upgraded and upgraded lv32 golden battleship, facing tens of thousands of awakened soldiers at the same time, and slowly said:

"Go to war!"

The golden battleship at his feet immediately set off, from the train station square at the Jincheng base to northern Zhezhou, Hucheng and Jiacheng in the south of Jincheng.

In addition to the golden fleet, the list of the first group to go out also included six third-level powerhouses belonging to Lin Feng.

Chen Yanyan, the commander of the golden fleet, Zhi Yi who piloted the Mother Emperor to absorb the corpse of the Mother Emperor, Liu Yueqi who mastered the power of cutting off the artistic conception with one knife, Shen Jie, the inheritor of the Zerg's killing artistic conception, and the generals of dozens of ordinary battle groups. The leader, pure-blood human Liu Yi.

The other two other third-level beings, Jiang Yuner and the leader of the Gene Battle Group, are responsible for staying in Jincheng, and at the same time, in the future, they will take over the rotation of the third-level beings who have returned to rest.

Two third-level powerhouses, leading several second-level battle groups and nearly 10,000 soldiers, are enough to control the Jincheng base.

Coupled with the deterrent of a hydrogen bomb and two nuclear warheads, even if Taihu Lake Zhongyiyi itself, Jiacheng Empress wants to sneak attack on Jincheng while the army is outside, it will be difficult to succeed.

At the same time, this small number of defensive forces can also deter the major base forces in the rear.

After Lin Feng announced the expedition, he turned around and returned to the golden battleship. He took off his golden battle armor and lay down in the living room.

The twenty-four hours of non-stop synthesis yesterday had drained all his energy. After sleeping for a few hours, he could not recover to 30%.

Especially the overdraft of particle control and artistic conception power caused Lin Feng's condition and combat effectiveness to plummet.

It just so happened that the Golden Fleet's expedition had to cover four to five hundred kilometers to reach a large city below Hangzhou in central Zhezhou.

It is also the place where several female queens landed in Zhezhou and their nests are now located.

It would take four hours for the entire fleet to get there, so Lin Feng lay back on the bed and regained his energy.

At this time, Zhi Yi, who had been debugging the colonial mecha equipment in the engine room at the rear of the golden battleship, returned to the living room in the living area.

After entering the bedroom, he saw that Lin Feng was still depressed, so he said:

"If you want to quickly restore your mental state, you can directly communicate with the central control system of this battleship, which is the amethyst brain of the two mid-term Perfection Mother Queens that you integrated into before..."

Lin Feng frowned slightly:

"This is too extravagant, and a war is imminent. If their mental energy is sharply reduced, resulting in a reduction in their computing speed, it will have a greater impact on the combat power of the golden battleship."

"The Queen Mother's brain is so precious now. It's not an emergency, so don't waste it."

Previously, in the final battle at Yunxia Ridge, Lin Feng had directly absorbed the brains of the Early Stage Mother Queen in order to quickly restore his mental attributes and gain the blessing of a spiritual shield so that he could kill the Middle Stage Perfect Queen.

But this is actually very wasteful.

Lin Feng's absorption rate of brain marrow was less than 50%, and most of the mental energy was dissipated in the absorption process.

Therefore, if it was not an emergency moment of life and death, Lin Feng would not waste such precious brains in vain.

Even if it is not integrated into a battleship and used to make biological breeding equipment, it can still obtain extremely high biological bonuses.

For example, the current Zhiyi, driving the lv34 Mother Emperor, combined with his third-level mid-term strength, is enough to compete with the mid-term Perfect Mother Emperor.

Faced with Lin Feng's decisive refusal, Zhi Yi continued with a smile:

"Who told you to suck it all off at once?"

"They should be in full energy form now. After the communication link, you should not absorb it blindly. You only absorb about 10% of the spiritual energy at a time, and then replenish half of it."

"Don't forget the recovery speed of mental energy. The less you consume, the faster you recover!"

"If you consume half of 5%, it may only take five minutes to recover as before, but if you consume 30 to 40%, it will take at least half a day to make up for it."

"As for less than 50%, it will cause damage to the brain crystals, just like a battery, which will reduce the upper limit of its mental power capacity."

"The two mid-term perfection brains integrated into the battleship are probably equivalent to your current mental power level, so you only need to absorb half to 10% each time, and then promote its repair..."

