End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 293 Wucheng Capital, Goodbye Zhang Yurou, Talk

As four green-winged insects landed in the mountain forest on the outskirts of the city, Lin Feng looked at the steel city in front of him, his eyes flashing.

When he passed by before, multiple light source points appeared in his telepathy, representing the existence of second-level awakened people.

There are as many as twenty people.

Moreover, the strength is in the middle and late stage of the second level, and the position is concentrated.

Not surprisingly, they were the escort team that Lin Feng arranged to return with the Iron and Steel United Group delegation and were responsible for protecting the second-order insect eggs.

This second-level battle group team has obviously undergone many rotations in more than half a month to ensure the overall combat effectiveness of the battle group.

Otherwise, if they stay in the rear safety zone for a long time and perform guard duties, their strength will only stagnate and they will gradually become the lowest-ranking team in the battle group.

Lin Feng came to their camp first.

The management and residential area is located on the other side of the City of Steel, close to the river bank, and only a few hundred meters away from the headquarters of the United Steel Group. Once something changes, they can rush to the battlefield within seconds for rescue.

After flashing outside the building where the camp was located, Lin Feng did not hide his aura and immediately alerted the members of the second-order battle group inside the building.

When several people rushed out wearing flying tiger armor and holding tiger-tooth chain swords, there were still several mid-level second-order awakened people behind the building who activated the tiger armor flight mode and decisively chose to evacuate directly.

Fortunately, the leader of the battle group who rushed out to stop him and several other late-level second-level backbones saw the man appearing at the door of the building...

It is Lin Fenghou, the leader of the Salvation Army...

Everyone's tense expressions relaxed, and at the same time they also showed expressions of excitement and shock:

"Legion Commander! Why are you here!"

Lin Feng is the supreme commander of the Salvation Army, and his only title is the commander of the army.

"I went to the federal rear area. When I returned to Jincheng, I happened to stop by to take a look and discuss some matters with the Steel Federation. Are you sent here from behind?"

Lin Feng was only familiar with a few late-stage awakeners in front of him, and the rest of the members were a little unfamiliar. They were obviously newcomers who had completed the second-level promotion and joined the battle group after he left.

Fortunately, just knowing the leader is enough.

After explaining his purpose, the leader nodded and invited Lin Feng and Zhiyi into the camp building. At the same time, he also called on the newcomers who had flown away under his command to come back quickly.

The plan was to let them escape and spread the news back to the Jincheng base about the attack of the third-level powerhouse, while the remaining few people tried their best to resist in order to buy time.

Fortunately it was only a false alarm.

However, this late second-level leader has no problem with his reaction and judgment ability. This is the optimal solution when encountering the current situation.

Lin Feng praised him and then asked whether he had encountered any attacks from awakened people when he was stationed here recently.

The leader thought for a moment and shook his head:

"Ours is the third batch. We've only been here a few days and haven't encountered them before."

"Now there is a weekly rotation, which counts as a vacation for the brothers. The first time and the last time, we encountered the invasion of alien awakeners."

"Some are sabotaging the production base, and some are sneaking into the management area to assassinate the management."

"Ordinary first-order awakened ones can be solved by relying on the security strength of the United Steel Group. There have been several times where second-order awakened people have come, and there are even second-order genetic warriors, but we have eliminated them one by one."

"It didn't cause much damage."

Lin Feng nodded and looked out the window at the banks of the great river. On the 10,000-ton wharf, cargo ships loaded with Zerg materials were constantly entering the port. There were also piles of weapons and equipment and fine steel forgings being loaded into the empty ships being unloaded. Along the way, Sliding down the river, bringing materials to the front line.

This lifeline is the confidence for the Salvation Army to expand in the future and sweep across the southern states.

"When the number of second-order awakened people increases in the future, a security team must be dispatched on each ship, with a second-order strong person leading several first-order awakened people to maintain navigation safety."

Lin Feng spoke in a low voice.

The advantages of water transportation are very great, especially the transportation down the river, which can save a lot of fuel. The return trip loaded with Zerg materials will also be fast and convenient due to its low density and light weight.

In addition, the water system in the south is developed, and all states have rivers connecting major rivers, especially the land of two lakes, which is connected to the four states of Guangdong, Guizhou, Dianzhou and Qianzhou in the south, all of which have rich water sources and rivers.

It can be said that it extends in all directions and reaches everything.

Here, the Salvation Army can extremely conveniently obtain supplies sent from the rear, greatly extending the duration of the operation.

In addition, in the context of resource constraints in the end of the world, the advantages of water transportation far exceed that of energy-consuming freight and railway transportation...

Therefore, Wucheng governed by the Iron and Steel United Group has irreplaceable strategic value.

