End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 291 Gene tree, transaction, where the reptiles are

Gene tree, in the words of Long Yi, is the gene bank of the race, also known as the gene map.

Improving the gene bank and building the gene tree is the road to the evolution of cosmic life.

And the electric-driven cells that Lin Feng dreamed of are actually the final fruit of the gene tree, which can be called the crown on the road of evolution.

In comparison, the pinnacle of mental power is the omniscience possessed by Lin Feng's mother.

Soon, the two followed Dean Zheng of the Institute to the biological factory and entered a building.

The building was brightly lit like this factory area.

All the precious electricity in the end of the world is supplied here.

Enter the elevator and go to the underground first floor.

As the elevator door opened, what came into view was the laboratory table covered with precision instruments, and hundreds of researchers wearing masks.

Those graduate students from famous schools could only become the lowest-level debugging employees in this great project. Except for some professional knowledge for judgment, they were not much different from the assembly line.

However, in the current context of tight resources and severe situation, it is quite good to have an assembly line job, be well fed and well paid.

It is a life that the refugees outside the city cannot reach.

And these endless laboratories and experimental testers are the last step in piecing together the human superpower gene tree.

In fact, their work can be refined by Lingyi with only a super-large biological mother nest.

But behind this underground experimental field is an entire federal machine, with tens of millions of people working together to collect a large number of experimental samples.

For Lin Feng and Lingyi, even if all the queen mothers in the south were killed and the entire southern nine states were unified, it would be impossible to quickly gather a complete human gene pool like the current federation.

Because this requires a complete set of mature operating systems, an organizational structure that can accurately convey and execute orders.

And to form such a rule, at least several months or years of operational governance are required.

So even if the Federation lost more than half of its territory, and even in the remaining half of the territory, most of the regions are already in a semi-independent state...

But a lean camel is still bigger than a horse.

The scale of resources it controls and the number of personnel it can mobilize are countless.

This is how it can accomplish this feat in just one or two months.

As the two of them, led by Zheng Ming, crossed the large underground laboratory of tens of thousands of square meters and came to another descending elevator at the end.

This time, as the elevator slowly descended.

The three of them came to a secret place dozens of meters deep underground.

Zheng Ming started to introduce, his tone unable to conceal his pride:

"This is an underground safe shelter specially built by the Federation to deal with possible doomsday crises in the future, such as nuclear bomb attacks or biochemical crises, long before the invasion of the alien Zerg..."

"The soil in the northwest wilderness is dry, which is very suitable for underground excavation and transformation, so it is very large."

"And the human gene tree was built here."

As he spoke, the elevator slowly stopped, and as the door of the underground base slowly opened, a chill drifted out from it, and the drastic temperature difference made people shiver.

After everyone stepped into it, they gradually adapted to the low temperature of zero degrees.

A huge underground space of the same size as the upper level, but raised, appeared in front of them.

"This was originally a war shelter. It is a cylindrical space with a diameter of more than 50 meters, an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters, and a height of 20 meters."

"According to the original plan, it will be divided into seven layers, which can accommodate up to 2,000 survivors living in it at the same time."

"Now that the stratification plan has been cancelled, this large cylindrical structure is actually very suitable for preserving the genetic fire of mankind..."

Zheng Ming looked up and continued to introduce.

And Lin Feng and the other two beside him had already widened their eyes and looked at the scene in front of them with shock.

In the huge cylindrical space, a three-meter-thick long cylinder stood in the center, and above it, as a branch of the tree trunk, various infusion hoses connected one piece after another, still twitching and beating fresh meat.

There are three pieces in total, the size of which is catching up with the human body. As the three branches of the tree stump, on them, like growing tree roots, more branch pipes are dispersed.

Each piece differentiates into thousands of thin rods.

Forming a flesh and blood tree that connects the superpower cells.

At the end of the three major branches and thousands of thin branches, there are countless specific leaves of superpower genes.

This real-life "tree diagram" collects and collects tens of thousands of different superpowers.

It can be called the strongest gene bank in human history.

A living superpower gene tree!

Lin Feng and Long Yi were shocked by the scene before their eyes.

And it is the cornerstone of the fourth-order road.

It is also a gene key for humans to enter the universe.