"It's like shearing wool. You only collect a small part each time, but the energy is continuously extracted."

"It's equivalent to having two brains of the same level at the same time, giving you the mental strength you lack."

"You don't even need to fall asleep for four hours. Within two hours, you can return to your peak and your full strength."

After hearing Zhiyi's theoretical basis and specific implementation steps, Lin Feng's eyes immediately lit up:

"But the work is too delicate and requires careful and careful operation to avoid absorbing too much."

"With my current situation, I can't do it."

Chi Yi shrugged:

"So here I am."

"Lie down and hand over some of the control authority of the battleship's intelligent central control."

Lin Feng frowned slightly:

"Where's Chen Yanyan?"

Now it is the captain Chen Yanyan who controls the battleship. In addition to controlling the golden battleship, she also needs to remotely control the entire fleet through the newly added intelligent central control attribute...

Forty lv29 fearless battleships and hundreds of lv19 flying wing tanks.

In the past, even if Chen Yanyan was promoted to the third stage, it would be impossible to control such a large number of super fleets at the same time.

But now, with the help of intelligent central control, the mental load and consumption rate of the battleship can be greatly alleviated and controlled.

At this time, the battle mode has not been entered, and the computing power balance of the intelligent central control is still 70% idle.

It is enough for Lin Feng to carry out limited absorption of his spiritual power.

"When I came here, I already mentioned it to Captain Chen, and she agreed. She told me to focus on your mental recovery and ensure your combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

Faced with Lin Feng's questions, Xie kept replying directly.

In fact, when she found Chen Yanyan alone, her attitude surprised her.

Chen Yanyan has long known about the identity of her mother-emperor's clone, and said that she doesn't mind.

The mind that Chen Yanyan mentioned was not referring to the cooperation between Zhiyi, Lin Feng and the Salvation Army, but the personal relationship between Zhiyi and Lin Feng.

Relationships involving personal feelings.

She was shocked by this. She had always believed that the women around Lin Feng, especially Chen Yanyan, who had the highest status, would definitely not agree to being close to Lin Feng after learning her true identity.

But unexpectedly, Chen Yanyan took the initiative to mention the matter. While speaking openly, she also graciously allowed Zhi Yi to further enhance the relationship with Lin Feng.

"As long as Lin Feng is willing, I don't mind what happens between you across races and beyond friendship."

"But there is one thing. If you get close to Lin Feng and try to rely on your body or emotions in exchange for your own interests, and use Lin Feng to achieve the purpose of being promoted to the fourth level..."

"I can assure you here that even if Lin Feng stops me, I will chase you to the ends of the earth and die with you."

After Chen Yanyan finished speaking, she asked Zhizi to leave the command room and go to assist Lin Feng and restore his mental state.

But at this moment, recalling the other party's attitude, Xie looked at the man in front of him and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

With hundreds of millions of years of accumulated biotechnology, the Zerg's research on the physical and mental aspects far exceeds that of humans at this stage.

Among the tens of thousands of technological categories of the Zerg, there is related research on the integration of body and spirit.

Special analysis shows that after the two are unified, they can bring about the peak tax evasion.

If Chrysalis really let go, she would control the human gene pool and analyze thousands of superpower genes, allowing Lin Feng to experience unique pleasure in the process of fusing superpower cells.

This kind of biotechnology that can make you happy and strong at the same time, allowing the body and spirit to reach their peak at the same time...

Lin Feng will definitely sink into it and prostrate himself under the pomegranate skirt of Zhe Yi.

Now, Chiyi plans to use some of the technologies in his inventory to fully relax Lin Feng's depressed spirit, stressed emotions and psychology!

As Lin Feng released part of the authority of the intelligent center and handed it over to Zhi Yi for use, the mental exhaustion alleviation plan officially began.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and felt the coolness flowing into his brain like a trickle, relieving his dry mind.

This thin stream will leave a part of it during the process of injecting and taking it out, moistening the surface of the chapped mind.

This was originally a normal step, but under the control of Zhiyi, many new tricks were added.

It brought many different and wonderful experiences to Lin Feng.

