End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 295 Report and Announcement, Sacrifice the Queen Mother of Haicheng!

From Wucheng to Jincheng base, all the way east, across the land of three states, the distance is about one thousand kilometers.

At a cruising speed of Mach 1, Lin Feng and the others arrived at the western border of Jiangnan Prefecture in less than an hour.

It was five o'clock at this time, and the sun had just set.

Laoshan Park in the West District of Jincheng is right in front of you.

We can already vaguely see various research institutes hidden among the mountains and forests.

The Weapons Research Institute where Ding Chenghai was originally located was facing the western edge. This area was also a military restricted area, while the Biological Research Institute was located opposite.

The Green Winged Insect formation slowed down under the command of Xieyi, and Lin Feng could already sense that there were a large number of second-order existences in the Biological Research Institute.

Just like before in Lancheng.

There are many of them, and the power of artistic conception emerges.

It is estimated that it is the result of Ling Shuyan's research for the past half month, which is related to the Zerg artistic conception and the genetic fusion research of red beetles.

When the two of them slowly landed in the Jincheng base square, Chen Yanyan and his party, who had been waiting for a long time, walked quickly and led the second-order battle group behind them to line up to greet them.

Lin Feng jumped off the back of Qingyi Insect, ordered Zhiyi behind him to take down three important large boxes, and then walked towards the women not far away.

The corpse of the Queen Mother, which was originally placed in the square to intimidate and demonstrate the power of the Salvation Army, has been dismembered and divided. Even the huge skeleton has been put to good use and sent to the Southern Heavy Industry Zone to be turned into armored tanks or armored vehicles. Chainsword.

In the empty train station square at the moment, there was only one majestic lv29 dreadnought battleship docked.

Seeing Lin Feng approaching, Chen Yanyan, with Han Yuxin and Princess Betty behind her, stepped forward to greet him.

More than half a month has passed, except for Chen Yanyan, the other two girls have not changed much. The former has become more mature and stable because of long-term control of the dreadnought battleship and commanding the fleet in battle.

Chen Yanyan gradually transformed from a former working woman to an experienced commander.

Seeing Lin Feng, the three girls smiled:

"Welcome back!"

Lin Feng nodded:

"Everyone has worked hard these days. Haven't Shen Jie and his party arrived yet?"

The Salvation Army started from Yunxia Ridge outside the capital city and headed south, riding in Lin Feng's modified and upgraded chariot. With the strength of all members starting at the second level, the march was actually not slow.

It has been a day and a night since we set off, and we should have arrived as planned.

Chen Yanyan shook her head:

"According to radio news, they had crossed Luzhou and entered the northern part of Jiangnan Prefecture in the early hours of this morning. At noon, news was sent that they encountered many female queens along the way and were fighting with them..."

"Try to come back before night."

Lin Feng hummed, this was within his expectation.

In addition to the Haicheng Queen Mother in the south and the Jiangbei Queen Mother, there are three other high-level Queen Mothers in the central and northern parts of Jiangnan Prefecture.

When I left the north, my original plan was to have the Salvation Army wipe out the Zerg along the way.

Now they have five third-level beings including Shen Jie, Liu Yi, and Liu Yueqi. Except for Liu Yi, they all have the power of artistic conception. Jiang Yuner also has the blessing of the Mother Emperor...

It is no longer a matter of course to deal with the ordinary third-level early-stage Queen Mother. Even the newly promoted third-level mid-level Queen Mother, with the help of the lv34 colonial mecha, the lv31 ion laser cannon, and the lv31 King Hunter chain sword, can Fight with it.

Not to mention that they still have a hydrogen bomb in their hands.

Even if you can't kill the opponent, you can easily escape.

Therefore, Lin Feng is not worried about this. What is more important now is to convene the members to report on the progress and success in the past half month, and at the same time announce and assign the task of marching south.

So after Lin Feng went through the formalities, he immediately entered the City Lord's Mansion in Jincheng Base.

Now, under the management of everyone, the entire city is no longer desolate and dilapidated, and has become prosperous. The riverside has returned to the prosperity of the past.

At six o'clock in the evening, the main senior officials of the Jincheng base and the Salvation Army had been convened. In the lobby of the former Jincheng office, Lin Feng began to listen to reports from his subordinates.

The first person to come on stage was Li Ran, who was in charge of the logistics of the Salvation Army. Under his management, the size of the Salvation Army more than doubled:

"We now have 55,000 auxiliary soldiers, 30,000 first-level awakened soldiers, and 1,200 battle group members who have been promoted to the second stage."

"Among the second-level battle groups, there are 200 fleet combat vehicle crew members, and the remaining 1,000 people are divided into 20 full battle groups, each with 50 people, including the captain and the commander. There are about ten or so members who are all veterans of the previous battle group, and most of them have now reached the mid-to-late stage of the second level, and the remaining forty members are new members of the battle group."