Under the gene tree, there are a large number of researchers walking back and forth, wearing airtight white chemical protective suits, adding new branches and leaves to this tree of flesh and blood.

At this moment, Zheng Ming stopped talking. Any introduction would be superfluous under this superpower gene tree.

Lin Feng took Long Yi and slowly walked towards the trunk.

At the edge of the three-meter-thick cylinder, he saw the display screen on the trunk, which recorded all the information of the gene tree.

"I need a sample that contains all the branches and leaves."

Lin Feng spoke in a deep voice, his tone not to be refused:

"What conditions can you offer, before I'm still willing to talk..."

Zheng Ming smiled and quickly gave the answer he had discussed earlier:

"We need third-order cells, third-order cells of pure-blooded human awakeners."

"If City Lord Lin is still interested, I would like to hire your Salvation Army to assist us in killing a certain third-order early-stage mother queen..."

"Just these two requests."

Lin Feng frowned slightly. The former was okay. He now had five third-stage members, not counting Zhiyi.

In addition to Shen Jie, Jiang Yuner and the leader of the genetic battle group, there are also Liu Yi and Liu Yueqi, all pure-blooded humans.

The latter has awakened the power of artistic conception and is not suitable for trading, while Liu Yi's physical enhancement is just right and is very suitable for use as a general-purpose third-order cell.

Zheng Ming's second request was to help the Federal Research Institute kill an early queen mother.

This request may be large or small.

So Lin Feng still needs to ask more clearly:

"The person who killed the early third-level Queen Mother, was it you or the experimental subjects?"

Zheng Ming was stunned for a moment, then said:

"It's not important. The current arrangements should be excellent controllable experimental subjects. We want to test whether the potential value, rarity, and quantity of the superpowers are related to the power of awakening artistic conception..."

"The second is the complete body of the Zerg Queen. This is even more valuable than a third-level awakener."

"Through research, we can better understand the true controllers of the Zerg and find ways to severely damage them."

Lin Feng nodded:

"Deal. But we need to get all the samples first."

Zheng Ming frowned, but soon his face returned to an expressionless state. He avoided Lin Feng's direct gaze and fell into hesitation in his heart.

Obviously, there are not many options left for the institute.

Lin Feng was fully capable and could directly steal the gene tree and turn the entire Lan City into a ghost town.

From the moment the institute wanted to trade with Lin Feng, it had no choice but to abandon all bottom lines.

After struggling for a moment, the vice president of the institute nodded and agreed to Lin Feng's request:

"No problem, I have already arranged the backup of World Tree in advance..."

As he spoke, Zheng Ming clapped his hands and ordered the maintenance personnel present to clear the area and evacuate.

After everyone left, he dimmed the white light in the space where the gene tree was located, and then turned on the light on the glass on the ground.

I saw that there was another space under the glass layer under the feet of the three of them.

Lin Feng and Xie were both deeply shocked by the gene tree in front of them at first, and did not examine the nearby space in detail.

At this moment, as the lights came on, human corpses were densely piled up in a space three meters high under the glass.

No, not a corpse...

They are all still alive, or in other words, physically alive, but their consciousness has disappeared, just like vegetative people, who can never wake up.

What surprised Lin Feng even more was that above their heads, infusion hoses were hanging down from the fleshy branches of the gene tree, connecting the living corpses on the back of the glass at their feet.

But judging from the direction of the liquid flow, it is obvious that these unconscious living corpses are not supporting the gene tree.

Instead, the gene tree is constantly injecting them with the superpower gene cells contained in the fleshy leaves.

Looking at it this way, there are thousands of living corpses under our feet...

It is the carrier of multiple superpower genes!

And when Zheng Ming said he was prepared, he was referring to the pile of living corpses at the bottom.

Use human flesh to carry and nurture these gathered superpower genes!

It is very convenient for other experiments and can be accessed at any time.

At this time, Zheng Ming also changed from his previous confident state and continued in a low tone:

"The gene tree is like a peanut. Its fruit hangs down from the ground and bears the core of human hope."

"These are the failures of the experiment, but they are also heroes who have made immortal contributions on the way to the rise of mankind..."

Lin Feng frowned slightly:

"So the experimental products of the Superman Project that appeared previously are the successful products of your experiments?"