Moreover, the land of the two lakes has always been the granary of the central southwest. Relying on Donghu Lake, one of the four largest lakes, the 800-mile Mengze Plain is a fertile land for grain production.

Due to various conditions, Lin Feng has already made plans to make this place the center of the empire and establish the capital in the future!

This time, in addition to making plans for the next step, I also wanted to test out the United Steel Group.

After understanding the general situation of Wucheng, Lin Feng asked the members of the battle group to go guard the four green-winged insects in the suburbs and ensure that no outsiders would enter the mountain.

Then let the chapter leader inform the Iron and Steel United Group about the arrival of the leader of the Salvation Army and the Lord of Jincheng.

Soon after, a modified extended off-road vehicle appeared outside the camp building with a convoy of vehicles.

Last time I went to the Jincheng base, Zhang Zihan, the personal assistant to the president representing the Ganglian Group and a relative of Zhang Yurou, once again served as the team leader and came to greet Lord Lin.

Lin Feng still has some impressions of this young version of Sister Yurou. The main thing is the hip-hugging skirt in business attire, paired with a pair of long black silk legs, which is very eye-catching.

This reminded Lin Fenghui of the first time he met Chen Yanyan.

The latter is also in standard urban professional attire.

As Zhang Zihan walked up on high heels, she smiled at Lin Feng, bowed and said:

"Welcome City Lord Lin, our President Zhang has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Lin Feng nodded and followed her out of the camp building and into the luxurious and comfortable off-road vehicle.

This modified large-scale off-road vehicle has strong power and a high chassis. Even if Lin Feng's third-level body weighs one ton, it can still hold it firmly.

Even if Zhiyi is sitting next to him, it can still start smoothly and drive to the headquarters of Ganglian Group not far away.

A few minutes later, as the motorcade arrived, the headquarters building had been cleared and the welcome ceremony had been arranged.

Two rows of glamorous and attractive welcoming teams were neatly arranged to the left and right of the gate, and behind them were a group of management personnel from the Steel Union Group.

They are usually also the general managers of various departments or the directors of various factories in the steelmaking base, controlling the fate of thousands of people...

But in front of the big shots who are coming now, they can only come and act as backdrops to look familiar.

Following Lin Feng and the others, led by Zhang Zihan, they entered the elevator inside the hall...

The elevator door slowly closed and rose straight up. Zhang Zihan suddenly said:

"Members of the group's board of directors hope to meet with City Master Lin to discuss matters related to further cooperation and the future situation in the south."

Apparently, these old guys at the top had heard some rumors and wanted to know the situation by testing Lin Feng.

"It's better to wait for the managers of Jincheng Base to come over and discuss this matter in detail. We will announce the specific intentions and plans to the public later."

Lin Feng replied calmly, he didn't want to talk to those old guys who had grown up and pretended to be pretentious. In the end, it was all in vain.

These things need to be done by more professional people.

And what Lin Feng wants is to let Zhang Yurou, the president of Steel Union Group, directly take over the position just like he supported Qin Hu in the north, and then find any excuse to kick out the current obstructive board of directors.

It’s the end of the world, and you’re still engaging in separatist wrangling...

Lin Feng doesn't have the patience to wait for you to quarrel, divide the cake of your own interests, and then execute the decision-making instructions that have been castrated for several rounds.

This is done in peacetime because there is sufficient time and resources to correct errors before implementation.

But now we are in a precarious apocalypse, and a day or two or even half a day can determine the outcome of a life-or-death battle.

What's more, in Lin Feng's eyes, Wucheng and the steel-making base are already in his possession, so how can he allow others to continue to interfere.

After being rejected by Lin Feng, Zhang Zihan did not show much surprise. Accompanying the president, through Zhang Yurou's explanation and description, she already had an understanding of the peerless powerhouse in front of her.

I know very well Lin Feng’s character and conduct...

I have no interest at all and even feel disgusted with these things that require energy and testing.

So she just mentioned it casually to give an explanation to the board of directors.

As the elevator went up, it soon reached the top floor of the high-rise building, the president's office of the United Steel Group.

Standing outside the door, Zhang Zihan specially stopped Lin Feng's female companion, Zhi Yi, and said slightly apologetically:

"The president hopes to catch up with City Master Lin as old friends and doesn't want outsiders to disturb us."

Zhiyi frowned slightly and glanced at Lin Feng.

The latter nodded slightly and asked him to wait outside the door.

Zhi rolled his eyes, sat down on the desk and chair outside the office door, and watched Lin Feng push the door open.

As the door is slowly pushed open, you can see through the gap the simple layout inside. There is a woman standing outside the floor-to-ceiling glass window, leaving only a trace of her back.

When Lin Feng walked in, the door was slowly closed by Zhang Zihan's hand, and the woman didn't turn around at all.