"In the past two weeks, we have continued to expand northward, repeatedly defeating several insect swarms in the north of the river, and encircling and suppressing a large number of second-order insect races, greatly reducing the war potential of these insect races."

"At the same time, we have established several bunkers and outposts along the way to keep an eye on the movements of the Zerg along the coast. The intelligence network has spread all over the northern part of Jiangnan and the Zhezhou front line in the south."

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction. He was very satisfied with the recent development and expansion of the Salvation Army. There were as many as 1,200 second-level battle group members, which had greatly exceeded his expectations.

You must know that when he led eighty and four second-order battle groups to leave the north, he only left ten second-order battle groups, a total of only two hundred members.

In just twenty days, it expanded five times.

Counting the troops coming north, all the two hundred soldiers have been promoted to the early stage of the second level, and many of them who fought fiercely have even entered the middle stage of the second level.

In addition to the original eighty second-level late stage veterans, there are two hundred and eighty.

Once the two sides join together, there will be a total of 1,500 second-order members, and when fully armed, they are enough to sweep away tens of thousands of second-order insect waves.

Coupled with the Dreadnought Battleship, even if it challenges more than a dozen Mother Queens and millions of insect swarms under its command, it will be no problem.

After Li Ran finished his report, Chen Yanyan was next. She stepped forward, her eyes full of expectation:

"In addition to leading the fleet and conducting long-range fire suppression and support every day, we are also training a large number of fleet pilots."

"I have cultivated dozens of talented subordinates, and recruited several former federal fleet commanders from the survivors who came from the rear to build a super fleet command system to help me share the command pressure."

"With my current level of mental strength, I can control up to thirty tanks at the same time and participate in fierce battles..."

"The fleet needs to be expanded, and my strength also needs to be improved to a certain extent. The late stage of the second level is perfect, and it can no longer support larger-scale team battles."

After listening, Lin Feng immediately made a promise:

"Don't worry, the super fleet is the absolute main force of the Salvation Army and the backbone of every battle. This time, in addition to bringing two hundred second-level awakened people, there is also a big gift for the fearless battleship."

"As for your third-level promotion, it will be resolved as soon as possible."

Chen Yanyan nodded. Whether it was for the sake of the fleet's combat power or her own abilities, she who was already bound to the Dreadnought Battleship was the target that needed improvement the most.

In order to guard the newly born Jincheng base, a general must be left behind to sit here.

Otherwise, if Chen Yanyan had followed Lin Feng northward to help, she would have been promoted to the third stage, or even completed the initial stage.

Now that Lin Feng is back, the top priority is to improve Chen Yanyan's strength and advance to the third stage with the lv29 Dreadnought Battleship as soon as possible.

After reporting on the Salvation Army, Han Yuxin and Princess Betty stepped forward to describe the changes in Jincheng Base.

After discussion, Han Yuxin is now in charge of external affairs and is connected to the former federal system, while the internal management of the Jincheng base is fully handed over to Princess Betty and the kingdom's attendants and ministers she brought.

In order to cooperate with Lin Feng to establish a unified kingdom in the future.

Han Yuxin stepped forward first:

"We have established radio contacts with many bases in the rear area to confirm friendly trade relations, which will make discussions between the two parties more convenient and faster. Currently, a large number of orders for live insects and Zerg biological materials have been sent to the Ministry of Commerce."

"At the same time, during this period, more than ten bases have been set up in Jincheng. They are responsible for transporting awakened people and cultivating their own strength relying on the protection of Jincheng."

"In addition to the rental fee, they will pay an additional participation fee, follow the Salvation Army, attack the Zerg territory, be responsible for encircling both sides during the battle, and learn from experience."

"Or you can volunteer to go to various outposts and outposts stationed on the front line to hone your will and improve your awakening level."

"There are currently more than 3,000 foreign armed personnel under the management of The Salvation Army."

"The second is a large number of Zerg hunters. They live freely near Jincheng on a hired basis and earn living supplies by killing lone low-level bugs left in the surrounding area."

"There are a lot of these people, and most of them are enhanced people, or first-order awakened people. For this reason, we have set up a special insect hunting guild for unified management and restraint. Currently, there are more than 10,000 registered people."

"Some who did not want to be controlled left Jincheng and lived in the nearby ruins."

"Finally, there are the ordinary survivors who have come from the bases in the rear states and safety zones in the past half month..."

"Most of them are the original local residents of Jiangnan Prefecture and Zhezhou. After they fled to the rear and had nowhere to stay, they could only become refugees. When they heard about the establishment of the Jincheng Base, they wanted to return here with their families."