Zheng Ming nodded and shook his head:

"Yes, but it's not a perfect product yet. It can only be regarded as a preliminary qualified product."

"The uncontrolled attack of No. 0 on City Lord Lin just now shows that Superman's plan still has a long way to go..."

Lin Feng's expression gradually became colder.

He knew very well that this was a sacrifice that humans had to make because of their own weakness.

It's just that this kind of behavior of sacrificing the future in order to survive in the present is really unacceptable.

Among these thousands of living corpses, there are many children under the age of ten, which have become a hotbed for the cultivation of superpower genes.

Experiment on them first to determine the degree of fusion and compatibility of different superpower genes, and then deduce the compatibility and classification of different superpowers.

In order to better perfect this superpower gene tree that can represent all human beings.

Let it thrive and bear the final fruit, the fruit of the path to the fourth level.

"How long will it take?"

Lin Feng tried his best to stop thinking about this matter.

Zheng Ming looked at the people at his feet who had started taking samples:

"Starting from now, it will be ready before three o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

Seeing Lin Feng's expression change, Zheng Ming quickly added:

"These experimental subjects all participated voluntarily, and we also gave their families enough compensation. There were too many orphans left on the battlefield, and this is the best for them..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Feng had already led his female companion out of the underground shelter where the gene tree was located and entered the elevator.

Zheng Ming stared at their retreating figures and sighed.

Lin Feng, who walked out of the shelter, also knew that the sacrifice of this small number of people was not worth mentioning among the hundreds of millions of refugees.

There is absolutely no need for the other party to force execution.

A few hearty meals can make a survivor on the verge of starvation sacrifice everything, even his life.

The only thing Lin Feng can do is to use his own power to end this troubled world as soon as possible and bring hope of victory to mankind, so as to change the deteriorating situation.

Live up to the self-sacrifice of so many people in exchange for the superpower gene tree.

"I have memorized the number of samples. With the gene tree, you can make up for the shortcomings of the human body to withstand higher intensity of divine power..."

Zhi Yi, who had been silent the whole time, opened his mouth and said:

"In other words, your release port has been enlarged, and your strength will increase far beyond expectations. Even the restrictions that cannot affect living bodies will be lifted."

Lin Feng hummed:

"You should have Liu Yi's third-level genetic sample in hand? After the transaction is completed, give them a copy."

The corners of Xieyi's mouth raised slightly and he nodded:

"No problem. But we have one more thing to do."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. At this time, the elevator had returned to the experimental assembly line of the supernatural organization on the first floor:

"The genetic samples of reptiles are probably not here."

"Just ask later."

After a while, Lin Feng returned to the living room of the building on the first floor. When Zheng Ming returned, he mentioned this matter to him:

"Is there a gene bank for other species in China, such as Zerg, reptiles, mammals, etc.?"

Zheng Ming showed a trace of hesitation:

"I have collected some arthropods. After all, the alien Zerg that invaded Blue Star have some characteristics of bugs, and the new second-order Zerg cultivated by the Mother Queen was also created by integrating the arthropods from Blue Star."

"As for the Reptiles and Mammalia under the phylum Vertebrates, it's really hard to find them."

"Please wait a moment. I'll ask the rest of the team if they know about this."

Zheng Ming took out his phone and walked aside.

Lin Feng lay on the sofa for a while, and soon Zheng Ming brought the answer:

"Our species, the Mammalia class, has specialized departments and institutions in the rear safety area to collect and summarize them."

"Mammals are mainly easy to find."

"But the various subordinates and subclasses of the Reptile class, such as the subclass Birds, are very few. Most of them are located in developed coastal areas, which have the strength and energy to accommodate them."

"According to my colleagues and members of my staff, there are several institutions in Yuecheng, the capital of Guangdong Province in the south, that collect samples and genes of reptiles and birds."

"And there are a lot of lizards and birds in the southern tropical and subtropical areas. Maybe you can get good harvests by going there."

After listening to Zheng Ming's professional advice, Lin Feng and Lin Feng looked at each other, somewhat unexpectedly.

What I thought was just a small matter to solve incidentally turned out to be more difficult than collecting a gene bank.

"The coastal provinces in southern Xinjiang have all fallen within the first month of the apocalypse..."

"Now if I want to go there again, it's very dangerous."

Zheng Ming added.

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