In this very pleasant mental replenishment, Lin Feng also called up the attribute data of the upgraded lv32 gold battleship:

"Golden Battleship lv32/39, golden quality"

"Basic defense 1.2k, damage 1k, average speed 200km per hour, maximum battery life 2000km"

"Additional attributes: dry land boating, life radar, indestructible, super firepower, intelligent central control"

"The original indestructible has been updated to: Defense + 2,000, Damage + 2,000. A new energy shield has been added, covering the entire hull, effectively resisting energy strikes with less than 5,000 damage. Each use will consume 200 kilometers of endurance energy. The shield Lasts five minutes"

"New additional attributes: intelligent central control"

"Intelligent Central Control: Incorporate the brains of two mid-level third-order Perfect Queen Mothers, upgrade the original computer control system of the golden battleship, and upgrade it to golden quality to obtain powerful command execution speed and fire coverage speed, which can be faster and more accurate. Accurately and better complete the controller’s instructions”

"Note: The intelligent central control is divided into the golden battleship's own ship control center and the control system center that leads the entire fleet. Both have the brain computing power of a mid-level third-order perfect spiritual system expert, which will greatly ease the operator's "Command pressure"

"Note: This additional attribute has strong autonomy and intelligence. It will give birth to a certain degree of self-intelligence during long-term activation and use!"

After seeing the changes in attributes of the golden battleship after the fusion and upgrade, Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

In this upgrade, the basic attributes have not changed much.

The defense and damage each increased by 200 points, and the movement speed was integrated into the ten pairs of second-order wind-winged insect membrane wings, without further slowing down.

Maintaining a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour is enough for the golden warship to maintain its advantages in speed and maneuverability, especially when facing the insect swarm army or the high-level Queen Mother. It can continuously consume the enemy by pulling back and forth.

Even at this speed, it will be overwhelmed when facing other third-order king bugs in the Zerg clan.

At the early stage of the third level king spine insect, the speed was almost 200 kilometers per hour. After the golden battleship increased its speed, it could escape the pursuit of the third level king spine insect.

But the third-level king insect hunter like the warrior insect hunter also starts at subsonic speed, 200 meters per second, and can easily exceed 500 kilometers per hour after entering combat mode.

So when that time comes, there must be corresponding countermeasures...

And Lin Feng specially used particle control during the upgrade of the golden battleship to transform the apron and large hangar at the rear of the battleship...

It was prepared in advance for this.

When the electric drive cells are conquered in the future, the biological colonization armor can be put into mass production,

One after another, the colonization armor mecha will be on the battlefield.

Give the third-level driver the ability to kill across levels.

At that time, the function of the golden battleship will also be transformed from the current flagship that serves as the main firepower output to the war mothership that is mainly responsible for logistics maintenance.

And the firepower output will be handed over to the colonization armor mecha with stronger destructive power and longer delivery range.

Just like aircraft carriers will replace battleships and dominate modern wars.

When more powerful weapons appear, a perfect weapon carrying platform that can maximize their firepower coverage is needed.

In addition, among the original four additional attributes, the biggest change is the indestructible attribute.

This is due to the fact that when Lin Feng integrated the Queen Mother's brain, he also integrated the golden plate bones wrapped outside into the keel and outer armor of the golden battleship.

While greatly improving its structural strength, the defensive power of the armor also soared.

Two golden plate bones, weighing 200 tons, were integrated into the golden battleship, giving it an indestructible attribute and increasing the additional armor and damage by 1,000.

Now the total defense has reached 3,200 points, and the damage is as high as 3,000 points!

With the golden battleship, a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, and a weight of tens of thousands of tons, the destructive power and lethality caused can directly kill the Queen Mother or other large Zergs in the early stage of the third stage.

As for the second-stage Zerg tide army, it directly crushed it, just like crushing a group of ants, invincible.

In addition to the enhancement of the surface armor, the energy shield in the indestructible attribute has also been increased from the original resistance to 2,000 energy damage to 5,000, an additional 3,000.

Lin Feng had asked Ling Yi about this before.

The answer he got was that the golden plate bone, as the material that wraps the mother queen's brain, must have extremely high energy affinity in order to release the spiritual energy inside without hindrance in the airtight protection.

Therefore, the mass-energy shield of the colonization mecha also has extremely high energy resistance.

After receiving many unexpected improvements, Lin Feng's attention came to the top priority of this fusion upgrade:

The newly added additional attribute, intelligent central control.

Its role has been reflected in the golden fleet controlled by Chen Yanyan at this moment...

And what Lin Feng cares more about is the second attention reminder given by the system:

Will the intelligent central control give birth to self-awareness? !

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