"According to statistics, there are approximately 100,000 people who have entered the borders of Jincheng, and many of them have been recruited as non-staff auxiliary soldiers of the Salvation Army."

"There are still hundreds of thousands of survivors staying in Huizhou on the opposite side. They are waiting and watching. Presumably, they will fall into the embrace of the base after we have completely cleared out the Zerg and Mother Queen near Jiangnan."

"The influx of a large number of survivors this time has also greatly eased our manpower shortage. The 100,000 old, weak, sick and disabled people who were left behind in Jincheng were simply unable to support the operation of the base..."

"Even the large amounts of cultivated land in the north of the city and surrounding towns have not been fully reclaimed."

"With the addition of new people, sowing has been completed. Depending on the situation, it should be too late to catch up with the summer plowing and autumn harvest."

Lin Feng nodded. With the large influx of survivors, a steady stream of logistics supplies, including transportation of manpower and combat soldiers, would be provided for the subsequent large-scale expedition.

Finally, Princess Betty stepped forward, bowed slightly, and said:

"Inside the Jincheng base, an efficient centralized system has been established. All subjects can be mobilized to contribute their own strength to the operation of the base and frontline fighting..."

"After the recovery of Jiangnan and Zhezhou is completed, plus Huizhou in the west, the land of the three states, and thousands of miles of fertile land, it will be enough to establish a medium-sized kingdom, allowing you to ascend the throne and become the supreme king!"

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth raised slightly and he slowly stood up.

Looking around at the more than 100 base executives present, they include the minister of internal affairs of the base, the powerful awakened ones in the Salvation Army, and the leader of the battle group...

As the city lord stood up, everyone also stood up, and all eyes focused on the leader.

Lin Feng then opened his mouth and said:

"The land of the three states was enough for the princes to dominate one side in ancient times, and it was more than enough for the king..."

"But is this enough?!"

"The entire federal coast and the four southern states, in addition to the sea city in front of us, there are countless cities and the former homeland of mankind, which are being invaded and harmed by the Zerg!"

"If we don't get rid of them all and clean them up thoroughly, how can we be able to save the world!"

"This time I went to the north to participate in the battle to defend the capital. Although you all know the outcome, the federal capital finally fell during a long-term siege and attack by the Queen Mother Alliance composed of dozens of Queen Mothers!"

"Millions of human survivors became the food and rations of the Zerg, and died tragically under the claws and sharp feet of the Zerg."

"How can we start to feel complacent and relax based on this little achievement in front of us!"

"The only way is to kill all the Zerg races and take back all the lost homeland of mankind..."

"You are worthy of our title as the Salvation Army!"

After laying out his emotions, Lin Feng changed the subject:

"I announce that from tomorrow onwards, the army will set off and march southward in a large scale. This operation, with the ultimate goal of recovering the entire southern Kyushu, will start a great expedition southward..."

"Sweep across the lost Jiangnan Prefecture, Zhezhou, Min Prefecture, Guangdong Prefecture, Guizhou, Qian Prefecture, and Dian Prefecture, a total of seven prefectures!"

"When the south is finally unified, I will directly establish the Dawn Empire that represents the hope of mankind and save thousands of people from the fire and water!"

"And tomorrow, I will use the Sea City Mother Queen to sacrifice the flag and announce the beginning of this great expedition!"

After saying that, all the senior officials in the audience fell into deep shock and did not recover for a long time.

It wasn't until a few people on the top floor, headed by Princess Betty, started clapping and high-fiving that the applause gradually spread and formed a long-lasting sound of thunder...

A few minutes passed, and the applause stopped when Lin Feng interrupted.

After announcing the end of the conference, Li Ran, Chen Yanyan and other core members were left behind for internal meetings.

Lin Feng glanced at Zhi Yi beside him, and then, amidst the puzzled and surprised looks of several people, he cleared his throat and continued:

"I know you can't understand why I boasted and started a protracted war when I first came back..."

"But actually, this is not what I want..."

"Because there is really not much time left for us, for humans..."

Next, Lin Feng and Zhiyi gave a brief account of the current crisis situation.

After learning about the ultimate purpose of the Zerg invasion and the birth of the later Mother Queen...

Conservatives like Li Ran, Han Yuxin, etc., who originally wanted to speak up to exhort, all shut their mouths.

Choose to support this great expedition south that is time-consuming and labor-intensive and will bring high-pressure loads to the reborn Jincheng base.

Chen Yanyan, who is the main militant faction, and Princess Betty, who is in charge of internal affairs, are all firmly on Lin Feng's side.

After unifying the internal opinions, the time came to around seven o'clock in the evening.

At this time, news came from the front line...

Shen Jie and others, who had set out almost thirty hours ago,

Finally arrived at the northern suburbs of Jincheng!

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