Only through the back, you can see the graceful curves of her plump figure, exuding a mature charm.

Could it be that Lin Feng likes this kind of thing?

Staring at the closed door, Zhiyi fell into deep thought.

In the CEO's office, Lin Feng slowly walked towards the beautiful figure standing in front of the window.

He stopped until he was still three meters away from her.

The clothes that the woman wore were exactly the sportswear that Sister Yurou put on to escape from Haicheng before the two separated. Under the sun protection jacket, there was a yoga camisole that highlighted her plump curves.

Feeling the familiar aura of the person behind her, Zhang Yurou immediately turned around and looked at Lin Feng.

The two looked at each other, and Lin Feng showed his bright and cheerful smile, and took the initiative to say:

"Sister Yurou, long time no see!"

The latter nodded silently, his eyes already wet with tears, and couldn't help but rush forward, leaning into the man's arms.

Lin Feng stretched out his arms to hug the other person and whispered:

"Sorry, I'm late..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhang Yurou, who was curled up in Lin Feng's arms, suddenly raised her head and blocked the man's lips.

Thousands of words turn into soft fingers.


An hour later, Zhang Yurou woke up from the sofa.

Lin Feng held the woman in his arms with some pity. She only had the strength of the second initial stage. In his hands, she was like a weak and delicate flower that could not withstand too much wind and rain.

"I'm too weak to keep up with you, Xiaofeng. I can only see your back, fading away..."

Zhang Yurou whispered softly, feeling a little depressed.

Lin Feng lightly tapped his forehead and shook his head:

"It's okay. In the future, I want to make Wucheng the center of the empire, and to do so, I have to make you the true master of Wucheng."

"And complete control over the United Steel Group!"

"After the savior army under my command sweeps across the nine states in the south, I will leave you with the opportunity to be promoted to the third level."

"In addition to you, there is also Chen Yanyan."

"One of you will lead the inside and the other will lead the outside, and you will become the cornerstone of a stable order in the empire!"

After hearing Lin Feng's generous promise, Zhang Yurou immediately showed a happy expression and hugged the other party's thick arms tightly.

At this time, Lin Feng saw a small scar appearing on the woman's abdomen, extending vertically from below the belly button, and was more than ten centimeters long.

After a moment, Lin Feng came to his senses and realized what happened to Sister Yurou after she left him.

"The night before leaving the community..."

Lin Feng spoke in a deep voice.

Zhang Yurou's eyes turned red, she stretched out her hand to cover a slight scar on her abdomen, and then said in a disappointed tone:

"I boarded the helicopter and left Haicheng. After landing in Jincheng, I got on the large evacuation plane and flew all the way back to the Wuhan Iron and Steel Plant in the rear."

"My father happened to be transferred to the factory director, and he was ready to support me and inherit his position."

"A few days after the results, the physical examination revealed that I was pregnant, and I had been pregnant for several days."

"According to the night before we parted, it should have been less than a week, but the doctor said that my embryo was fully developed for at least a month..."

"I realized something was wrong, but I still kept the secret secret and planned to give birth to the child first."

"But in the next month, my belly began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. I also became increasingly weak and lost weight due to the crazy absorption of the fetus!"

"It wasn't until one month later that the fetus had fully developed, and I lost dozens of pounds while overeating, and it was very difficult to even walk."

"I had no choice but to call a doctor to take out the child in advance to stop this endless robbery."

"And after the doctor took him out, the deformed monster soon lost his vital signs due to hunger..."

"I have tried my best, really tried my best..."

With that said, Zhang Yurou turned around and lay on Lin Feng's chest, sobbing silently.

Lin Feng caressed her shoulders and comforted her:

"This is not your fault, it was me who hurt you."

After learning about his life experience from his mother He Yiwen, Lin Feng already knew that it was basically impossible for him to have a normal child with a human being, especially an ordinary primitive human being.

At that time, Zhang Yurou was only a low-level enhanced person, unable to withstand the development consumption of the descendants of the Gods, and she was not around...

It was a blessing to be able to save this little life.

After comforting the woman, Lin Feng was about to close his eyes and rest together.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the house.

Don’t even think about it, only Chiyi has the courage and strength at this moment...

But the words coming from behind the door made Lin Feng, who had closed his eyes in deep thought, suddenly open his eyes:

"Lin Feng, don't sleep!"

"Just now! In the land of Dianzhou and Guizhou in the south, a late third-order queen mother was born!"

The new book is ready and will be sent out in a few days.

I'm tired of writing about Zerg. I'll write more about other types of monsters in the next book.

Global evolutionary background, arthropods Zerg, reptile dragons, mammals orcs, plants, fungi, mushrooms, etc.!

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